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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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"presidential commission on religious liberty" aimed at protecting the rights of marriage foes to speak out.

what the fuck?
ToxicAdam said:
Hmm .. not sure I agree with that last part. I think Ralph Reed held more sway over influential people than any current Tea Party member can lay claim to. I think the fear of the tea party is greater than whatever fear the Christian Coalition instilled. That's just because anyone can claim a tea party candidacy in a primary and have a shot of overturning an incumbent's nomination. That's where the influence comes from.

The Tea Party really doesn't have an iconic person to lay claim to. Sure, Bachman and Palin wrap themselves in the flag but they don't part the Tea Party sea, so to speak. It's the group think that is concerning with this movement. It's the ideology that is so damaging. With their power they have been able to change the conversation in WA. They have been able to do what was thought of as impossible: hold as much if not more sway than Wall Street with the Republican party, at least during the debt ceiling debate.


I get so annoyed at reporters that try to blame one event on the stock market's outcome. It's a beast that is effected by thousands of different variables. If all those variables are pointing in a certain direction, guess what? That's the way the markets are going to go. To throw a dart at a dart board of bad news and say this is the reason is just intellectually lazy.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
eznark said:
"presidential commission on religious liberty" aimed at protecting the rights of marriage foes to speak out.

what the fuck?
I laughed.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Dram said:

Former Gov. Mitt Romney has joined Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Sen. Rick Santorum in signing a pledge to oppose same-sex marriage on a number of specific fronts.

They've also pledged to support offering a referendum on marriage in the District of Columbia, and to establish a "presidential commission on religious liberty" aimed at protecting the rights of marriage foes to speak out.

And I thought Mitt Romney was sane. *sigh*

And others told me that Romney would be the same as Obama. Again *sigh*


mckmas8808 said:
And I thought Mitt Romney was sane. *sigh*

And others told me that Romney would be the same as Obama. Again *sigh*

Look at that, he is a major disappointment to you. He's like Barry 2.0!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
eznark said:
Look at that, he is a major disappointment to you. He's like Barry 2.0!

Not as funny as your first post on this page.

50 post per page bitches!


eznark said:
Personally I'm shocked that anything Huntsman has ever done turned out "blistering."

Sorry democrats, looks like you'll have to find a new republican to fawn over.
It's almost a shame, because Huntsman could have had a serious career as a statesman, but he decided to indulge his ego and run for the top spot. Better men than he have wrecked their careers doing that.

It was too soon for him, and everyone seemed to know it except Huntsman and Invisible_Insane
besada said:
It's almost a shame, because Huntsman could have had a serious career as a statesman, but he decided to indulge his ego and run for the top spot. Better men than he have wrecked their careers doing that.

It was too soon for him, and everyone seemed to know it except Huntsman and Invisible_Insane
Aw, why you gotta be like that?

I've always understood that his chances were pretty low, but I didn't see it as entirely implausible that between some of the GOP base's distaste for Romney and the likely overperformance of a marginal candidate with high appeal to the base (Bachmann, thus driving Pawlenty out), Huntsman might have been able to sneak through. Given the accounts of the organizational difficulty he's having, it seems dramatically less likely that he'll be able to thread that needle, but I don't think the road to the nomination for him was impossible or laughable.
Huntsman really should have waited for 2016. Whoever is advising him convinced him Obama is very vulnerable for an incumbent, which is true but the political climate has changed so drastically that a nice, moderate candidate simply cannot make any traction.

In 2016 (assuming Obama won) Huntsman could have advocated a more moderate GOP platform while arguing the extremism of the tea party caused the party to lose in 2012.


Huntsman should have run in the 1800's, when his complete inability to engage the public and his dearth of charisma wouldn't have mattered.


Clevinger said:
He's pretty bland, but so are most the rest as well, including Romney.

Huge difference between being bland and being unable to give a decent speech. Romney is a pretty damn good speaker.
eznark said:
Huge difference between being bland and being unable to give a decent speech. Romney is a pretty damn good speaker.

Too bad he looks like he's about to malfunction whenever someone challenges him at a debate. He'll have years to work on that flaw though, as president


Dram said:

Former Gov. Mitt Romney has joined Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Sen. Rick Santorum in signing a pledge to oppose same-sex marriage on a number of specific fronts.

