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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Ulairi said:
Does Bachmann have any substance or just shrillness?

she's a fighter, just like the founding fathers fought tirelessly until slavery ended, Bachmann fights tirelessly to not raise the debt ceiling.


Corporate Apologist
What was the name of that guy who just decided he didn't care about the question and talked about the Banner Bill, or what ever the bill was known as?


It would've been nice to hear some promises that STEM funding wouldn't be cut.

Edit: And anyone who thinks the EPA is a bad idea needs to spend a week in Beijing.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
So we have no right to know who/where the money went to?
in a tradeoff between an independent fed with little transparency and full transparency tied to Congressional/political pressure placed on our monetary policy, i vastly prefer the former.
scorcho said:
Look at how China's economy has blossomed without troublesome environmental regulations! Why can't we do the same?
speculawyer said:
Our future.
This was exactly the point I made last night at the Dan Burton town hall meeting.

Just wanted to say: he'll never win, and he's not the right person, but goddamn Newt Gingrich has been spitting fire all night. I missed the first half of the second hour, but earlier, I was like "oh snap! he's gone off the edge!"


testicles on a cold fall morning
Romney: if you're a professor in a university/college you do not have a real job in the real economy.


testicles on a cold fall morning
everytime i see Pawlenty i imagine a boy wearing his father's suit pretending to be a bit older and taller than he really is.


LovingSteam said:
Huff Post reporting sources say Elizabeth Warren going for Scott Browns Senate seat.
I'd go campaign for her if she wasn't all the way across the country. I guess a donation will have to do.


Is it just me, or does the moderator look like he does steroids? That muscular puffiness is a dead giveaway.

The next debate will be much more interesting. Perry absolutely isn't afraid to gut a fellow Republican on stage and hold his beating heart out to the audience.


Byakuya769 said:
Newt - Call your congressman and tell them to go back to Washington and repeal the legislation from two years ago. Oh, and jobs.
Additionally, tell them to repeal Sarbanes-Oxley. That is a hot-button issue.


Corporate Apologist
Missed most of the debate and mainly only caught the closing words. I dislike all of them.

Is there going to be any sort of Democrat Primary, or is Obama for sure getting on the ticket? He isn't as bad as a lot of the people from the Republican's are pushing, but I really don't think he would be best for a second term ether.

Maybe there will be a strong 3rd party this time. lol.


Synth_floyd said:
Frank Luntz is a hack
Water is wet:)

Drkirby said:
Is there going to be any sort of Democrat Primary, or is Obama for sure getting on the ticket? He isn't as bad as a lot of the people from the Republican's are pushing, but I really don't think he would be best for a second term ether.

Maybe there will be a strong 3rd party this time. lol.

No, and there won't be. America Elects is trying to gain traction, but they won't, because the system is designed to make it impossible for third-party candidates to get traction.


scorcho said:
Romney: if you're a professor in a university/college you do not have a real job in the real economy.

God yes, who needs teaching? We should just put everyone to work when they come out of the womb. That way we won't have any educated lazy bums!


testicles on a cold fall morning
Drkirby said:
Missed most of the debate and mainly only caught the closing words. I dislike all of them.

Is there going to be any sort of Democrat Primary, or is Obama for sure getting on the ticket? He isn't as bad as a lot of the people from the Republican's or pushing, but I really don't think he would be best for a second term ether.

Maybe there will be a strong 3rd party this time. lol.
the only wrinkle in Obama being the automatic Democratic candidate would be if Hillary decided to enter, and that isn't happening. i think the Clintons are still working on her debt from the last campaign.


Corporate Apologist
Maybe we will get lucky and Colbert will actually run this time, so we have a competent person on the Republican ticket.
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