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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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empty vessel said:
I'll concede that I've never been great at predicting electoral politics, but I can't imagine that a Democrat won't retake Brown's seat. His election was a fluke.
The times they are a changing, EV.
I'm not surprised to hear that you're not good at predicting elections. You're so out of touch.
PhoenixDark said:
I agree, he beat a horrible candidate who literally refused to shake voter's hands. But since the election he has carried himself well enough and has a "bipartisan" record. I think he'll hold his seat, especially considering the economy will be poor.

Well, that, and it was a special election, wasn't it? That always helps Republicans tremendously. I would imagine that was the proximate cause of Brown's victory. (It's amazing how much electoral politics is determined by factors other than who the candidates are.)

Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
The times they are a changing, EV.
I'm not surprised to hear that you're not good at predicting elections. You're so out of touch.

I don't pay much attention to electoral politics, horse races, etc. I actually don't think electoral politics means very much.


eznark said:
I'll just bookmark this entire page.

I think Warren will win, although I have a hard time imagining her crying on TV. Her balls are considerably bigger then Brown's, who's basically a fancy lad.

By the way, most of the people here suck at predicting elections. If you don't believe me, roll back to the beginning of the 2008 primaries and see how many of the people currently holding themselves forward as experts were certain that Hillary would beat Obama. Then check out the number who posted regularly that Obama couldn't win.

They know who they are, and how bad they are at making predictions, but that doesn't slow them down at all from saying the same stupid shit over and over.


SomeDude said:
Washington can't govern 300,000,000 people.

we need to break this country up into more managable parts.

Your constant stupid is polluting my internet. Would you please secede off.


force push the doodoo rock
Cyan said:
But SomeDude, how would we accomplish such a thing?
Perhaps we could turn parts of the country into smaller pieces of semi self governing bodies of land. We could call them states!


Jonm1010 said:
Your certainly not a 5th grader but you attempt to try and suggest that both republicans and democrats have been equally unwilling to compromise is patently false.
Where in the hell have I said they have? I was merely pointing out that none of the leaders on ANY side is willing to compromise because their leadership is shit.


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
I always assumed you were talking about our northeast States. This is a trip.

So what? Don't you think the nerthwest, northeast and upper midwest are culturally more closer to canada? Do we really have that much in common with dixie?


SomeDude said:
What's wrong with breaking the country up? I'd like too see oregon, washington and british colombia become there own country.
British Columbia will never secede from the United States.

Pctx said:
Where in the hell have I said they have? I was merely pointing out that none of the leaders on ANY side is willing to compromise because their leadership is shit.
I'm a little confused here. Do you disagree with the assertion that Obama and the Dem leadership have already offered massive concessions to the Republicans?


SomeDude said:
What's wrong with breaking the country up? I'd like too see oregon, washington and british colombia become there own country.

So you're not just talking secession, you're talking secession followed by a war to take over Canadian territory. Do you ever listen to yourself, or do you just vomit up ideas without even considering the implications behind them? I know, from much experience, that your thinking on this is about a millimeter deep, which is strange for someone so obsessed. You'd think you'd at least consider some of the very simple implications of it before going to a public forum and engaging in a slow water torture discussion about the subject.


Trumpet909 said:

Boy, could a poll be anymore vague? Fox News doesn't like the media saying most of the country wants a balanced approach. What the hell does "a real solution" mean? :Lol


besada said:
So you're not just talking secession, you're talking secession followed by a war to take over Canadian territory. Do you ever listen to yourself, or do you just vomit up ideas without even considering the implications behind them? I know, from much experience, that your thinking on this is about a millimeter deep, which is strange for someone so obsessed. You'd think you'd at least consider some of the very simple implications of it before going to a public forum and engaging in a slow water torture discussion about the subject.

I noitce your from texas. You're govenor talked about secession and 35 percent of the population wants it in that state. why the hostility?


What I like best about SomeDude is the inherent racism of his suggestion. He's essentially saying, if only we jettisoned those states full of black people, everything would be okay. One presumes he'd like to live in the lily-white Northeastern states once everything is done.
SomeDude said:
I noitce your from texas. You're govenor talked about secession and 35 percent of the population wants it in that state. why the hostility?
Because Rick Perry is just shy of being as dumb as you? Perry has no interest in secession. His interest is in capturing the votes of imbeciles that think it's a reasonable plan. You fall into that category, along with a ton of racist bubbas.


besada said:
What I like best about SomeDude is the inherent racism of his suggestion. He's essentially saying, if only we jettisoned those states full of black people, everything would be okay. One presumes he'd like to live in the lily-white Northeastern states once everything is done.

Are you a man of color? I'm not racist.


SomeDude said:
Are you a man of color? I'm not racist.

And yet you continuously harp on an idea that would separate you from the states containing the majority of America's black population. I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

Of course, maybe you're just so bone ignorant that you don't know the demographics of the country you want to split up. I could certainly believe that in light of your post history.
SomeDude said:
I noitce your from texas. You're govenor talked about secession and 35 percent of the population wants it in that state. why the hostility?

There is no way it is possible that a non joke character could so perfectly mix-match you're and your...


besada said:
And yet you continuously harp on an idea that would separate you from the states containing the majority of America's black population. I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

Of course, maybe you're just so bone ignorant that you don't know the demographics of the country you want to split up. I could certainly believe that in light of your post history.



