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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Huntsman let his nerves get the best of him. He'll have another shot in Florida and he needs to knock it out of the park. I desperately want the Republican party to come back from the fringe and be a centre-right party. I don't think the party can do it but I am going to hope.


Ulairi said:
Huntsman let his nerves get the best of him. He'll have another shot in Florida and he needs to knock it out of the park. I desperately want the Republican party to come back from the fringe and be a centre-right party. I don't think the party can do it but I am going to hope.

I have that desperate hope as well. While I don't think I will ever vote for a center-right candidate, I could actually live with one being president
Gonaria said:
God yes, who needs teaching? We should just put everyone to work when they come out of the womb. That way we won't have any educated lazy bums!

They are not even concerned about having an actual nation, they just wanna be a group of nobles who have everything.
Romney went in the debate as the front runner and came out the front runner. The poor moderation and questions allowed him to escape untouched as two other main candidates - Bachman and Pawlenty - tore into each other. Pawlenty had a good performance overall but was brought down by Bachman's sheer insanity. Whereas someone like Palin stumbles through talking points, Bachman repeats them with cold efficiency regardless of reason, facts, or logic - and the audience loves it. Interestingly multiple candidates accused Bachman of making ridiculous statements.

But while Romney won by the conventional litmus test, Gingrich clearly had the best performance BY FAR.


Corporate Apologist
Ok, got lost mid debate, what can the Budget Super Committee actually do? Are they just for show, do they try and find ways to save and send it to the Executive Branch's Budget Committee. what?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Huntsman is done. in fact, he was never in.

Palin 4 lyfe.

Drkirby said:
Ok, got lost mid debate, what can the Budget Supper Committee actually do? Are they just for show, do they try and find ways to save and send it to the Executive Branch's Budget Committee. what?
everyone will be going over the text describing the automatic cuts very, very closely. there won't be any compromise from that committee unless a Democrat folds, which is a slight possibility.


Ulairi said:
Huntsman let his nerves get the best of him. He'll have another shot in Florida and he needs to knock it out of the park. I desperately want the Republican party to come back from the fringe and be a centre-right party. I don't think the party can do it but I am going to hope.

That boat sailed in 2000 when McCain lost. The party is controlled by an unholy alliance of politically-naive libertarians and single-issue evangelicals.
Hopefully some of the me too-conservative losers will drop out after the straw poll. Huntsman, Santorum, Gingrich, Cain, Pawlenty

Bachmann has the crazy
Ron Paul has the ideas
Romney has the money and wishy-washy mainstream appeal
...and I guess Rick PARRY [sic] has the momentum at the moment

Those four should be the remaining candidates.

Huntsman is a nobody
Cain is a token conservative. He hates muslims and he's black. I guess that's all that's interesting about him
Gingrich is broke and unpopular
Pawlenty is broke and...uh Paw-who?
Santorum is....santorum


scorcho said:
everyone will be going over the text describing the automatic cuts very, very closely. there won't be any compromise from that committee unless a Democrat folds, which is a slight possibility.



Huntsman needed to hurt Romney tonight if he wanted to survive New Hampshire. He didn't. NH is the only state in which he had a snowball's chance of winning (and he didn't really) and to do that he has to bloody Romney, who likely will win NH. I wouldn't be astonished if Hunstman didn't make the next debate. He's broke, already fired his campaign staff, is going to get blown out in Iowa, and has never polled higher than 5%.

I like Ron Paul best, and he's got a better chance than Huntsman, and he's not going to come close, either.


Synth_floyd said:
Hopefully some of the me too-conservative losers will drop out after the straw poll. Huntsman, Santorum, Gingrich, Cain, Pawlenty

Kinda funny that Bachmann, who would have absolutely no chance of winning any other district but the 6th, is considered a stronger presidential candidate than Minnesota's former Governor.


Synth_floyd said:
Hopefully some of the me too-conservative losers will drop out after the straw poll. Huntsman, Santorum, Gingrich, Cain, Pawlenty

Hutnsman isn't competing in Iowa. He's in NH, SC and Florida.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
Well, of course you could. You already are.

Obama is only in the center because he's a pragmatic leader that favors getting shit done instead of being an ideology warrior.

Synth_floyd said:
Hopefully some of the me too-conservative losers will drop out after the straw poll. Huntsman, Santorum, Gingrich, Cain, Pawlenty

I don't think any candidate of consequence has ever dropped out because of the rigged straw poll. It's all nonsense.

