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Pokemon Sword/Shield - List of ALL REMOVED Pokemon


Gold Member
So I take it you got all in a huffy when Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire also did the same thing that SwSh did? Also you seem to talk like you have played the final product. Why are you in such a rush to hate on it? Almost every thread that involves Pokemon has you up in arms claiming the game is trash - despite you never playing it.

This is what is driving me insane everyone is bashing this game and we are still a week and a half a way, people judging this game based on the Pokemon leaks we have seen from a guy that rushed through the game.

Also y'all wouldn't have survived when we only had 150 pokemon and nothing to do when the credits rolled.


By the way, anyone want to make a bet that removing the pokemon is just a ploy for Gamefreak to sell an "enhanced version" that will just end up having them all in the end?

Think about it. Why release the game in its complete form when the fanbase will end up double dipping on a sequel anyway?

The thought had crossed my mind but I quickly dismissed it. This isn't a deliberate, carefully calculated move - This was a position they've been tending toward. Sun/Moon let you catch everything but moved away from providing dex descriptions and even numbering them ala National Dex. This was the next natural step on the path.

I do believe though that a second edition with all of them could very much be on the way, but I wonder how the executives over at TPC are considering marketing for the long-term: Could they sell that and hold good will? Could they maintain that sort of strategy?

Dr. Claus

This is what is driving me insane everyone is bashing this game and we are still a week and a half a way, people judging this game based on the Pokemon leaks we have seen from a guy that rushed through the game.

Also y'all wouldn't have survived when we only had 150 pokemon and nothing to do when the credits rolled.

Not to mention people grabbing screens and video from clearly beta gameplay nearly 6 months old. Could the game suck? Of course! However, no one knows until the product is out and it can be played. It is Schrodinger's Pokemon Game.


The thought had crossed my mind but I quickly dismissed it. This isn't a deliberate, carefully calculated move - This was a position they've been tending toward. Sun/Moon let you catch everything but moved away from providing dex descriptions and even numbering them ala National Dex. This was the next natural step on the path.

I do believe though that a second edition with all of them could very much be on the way, but I wonder how the executives over at TPC are considering marketing for the long-term: Could they sell that and hold good will? Could they maintain that sort of strategy?

I think they mentioned this its a trend that they intend to use in their future games. So in the very least, the enhanced version could have more mons in the dex but still not all of them. Either that or rotation, I think.
This is what is driving me insane everyone is bashing this game and we are still a week and a half a way, people judging this game based on the Pokemon leaks we have seen from a guy that rushed through the game.

Also y'all wouldn't have survived when we only had 150 pokemon and nothing to do when the credits rolled.

Well, the first gen came out in 1996 iirc, and those were other times, the series Also was in his prime, without lore, past gen gimmicky activities, 750 less mons, and one region only, as Well as limited technical resources
Today, in 2019, it's sad to see GF making cuts, trying to find excuses and such, and in the meantime, We'll probably have yet another obsolete game to put on the infinite pokémon series list

Technically obsolete, cut dex, no significant improvements, no returning side activity and no new activities other than raids ( damn, if you are this lazy, take beauty contests, pokeathlon, Battle frontier and do a copy paste, ffs, still better than nothing ), an hd 3ds game with stupid as f-ck Giant battles who are useless, and with no content other than raids, and two other things

" we cut the dex to improve content and animations "

1 million times LOL, GF

This said, I'm still a fan of the series, but the day one runs, for me, are over once for all, I'll buy this on second hand or at strong discount price
I think they mentioned this its a trend that they intend to use in their future games. So in the very least, the enhanced version could have more mons in the dex but still not all of them. Either that or rotation, I think.

Every gen will be a separate universe, isolated from previous gens from now on


Disappointing, most of my favorites from previous gens are missing.
But I generally focus on the new Pokemon anyway so I understand why fans are upset but it doesn't really affect me. I'll play this the same way as I do most Nintendo games, buy used, beat it and then resell it for the same price I paid for it.

I don't understand Pokemon fans.

Games have never been required to have 100% of the things that were in previous games with each iteration. Holding the series to such a standard is probably a big part of why the graphics, engine and gameplay look more like a PS2 game in HD than a modern AAA game.

Some Pokemon fans care because it has been a standard feature of every new entry for 20 years. Take any standard feature out of any long running franchise and some fans will be upset.
To your second point, this game has a massive list of missing Pokemon and it still looks like an HD 3DS game with the same mid budget look and the same crappy animations despite usually selling more than 15 million copies, being part of the highest grossing media franchise in the world and for the first time launching for a full $60 and requiring a paid subscription for online features.

But nothing will change, the game will sell like crazy and 99 out of every 100 people saying they are boycotting it will still buy it. Until the Pokemon company sees a big drop in sales they'll continue to invest as little as possible into these games.
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I'm in for the new Pokemon designs alone. Besides the starters, I love all the new ones. Saved the game for me.


Thats way past dude. This was the pre-drama.

The real drama starts now. Because no way people would accept all the starters being cut. Even more so when Charizard is the only starter present in the game. If you remember how well the video about Gigantamax Charizard went, I'm pretty sure you can picture this now.

