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Police face level of disrespect never seen before, says Chicago police union boss

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Respect has to be earned. This is almost a painful read...smh

I used to respect them, don't anymore. Co-worker who is deaf has been assaulted twice by police officers. Another co-worker is a retired cop. He can't stand his former police department. Half of them he said are veterans who shouldn't be involved at all with the police and he believes that's the underlining issue. Not sure if that's really the case but when you have a retired cop saying things like that I take notice


Not sure why you are arguing this number. My original comment had nothing to do with the number of cops shot.

I believe that the presence of guns has an affect on police interactions, that is especially unique to this country.

What other country do they blow away people for holding a BB gun?

And yet overall its minorities that suffer vs police.

If it was just guns, it would be more even?


Not sure why you are arguing this number. My original comment had nothing to do with the number of cops shot.

I believe that the presence of guns has an affect on police interactions, that is especially unique to this country.

What other country do they blow away people for holding a BB gun?

So it is the citizen's fault that the cops are murdering them? Not the lack of training, the militarization, and rampant corruption and racism?
Again, not every interaction ends in someone being shot.

But the presence of guns certainly has an affect on how cops behave and is something that isn't has prevalent in other countries.

This is the job they sign up for. Its not as though we hear of mass police shootings every year. If you are so scared of guns out there that every interaction (largely with minorities) has you in fear of being killed, its the wrong line of work for you. Absolutely zero excuses. Hand in your badge, do something else.


No. It is something that is unique to the US and obviously needs further training?

Stop putting words in my mouth.

i am talking about things unqiue to the US police force, are you just uninformed on the shit that has been going on just the last couple of years? Hell look at Oakland, they had 3 police chiefs in ONE WEEK.
Again, not every interaction ends in someone being shot.

But the presence of guns certainly has an affect on how cops behave and is something that isn't has prevalent in other countries.
Primarily it gives cops an out for their murders.

Planting guns, or even making up guns that never show up in evidence, isn't a movie or TV thing.


Again, not every interaction ends in someone being shot.

But the presence of guns certainly has an affect on how cops behave and is something that isn't has prevalent in other countries.

It shouldn't considering they're obviously not a huge threat to them. If cops were getting killed all the time then yeah. Im not excusing unwarranted paranoia.


A mudslide of fun!
i am talking about things unqiue to the US police force, are you just uninformed on the shit that has been going on just the last couple of years? Hell look at Oakland, they had 3 police chiefs in ONE WEEK.

I mention one small piece of the larger picture and you jump down my throat.

I live in Oakland. I know exactly what is happening.


There is research on the affects the presence of guns has on people. And it goes both way. Cops having guns makes people uncomfortable for various reasons.

The original post said this doesn't happen in other countries. I think guns play a role in that. Cops being racist does happen in other countries. In England and Wales, blacks are stopped far more often than whites.


I mention one small piece of the larger picture and you jump down my throat.

I live in Oakland. I know exactly what is happening.

So what part of them facing guns in the public caused them to coverup a murder, have sex with an underage girl, and make racist texts and videos?

Did they fear for their lives then?


A mudslide of fun!
So what part of them facing guns in the public caused them to coverup a murder, have sex with an underage girl, and make racist texts and videos?

Did they fear for their lives then?

I'd assume none.

If you are assuming I am trying to say that the potential presence of guns is an excuse for police to do what they please, I am not.
"We are more than tired of being considered by some to be second-class citizens and not worthy of the same protections under the law guaranteed to any other citizen,"
Holy shit, that is beyond being ironically hilarious. I can't even cope.


"We are more than tired of being considered by some to be second-class citizens and not worthy of the same protections under the law guaranteed to any other citizen,"

This is some OBSCENELY high tier irony. I'm actually impressed.
Because it's hard, not a lot of people will like or respect you for it, but it has to be done, and you have a chance of making a positive difference by protecting and serving your community.

At least that's my reason if I were one. Due to my asthma and other health issues, I will never be a cop, but I plan to work alongside officers, which is why I am pursing the legal sector. If health wasn't an issue, I'd be a cop.

I have great respect for my local police. They've helped me out so much. I don't associate bad apples with the whole force, I'm better than that. And yes, I've dealt with crooked officers myself, but my view of the police as a whole isn't soured by it.