Andrew Sullivan said:
I think Bachmann is the current front-runner in Iowa and the debate tonight will cement her status. T-Paw was better; Romney came across as even shiftier than usual; Huntsman let his nerves get the better of him; Ron Paul's freshness has waned; Herman Cain was hopeless; Gingrich was very very angry; and Santorum is so exercized about Iran he even wandered into a defense of gays! Awesome


scorcho said:
Huntsman is done. in fact, he was never in.

Palin 4 lyfe.

everyone will be going over the text describing the automatic cuts very, very closely. there won't be any compromise from that committee unless a Democrat folds, which is a slight possibility.

Slight, huh? Haha
It would be nice to cut down about three or four of those candidates so we can get some clarity and expanded answers...

PS. I really enjoyed watching the Fox online wrap up with those Campaign Confidential guys. They seem like the dudes who would sit in a smoky room talking about politics while cancer destroys them. God bless em.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
doomed1 said:
As someone consistently pro-life (anti-capital punishment, anti-war, anti-abortion) I agree with him on a philosophical point, but a practical and social point, it's impossible to stand by him. But, perhaps unintentionally, he is right that we really need to support the community to come around a woman victimized by rape. That sort of a social situation WOULD likely reduce abortion even in situations of rape.

That is what most pro-choice people actually advocate.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
SolKane said:
Well if you believe abortion constitutes murder then it would be illegal, yes, which while logical is also a tautology. I just don't think you can claim to care about the victim (which is the woman, not the unborn child) and say something like they should be forced to come to term to avoid the further trauma of abortion.

The way he said it made it sound like raped women are forced into abortions as well. Completely laughable and disgusting.


Free Republic says Newt won. I still think he's doomed, but his performance will probably buy him some financial supporters and keep him alive for awhile longer.
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
You don't think corporations have the right to free speech? Nothing more anti-American than that.

Do you really believe that or are you just saying words? Why would an entity created by the government have a right to free speech? That is saying the government has rights against the people (or, phrased differently, has powers for which the consent of the governed is irrelevant), which is the opposite of popular sovereignty, i.e., it is counterrevolutionary and anti-American.

This is very important. You are expressing disagreement with the most fundamental ideal of the American revolution. Now, we are all free to do that, but do you really disagree with the idea that government derives its power exclusively from the people? Because, make no mistake, that is exactly what you're saying. And if you do, that makes you very dangerous to me, because it means you oppose democracy.
PhoenixDark said:
Romney went in the debate as the front runner and came out the front runner. The poor moderation and questions allowed him to escape untouched as two other main candidates - Bachman and Pawlenty - tore into each other. Pawlenty had a good performance overall but was brought down by Bachman's sheer insanity. Whereas someone like Palin stumbles through talking points, Bachman repeats them with cold efficiency regardless of reason, facts, or logic - and the audience loves it. Interestingly multiple candidates accused Bachman of making ridiculous statements.

But while Romney won by the conventional litmus test, Gingrich clearly had the best performance BY FAR.

- Agreed about Romney and Bachman. Though Bachman started off strong but appeared to fade at the end. It seems her debate prep only got her through the first 50 minutes.

- I disagree about Pawlenty. He attempted far too many folksy jokes and analogies, which just fell flat. He had an average performance at best.

- Cain didn't move the needle.

- Santoriam moved the needle for himself but he's such a non-entity that it doesn't make a difference.

- I agree Newt had the best performance but followed very closely by Ron Paul. The only person attacking Newt was the moderator so it was mostly smooth sailing. Whereas Ron Paul was attacked frequently by the other candidates as well and he still came out on top usually.

But yeah, Newt owns the debate podium. He looks relaxed up there. He has his talking points, but he uses them as an outline, not as a verbatim script. Also both Newt and Paul are capable of debating a variety of issues. Whereas the other candidates get BSOD errors when they have to answer/debate questions they didn't prep for.

EDIT: Oh, forgot about Huntsman. But I guess that pretty much sums up my assessment of his performance. Forgettable.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ulairi said:
I am not anti-abortion. I'm explaining to you Santorums beliefs and if you believe abortion is murder you follow the logical conclusion. This is not my belief. Do you understand nuance?

Of course I understand nuance, but his false concern over the trauma raped women have to go through while advocating forcing the birth of any child conceived through a rape is incredibly disgusting.... and you seem to be okay with it.

my comment also had to do with you following the republican debate. You made yourself out to be someone who doesn't really follow politics earlier.....


