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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I'm still trying to figure out what raising individual income tax on the rich has to do with job creation for the corporation they work for.

How does a CEOs salary and how much he's taxed affect how many employees they can hire? Is the theory that the company will then raise his salary to make up for the amount he lost in taxes?


Puddles said:
Suppose we really did increase taxes on the rich? Let's say we raised the top bracket to 39.6% and raised the capital gains tax for individuals making over $1 million on their capital gains to 20%. Do the conservative people in this thread believe we'd actually see any job losses? Why or why not?

If you look at opinion polls, most Republicans wouldn't be against this.

The problem is that you have some hard-nose politicians on the Hill that would extract some heavy concessions (that liberals would find impossible to stomach) to allow it to happen.
Souldriver said:
Wait wait wait...what's causing the stock crashes? My guess would be either the US or EU economic situations, but that's been an established fact for a while now?

Something new I don't know of, or is today some kind of (arbitrary) "breaking point" for the stock markets?

Demand is shit, inventory is shit, deflation is looming and the government desperately needs to spend massive amounts of stimulus into the economy yesterday.

The market can see the last bit has no chance in hell happening.

Welcome to the Great Recession Part II!


planar1280 said:
not really, this fall was not nearly about US market, it was mostly about Euro collapse
That's what the Europeans were saying when the US economy crashed on 2008. Remember 'decoupling'? We Americans were being punished for our irresponsible ways, but virtuous Europe would escape harm and possibly thrive.

Well, that happy dream didn't last long.


Evlar said:
That's what the Europeans were saying when the US economy crashed on 2008.

Europe must not have known how many trillions of dollars our Fed was pumping into their financial institutions to remain solvent.
reilo said:
Ferrari just had its most profitable quarter, too. In fact, they are doing so well that they are giving their owners free maintenance for 7 years. Maintenance on a Ferrari costs as much as buying a whole new car.
Of course. Have you seen the profits Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan and other banks are making? Shit's bananas.
eznark said:
shit....is there a jobs report tomorrow too?

yes. prepare for another dive

On Friday, August 5 at 0830EDT/1230GMT the US is expected to report a July non-farm payrolls (NFP) change of +85K (prior +18K), a private payrolls change of +113K (prior +57K) and a steady 9.2% unemployment rate, according to Bloomberg consensus surveys. The range of NFP estimates in the survey is +20K to +150K; for private payrolls the range is +70Kto +150K. After June's disappointing jobs number, markets are under no illusion of a strong job creation environment in the US. Interim data suggest to us job growth remains anemic, so we think the risk is for another below-consensus report on the order of +30-60K in the NFP data. The private payrolls forecast closely matches the ADP employment reading of +114K (prior +145K), but we caution that ADP has a poor record of predicting the government's monthly jobs survey. Instead we will look for markets to respond to July private payrolls relative to the June reading of +57K. A July reading above June's may be interpreted as better than expected, especially in the current risk-off atmosphere heading into Friday, potentially prompting a bounce in risk assets/sentiment and spurring USD weakness. A July print that's worse than June's is likely to see the risk sell-off extend further, in our view, which may see the USD strengthen against all but the JPY. Finally, we would note that the July ADP reading represented a decline from the June ADP (which was also revised lower down from the original +157K), suggesting a non-trivial risk of another extremely disappointing US jobs report.

or not
eznark said:
hm, well at least tomorrow will be eventful

Lines for the compound form 3 miles to the east, by the way. Any closer and you will be shot.
* Jobless claims dip 1,000 last week

* Four-week moving average lowest since mid-April

* Deep discounts boost sales at retailers in July (Adds details throughout, byline, updates markets)

By Lucia Mutikani

WASHINGTON, Aug 4 (Reuters) - The number of Americans claiming new unemployment benefits was steady last week and heavy discounting lifted sales at retailers in July, hopeful signs for the sputtering economy.

Initial claims for state jobless benefits nudged down 1,000 to 400,000, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected claims to rise to 405,000 and the dip last week indicated an easing in layoffs, which have weighed on employment in the past two months.
Could've been worse.


eznark said:
shit....is there a jobs report tomorrow too?

It's a very disappointing report. Not only do we see the jobless claims remain at or above 400,000 but last week's was revised away. That revision continues to extend the weakness for yet another week. So we see that the last time we were below was at the start of April. So this is four consecutive months of strong job destruction on top of weak job creation


Measley said:
I want to personally thank the GOP for purposely sabotaging the American recovery with their partisan bullshit.

UKer here, I have to say -- having been very young during the early 90s recession but remembering the pressures it put on my parents, I feel I've done okay in this one so far -- I've just bought my first new car, and its a brand new one. I'm getting it on PCP but I consider that a big luxury item. But the market wobbling today does have me concerned... I'm in public service in the UK, and I guess I just narrowly missed being axed this year. A double dip would almost certainly put my job in real jeopardy... the ECB has got to get their shit together if necessary in the Euro zone while the politicians are away. I think they've got a handle on it, but if the shit really hits the fan for the likes of Italy or Spain, I could just see it spreading further - and that would affect Britain and the rest of the world.

Likewise, if this forced lean towards austerity continues in the US and your recovery wobbles, it could plunge the world back into it too.. I think sooner or later, opposition politicians are going to have to realise that you can't cut money and jobs and not adjust taxes and loopholes to the reality of the situation. Unlike at the start of the 08 recession, the world is no longer moving in lockstep, we've got all of these countries doing quantative easing in their own self interest, and this sort of currency war going on behind the scenes...

it just feels so... in the balance.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
aronnov reborn said:
dammit. I can't go back an edit it.

you're probably right though.
You can always proclaim that you're grammatically conservative.
eznark said:
Considering it's the most relevant part of the article I think it was appropriate.
Economists were expecting 405,000 claims. DOL says 400,000. I won't call it "very disappointing" in that context, more like "ho hum".

Cygnus X-1

Diablos said:
Worst single-day drop since October of '08?

We're fucked.

That's nothing. It the next weeks, it is very likely that strong countries in EU will drop out from Euro. Germany will be the first one and at that point a new recession will start for real.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
radioheadrule83 said:
I've just bought my first new car, and its a brand new one. I'm getting it on PCP but I consider that a big luxury item.
Have fun driving that car for the first time high as hell!

I know what you mean.

Cygnus X-1

aronnov reborn said:
I guess since I'm conservative, your welcome?

Conservative was good till the crazy shitty crap of Tea Party representatives took over the entire GOP. Now who are you going to vote for?
Cygnus X-1 said:
That's nothing. It the next weeks, it is very likely that strong countries in EU will drop out from Euro. Germany will be the first one and at that point a new recession will start for real.
And in the next weeks a new American revolution will break out.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Pctx said:
Really? Really..... and Really??????????????

Obviously it's not that simple, but it's close enough to not warrant three reallys. They want Obama to fail and the current strategy is retaining their base and their main donors. So there's not much personally or politically to lose. They are hoping that by 2012 enough blame will have fallen at Obama's feet that they will forget GOp and Tea Party shenanigans (voters).
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