Also, I'm not sure how is your knowledge about XY, but people got extremelly critical about how shallow the game was. And since Sword and Shield already pointed XY levels of content, people will be as just as happy as now. Well...either that or just one another of those cases of "consume products and be excited for the next".
Ah I only got to play first gen on the gameboy, then dipped back in for Go and Let's go.

I feel like this is the roster problem with WWE 2k every year. Fans want it all, they want everything there can be. I don't think thats practical - especially with Pokemon where theres are now a thousand.

How many Pokemon do you really need to enjoy a game?

I CAN accept that its a piss take for them to remove all gen 1 Pokemon given we know they have them ready to go after Lets go.


Ah I only got to play first gen on the gameboy, then dipped back in for Go and Let's go.

I feel like this is the roster problem with WWE 2k every year. Fans want it all, they want everything there can be. I don't think thats practical - especially with Pokemon where theres are now a thousand.

How many Pokemon do you really need to enjoy a game?

I CAN accept that its a piss take for them to remove all gen 1 Pokemon given we know they have them ready to go after Lets go.

Hey, you can enjoy whatever you want dude. Not my point in trying to blow whatever you call fun.

Just pointing that pokemon has a lot of problems besides the cut. You asked me "How many Pokemon do you really need to enjoy a game?"

Well for starters, the content should be enought for the trouple. I mean, there should be a kind of trade off. You might have not read what I said in my other post, but people(include myself)would be fine if it was a good trade off. It would tell me "well it was really like the number of pokemon was holding them back".

And what I see is GF doing crap work and repeating mistakes all over again. But the funny part is that there are some people doing dirty work for them as if they need to justify their purchase.

As for Let's Go I kinda feel bad for those who has starters besides Charizard. I wonder how long people will endure Pokemon Company blowjob on Charizard. Maybe by the end of 2021, Charizard will get an another new form.
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Thats way past dude. This was the pre-drama.

The real drama starts now. Because no way people would accept all the starters being cut. Even more so when Charizard is the only starter present in the game. If you remember how well the video about Gigantamax Charizard went, I'm pretty sure you can picture this now.

Also, I'm not sure how is your knowledge about XY, but people got extremelly critical about how shallow the game was. And since Sword and Shield already pointed XY levels of content, people will be as just as happy as now. Well...either that or just one another of those cases of "consume products and be excited for the next".

I defended the idea of cutting some mons but I had no idea it was going to be this bad................. I mean surely they wouldn't cut Greninja right???? RIGHT???? RIIIIIIIGHTT?? THEY WOULDN'T CUT BULBASAUR OR SQUIRTLE SURELY??? Mudkip, good old mudkip.............. surely he's in the game...................


I had the dual pack pre-ordered and paid for, cancelled that shit.

This is what is driving me insane everyone is bashing this game and we are still a week and a half a way, people judging this game based on the Pokemon leaks we have seen from a guy that rushed through the game.

Also y'all wouldn't have survived when we only had 150 pokemon and nothing to do when the credits rolled.

They fucking cut Pokemon that are playable in Smash. WTF. :messenger_pouting: :messenger_pouting: :messenger_pouting: :messenger_pouting: :messenger_pouting: :messenger_pouting:
Wait until people discover there is no GTS in SwSh.

I heard about that too which is another WTF. The GTS is fucking awesome.

Once this game gets out in the wild and people start to actually see what all has been cut there's going to be tons of copies traded in. I wouldn't be surprised if Gamestop ends up with a massive amount of SwSh used copies in six months.

I think the game will still sell well initially but once word of mouth gets around it won't have near the legs of previous titles.


I heard about that too which is another WTF. The GTS is fucking awesome.

Once this game gets out in the wild and people start to actually see what all has been cut there's going to be tons of copies traded in. I wouldn't be surprised if Gamestop ends up with a massive amount of SwSh used copies in six months.

I think the game will still sell well initially but once word of mouth gets around it won't have near the legs of previous titles.

The stupid argument was that either people "never used" or "its too hard to pick X mon because others demand legendaries".

In my entire play time with pokemon games I never had problem with GTS. Sure, there are people who made stupid demands, but those can be easly ignored. If you make a simple demand and deposit your offered mon, you will get what you want in less than one day(sometimes minutes). Simple as that. Fans are way too much stupid to believe it will be easy to get legendaries in any circumstances. Some people still believe in a possibility of GTS going to Home, which would be a terrible idea.

Btw its worth noticing that with no way to turn off Exp Share, there will be no challenge or time spent grinding. Which will drastically reduce the amount of time in the game, making it relativelly shorter.
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The stupid argument was that either people "never used" or "its too hard to pick X mon because others demand legendaries".

In my entire play time with pokemon games I never had problem with GTS. Sure, there are people who made stupid demands, but those can be easly ignored. If you make a simple demand and deposit your offered mon, you will get what you want in less than one day(sometimes minutes). Simple as that. Fans are way too much stupid to believe it will be easy to get legendaries in any circumstances. Some people still believe in a possibility of GTS going to Home, which would be a terrible idea.