Reading the republican blogs and stuff about the debate just shows me that I could never vote for a Republican ticket. THey have just gone so far off the deep end that it's just silly now. Their idealogical purity tests are so out there that I want nothing to do with them. I hope President Obama slaps them around hard in 2012 and hopefully the Republicans get sane in 2013.


quadriplegicjon said:
Of course I understand nuance, but his false concern over the trauma raped women have to go through while advocating forcing the birth of any child conceived through a rape is incredibly disgusting.... and you seem to be okay with it.

my comment also had to do with you following the republican debate. You made yourself out to be someone who doesn't really follow politics earlier.....

Did you read what I said? I think his buzz word didn't help but there is a serious point to be made about how difficult is it to build things here. I'm a libertarian.


Ulairi said:
Reading the republican blogs and stuff about the debate just shows me that I could never vote for a Republican ticket. THey have just gone so far off the deep end that it's just silly now. Their idealogical purity tests are so out there that I want nothing to do with them. I hope President Obama slaps them around hard in 2012 and hopefully the Republicans get sane in 2013.

I think its going to be at least 10 years before there is a chance of Republicans actually becoming sane
Ulairi said:
Does Bachmann have any substance or just shrillness?
Hardcore evangelical Christianity is the only substance she has. But since she is largely trying to downplay that, she's got nothing else.

What were the two big accomplishments she publicized tonight . . . a failed attempt to have the USA not pay its bills and the Light Bulb Freedom Act. Ouch.


besada said:
The Republican primary. The whole kit and caboodle. He doesn't have to beat Obama, just become the candidate.

Oh, I don't think anyone would take that bet. I'll take the bet if the Republicans win he may be Secretary of State.
Ulairi said:
Reading the republican blogs and stuff about the debate just shows me that I could never vote for a Republican ticket. THey have just gone so far off the deep end that it's just silly now. Their idealogical purity tests are so out there that I want nothing to do with them. I hope President Obama slaps them around hard in 2012 and hopefully the Republicans get sane in 2013.

That's what people thought would happen after the Republicans got spanked in '08.

But instead we got the Tea Party six months later.


Corporate Apologist
The funniest thing to me is that I am a registered republican. I love trolling campaigners who call and ask me to vote for x and y and I simply answer yes or ok.

I flipped a coin when filling out the voter registration

Mike M

Nick N
Ulairi said:
Reading the republican blogs and stuff about the debate just shows me that I could never vote for a Republican ticket. THey have just gone so far off the deep end that it's just silly now. Their idealogical purity tests are so out there that I want nothing to do with them. I hope President Obama slaps them around hard in 2012 and hopefully the Republicans get sane in 2013.
They'd just double down again on the crazy and go with the "We just weren't conservative enough!" routine.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ulairi said:
Did you read what I said? I think his buzz word didn't help but there is a serious point to be made about how difficult is it to build things here. I'm a libertarian.

Your original comment had nothing about buzz words or using the wrong language. And now you have lost me, what point about building things? I don't remember him saying anything about building things in reference to forcing raped women to give birth.
Ulairi said:
Reading the republican blogs and stuff about the debate just shows me that I could never vote for a Republican ticket. THey have just gone so far off the deep end that it's just silly now. Their idealogical purity tests are so out there that I want nothing to do with them. I hope President Obama slaps them around hard in 2012 and hopefully the Republicans get sane in 2013.
Yeah, the 10 to 1 cuts to tax hikes question revealed it tonight. That is just sillyness and I would think counter-productive for a general election run. The people in general do want compromise. And they do want some taxes raised instead of only slashing SS, Medicare, etc. The polls are quite clear on this.


quadriplegicjon said:
Your original comment had nothing about buzz words or using the wrong language. And now you have lost me, what point about building things? I don't remember him saying anything about building things in reference to forcing raped women to give birth.

About the EPA comment. Try to keep up.


state-of-the-art said:
The Paul and Santorum debate was amusing. Fucking Rick Santorum concerned about Iran trampling the rights of woman and gays. Totally rich.
Yeah. It was amusing to see Santorum's confused reaction to Paul's comments. Remember, the Shah was an agent of freedom. Derp
besada said:
I'll offer a six month ban bet to anyone who wants it that Huntsman doesn't win the primary. Any takers? Anyone?
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