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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Ulairi said:
Huntsman let his nerves get the best of him. He'll have another shot in Florida and he needs to knock it out of the park. I desperately want the Republican party to come back from the fringe and be a centre-right party.

If you want to vote for a center-right party, why not just vote Democratic?


ToxicAdam said:
Just to be clear, you think that Huntsman gets double digits in a primary?

No, I think he never gets double digits in a primary. I think he's dead in the water. How could you mistake that?

You said "Get Ballsy, bet that he won't get double-digits." So I'm getting ballsy, and offering you the bet you told me to offer.


besada said:
No, I think he never gets double digits in a primary. I think he's dead in the water. How could you mistake that?

You said "Get Ballsy, bet that he won't get double-digits." So I'm getting ballsy, and offering you the bet you told me to offer.

Offer the bet to the user who thinks Huntsman has a chance. Not the guy who said Herman Cain will dust him.


Won't stop picking the right nation
DEO3 said:
If you want to vote for a center-right party, why not just vote Democratic?
The country would be in a much better shape if the Republican party came to its intellectual senses. Unfortunately, the things that I would want from a "center-right party" - making social programs more efficient, picking the correct fights against nonsense regulations and taxes, attempting to find market solutions wherever they exist - are mostly things that are espoused by Obama. I should express happiness that many of my preferred ideas are embodied by the president, but it also means that the only counterweight to those policies are espoused by children who inhabit a bizarre sector of extremistan. It would be nice if the Republicans actually returned to many of their own sensible policy solutions that they once believed in, such as the individual mandate and cap and trade, and Democrats fought for more labor-oriented solutions.


ToxicAdam said:
Offer the bet to the user who thinks Huntsman has a chance. Not the guy who said Herman Cain will dust him.

I offered it to the guy who suggested it and got shirty about how ballsy I was being. You literally asked me to offer it, so I did.

Edit: Although if Ulairi wants to take me up on it, they're certainly welcome.


Ron Paul occasionally sounds like he is off his meds but I still like the guy. I like how he stuck it in Santorum's face about being a war propagandist.

Romney is lame and a flip flopper but he looks good and avoids getting into big fights so I guess he won.

Newt Gingrich won in terms of having the best answers and actually making it seem like he knows something and has done stuff.

Pawlenty is akward when he tries to be charismatic or charming, he is a bit of a dork. He held up a lot better against Bachmann then I thought he would.

Bachmann really doesn't have much accomplishments but she is a very sincere conservative where as some of these dudes are fakers. She was also very calm and composed so she was able to deflect Pawlenty's attacks. The base loves her.

Santorum kind of sucks. I see how he could have been good but goes nuts into polygamy and sterilizations, he doesn't even know where he is. Paul owned him and he seemed bitter.

Herman Cain has some charisma but people just aren't seeing him as presidential material, what to do? I guess just being a businessman isn't enough, not even for conservatives.

edit: I forget about Huntsmann, which I guess is really all I need to say.

Overall it was a fun debate when they attacked each other but this really is the C and D tier of the Republican Party, Romney is a plastic candidate but as long as he avoids the fire he wont melt.


I am Korean.
Gonaria said:
Kinda funny that Bachmann, who would have absolutely no chance of winning any other district but the 6th, is considered a stronger presidential candidate than Minnesota's former Governor.
Republicans love stupid candidates. They like to think that they'll install a GOP selected cabinet which will then run the nation while the president lurches about in a haze of stupid for 4-8 years.


Venomgxt said:
Ron Paul is the only candidate that would seriously whoop Obama's ass in a debate.

Freshmaker said:
Republicans love stupid candidates. They like to think that they'll install a GOP selected cabinet which will then run the nation while the president lurches about in a haze of stupid for 4-8 years.
That sounds very familiar.


TacticalFox88 said:

I think he's sort of right. Paul is more honest than most political candidates, and he has some (and I stress the word "some") great ideas. And he's pretty decent at debating. He could beat most politicians in a "debate" by my standards of being honest and passionate and articulate. It's just a shame about all the other insane bullshit he believes, though.


Door2Dawn said:
Ah the famous "oh i'm getting called out for stupid shit, so I just play the gafs loves obama card".

Stupid shit? It would really be a debate of common sense vs typical politics. But i guess some of you don't see that.


TacticalFox88 said:
No. GAF loved Obama before he was elected. Now he's simply the more sane option, less the entire country goes right to hell with a Republican president.
I didn't love him before he was elected, although I did think he was going to win. But when he's running against John McCain, who else is a rational person going to vote for? I didn't find him so odious that I felt compelled to throw away my vote on a Socialist candidate, unlike certain other Democratic nominees, but I figured at best he was Clinton 2.0.

Re: Paul vs. Obama.

It depends what you mean by "beat him in a debate." if it's a contest of who can more bluntly tell the truth, Obama doesn't stand a chance. If it's a contest of who comes out at the end not looking like a person no one wants to elect, Paul doesn't stand a chance. There's a reason Paul keeps failing spectacularly at running for President, and it's not because the media is mean to him. It's because his political ideology is way outside of the mainstream.
Venomgxt said:
Stupid shit? It would really be a debate of common sense vs typical politics. But i guess some of you don't see that.
Common sense? The fuck? Failed ideas that have no basis in reality are "common sense"
LOL, ok.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


testicles on a cold fall morning
Venomgxt said:
Stupid shit? It would really be a debate of common sense vs typical politics. But i guess some of you don't see that.
oh, trust me, Obama will have his teleprompter primed and ready to go in any debate versus Paul.

Suikoguy said:
Quite interesting this coming from the Official Obama Facebook account.