Btw its worth noticing that with no way to turn off Exp Share, there will be no challenge or time spent grinding. Which will drastically reduce the amount of time in the game, making it relativelly shorter.

The GTS was awesome for anyone that was unable to transfer or didn't have previous gen starters and other exclusives. Say you only had Totodile but wanted cyndaquil or chikorita, just breed some Totodile's with Ditto and put em up on the GTS in the deposit slot for what you wanted and boom.


I defended the idea of cutting some mons but I had no idea it was going to be this bad................. I mean surely they wouldn't cut Greninja right???? RIGHT???? RIIIIIIIGHTT?? THEY WOULDN'T CUT BULBASAUR OR SQUIRTLE SURELY??? Mudkip, good old mudkip.............. surely he's in the game...................


I had the dual pack pre-ordered and paid for, cancelled that shit.

New region, new pastures. Just let it go.


Hang on, they got rid of almost all of the original 251? Even Mewtwo? Who would buy a Pokemon game without them? I suppose they had to start removing Pokemon eventually since it was probably getting harder to balance the game when they have like 800 Pokemon to worry about with even more on the way, but you'd think they'd get rid of their least popular ones.
Hang on, they got rid of almost all of the original 251? Even Mewtwo? Who would buy a Pokemon game without them? I suppose they had to start removing Pokemon eventually since it was probably getting harder to balance the game when they have like 800 Pokemon to worry about with even more on the way, but you'd think they'd get rid of their least popular ones.

Most people were expecting they were gonna cut 200 maybe 300 max, not damn near 500 pokemon. Nobody thought it was going to be this bad, they even cut the majority of Kanto region Mon even though Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee has all original 151 on the Switch.

Everything in a white box is what's been cut.

Not only that, but what about the models from the Pokemon Colosseum/XD/Battle Revolution games?

Even though it's from the Gamecube/Wii era, you'd think Nintendo or Gamefreak would have the foresight to just improve the 493 models that was created back then and just slowly update them every new console generation.


There really should be no excuses. 20 years is more than enough time to make the transition to 3D when other developers already did it before them.

The problem is that this requires work and time, and GameFreak does not do that, except for the occasional mediocre side game.


I guess Gen 7 really was my last pokemon gen, i wont be giving any more money to gamefreak until they go back on this decision and also improve the game in other areas, like implementing the cool mechanics that were cut in favor of giant pokemon (so dumb) and the game looking like an upscaled 3ds game


Gold Member


I'll be honest, as someone that has been generally pretty ok to indifferent with things that have been revealed and shown, at this point even i'm hesitant on this now. I was all in and was about to purchase it from the eShop, but now i'm not so sure I want to do that...

Which sucks because my friend who is really into Pokemon, is gonna have a 24 hour livestream for it and he invited me to play with him.

I'll probably wait until the reviews drop and see how I feel then.
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I'll be honest, as someone that has been generally pretty ok to indifferent with things that have been revealed and shown, at this point even i'm hesitant on this now. I was all in and was about to purchase it from the eShop, but now i'm not so sure I want to do that...

Which sucks because my friend who is really into Pokemon, is gonna have a 24 hour livestream for it and he invited me to play with him.

I'll probably wait until the reviews drop and see how I feel then.

Don't feel bad for buying the game though. Its not my intention to make you unniterested, neither guilty for buying the game. Its your money, your call.

The concerning matter is that some people think this is all negative or "hate" spread, when this only pointing the many flaws the game has. Its not even more about the lack of mons, this just one of main points about the criticism. There are many as you can see.


Gold Member
Is Raichu in?

he's all i care about. i know a lot of people are pissed at GF for culling Pokemon but I've been saying it for years that it's what they need to do. There is an insane amount of Pokemon and a lot of them need to disappear.
Don't feel bad for buying the game though. Its not my intention to make you unniterested, neither guilty for buying the game. Its your money, your call.

The concerning matter is that some people think this is all negative or "hate" spread, when this only pointing the many flaws the game has. Its not even more about the lack of mons, this just one of main points about the criticism. There are many as you can see.

Not only that, but we're 5 days from release. We've hardly seen any substantial new gameplay footage since E3, and review copies aren't being sent out until release day which is something Game Freak never does.

Usually we see a lot more media then this within a week of release for a major flagship franchise. Before S/M launched GF was putting out tons of previews.
Okay someone is streaming the game now, don't know how they got ahold of a copy :p

Ya it looks really rough lol

edit: After watching the stream for over an hour I can easily see the game getting 6s-7s for reviews. Wouldn't be surprised if the metacritic is in the mid 60s or low 70s but it's still a Nintendo game so who knows /shrug. There's definitely blood in the water though.
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Gold Member
Is Raichu in?

he's all i care about. i know a lot of people are pissed at GF for culling Pokemon but I've been saying it for years that it's what they need to do. There is an insane amount of Pokemon and a lot of them need to disappear.
yes raichu made the cut. and I agree some of the pokemon are meh.
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