Why would you not use super training considering how easy it is?Is there a list of EV hunting spots post game? Sad that Pokerus/Brace doesn't work with super training.
Why would you not use super training considering how easy it is?Is there a list of EV hunting spots post game? Sad that Pokerus/Brace doesn't work with super training.
So umm...Serena basically took me to a cafe, asked for a battle and now won't battle me, just says the same thing.
Is that supposed to happen?![]()
Mine has:Ack, my Charizard has a superior Sp Atk but only has physical moves. Which moves does everyone have on their zard?
I'm going to assume I'll destroy the second gym? My team is:
Lv 39 Chestnaught
Lv 38 Greninja
Lv 34 Charmeleon (I plan on evolving this guy first)
Lv 25 Snorlax
Lv 24 Tyrunt
I think someone called dibs on this avatar?
Don't remember who it was though.
Mine too budy
Never teach OHKO moves unless you have no guard.
I wouldn't be surprised if Doublade learned guillotine at level 100 or something. Would be absolutely retarded but not surprising.
Jolteon - Lv. 42 (Modest - Max SpA & Speed)
Gardevoir - Lv. 40 (Modest - Max SpA & Speed)
Blaziken - Lv. 45 (Jolly - Max Atk & Speed)
Greninja - Lv. 43 ( - Mixed Atk, SpA & Speed)
Venusaur - Lv. 40 (Modest - Max SpA & Speed) [I might replace it with a Ferrothorn though]
Mine has:
Dragon Rage
Flame Burst
Fire Pledge
Anyone located the Move Delete/Learner yet?
Pokepuffs also look fucking delish. I might make some themed Macaron type things...
I finally got Corsola. You need a Super Rod and it's at level 35. So happy. Even though it's weak, I love it.
Where can I catch Mareep?
Where can I catch Mareep?
I feel like I never use my megas.
Caught Yyveltal in a PokeBall.
I hope it has a good nature.
route 14 i think (they tend to appear in hordes)
Horde battle in Route 12. Use Sweet Scent or Honey.
Route 12 HordesWhere can I catch Mareep?
I was surprised it learned Nature Power though. Gives a STAB tri-attack in link battles.
I think I'm going insane, over 60 resets and no modest squirtle....
this is the swamp one right?
Oh ok so they only appear if I use those Things?