Want the force cleaned up? Get more good people who want to serve their community in the force instead of demo isn't it as a whole. It's the only way things can get better, by getting more good people in it. Disrespecting the risk and sacrifice many of these officers put on the line every day is not helping any good people inserted in the force to actually join.

Why would anyone want to be a cop? Everyone has a different answer, but when someone's answer is to serve and help local communities and people in the neighborhood, we should be encouraging them, because we need more good people who don't crave power on the force!

It has to improve from the top. Right now, there is little-to-zero accountability for when things go bad. Any other field, people lose their jobs just like that. Good cops can get corrupted, disillusioned, and become bystanders as they witness abuse in their system. It seems simplistic to see cops as either good or bad, the environment fosters a lot of conformity, and swift punishment for whistleblowing. Until those top-level institutional aspects improve, no amount of good cops is going to effect positive change.

Like this video explains:


Given that covering your face or junk while the police are working you over can be considered assault on the cop, I wonder how many of those alleged attacks were really someone attacking the police.


Stop killing people and being corrupt

I most certainly do not put respeck on a cops name. They've been killing and beating for so long, they're corrupt as shit. I don't think I'll ever respect a police officer.
They chose the profession and all benefits/danger that comes with it.

Always makes me laugh/cry that cops are quick to pull the trigger while being pro gun.

Cops need better training, especially unarmed submission techniques.

Are cops generally pro gun in the US? I would have thought they of all people would be staunchly anti gun.


Seems odd that people are willing to paint with such a broad brush on this topic, yet would find it intellectually dishonest or worse when applied to a different one. Like it's ok to generalize those who have traditionally been in a privileged position, but reprehensible if done to those who have traditionally been oppressed.

I won't give specific examples because it will probably get me banned.

Anyone willing to talk me down from this observation? I'm willing to listen.
Maybe police should stop obliging their bad apples and people will start to trust them again.

This. When the police union goes out of their way each and every time to defend and protect and insulate corrupt and criminal cops it makes it very difficult for me to give a shit about them on a professional level.

Now, I'd never disrespect a cop in person as I like not being choked to death. But let's not pretend there's not a serious corruption problem with police and their enablers.

Seems odd that people are willing to paint with such a broad brush on this topic, yet would find it intellectually dishonest or worse when applied to a different one. Like it's ok to generalize those who have traditionally been in a privileged position, but reprehensible if done to those who have traditionally been oppressed.

I won't give specific examples because it will probably get me banned.

Anyone willing to talk me down from this observation? I'm willing to listen.

I'm sorry but this comparison is horseshit. It'd be valid if there were actual good cops condemning bad cops publicly. But I don't hear shit. Not to mention the police union that'll go to bat and defend the indefensible.


Seems odd that people are willing to paint with such a broad brush on this topic, yet would find it intellectually dishonest or worse when applied to a different one. Like it's ok to generalize those who have traditionally been in a privileged position, but reprehensible if done to those who have traditionally been oppressed.

I won't give specific examples because it will probably get me banned.

Anyone willing to talk me down from this observation? I'm willing to listen.

No need for specific examples because we all know exactly what you're talking about.


A mudslide of fun!
Are cops generally pro gun in the US? I would have thought they of all people would be staunchly anti gun.

I bet cops would be some of the last people to give up their guns if magically tomorrow citizens guns disappeared.

They believe they are a needed tool for effective policing.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I bet cops would be some of the last people to give up their guns if magically tomorrow citizens guns disappeared.

They believe they are a needed tool for effective policing.

The NYPD, which is notorious for being just super great all the time, is actually pretty staunchly anti-gun. After the recent Orlando shooting, commissioner Bill Bratton referred to congressional republicans blocking gun control as "shameful" and "prostitutes of the NRA"

Basically proving the broken clock being right twice a day thing.


Saint Titanfall
Seems odd that people are willing to paint with such a broad brush on this topic, yet would find it intellectually dishonest or worse when applied to a different one. Like it's ok to generalize those who have traditionally been in a privileged position, but reprehensible if done to those who have traditionally been oppressed.

I won't give specific examples because it will probably get me banned.

Anyone willing to talk me down from this observation? I'm willing to listen.

Cops are paid by the state. These aren't even a rando priveledge group these are the people expect to the protect and serve every citizen and be above corruption and be willing to send one of their own to jail if they fuck up. Why shouldn't your police be held to the highest of scrutiny when they uphold the law.


