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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Republicans are willing to do all that is necessary, Democrats aren't. The Democrats have rules, while Republicans make their own luck. Tomorrow night, the Dems would have had to break their one rule, and they couldn't do that. So we're getting the compromise bill we deserved, but not the one we needed right now.


PhoenixDark said:
Although there is no confirmation the House will accept these terms. The deal could easily be shitcanned by the freshmen. Then what? More capitulation?

If it gets canned by the house, there wont be time to do anything else before the deadline. Whats the point of capitulating then? Might as well hold strong since whatever bad about to happen from missing that deadline already has happened


Puddles said:
Republicans are willing to do all that is necessary, Democrats aren't. The Democrats have rules, while Republicans make their own luck. Tomorrow night, the Dems would have had to break their one rule, and they couldn't do that. So we're getting the compromise bill we deserved, but not the one we needed right now.

SomeDude banned (why?) and Puddles shows up again.


Cygnus X-1

PhoenixDark said:
Although there is no confirmation the House will accept these terms. The deal could easily be shitcanned by the freshmen. Then what? More capitulation?

Let me ask you a question since I'm not american and I don't understand fully what's going on: hasn't Obama ANY margin to act in this crappy situation? Is he completely helpless?


PhoenixDark said:
Although there is no confirmation the House will accept these terms. The deal could easily be shitcanned by the freshmen. Then what? More capitulation?

It sounds like the fringes of the parties will be against it, but that Pelosi and Boehner have enough bipartisan support to overcome that opposition.


LovingSteam said:
Finally the troll is banned.

SomeDude posted too much. Should've kept his schtick in small dosages.

PhoenixDark said:
A. There's no guarantee he can veto shit, because there's no guarantee he'll win re-election

He would still be president when the taxes expire, and if he isn't re-elected, why would he gift the GOP a new extension on his way out? Hell, Obama not winning makes Bush's tax cuts expire more likely, not less.


Cygnus X-1 said:
Let me ask you a question since I'm not american and I don't understand fully what's going on: hasn't Obama ANY margin to act in this crappy situation? Is he completely helpless?

He could veto the bill, but there's no way he could get a political victory out of that at this point. Republicans have him in a corner. If he vetoes a bill, no matter how much it sucks, they'll be able to blame him as the guy who forced a default. The American people aren't educated enough about the issues to be able to see through that. Obama has to mind his surroundings. Although I do think it's possible that in this debate, the Republicans have sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke.


Cygnus X-1 said:
Let me ask you a question since I'm not american and I don't understand fully what's going on: hasn't Obama ANY margin to act in this crappy situation? Is he completely helpless?

He could use the 14th amendment. But there are a lot of questions using it, and it won't save our credit rating.


Puddles said:
Republicans are willing to do all that is necessary, Democrats aren't. The Democrats have rules, while Republicans make their own luck. Tomorrow night, the Dems would have had to break their one rule, and they couldn't do that. So we're getting the compromise bill we deserved, but not the one we needed right now.

I'm reminded of Game of Thrones quote, "You win or you die". :/ Democrats are totally the Stark family in this case.


TacticalFox88 said:
Compromise? They call this a fucking compromise? I thought compromise meant, give a little, get a little. A sorta of 69 like negotiating. This is basically giving all, but not getting any in return
Republicans don't like to go down. Be nice.
Clinton > Obama. Clinton played chicken with the Republicans and destroyed them. "What's that, Mr. Gingrich? Oh, you're going to shut down the government, are you? Well, good luck with that, have a fun!"

Obama is the modern equivalent of Neville Chamberlain.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Averon said:
He could use the 14th amendment. But there are a lot of questions using it, and it won't save our credit rating.

Why would that harm our credit rating?


Oblivion said:
Why would that harm our credit rating?
The idea, as I heard it at least, is that if does, the supreme court can invalidate US's t-bills at every moment, thus increasing the risk.
It didn't made a lick of sense to me, but I may have misunderstood it.
Puddles said:
If the American people have been paying attention in the slightest, there should be a wave against Republican incumbents in the 2012 election that makes the 2010 wave look like a ripple.

They're the only ones who look capable of action. And they're more than willing to do whatever it takes to advance their agenda. Nobody is going to kick out the winners and replace them with losers.


