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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Door2Dawn said:
I think the democrats should just give the republicans what they want so we can just get this shit over with. This is scaring the shit out of people.

What they want will make the problem worse, not better.
theBishop said:
Oh shit, if you turn your head sideways and squint, it almost looks like the legislative branch is discussing legislation independent of the executive branch. How can this be?
I'm not sure what to make of it. Sometimes a leader has to say "work this shit out and get back to me"


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, it's 4:00 PM EST.

Will be interesting to see Asian market reactions.


Not sure they open at 4... a couple of articles pointed at that time. But CNNMoney shows 8PM EST.


RegularCitizen said:
The midterms were a mandate from the country. This is just the political system carrying due course.

Are you a troll account? You sound just like a Fox Analyst. "Mandate from the country".


Jeels said:
Are you a troll account?
This is the same guy who was trolling the recent religion thread by constantly saying "theism wins lol" and adding nothing to the discussion.

So... yes.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Patrick Klepek said:
Don't fall for the troll, guys.

Yeah, it became obvious when he started ignoring direct questions.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
This is why you never shed a tear when a guy like Kosmo gets banned. Someone replaces him the very next day.
RegularCitizen said:
You want to talk about lack of effort? You dismiss everyone who doesn't agree with you as a troll.

If you're just going to snipe things and not put in any effort in the first place, then you're going to get the same lack of effort in return and labeled a troll. Simple forum etiquette.


Junior Member
Gaborn said:
What PROPOSALS have the democrats made?

What you think the 3.5 trillion in cuts + 800 to 1.2 trillion in revenue was just Bohners idea? Gang of 6 was really gang of 3 republicans? The republicans themselves decided to bring the Bush tax cuts to the table? SERIOUSLY

What have the Republicans proposed for the exeption of a very vague Cut Cap Balance trash bill?


Gaborn said:
What PROPOSALS have the democrats made?
Well, we don't really know the details since the debt ceiling talks keep breaking down. Have we heard details on what the Republican proposals have been?


Cyan said:
Well, we don't really know the details since the debt ceiling talks keep breaking down. Have we heard details on what the Republican proposals have been?

Well we saw the Ryan budget, the Progressive Caucus put out a "budget" with no numbers but I don't think we've seen anything else. I haven't heard about any proposed spending cuts from the left though. As near as I can tell the Republicans have only publicly talked about spending cuts and the Democrats have only publicly talked about tax increases, aside from saying what they WON'T cut. Both sides seem to be publicly very dug in and offering little ground to the other in terms of specific suggestions.
Gaborn said:
Well we saw the Ryan budget, the Progressive Caucus put out a "budget" with no numbers but I don't think we've seen anything else. I haven't heard about any proposed spending cuts from the left though. As near as I can tell the Republicans have only publicly talked about spending cuts and the Democrats have only publicly talked about tax increases, aside from saying what they WON'T cut. Both sides seem to be publicly very dug in and offering little ground to the other in terms of specific suggestions.

Well, I know Obama put out his budget proposal framework back in April, so there's that to at least get an idea of where the Democrats were coming from back in April.
RegularCitizen said:
The midterms were a mandate from the country. This is just the political system carrying due course.
The midterms were but the 2008 election wasn't, right?

After Obama and the Dems won in 2008 they could hardly get anything passed because the GOP decided to filibuster EVERYTHING. They had to bow before Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins because they held all the cards. The stimulus bill was nerfed (which could be to blame for the high unemployment rate, plus a large amount of it was tax cuts to appease Republicans who didn't vote for it anyways), the HCR bill ended up being what Republicans were pushing for back in the Clinton years and it still got demonized as that evil Obamacare, etc.

But when the GOP gets back into power in ONE house as a reward for being obstructionist, they have a mandate.

You so crazy.


Gaborn said:
Well we saw the Ryan budget...
Oh, I see. I thought you were talking specifically about the debt ceiling talks. I assume there've been many proposals from both sides that we aren't privy to. Presumably so that when they come out with whatever frankenstein shit sandwich thing we're supposed to swallow, we won't know what the alternatives were.

