Yeah I couldn't beat it today but I got it under 25% and it didn't drop anything so no loss.
Mobile Update has leaked a little new info...
-New icons like Shiny Tyranitar and Yveltal, Zygarde Core and Cells, Meloetta's other form, at least 4 more Pikachu icons incoming
-Updated some colors to released Pokemon to make them more distinct. Mewtwo and Ho-Oh were mentioned.
Dammmn I didn't notice that prize pool. There goes all the money I just farmed.Welp, got a MSU from Delibird for the third day in a row. Thank you, Arjesus!
The new update is pretty crazy as well. New main and expert stages, Lots of check-in bonuses, 2x experience from Victini, and the new Rayquaza competition gives up to 5 MSU, 5 RML, and 1 SS.
Hot damn at the Rayquaza competition prizes.
Looks like it's 30 main stages & one expert stage that was added. Any word of how many are new Pokemon? Final stage is MegaSalamance
It's worrying that there are no Gen VII Pokés in the update. I hope they end up showing up sooner or later.
They need to give the Pikachus a rest, christ
What's the best team for an all-items Rayquaza competition run? I was thinking about giving a Double Normal + Mega Ray team a run-out, but I only have enough coins for one crack and don't want to gamble on a gimmick when an all super-effective team would do the trick.
Have you tried rolling out your brand spankin' new MSalamence? I already fed it 10 MSU and SS it. Trigger mega boost twice and it's evolved, can't wait to add a Risk Taker to a Sky Blast Team now.Why the hell is Weepinbell so damn hard to S-rank??? I can't even beat it without using M+5 at times, & this is using MAX Rayquaza, MAX Entei, MAX Ho-Oh, & Lv. 9 Lugia.
Wasn't expecting Delibird to end so soon!
Mew looking pretty angry as a replacement.
I got a +10 today. Hopefully I'll keep being lucky.I think there's screenshots floating around of +15, which is the only way a 500 stage escalation will be sane.
I thought you couldn't skip those stages anymore.Hopefully all the +8s and 10s and 15s mean it's quite easy to skip the big reward stages.