Seems odd that people are willing to paint with such a broad brush on this topic, yet would find it intellectually dishonest or worse when applied to a different one. Like it's ok to generalize those who have traditionally been in a privileged position, but reprehensible if done to those who have traditionally been oppressed.

I won't give specific examples because it will probably get me banned.

Anyone willing to talk me down from this observation? I'm willing to listen.

Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but you're suggesting that generalizing police as undisciplined gangs is the same as generalizing people of color as hardened criminals? I'm just trying to make sure I understand what you're asking before giving my take.

The two are different for a lot of reasons, but here are the main points:

1. Police are police by choice, and so if they're unhappy with their characterization by the public, they're free to find work elsewhere and distance themselves from the situation completely. This is not the case with people of color.

2. Whereas it would be ridiculous to see every person of color as a representative of their race, this is literally what police are. They're at work, and that badge they wear means that they're representing their profession. Their actions can and should be used to judge the effectiveness and professionalism of their peers.

3. Police are in a position of authority, and it's their responsibility to use that authority towards the public's benefit. As private citizens with considerably less authority, people of color don't share that obligation.

Again, I think you could continue along that line of thought, but I hope this makes it clear.


A mudslide of fun!
I'm sorry but this comparison is horseshit. It'd be valid if there were actual good cops condemning bad cops publicly. But I don't hear shit. Not to mention the police union that'll go to bat and defend the indefensible.

It happens, but not nearly enough and doesn't get enough visibility.

Expecting the Union to be a force of change is a mistake.
Not saying you are saying that, but yeah. Departments need to change internally and the Union will reflect those changes.


Gotta give respect to get respect. They clearly dont respect citizens enough to warrant the level of respect the demand just because they wear the uniform.


The NYPD, which is notorious for being just super great all the time, is actually pretty staunchly anti-gun. After the recent Orlando shooting, commissioner Bill Bratton referred to congressional republicans blocking gun control as "shameful" and "prostitutes of the NRA"

Basically proving the broken clock being right twice a day thing.

But they also literally turned their back on the mayor for addressing police brutality even after the commissioner asked them not to protest or anything.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
But they also literally turned their back on the mayor for addressing police brutality even after the commissioner asked them not to protest or anything.

Oh don't get me wrong, they are unabashed shitheads, but they do want stricter gun laws.


I wish people would stop taking issue with police executing unarmed people all the time then covering their own asses.

Seriously gaf.
It happens, but not nearly enough and doesn't get enough visibility.

Expecting the Union to be a force of change is a mistake.
Not saying you are saying that, but yeah. Departments need to change internally and the Union will reflect those changes.

It rarely happen.

It's not that I expect the police unions to lead the charge to change the system of corrupt cops but I do expect them not to fight against it tooth and nail.


A mudslide of fun!
It rarely happen.

It's not that I expect the police unions to lead the charge to change the system of corrupt cops but I do expect them not to fight against it tooth and nail.

Why? They are paid to represent cops. If their boss isn't pushing them to, why would they?

Hari Seldon

I think maybe to be slightly more fair to police, it isn't really all police in general, it is mostly the big 3 shit departments: NYPD, LAPD, Chicago PD. I mean those are by far the worst, and it is probably no coincidence that they have the strongest unions.


I used to respect them, don't anymore. Co-worker who is deaf has been assaulted twice by police officers. Another co-worker is a retired cop. He can't stand his former police department. Half of them he said are veterans who shouldn't be involved at all with the police and he believes that's the underlining issue. Not sure if that's really the case but when you have a retired cop saying things like that I take notice

I believe it. A lot of these guys get a singular view on the job, Understandable when thats the only way they see things just going on calls every day etc. Their views on society get progressively worse the longer they are on the force, then compounded by the protections they have with their unions and the blue wall its no wonder why some officers especially veterans in this feels the way they do.

Unfortunately they dont see akin to reform or want to ever admit to wrongdoing in many cases and its awful. Then you see them pretty much having a license to kill even in situations where you could see they could have chose way different options and how are people supposed to feel?

Then in chicago itself they have these fucking blacksites where they take people. Lie about how a suspect acted. etc. Like really this guy can fuck off.

I just want officers to be held to a higher standard and have some level of accountablity especially when complaints rack up for an officer, almost every time their is an incident it all comes out about how these guys should even be on the job.
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