As near as I can tell the Republicans have only publicly talked about spending cuts and the Democrats have only publicly talked about tax increases...
Well, Obama has talked about making big cuts and Boehner talked about removing tax loopholes before Cantor torpedoed him. Though it's fairly clear what each side's priorities are.
Gaborn said:
What PROPOSALS have the democrats made?

Here's the Democrats' proposal: Just raise the debt ceiling. Why did all this talk about spending cuts get caught up in this negotiation anyway? One has little to do with each other. Discuss cuts and revenue when you do the new budget.

The GOP helped just as much (if not more) to accrue the debt we currently have. You can't feign fiscal discipline by ripping up the credit card bill when it comes in the mail. That's not how that works.


RegularCitizen said:
You want to talk about lack of effort? You dismiss everyone who doesn't agree with you as a troll.
Not all, in fact we agree on a great deal. Because if the 2010 elections was a mandate, then the 2008 election surely was a much greater mandate, which makes the unprecedented obstructionism the GOP created truly reprehensible. And since we agree on that, we can probably agree that since the electorate brought us a divided government, that means both sides need to compromise and not just one, since the GOP controls just one half of Congress.


worldrunover said:
Here's the Democrats' proposal: Just raise the debt ceiling. Why did all this talk about spending cuts get caught up in this negotiation anyway? One has little to do with each other. Discuss cuts and revenue when you do the new budget.

The GOP helped just as much (if not more) to accrue the debt we currently have. You can't feign fiscal discipline by ripping up the credit card bill when it comes in the mail. That's not how that works.

That isn't a proposal, that's ignoring the problem.
Gaborn said:
That isn't a proposal, that's ignoring the problem.

Not raising the debt ceiling will at the very very least increase interest rates for government borrowing and make the government's fiscal problems worse.

Anyone against raising the debt ceiling is either an idiot or a partisan hack. I hate to say that in a reply to you Gaborn, but one side of this argument has lost all contact with reality.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Gaborn said:
What PROPOSALS have the democrats made?

I know you say you're not a republican, but holy shit, you definitely appear to get all your talking points from the RNC.


Oblivion said:
I know you say you're not a republican, but holy shit, you definitely appear to get all your talking points from the RNC.

I'm not a Republican. I don't think the Republicans are any more serious than the Dems. I think they're MARGINALLY better on fiscal matters when a Democrat is President but I have absolutely NO illusion about what the fuckers will do if and when they actually get power again and suddenly the spigot starts flowing again. I WILL say I find it unbelievable the congress has not passed a budget in 800 days.
RegularCitizen said:
I think we should at least try the Ryan plan.

Dude, you literally just keep coming in here and posting short posts with nothing substantive backing them up. And you wonder why people have labeled you a troll?

A budget plan is not a new brand of cheese; it has serious long-term ramifications, and you can't just "try" a massive overhaul of government. I'll freely admit to being less politically informed than many, but everything that I read about the Ryan plan seemed disastrous.


Gaborn said:
What PROPOSALS have the democrats made?
The Gang of Six - which was a gang of three Dems and two Reps since Coburn walked - put out a proposal.


Kent Conrad's budget committee put out a proposal.


Pelosi put forward a (revenue-free) proposal:


Obama put forward a $4b package:


And they were about $400b away from a deal with Boehner:

Gaborn said:
That isn't a proposal, that's ignoring the problem.
You must not be paying any attention, Gaborn.

RegularCitizen said:
I think we should at least try the Ryan plan.
Please explain why. We know that the Ryan plan involves large additional tax cuts for the wealthy, increases on the poor, and cost shifting to the elderly from Medicare. If you cut or reduce the Medicare cost shifting, his plan actually increases the deficit in the long term. And even without, his plan adds $6t over the next ten years, when Obama is talking about cutting it by $4t over the next 12.

So, please explain why you support the Ryan plan.
I don't know if this has been talked about, but Lawrence O'Donnell has an interesting theory on the debt negotiations he's been peddling for weeks.