I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
maybe we should break washington up

did you ever think of that

did I just blow your mind


Evening Musuko said:
Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?

Midge, help me out here.
Fox is implying that a balanced approach is not a "real solution."

SomeDude said:
If the south doesn't like blacks, then maybe there ancestors sohuldnt have had and economic system that favored slavery.
Why did you edit this out?


SomeDude said:
If the south doesn't like blacks, then maybe there ancestors sohuldnt have had and economic system that favored slavery.

The south does like blacks, you idiot. And blacks like the south. That's why most of them live here, unlike the northeast, which sports such lily-white states as Vermont, whose black population is .5% or Rhode Island with a whopping 4.4%. In contrast to that S. Carolina is 28% black, Texas is 11% black, and Mississippi is 36% black.

Oh, Washington state? 3.1% Oregon? 1.6%

But you aren't racist. You just want to live in states with no black people. Completely different.
SomeDude said:
go ahead and paint me as fringe, but we could end up beating norway in quality life index maybe if we broke up into more managable parts

I don't need to "paint" you as fringe. You are on the fringe. The crazy, borderline racist fringe. You're about one step away from being Randy Weaver.

And sure, if you jettison all the poor people and people of color, I'm sure you could have a lovely place like Norway. But you aren't racist.
Cyan said:
Fox is implying that a balanced approach is not a "real solution."

These people live entirely in language. All of their beliefs are based on language, which they adopt from trusted authority figures (be it their father, preacher, or Fox News pundit) and then endorse and repeat. I would write a book about it, because I think it's important and I'm not sure that the idea has ever been developed, but I've unfortunately concluded I'm incapable of writing a book.

A poll like this is a perfect example though. The question and answers have no connection to the real, observable world. It's strictly confined to what word you like best. One could rephrase the question as: what words have trusted authority figures repeated to you the most?

And notice that it's Luntz, the mastermind of the conservative movement.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Its Luntz Global a Fox pawn? Or did they just cherry pick some poll?
Luntz Global is a powerhouse in the profession of message creation and image management.

We have counseled Presidents and Prime Ministers, Fortune 100 CEOs and Hollywood creative teams in harnessing the power of language and visuals to change hearts, change minds and change behaviors. We have become a hyper-attentive nation that is quick to judge. The words and visuals you use are more important than ever in determining whether you win or lose at the ballot box, the checkout line, and the court of public opinion. We know the words that work. Do you?

Our confidence comes from decades of research, polling, and consulting to the opinion elite worldwide, with proven results that withstand the test of time.

Remember: "It's not what you say. It's what people hear."
I'll let you draw your own conclusions. ;)
empty vessel said:
These people live entirely in language. All of their beliefs are based on language, which they adopt from trusted authority figures (be it their father, preacher, or Fox News pundit) and then endorse and repeat. I would write a book about it, because I think it's important and I'm not sure that the idea has ever been developed, but I've unfortunately concluded I'm incapable of writing a book.

A poll like this is a perfect example though. The question and answers have no connection to the real, observable world. It's strictly confined to what word you like best. One could rephrase the question as: what words have trusted authority figures repeated to you the most?

And notice that it's Luntz, the mastermind of the conservative movement.

I'm a pretty religious guy, but today I almost burst an aneurism when someone tried to quote the book of Proverbs to me as a retort in a debate about the deficit/debt.

Of course this was accompanied by putting the word 'science' in scare quotes. These economics ideas are really an article of faith, and rationale discourse about it just makes them angry that you're not a true believer.
Teh Hamburglar said:
Its Luntz Global a Fox pawn? Or did they just cherry pick some poll?

Its owned by Frank Luntz a.k.a the winner of Politifact Lie of the year 2010

Luntz was awarded the 2010 PolitiFact Lie of the Year award for his promotion of the phrase 'government takeover' to refer to healthcare reform, starting in the spring of 2009. "'Takeovers are like coups,' Luntz wrote in a 28-page memo. 'They both lead to dictators and a loss of freedom.'"[13]
In an editorial response, the Wall Street Journal wrote that "PolitiFact's decree is part of a larger journalistic trend that seeks to recast all political debates as matters of lies, misinformation and 'facts,' rather than differences of world view or principles." They also wrote that the health-care act "sounds like a government takeover to us."[14]


Junior Member
That approval rating for Obama is absolutely abysmal. He's only 10 points away from reaching W's territory at the end of his second term. :(


besada said:
By the way, most of the people here suck at predicting elections. If you don't believe me, roll back to the beginning of the 2008 primaries and see how many of the people currently holding themselves forward as experts were certain that Hillary would beat Obama. Then check out the number who posted regularly that Obama couldn't win.

They know who they are, and how bad they are at making predictions, but that doesn't slow them down at all from saying the same stupid shit over and over.



besada said:
I think Warren will win, although I have a hard time imagining her crying on TV. Her balls are considerably bigger then Brown's, who's basically a fancy lad.

They'll just get the same person who kicked Hillary in the nuts to kick Warren. Auto-tears.


eznark said:
They'll just get the same person who kicked Hillary in the nuts to kick Warren. Auto-tears.

See, my imagination runs more to Warren beating Brown down until he's on the floor whimpering, and then tearing his throat out with her teeth on national television. I have to admit, the idea sort of turns me on.
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