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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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aronnov reborn said:
or maybe making some of the people (51% of Americans) who pay 0 in federal income tax.. pay some?
That was a GOP move. But they certainly are in a flip-flop mood these days where they have abandoned all their previous positions.


I don't understand what they are saying....i'm voting against this bill. I'd like to know the truth behind this, sounds like the bill had the cigarette tax and protection for unborn babies so Bachman sucked it up and voted for it, but palenty disagrees.


PhoenixDark said:
Bachman makes no fucking sense
She doesn't have to. Delusional people like Arronov are going to choose the Republican candidate. Sense doesn't come into the picture.

It's all about making them feel warm and tingly.


we spend so much! It's like wars aren't free....but if wars aren't free why did God create so many muslims I DON"T GET LIFE.
besada said:
She doesn't have to. Delusional people like Arronov are going to choose the Republican candidate. Sense doesn't come into the picture.

It's all about making them feel warm and tingly.

Hey woah woah.. if bachman actually made it through the primaries, I wouldn't vote for her.
While I think it's nice that Pawlenty is not letting Bachman get away with her bullshit, it looks worse in light of him not being willing to attack Romney to his face at the last debate.


When you're a republican and believe in not raising the debt ceiling, why agree to a 10 to 1 deal when you can have a 100 to 0 deal?


Won't stop picking the right nation
This debate is far too depressing to watch, but I am enjoying the Ezra Klein commentary for the sheer schadenfreude.


Love the 10 to 1 thing. This is why when you have control, you force shit down their throats because they ain't going to give an inch.


Junior Member
Hey DUMBASS the Federal Government forces everyone to pay into a retirement program you know SOCIAL SECURITY
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