Sanders' statement on the Reid Bill:
"The Republicans have been absolutely determined to make certain that the rich and large corporations not contribute one penny for deficit reduction, and that all of the sacrifice comes from the middle class and working families in terms of cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, LIHEAP, community health centers, education, Head Start, nutrition, MILC, affordable housing and many other vitally important programs.
"I cannot support legislation like the Reid proposal which balances the budget on the backs of struggling Americans while not requiring one penny of sacrifice from the wealthiest people in our country. That is not only grotesquely immoral, it is bad economic policy."
From: http://sanders.senate.gov/

I <3 Bernie.


Chichikov said:
The idea, as I heard it at least, is that if does, the supreme court can invalidate US's t-bills at every moment, thus increasing the risk.
It didn't made a lick of sense to me, but I may have misunderstood it.

Why the flipping crap would the Supreme Court do that, even if they had the power to do so?


Diablos said:
Damn, I always knew you posted in PoliGAF threads, Kevin James!

this is as funny now as it was in '08, when I first made this dumb joke.

Gonaria said:
Why the flipping crap would the Supreme Court do that, even if they had the power to do so?
I'm just repeating what I heard, as stated, it doesn't make sense to me.

I think the idea that if it's an unconstitutional move, they can somehow invalidate it or something.

Again, this makes ZERO sense, I can't imagine that the supreme court would even hear that case (and even if they do, the US is not going to take coupon payments back, that's just silly).
Just read a wall post on a old high school class mates Facebook that said something like "let America default" absolutely made me cringe. This fucking kid was an asshole then... He is involved with that young Americans for liberty movement. Either way to think the supposedly higher educated follow this bullshit and preach it thinking it is the answer.

It just made me hate shit even more.

I'm writing Sanders in in 2012...

Cygnus X-1

NullPointer said:

They're the only ones who look capable of action. And they're more than willing to do whatever it takes to advance their agenda. Nobody is going to kick out the winners and replace them with losers.

"The Republicans have been absolutely determined to make certain that the rich and large corporations not contribute one penny for deficit reduction, and that all of the sacrifice comes from the middle class and working families in terms of cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, LIHEAP, community health centers, education, Head Start, nutrition, MILC, affordable housing and many other vitally important programs."

Are you really happy with that?????


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
PhoenixDark said:
Republicans are attempting to lower the defense cuts in the trigger, which tells you everything you need to know about their intentions.
Motherfucking pieces of shit

Cygnus X-1

PhoenixDark said:
Republicans are attempting to lower the defense cuts in the trigger, which tells you everything you need to know about their intentions.

Sometimes I wonder what are you waiting for bringing lot of people in front of the House of Representatives and the Senate and keep protesting all the anger of the middle class.


PhoenixDark said:
Republicans are attempting to lower the defense cuts in the trigger, which tells you everything you need to know about their intentions.
They should make automatic tax hikes in equal amounts to cuts as part of the trigger.


From Kurgman's blog.
The press conference after the tax cuts deal, last December.

Q Mr. President, thank you. How do these negotiations affect negotiations or talks with Republicans about raising the debt limit? Because it would seem that they have a significant amount of leverage over the White House now, going in. Was there ever any attempt by the White House to include raising the debt limit as a part of this package?

THE PRESIDENT: When you say it would seem they’ll have a significant amount of leverage over the White House, what do you mean?

Q Just in the sense that they’ll say essentially we’re not going to raise the — we’re not going to agree to it unless the White House is able to or willing to agree to significant spending cuts across the board that probably go deeper and further than what you’re willing to do. I mean, what leverage would you have –

THE PRESIDENT: Look, here’s my expectation — and I’ll take John Boehner at his word — that nobody, Democrat or Republican, is willing to see the full faith and credit of the United States government collapse, that that would not be a good thing to happen. And so I think that there will be significant discussions about the debt limit vote. That’s something that nobody ever likes to vote on. But once John Boehner is sworn in as Speaker, then he’s going to have responsibilities to govern. You can’t just stand on the sidelines and be a bomb thrower.

And so my expectation is, is that we will have tough negotiations around the budget, but that ultimately we can arrive at a position that is keeping the government open, keeping Social Security checks going out, keeping veterans services being provided, but at the same time is prudent when it comes to taxpayer dollars.​

Anyone still want to make the case that he's a master of long game negotiation or something?
You got punked by a traffic cone.


So how's Fox News going to spin this? Ignore everything thats happened and the bill itself and continue to call Obama the most socialist president in our history?

If anything he's become the most conservative excepting liberal in history...


NullPointer said:

They're the only ones who look capable of action. And they're more than willing to do whatever it takes to advance their agenda. Nobody is going to kick out the winners and replace them with losers.

