Yeah, I've heard of Lakoff and read some of his essays (would have been interesting to take a class from him), but I think it goes deeper than that. It's not just that language is used to frame things and gain an advantage (although it is). It's more that there is a type of person (whether conditioned or not) for whom language--in conjunction with the source from which it learned (trusted authority or not)--is the only thing that matters. Their beliefs are formed exclusively from ideas passed to them by trusted authority figures, and the empirical world is completely irrelevant, even when it is presented to them. This is why (top down) conservative politics requires demonization of the political enemy. That is what ensures that whatever is said by the political enemy (e.g., Obama, a "democrat," a "liberal") will be disregarded, even if what is said merely relates something about the empirical world, i.e., is a "fact," and is not even the expression of a subjective value or preference.
The modern conservative movement was built on the demonization of liberals. Anything that liberals say is wrong. This is also why Republicans are forced to reject any proposal coming from Obama, even if it's a right-wing proposal. It's almost supernatural the control that is being exercised over so many conservative American minds. It's the closest thing I think that we have ever seen to witchcraft or authentic mind control. It's natural, of course, but it's fucking mind-blowing.