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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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besada said:
Huntsman isn't very good at this, period. He jumped in over his head, and he's been getting beaten like a dog since. Even Santorum better understands what's actually needed to win than Hunstman, and he's been dead in the water since the day he started.

It's his first debate. He'll have time to do better. The Republicans need someone like Huntsman to walk them back from the edge. Even if you would never vote for a Republican ever, you should want Huntsman in there.


SolKane said:
Couldn't carrying a rapist's child to term be as traumatic (if not moreso) than an abortion?

If you believe abortion to be murder and the taking of an unborn life then it should be illegal in all instances. It's the logical conclusion of the belief.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Romney: if youse unemployed in this economy its yer own fault.

sillymonkey321 said:
Unemployment benefits? Obama will need them when he's a one term president!
Obama has more monies than you'll likely ever see. (hint: book royalties and future speaking gigs)


Everything is tsundere to me
quadriplegicjon said:
Jesus fuck. Force raped women to have the children. What horrible people.
As someone consistently pro-life (anti-capital punishment, anti-war, anti-abortion) I agree with him on a philosophical point, but a practical and social point, it's impossible to stand by him. But, perhaps unintentionally, he is right that we really need to support the community to come around a woman victimized by rape. That sort of a social situation WOULD likely reduce abortion even in situations of rape.
Haha at Santorum's shit eating grin when he gave that speech. He sounds like he's given it about 10000x times before and was just waiting for them to ask that question.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Synth_floyd said:
Haha at Santorum's shit eating grin when he gave that speech. He sounds like he's given it about 10000x times before and was just waiting for them to ask that question.

Interesting use of shit eating.. considering...


Kinitari said:
Wait, is the EPA bad?

No. But, if you actually try to build the infrastructure in the state to manufacturer things there is so much regulation that drives up the costs that you don't want to get it started. I could do without the buzz word but he makes a valid point.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
scorcho said:
you mean Cadillacs. more pointedly, you mean welfare mommas in Cadillacs. black welfare mommas.
I think only white people use iPads...I am pretty sure he meant white welfare queens in this case.
Ulairi said:
If you believe abortion is murder then you have to follow it to its logical conclusion like he did. It's intellectually honest. I don't like Santorum but at least he's consistant.
Well, that just dodges the real issue (Does a fertilized egg get full rights as a born person?). And as Dude Abides pointed out, the logical conclusion would require the death penalty for women that get abortions (since they are participating in the "murder") . . . would he really support that?


Ulairi said:
If you believe abortion to be murder and the taking of an unborn life then it should be illegal in all instances. It's the logical conclusion of the belief.

Well if you believe abortion constitutes murder then it would be illegal, yes, which while logical is also a tautology. I just don't think you can claim to care about the victim (which is the woman, not the unborn child) and say something like they should be forced to come to term to avoid the further trauma of abortion.


testicles on a cold fall morning
AlteredBeast said:
I think only white people use iPads...I am pretty sure he meant white welfare queens in this case.
pfft. who buys the black ipads then?

capital gains taxes to zero! jesus. why not just tell anyone earning over 250k that they don't need to pay taxes at all?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ulairi said:
If you believe abortion is murder then you have to follow it to its logical conclusion like he did. It's intellectually honest. I don't like Santorum but at least he's consistant.

For someone who says they aren't Republican, and didn't really follow the Wisconsin recall election (only voting based on who annoyed you the most)... you sure do sound like a Republican..


Ulairi said:
It's his first debate. He'll have time to do better. The Republicans need someone like Huntsman to walk them back from the edge. Even if you would never vote for a Republican ever, you should want Huntsman in there.
He won't have time. He's already bleeding money, and post-Iowa he won't be able to find donors to make it up. Tonight was his last chance, and he had to knock it out of the park with the base, and he hasn't done that.

What I want isn't really the issue. I'd love a less crazy Republican candidate, but that's not what we're going to get, because neither Democrats nor Independents pick the Republican candidate. And if they were going to pick a moderate candidate, it still wouldn't be Huntsman.


Junior Member
CAPITAL GAINS to 0?!?! This is not real life..

And another motherfucker saying we should have not raised the debt ceiling..
speculawyer said:
Well, that just dodges the real issue (Does a fertilized egg get full rights as a born person?). And as Dude Abides pointed out, the logical conclusion would require the death penalty for women that get abortions (since they are participating in the "murder") . . . would he really support that?

One of them said that there should be no penalties against the woman but there should be criminal/civil penalties against the doctor.

Huh so the doctor is forcing the woman to abort? Why does she get off scott free then?


quadriplegicjon said:
For someone who says they aren't Republican, and didn't really follow the Wisconsin recall election (only voting based on who annoyed you the most)... you sure do sound like a Republican..

I am not anti-abortion. I'm explaining to you Santorums beliefs and if you believe abortion is murder you follow the logical conclusion. This is not my belief. Do you understand nuance?


testicles on a cold fall morning
did i miss the foreign policy portion of this debate? did Santorum harangue about bombing Iran back to the stone ages?
scorcho said:
Look at how China's economy has blossomed without troublesome environmental regulations! Why can't we do the same?
Our future.

What does cutting spending have to do with the debt ceiling?

How can they outright refuse to raise the debt ceiling at all when the debt ceiling is about money we've already borrowed. So we're just going to cut spending while we default on our debts? Yeah that makes a lot of economic sense....


speculawyer said:
Well, that just dodges the real issue (Does a fertilized egg get full rights as a born person?). And as Dude Abides pointed out, the logical conclusion would require the death penalty for women that get abortions (since they are participating in the "murder") . . . would he really support that?

I think if you asked Santorum in a private room, that's what he would say. I don't believe abortion is murder.


scorcho said:
did i miss the foreign policy portion of this debate? did Santorum harangue about bombing Iran back to the stone ages?

I think Ron Paul's diatribe (and resounding applause that followed) made everyone crawl back in a shell and dial it back.

Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Does anyone disagree with Newt about auditing the Fed?

Bernie Sanders already did.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Does anyone disagree with Newt about auditing the Fed?
yes. our monetary policy shouldn't be tied to a hyper partisan Congress that knows jack shit about economics.


scorcho said:
did i miss the foreign policy portion of this debate? did Santorum harangue about bombing Iran back to the stone ages?
No. But were you aware that we removed Mosaddeq from power to instill freedom in Iran?


Corporate Apologist
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Does anyone disagree with Newt about auditing the Fed?
I like the sound of it, but I recall a few Economics Teachers having good reasons why it is secret. I just can't remember them :/


speculawyer said:
Our future.
At least we will have health care to help our asthma...oh

Well at least we have the safety of our trains...oh

At least the government will fix our trains...YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!


testicles on a cold fall morning
Jackson50 said:
No. But were you aware that we removed Mosaddeq from power to instill freedom in Iran?
and herpes to anyone that dares argue that it worked against American interests!
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