I placed around 5,500 in the European rankings and 9,000 in the American rankings. Hope I'll stay around those places by the time the competition ends.
About 11 hours to go, now. I've really got no idea if I've done enough. I'm around 15.000th at the moment (US version) and I don't know what happens now. I wonder how many people have got enough money for items, and how many are actually going to play it again or just played it for the jewel or have simply forgotten.
For sure I've got a good enough party to beat that guy by more points than other people but I'd much rather do it without spending 9,000 coins.
High score for Japanese players of the Mega Lucario stage is 75,999...with no Mega Evolution. Yowzah.
My ranking also dropped 1,000 from when I checked this morning
You mean 10,500 coins, right? Lucario's disruption can be nasty when you need to act fast.
Checked my rank with my score of 14,745. At about 6,522 out of 211,000+. Guess I might be safe, but still annoyed I managed to get about 15,2## after numerous tries & it decided to glitch so it wouldn't finish the match.
I've just remembered that I meant to be playing with Togekiss and it wasn't in my team due to optimise so I might have to try again!
No, I got to 12,000ish place with both items before at around 12,000 score I think. And I gave it my all. Do not think I could do it again. But I might try. I only have enough coins for one game since I haven't played everyday so I got one shot lol.If you were already at that ballpark, try using items for just that one time. A score of 17K is likely to be good enough to place you in the top 3,000 for NA.
Nope, none so far.Are there any other Passcodes out there besides the one for two free Mega Starts?
We get one free Complexity -1 from the game, right?
Are additional ones purchased with coins? If so, how much do they cost?
Last I checked, I had a score of ~14,500 and within the top 10,000, but not sure if that'll stay there. It doesn't help that I don't have Xerneas and am just rocking a team of Mega Slowbro, Chatot, Azumarill and Slurpuff :/
6000+ right now. I think I'll take the risk and not use the C-1. I can't see so many people passing me right now...
I'm in the top 2000 and i still fear moving out
just remember though, its usually during the start and the end of a competition, when a lot of people compete. So there is a greater chance of more people overtaking you.
Complexity -1 is 9000 Coins, so a Mega Lucario run with both powerups will set you back 10,500.
I think the C.-1 will remove your 4th slotted Pokemon so make sure you put the one you least want to bring along in that slot.
So what is the trick for the contest? To get as many 5 match as possible? Or to keep making matches? I suck. My high is around 9000, nowhere near the top 20000. I guess I won't get the stone.
So what is the trick for the contest? To get as many 5 match as possible? Or to keep making matches? I suck. My high is around 9000, nowhere near the top 20000. I guess I won't get the stone.
bleh. my chances of getting on the Top 20K seems pretty slim
I don't even have the Mega Slowbro yet :/
what should I do
I'm not sure myself - the closest I can get is 25% health left.I cannot beat Mega Mawile. Any tips for it? It's just so hard to getting any chains at all in.
4073th place (EU) with 6 and a half hour to go. I'm pretty sure I'm good. Most Europeans are probably hearing to bed soon
Just under 5 hoursSitting pretty comfortably at 5144th place. How many hours left until the competition ends?
welp im out of the top 20000k ;.;
at what time is this suppose to end EST?
1 AM EST, so about 4 hours & 48 minutes left.Sitting pretty comfortably at 5144th place. How many hours left until the competition ends?
Just used both items to get to rank 33000 now lol.