was piss easy.
Edit: I said that too soon....
Edit 2: Wait, no still easy.
Edit: I said that too soon....
Edit 2: Wait, no still easy.
2) How long does it take for two Pokémon at the daycare to produce an egg?
Yeah, I've been using Pangoro and he's my main HM user. He can use Cut, Strength, Rock Smash and Surf (surprisingly).
Oh here's another funny story:
Just finished the fourth gym leader off. Travel out of town south to the "Badlands". My first Pokemon encounter? Shiny Gible. The catch? None of my Pokemon were at a point where I could weaken it without knocking it out and I had no good Pokeballs to cheese out a Hail Mary with.
Ah thanks.Every time you take 255 steps, there's a chance an egg will appear at the day care. What that chance is depends on how well the pokemon get along. If they "prefer to play with other pokemon" you'll never get one.
At least, that's how it has worked in the past.
Oh here's another funny story:
Just finished the fourth gym leader off. Travel out of town south to the "Badlands". My first Pokemon encounter? Shiny Gible. The catch? None of my Pokemon were at a point where I could weaken it without knocking it out and I had no good Pokeballs to cheese out a Hail Mary with.
Currently on Route 14, rolling with:
Chesnaught, Talonflame, Doublade, Amuara and Ampharos.
Somebody suggest me a good water type to fit in with my team please...
i am
also it seems u cant soft reset eggs?
That's depressing... But I guess I should have expected it to be that way.All the Mega Stones are one-per, I think. Nobody's reported a way to get ones that you already have, anyway.
Oh here's another funny story:
Just finished the fourth gym leader off. Travel out of town south to the "Badlands". My first Pokemon encounter? Shiny Gible. The catch? None of my Pokemon were at a point where I could weaken it without knocking it out and I had no good Pokeballs to cheese out a Hail Mary with.
Can you only have one pair going at a time? Or, What's the usual pattern for efficient breeding?Every time you take 255 steps, there's a chance an egg will appear at the day care. What that chance is depends on how well the pokemon get along. If they "prefer to play with other pokemon" you'll never get one.
At least, that's how it has worked in the past.
Every time you take 255 steps, there's a chance an egg will appear at the day care. What that chance is depends on how well the pokemon get along. If they "prefer to play with other pokemon" you'll never get one.
At least, that's how it has worked in the past.
I think eggs are determined once your get the egg.
So you can reset after getting the egg, though I dunno why you would.
i dont think it matters (just the overall quality) the ones u get from 5 staring unlimited runs produce about 5-6 hearts per cake
i am
also it seems u cant soft reset eggs?
Pokepuffs also look fucking delish. I might make some themed Macaron type things...
For the love of god can i please have one lol? I refuse to continue my adventure without one. Modest or timid. Im ocd like that :/
You have Butterfree?
You notice I am trying to make a 6-man Moth army, so far with Vivillon and soon-to-be Burmey.
Where can I get said Pokeyman?
That's a new one to me. What does it do?
How can you tell which Pokepuff your Pokemon likes in amie?
have u seen the high ranked ones?
Can you only have one pair going at a time? Or, What's the usual pattern for efficient breeding?
Does the "toughed it out to show its love" thing apply in multiplayer as well? My Zubat just did that shit and it's fucking stupid.
Stupid awesome you mean.
I dont think it does anything in multiplayer, or at least I havent seen my Quilladin do anything like that yet outside SP.
What the heck is it with bird hordes and never wanting to show up.
First Tailow and now Starly...
What the heck is it with me complaining and then bird hordes showing up.
So, even though you get Aggron in X and Tyranitar in Y,. Seems they really want people to tradeit seems you can only get Aggron's mega stone in Y, and Tryanitar's stone in X.
...why don't you just check GameFAQs or some shit right before Z comes out then?
Yep, I'm happy! (Sucky picture, I know)
Route 1
You'll find plenty of Caterpillar there^^
Duh! How'd I forget?!
Idk, they aren't that common (maybe ~10-20% spawn chance?). And why does no one tell me the name is indeed CaterPIE ? I look like a fool![]()
Pangoro is tsundere in amie lol
man so many fennekins but nothing that i want stop giving me adamants and braves dang it