Basically Obama for months has just wanted a clean debt ceiling without any cuts like it's usually done. Then the House GOP demands that there's cuts for any debt ceiling. Obama knows that no matter what they'll refuse to sign onto a bill with taxes, so Obama offers up a deal that puts all of the entitlements that the Democrats hold so dear on the table fully well knowing that as long as he doesn't budge on taxes, the GOP cannot sign onto it. This forces a short term deal that just raises the debt ceiling in order to save the markets. It makes the GOP look like douchebags, makes Obama look awesome, and Obama gets what he wanted from the beginning- a clean debt ceiling raise
By the way, I wonder what the tea party republicans think will happen if we don't get our debt under control. They can't be worried we'll be forced into austerity spending because that's their platform. And they can't be worried about damaging the government's credit rating because that's what they're advocating.


A very small part of me hopes we do default just to see the looks on all those tea-party reps who keep saying nothing will happen and watch as they take the blame for it ALL. I know what the ramifications are, though, so I don't really want to see that. Their stupidity just irks me.


GhaleonEB said:
The Gang of Six - which was a gang of three Dems and two Reps since Coburn walked - put out a proposal.


Have we actually seen the budget? Can We read it? What programs are cut in it? How much do each department see decreases in spending and how much do we see increases in spending by? As near as I can tell people agree we need deep cuts (and some think revenue is necessary) but I haven't heard them talking about actually cutting a program, I just hear dollar figures bandied about for total cuts. Show me.

1. Kent Conrad was part of the gang of 6.

2. Saying that the budget should include 50% revenue increases and 50% spending cuts is hardly a budget, it's a statement of principles. Show me a budget. Show me a specific program he wants cut.

Pelosi met with Reporters, and I would LOVE to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan as much as anyone but we both know that Obama would veto a budget that required that. It's not a serious plan. It's also not on paper.

see, this is the closest thing to what I'm asking for and this is the heart of it I think:

To achieve his new goals, the president is urging Congress to pass a “debt failsafe” that would trigger across-the-board spending cuts and tax changes if the debt-to-GDP ratio hasn’t stabilized by 2014, according to an administration fact sheet. The automatic cuts wouldn’t apply to entitlements, including Social Security, Medicare, and programs intended for low-income Americans.

Defense, Agriculture
Obama would target government spending, from the Pentagon to the Department of Agriculture. He proposes saving $400 billion in current and future defense spending and called for a “fundamental review” of U.S. military missions.

Treasuries and the dollar rose, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index halted its longest slump since November. Ten-year Treasury note yields slipped three basis points to 3.46 percent at 4:07 p.m. in New York. The Dollar Index, which gauges the currency against six major counterparts, climbed 0.2 percent and the S&P 500 rose 0.1 percent to 1,315.41 at 2:56 p.m. in New York.

For all the concern about the deficit in Washington, in the bond market yields in the U.S. are lower now than when the government was running a budget surplus a decade ago even though Treasury Department data show that the amount of marketable debt outstanding has risen to $9.13 trillion from $4.34 trillion in mid-2007. The yield on the benchmark 10-year note is below the average of 7 percent since 1980 and compared with the average of 5.48 percent in the 1998 through 2001 period, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader prices.

I think this is a worthy frame work - but WHERE are the cuts coming from? How much from each department? What programs specifically is Obama willing to completely eliminate? Can we name ONE single program?

And they were about $400b away from a deal with Boehner:


You must not be paying any attention, Gaborn.

Well yes, that's what the white house says. I would expect them to say nothing less because it's good politics.
Gaborn: where is there any budget that goes line-by-line and program-by-program in delineating these cuts? I've been trying to find one from either side that has this, and as far as I can tell, the only specific one is the Ryan plan and, well, you know how that one has fared.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Gaborn, the problem with what you're saying about the Dems not having a "plan" because there are no "specifics" is irrelevant because the Republican scumbags don't even want to hear about such things as long as tax revenues are on the table.


Gaborn said:
That isn't a proposal, that's ignoring the problem.
The problem is the debt ceiling and the possibility of default and a massive meltdown.

Another, more long-term problem is our unsustainable spending. But that is not the immediate problem. It's been superglued onto the immediate problem, but there's no real reason why it should be.


Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
Gaborn: where is there any budget that goes line-by-line and program-by-program in delineating these cuts? I've been trying to find one from either side that has this, and as far as I can tell, the only specific one is the Ryan plan and, well, you know how that one has fared.