This is linked in the post: http://www.barackobama.com/GOPDebateWatch
as his facebook profile pic shows, they're already in campaign mode.

fake edit: team Obama have some snazy web developers and designers.
Venomgxt said:
Oh yeah, forgot GAF loves Obama :X
No one was really debating with Ron Paul in this "debate" and considering his poll numbers saw no benefit in truly engaging with him other than that hilariously disingenuous polygamy bit (at least from what I saw, I fell asleep a while after that). His whole libertarian belief system has holes you could drive a Mack Truck through and anyone who tries engaging in a real debate with him who has even a bit of sense can make him look pretty bad. Someone like Obama could really expose him for the fringe lunatic he is.

Ron Paul can make himself sound like he's a common sense guy on the surface when discussing certain specific subjects, it's not until you really put his entire philosophy under a bit more scrutiny that you realize he really is a wacko.


I really despise that Fox talking head for making me feel sympathy for Michelle Bachmann over that stupid 'submissive' question. What the fuck was that?

It has to be one of the worst debate questions I have ever heard.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
ToxicAdam said:
I really despise that Fox talking head for making me feel sympathy for Michelle Bachmann over that stupid 'submissive' question. What the fuck was that?

It has to be one of the worst debate questions I have ever heard.

Considering her intense religious background and rhetoric, I think the question is fair, however, I don't agree it should have been during that debate.


ToxicAdam said:
I really despise that Fox talking head for making me feel sympathy for Michelle Bachmann over that stupid 'submissive' question. What the fuck was that?

It has to be one of the worst debate questions I have ever heard.
Worse than the Dukakis rape question?
Venomgxt said:
Stupid shit? It would really be a debate of common sense vs typical politics. But i guess some of you don't see that.
"common sense" is such a load of crap that has been thrown around by uneducated mountainpeople who like to cling to it when going against smarmy educated elitist commie liberal scum. Please don't use those words. We don't need no stinkin multivariable economic calculus! we need common sense! Ron Paul's ideas are far removed from the spectrum of "sense". His stances on social issues (and creationism) in particular are zany.
ToxicAdam said:
I really despise that Fox talking head for making me feel sympathy for Michelle Bachmann over that stupid 'submissive' question. What the fuck was that?

It has to be one of the worst debate questions I have ever heard.
It was awesome for the "Deer In The Headlights" moment. I liked Brett Bair (sp) for just a moment there.
RustyNails said:
"common sense" is such a load of crap that has been thrown around by uneducated mountainpeople who like to cling to it when going against smarmy educated elitist commie liberal scum. Please don't use those words. We don't need no stinkin multivariable economic calculus! we need common sense! Ron Paul's ideas are far removed from the spectrum of "sense". His stances on social issues (and creationism) in particular are zany.
Yeah when Sarah Palin started throwing that phrase around like it was going out of style (it was "common sense conservative" that she kept saying actually) it really bothered me.


polyh3dron said:
No one was really debating with Ron Paul in this "debate" and considering his poll numbers saw no benefit in truly engaging with him other than that hilariously disingenuous polygamy bit (at least from what I saw, I fell asleep a while after that). His whole libertarian belief system has holes you could drive a Mack Truck through and anyone who tries engaging in a real debate with him who has even a bit of sense can make him look pretty bad. Someone like Obama could really expose him for the fringe lunatic he is.

I would love to see Obama try. I understand why people see Paul as a nut, he says things out of the ordinary, but i think many just don't understand.
The "submissive" question for Bachmann was stupid. It wasn't relevant to anything and now she can play the sexism card that people are attacking her because she's a woman. If you're going to question her on her dumb statements at least pick something decent.
ToxicAdam said:
I really despise that Fox talking head for making me feel sympathy for Michelle Bachmann over that stupid 'submissive' question. What the fuck was that?

It has to be one of the worst debate questions I have ever heard.
Take solace in the fact that her husband appears to be far from commanding. At least, it seems to me anyway. In fact, I'd bet that it's Michelle Bachmann who's the dominatrix in the relationship, and her husband plays the submissive partner...
now you have a mental image of Marcus Bachmann in a ball gag


testicles on a cold fall morning
Synth_floyd said:
The "submissive" question for Bachmann was stupid. It wasn't relevant to anything and now she can play the sexism card that people are attacking her because she's a woman. If you're going to question her on her dumb statements at least pick something decent.
i wouldn't put it past York to pose that question to Bachmann to further paint her as a sympathetic figure that's being bashed by the mainstream media (see: Newsweek cover photo). she handled the question deftly.


lacks enthusiasm.
Ulairi said:
Reading the republican blogs and stuff about the debate just shows me that I could never vote for a Republican ticket. THey have just gone so far off the deep end that it's just silly now. Their idealogical purity tests are so out there that I want nothing to do with them. I hope President Obama slaps them around hard in 2012 and hopefully the Republicans get sane in 2013.
As long as Obama is President they won't ever pick the sane option. They came to a fork in the road after losing in 2008 and chose to take the crazy path.


Suikoguy said:
Considering her intense religious background and rhetoric, I think the question is fair, however, I don't agree it should have been during that debate.

Seems silly, since almost every religious woman over the age of 50 had it written in their wedding vows to 'honor and obey' their husband.

besada said:
Worse than the Dukakis rape question?


I forgot about that one. I guess it's kind of pointless to get upset about idiotic questions. These candidates are prompted ahead of time, so it's not really a broadside to them.


PhoenixDark said:
Perry probably watched that debate and fell out his seat laughing. This will be a two man race on Saturday.

That's why the straw poll is meaningless. Once Perry (and maybe Palin) get in the race, everything changes. I know zero about Perry, I am curious to how he comes across in a major debate.
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