The Republicans were willing to use the full faith and credit of the United States as a hostage in their bargaining. That's a pretty drastic action that shouldn't be forgiven anytime soon, and anyone who's been paying attention should be able to see this pretty clearly.

Gotta hand it to the Tea Party though. They're men of their word.


I think y'all are just being a bit too pessimistic here.

Look, if he used the 14th Amendment all hell would break loose and it would be stuck in the courts forever. Obama impeachment would become reality in 2013 provided he wins re-election as the Republicans will control both the House and Senate. It should be the absolute last option if the Dems and GOP time and time again refused to pass something and the clock has already run out. He shouldn't even have to suggest that such an option exists, but the fact he did speaks to a larger problem and it has nothing to do with his Presidency.

Not to mention Obama and Boehner were able to come together and at least work something out, yet the teatards defied their own Speaker. That's out of Obama's hands. These people are literally insane and cannot be reasoned with.

We cannot allow the Government to shut down. This not the 90's and I grow tired of people wishing Clinton were dealing with this. The political and economic realities are unprecedented compared to what we had to put up with in the 90's. We can't afford this. The implications are completely different; it would severely downgrade our credit rating and possibly trigger another recession. That cannot happen, period.

When I say this is unprecedented, I really mean it; this is the most radical, corrupt, incompetent Congress the US has ever seen in modern times. It's enough to make any Democrat look like a weak leader given the amount of teatard uber-right wing nationali-- er, "conservatives" shitting up the House and trolling the Senate.


Chichikov said:
Anyone still want to make the case that he's a master of long game negotiation or something?
You got punked by a traffic cone.
People were making that claim in here? I mean I know it's been trumpeted in the past as a "he just has to compromise the first couple years of his term and hit them with his legislation later" methodology, but do people still think that's the case? I'd like nothing more than to think that he will push liberal values in his second term, but I'm just not willing to believe that's the case.


Cyrillus said:
People were making that claim in here? I mean I know it's been trumpeted in the past as a "he just has to compromise the first couple years of his term and hit them with his legislation later" methodology, but do people still think that's the case? I'd like nothing more than to think that he will push liberal values in his second term, but I'm just not willing to believe that's the case.
How's he going to push true liberal values in 2013 (if he gets re-elected) when the GOP will more than likely retain the House majority and without a doubt will win back the Senate?

Are you delusional? Maybe this "liberal base" that keeps giving up on Obama and coming back needs a healthy dose of something called reality; no Democratic President in quite some time has had to put up with so many fringe lunatics representing the opposition, from Kennedy to Clinton; they all had a much easier ride. Anything before that was in a fundamentally different world so it would be hard to compare, but it would be so long ago that it probably wouldn't be worth bringing up.
Cygnus X-1 said:
Are you really happy with that?????
I'm not even close to happy about this.

What I wrote was in response to an earlier post about Republican incumbents somehow getting screwed over as a result of them thoroughly trouncing their competition. That I don't understand.

Did the Republicans act fair? No. Did they get what they wanted? Yes. Call it hostage taking all you want - if this is the deal, Obama agreed to it.


Cyrillus said:
People were making that claim in here? I mean I know it's been trumpeted in the past as a "he just has to compromise the first couple years of his term and hit them with his legislation later" methodology, but do people still think that's the case? I'd like nothing more than to think that he will push liberal values in his second term, but I'm just not willing to believe that's the case.
Honestly, I'm not sure.
I just realized I'm continuing an argument I had in real life, not GAF.

Fuck it, shadowboxing is awesome.

faceless007 said:
Someone give me something to feel good about in this country. Please.
Those cuts are not really binding and I seriously doubt you'll get anything close to those figures once we get into the business of writing a budget.

But hey, let's destroy the economy over this!
GaimeGuy said:
all the tea baggers will eventually die.

In terms of social issues I think everyone is moving generally in a more liberal direction. Yet, for fiscal issues, there is not shortage of up and coming hard right wingers.


NullPointer said:
I'm not even close to happy about this.

What I wrote was in response to an earlier post about Republican incumbents somehow getting screwed over as a result of them thoroughly trouncing their competition. That I don't understand.

Did the Republicans act fair? No. Did they get what they wanted? Yes. Call it hostage taking all you want - if this is the deal, Obama agreed to it.

He had to put up with Tea Party extremists who actually believed that allowing a default was a conceivable and even a good option. At the very least, every single member of Congress who would have allowed us to default should be voted out in 2012. It's hard to negotiate in good faith when some men just want to watch the world burn.
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