Sure, but I also know how Obama's health care plan fared - Everyone, regardless of their politics hated it but it was the only proposal out there. Look, personally? I don't like the Ryan budget. It doesn't go far enough and it doesn't address raising the retirement age in Social Security which I think would be VITAL to a serious plan. As you say, the Ryan plan is the only one that's out there and being the only proposal out there is better than being too terrified to put it out there. The people have a right to know what their government is talking about doing to their budget, budgeting needs to be a transparent, open process, not one done behind closed doors.

However, to be clear I don't ask for a line by line budget. I want someone to give an example of a specific program they're willing to cut. Obama gave a great example of a tax loophole that he wants closed with the deduction for flying in private jets. Can he give a similar example of a program he thinks should be eliminated?
Gaborn said:
Sure, but I also know how Obama's health care plan fared - Everyone, regardless of their politics hated it but it was the only proposal out there. Look, personally? I don't like the Ryan budget. It doesn't go far enough and it doesn't address raising the retirement age in Social Security which I think would be VITAL to a serious plan. As you say, the Ryan plan is the only one that's out there and being the only proposal out there is better than being too terrified to put it out there. The people have a right to know what their government is talking about doing to their budget, budgeting needs to be a transparent, open process, not one done behind closed doors.

However, to be clear I don't ask for a line by line budget. I want someone to give an example of a specific program they're willing to cut. Obama gave a great example of a tax loophole that he wants closed with the deduction for flying in private jets. Can he give a similar example of a program he thinks should be eliminated?

You don't think the last MONTH of negotiations have included specific programs and spending cuts behind closed doors? Neither party is negotiating in front of cameras, so arguing democrats "don't have a plan" is irrelevant. Obama and Boehner were discussing Medicare and SS cuts, alongside other cuts.


RegularCitizen said:
I don't think I can say it better than Paul Ryan himself.


Then you don't actually have anything to say, do you? If you want discussion, it requires that you have a point of view, rather than parroting someone else's point of view. Otherwise, when you drop in with a one line post and then refuse to engage, the only assumption a reasonable person can make is that you're trolling. And, as a junior, that's a fairly dangerous activity. You certainly wouldn't be the first to founder on that set of rocks.

If you want to discuss, discuss. Otherwise, your time here will be short.


besada said:
Then you don't actually have anything to say, do you? If you want discussion, it requires that you have a point of view, rather than parroting someone else's point of view. Otherwise, when you drop in with a one line post and then refuse to engage, the only assumption a reasonable person can make is that you're trolling. And, as a junior, that's a fairly dangerous activity. You certainly wouldn't be the first to founder on that set of rocks.

If you want to discuss, discuss. Otherwise, your time here will be short.

If you don't believe in the Ryan plan you can't love


PhoenixDark said:
You don't think the last MONTH of negotiations have included specific programs and spending cuts behind closed doors? Neither party is negotiating in front of cameras, so arguing democrats "don't have a plan" is irrelevant. Obama and Boehner were discussing Medicare and SS cuts, alongside other cuts.

So I DIDN'T hear Obama publicly blasting Republicans over refusing to discuss EVEN that tax loophole? PD, you're better than that. Of COURSE they're negotiating in front of cameras, this is all a PR game in public and it's not like Obama just slipped that out. He got it out there because it would play well.
besada said:
Then you don't actually have anything to say, do you? If you want discussion, it requires that you have a point of view, rather than parroting someone else's point of view. Otherwise, when you drop in with a one line post and then refuse to engage, the only assumption a reasonable person can make is that you're trolling. And, as a junior, that's a fairly dangerous activity. You certainly wouldn't be the first to founder on that set of rocks.

If you want to discuss, discuss. Otherwise, your time here will be short.

Pretty much.
Gaborn said:
So I DIDN'T hear Obama publicly blasting Republicans over refusing to discuss EVEN that tax loophole? PD, you're better than that. Of COURSE they're negotiating in front of cameras, this is all a PR game in public and it's not like Obama just slipped that out. He got it out there because it would play well.

I mean negotiating in front of cameras with the specifics you demand. Even Obama's statement about loopholes isn't particularly specific: what loopholes are on the table, which ones aren't, etc. Most of what we know about the negotiations has come from behind-the-scenes accounts.

If there is no deal in the next couple days, Obama should simply walk away from the table and dare republicans to crash the economy. They won't
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