They've also pledged to support offering a referendum on marriage in the District of Columbia, and to establish a "presidential commission on religious liberty" aimed at protecting the rights of marriage foes to speak out.


Oh, don't mind that sound. That was just my head violently slamming down on my desk.

What bullshit.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
Too bad he looks like he's about to malfunction whenever someone challenges him at a debate. He'll have years to work on that flaw though, as president



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


My boss commented to my coworkers and I in a meeting that Obama raised the debt ceiling a record 3 times in his presidency - more than any other president in our history. The whole team nodded in agreement and murmured.

These are not uneducated people. Have high profile positions in society. FML
Xdrive05 said:
My boss commented to my coworkers and I in a meeting that Obama raised the debt ceiling a record 3 times in his presidency - more than any other president in our history. The whole team nodded in agreement and murmured.

These are not uneducated people. Have high profile positions in society. FML

No surprise, the people at my space only care about growing and expanding the company. They are so busy that paying attention never crossed their minds. They are in there own world until it affects the business.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
eznark said:

By the way, the entire 10 minute long video or so is pretty good. She gets told way more often than just by Damon.
Do you have a link to that?


Nork unification denier
reilo said:
Do you have a link to that?

Yes, I'd love to see the whole thing. EDIT: thanks!

eznark said:

Sorry, it just seem pretty evident that they didn't expect him to respond as eloquently and intelligently as he did about the subject (hence their cut-in of the Good Will scenes).


luxarific said:
Yes, I'd love to see the whole thing. EDIT: thanks!

Sorry, it just seem pretty evident that they didn't expect him to respond as eloquently and intelligently as he did about the subject (hence their cut-in of the Good Will scenes).

They were interviewing him in a press area though, that's my issue with "ambush." This wasn't some Michael Moore street accosting. (The good will hunting this was strange and moronic)


Suikoguy said:
Oh, and don't forget that 33% of the TWELVE MILLION that superpac has raised came from 4 people.

When it's all said and done Mittens is going to raise 300-500 millions dollars. I wouldn't get too bent out of shape.

He's going to need every penny of it:

President Barack Obama collected $86 million combined for his re-election campaign and the Democratic party during the past three months, giving him a large fundraising advantage over the Republican field seeking to challenge him in 2012.

I'm sure that money came from the common, blue-collar folk.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Ouch, did she really compare education to going to a grocery store? Another day, another false equivalency.

"I don't think education is exactly the same, I'm sorry. Education is a basic social right."



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ToxicAdam said:
When it's all said and done Mittens is going to raise 300-500 millions dollars. I wouldn't get too bent out of shape.

He's going to need every penny of it:

I'm sure that money came from the common, blue-collar folk.

Campaign finance reform
reilo said:
Ouch, did she really compare education to going to a grocery store? Another day, another false equivalency.

"I don't think education is exactly the same, I'm sorry. Education is a basic social right."


*says Gabron into the mirror three times*

He'll be here soon


ToxicAdam said:
When it's all said and done Mittens is going to raise 300-500 millions dollars. I wouldn't get too bent out of shape.

He's going to need every penny of it:

President Barack Obama collected $86 million combined for his re-election campaign and the Democratic party during the past three months, giving him a large fundraising advantage over the Republican field seeking to challenge him in 2012.

I'm sure that money came from the common, blue-collar folk.
The average donation was 88$ and it's capped at 30k a year (5k for direct donation to Obama, 30k for the DNC).


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
eznark said:
Ya, she is terrible.
Not sure why she constantly attempted riddled "gotcha" questions against what is obviously educated folk that know to think about what they're about to say and be assertive in what they are saying. I'm surprised she wasn't treated worse.


quadriplegicjon said:
I guess they thought everyone's responses were ridiculous and they were trying to call him a cry baby for his answers

I thought they would be nicer to him since he is a job creator and all.


Chichikov said:

I guess when you have movers and shakers that bundle these contributions, it just doesn't look as gross.

President Barack Obama's reelection campaign and the Democratic National Committee, raised $39 million from April to June of 2011, according to a report filed Friday.

The majority of that money came from 619 big dollar donors who maxed-out their contributions at $35,800, for a total of $22,124,400. Campaign committees can normally only accept donations of $2,500 from an individual for each election (primary and general).

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