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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Getting close to freefall conditions here... Oil is down more than 5.5% today, the 10-year T-note is below 2.5% (what was S&P saying, again? because it sure as hell looks like investors are fleeing to US bonds).
Evlar said:
Getting close to freefall conditions here... Oil is down more than 5.5% today, the 10-year T-note is below 2.5% (what was S&P saying, again? because it sure as hell looks like investors are fleeing to US bonds).

Yeah. S&P lost $1 trillion since last week.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
fuck, I don't even wan't look at my 401k right now. Maybe we need more tax cuts to provide some certainty and spur hiring......:./


Doc Holliday said:
fuck, I don't even wan't look at my 401k right now. Maybe we need more tax cuts to provide some certainty and spur hiring......:./

Just make sure those tax cuts are only for the wealthy.


ToxicAdam said:
I guess when you have movers and shakers that bundle these contributions, it just doesn't look as gross.


well hey, i can vouch for one on that list. David Cohen runs our PAC at work (Comcast), and is always asking for donations, we just had a major fundraising drive.


Doc Holliday said:
fuck, I don't even wan't look at my 401k right now. Maybe we need more tax cuts to provide some certainty and spur hiring......:./

Nah, another round of QE to hide all the structural problems with our economy.


Xdrive05 said:
My boss commented to my coworkers and I in a meeting that Obama raised the debt ceiling a record 3 times in his presidency - more than any other president in our history. The whole team nodded in agreement and murmured.

These are not uneducated people. Have high profile positions in society. FML

And people say the internet has raised our collective IQ.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Jason's Ultimatum said:
It's funny how the market is looking at the government to spur the economy, yet the GOP are all about the free-market, and 'hands off'.

No, what they want government to do is to stop doing so much, what with all the taxes and regulations and such, and give them some breathing room for god's sake!


eznark said:
You're surprised a two week, temporary and unintentional tax "break" didn't result in hiring waves and price cuts?
They manage to respond to a fractional change in the price of oil in short order... when it goes up, at least.


ToxicAdam said:
I guess when you have movers and shakers that bundle these contributions, it just doesn't look as gross.
Don't get me wrong, bundling is a mess that need to be addressed (hopefully as part of a bigger campaign reform effort) but I don't think that too many people on this list actually gave their own money.
Maybe I'm just naive though.

Also, there's someone I know on that list!

ToxicAdam said:
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here.
Yes, Obama has rich donors, and yes, rich donors give more money.
But on a sample size of 500k and an average of 88$, having 619 entries at the top end of the (capped) bell curve seems like a pretty normal distribution to me.

But I obviously need the raw data to prove that.

And mind you, I'm not making the case that Obama is somehow a working class hero who is only supported by poor people, fuck that bullshit.
I just try to read the numbers as I see them.
Suikoguy said:
A new way to Launder Money Legally!


Oh, and don't forget that 33% of the TWELVE MILLION that superpac has raised came from 4 people.

This is what I mean when I talk about inequality reinforcing itself and distorting democracy. These people would be unable to afford to make seven-figure donations so willy-nilly if their income was substantially less than it is. Could you imagine having enough money to spare to give a political donation of over a million dollars? In a single year? It's mind-boggling. They should not have that money to begin with. That money should be taxed so that we can collectively decide how it should be spent, not funneled to politicians so the donor can decide how our collective money is spent.

Marginal tax rates on high income earners must go back to post-WWII levels: 80-90%.


"I am pleased to announce that we have been able to broker a bipartisan compromise between the House and the Senate to put 74,000 transportation and construction workers back to work," Reid noted in a Thursday statement. "This agreement does not resolve the important differences that still remain. But I believe we should keep Americans working while Congress settles its differences, and this agreement will do exactly that."


planar1280 said:

BOOM 512 points down!!!

well, for the people who actually have jobs, its getting cheaper to get to and from work.

This would be a perfect time for SomeDude to pop in


ToxicAdam said:
I guess when you have movers and shakers that bundle these contributions, it just doesn't look as gross.

Everyone has bundlers, what matters large/small split.
Time for fun with publicly available election information. (opensecrets.org in this case)

Barack Obama
44% Small Individual Contributions 21M
23% Large Individual Contributions 11M

Willard Romney
06% Small Individual Contributions 1M
94% Large Individual Contributions 17M

Ron Paul
50% Small Individual Contributions 2M
50% Large Individual Contributions 2M

Tim Pawlenty
10% Small Individual Contributions 460K
89% Large Individual Contributions 3M


gcubed said:
it could have been worse

true, if the Cardinals had won yesterday today would have been much worse.

All of these "Dow-pocalypse" push notifications on my ipad are not helping my mood though.
I think the markets were overinflated anyway, there was a huge discrepency between the Market performance of the last 4 months and the economic data of the last 4 months. All today did was adjust it.


Chichikov said:
Don't get me wrong, bundling is a mess that need to be addressed (hopefully as part of a bigger campaign reform effort)
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here.

And mind you, I'm not making the case that Obama is somehow a working class hero who is only supported by poor people, fuck that bullshit.
I just try to read the numbers as I see them.

I think we are probably on the same side of this issue (we desperately need reform), I was merely pushing back on the insinuation that Mitt was exceptional because many of his funds have come through PAC's and from a few wealthy donors at this very early stage.

So, when you used 'average contribution' as a metric to judge Obama's donations, it struck me as slightly disingenous and attempting to layer on the insinuation.
Well with that great debt limit deal, our legislators were able to make the government "get out of the way" and so the economy roared. Well done!


eznark said:
true, if the Cardinals had won yesterday today would have been much worse.

All of these "Dow-pocalypse" push notifications on my ipad are not helping my mood though.

its always worse when the cardinals win. Push notifications dont help anything, i refuse to get news pushed because its always bad.

planar1280 said:
I think the markets were overinflated anyway, there was a huge discrepency between the Market performance of the last 4 months and the economic data of the last 4 months. All today did was adjust it.

i dont disagree at all. Doesn't make it any better. It hasn't been overinflated for 4 months though. longer

speculawyer said:
Well with that great debt limit deal, our legislators were able to make the government "get out of the way" and so the economy roared. Well done!

this happened because there is even a remote possibility of defense cuts and tax raises


planar1280 said:
btw with oil being down 5.5 percent today, how low with gas cost go ?

Usually goes down slower than it comes up.


A co-worker was laughing at me for getting out of the market two months ago after we had that most recent bump back. I'm too nice to rub it in his face now. Especially since my investment was a pittance compared to his.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
planar1280 said:
btw with oil being down 5.5 percent today, how low with gas cost go ?

Oh it will take several days for prices to drop at the pump.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
planar1280 said:
I think the markets were overinflated anyway, there was a huge discrepency between the Market performance of the last 4 months and the economic data of the last 4 months. All today did was adjust it.

Not completely. The economic numbers have been far worse over the last say month, than they were 4+ months ago.

And alot of the sell off was due to the EuroZone fears. The stock market is international.
dave is ok said:
sell? are you insane? THIS is the time to buy everything, the bottom buy will get you the biggest buy. the only reason it is adjusting itself is Euro collapse and adjustment to economic numbers. it will come back up by the end of the year.


Suppose we really did increase taxes on the rich? Let's say we raised the top bracket to 39.6% and raised the capital gains tax for individuals making over $1 million on their capital gains to 20%. Do the conservative people in this thread believe we'd actually see any job losses? Why or why not?
Wait wait wait...what's causing the stock crashes? My guess would be either the US or EU economic situations, but that's been an established fact for a while now?

Something new I don't know of, or is today some kind of (arbitrary) "breaking point" for the stock markets?
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