This is what is driving me insane everyone is bashing this game and we are still a week and a half a way, people judging this game based on the Pokemon leaks we have seen from a guy that rushed through the game.
Also y'all wouldn't have survived when we only had 150 pokemon and nothing to do when the credits rolled.
Well, the first gen came out in 1996 iirc, and those were other times, the series Also was in his prime, without lore, past gen gimmicky activities, 750 less mons, and one region only, as Well as limited technical resources
Today, in 2019, it's sad to see GF making cuts, trying to find excuses and such, and in the meantime, We'll probably have yet another obsolete game to put on the infinite pokémon series list
Technically obsolete, cut dex, no significant improvements, no returning side activity and no new activities other than raids ( damn, if you are this lazy, take beauty contests, pokeathlon, Battle frontier and do a copy paste, ffs, still better than nothing ), an hd 3ds game with stupid as f-ck Giant battles who are useless, and with no content other than raids, and two other things
" we cut the dex to improve content and animations "
1 million times LOL, GF
This said, I'm still a fan of the series, but the day one runs, for me, are over once for all, I'll buy this on second hand or at strong discount price