Ron Paul occasionally sounds like he is off his meds but I still like the guy. I like how he stuck it in Santorum's face about being a war propagandist.
Romney is lame and a flip flopper but he looks good and avoids getting into big fights so I guess he won.
Newt Gingrich won in terms of having the best answers and actually making it seem like he knows something and has done stuff.
Pawlenty is akward when he tries to be charismatic or charming, he is a bit of a dork. He held up a lot better against Bachmann then I thought he would.
Bachmann really doesn't have much accomplishments but she is a very sincere conservative where as some of these dudes are fakers. She was also very calm and composed so she was able to deflect Pawlenty's attacks. The base loves her.
Santorum kind of sucks. I see how he could have been good but goes nuts into polygamy and sterilizations, he doesn't even know where he is. Paul owned him and he seemed bitter.
Herman Cain has some charisma but people just aren't seeing him as presidential material, what to do? I guess just being a businessman isn't enough, not even for conservatives.
edit: I forget about Huntsmann, which I guess is really all I need to say.
Overall it was a fun debate when they attacked each other but this really is the C and D tier of the Republican Party, Romney is a plastic candidate but as long as he avoids the fire he wont melt.