Heisenberg Town.I started a breeding spree, only to discover that things are pretty difficult without an everstone. Where can I pick one up?
I trained mine in the Badlands.are there any good places to train Skrelp around the 6th gym? Mines lvl 36 and the only pokemon strong against fairies, but it's not high enough level
I started a breeding spree, only to discover that things are pretty difficult without an everstone. Where can I pick one up?
Ok, so I am new(ish) to Pokemon and I would like to know how I can tell if a wild Pokemon is shiny in X and Y?
Also, is there any way to tell if there is a high chance of particular Pokemon in certain patches of grass and/or areas? If not, how in the hell am I supposed to know how and where catch them all!?
After not playing since 2nd Generation, I am so overwhelmed right now. I am having a lot of fun, but I am still very very overwhelmed.
alright, I think we're already on each other's friends list, so just send me a trade when you're ready.
Heisenberg Town.
I trained mine in the Badlands.
I also had it fight Team Flare.I've tried but it keeps getting murdered by ground types
Done deal! Thanks again Mackle![]()
Ok, so I am new(ish) to Pokemon and I would like to know how I can tell if a wild Pokemon is shiny in X and Y?
Also, is there any way to tell if there is a high chance of particular Pokemon in certain patches of grass and/or areas? If not, how in the hell am I supposed to know how and where catch them all!?
After not playing since 2nd Generation, I am so overwhelmed right now. I am having a lot of fun, but I am still very very overwhelmed.
So i've got a Pancham female with Iron Fist. What are the chances she'll pass it on when breeding?
Does anyone have a spare ditto they wouldn't mind parting with? I'm seriously in need of one for breeding (I've got a few starters and other goodies, but they're all male =X)
I've got various stuff for trade. Also, anyone with a spare Skrelp would be amazing too![]()
Man, i don't mind that I can't nickname pokemon who've already been nicknamed, but at least let me rename pokemon that haven't![]()
Just got Yveltal in a wonder trade for a fletching. Haven't even got to the second gym yet haha
It's a bit hidden.Guys I've searched the whole Pokeball Factory and can't find Metal Coat.
Where is it :_;
i have a spare froakie and fennekin and i can breed some chespins
Ryan and unknown, I've got Dittos for you.
FC in profile.
A shiny pokemon will have a different color scheme from it's original counterpart and there's no way to tell if there's a high chance of a certain pokemon will be in certain grass/areas but if you check the pokedex it will tell you where the pokemon are located.
Will a wild shiny Pokemon also have a "sparkle" effect when it is first seen in the battle animation? Similar to how a shiny Pokemon is seen when coming out of a Pokeball?
Will a wild shiny Pokemon also have a "sparkle" effect when it is first seen in the battle animation? Similar to how a shiny Pokemon is seen when coming out of a Pokeball?
are there any good places to train Skrelp around the 6th gym? Mines lvl 36 and the only pokemon strong against fairies, but it's not high enough level
Thanks man, I already acquired the 3 from this generation from some helpful GAFers, and I chose Charmander as my second in game, so mostly looking for Squirtle and Bulbasaur now.
When I get to the breeder I'll start a Fennekin factory, which should help as trade fodder.
actually i also have squirtle as well which i can breed if u want
actually i also have squirtle as well which i can breed if u want
How do you tell a Pokemon's IV? That's it's base stats right? Where does it show that?
I'd also an extra female if you manage to get one. Gotta teach Greninja Rapid Spin.
Attack.Does Chespin need more special attack or normal attack in the Ev training?