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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Mike M

Nick N
Mardak said:
If Ron Paul were to win the nomination, he will be in the media. People won't be so naive to think "Oh Obama is the only one running for president! There's nobody running for the Republican party because there's no media about the competitor!"

"Obama must be debating nobody! They only show video of when Obama talks!"

The media will have to cover Ron Paul whether they like it or not.
Your path to the White House is missing a crucial component...

You can't win the *nomination itself* without media coverage


Mike M said:
You can't win the *nomination itself* without media coverage
Question. Do you approve of the media picking and choosing who should be elected? Do you like picking from the candidates pre-approved by the media? And these candidates are pre-approved because they will benefit these media corporations?
GhaleonEB said:
Via twitter...there really is a bubble around DC. It's the only place in the country where people have a net positive view of the economy.

Holy shit, I didn't think it was possible to get empirical evidence of such a bubble, but there it is, Ann as the nose on plain's face. That's truly amazing.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Mardak said:
Question. Do you approve of the media picking and choosing who should be elected? Do you like picking from the candidates pre-approved by the media?

Who cares if we like it or not? It's just the facts in our current form. If you don't get the media coverage you just aren't gonna get the votes.
besada said:
I don't think constant reiteration of the topic is useful, but he's new to the field, and if you look at the backstory and his personality, it's hard to not at least wonder. I don't know whether he's gay or not, but after reading the stuff about anti-gay clinics and hearing him speak, I'll admit that it became a question in my mind. If true, I feel sorrier for him than anything else. If true, he's on a path to being outed, and beyond that, it's a terrible thing for anyone to have to deny who they are out of fear.

After I made my first comment about it, the first time I knew about him, I've tried to leave it alone, because I don't think it's an appropriate cudgel with which to attack Bachmann, particularly since there are so many better ones that come directly from her.

Out of curiousity, can you point to any videos online? On a related note, If you hadn't heard, he recently denied making those 'barbarian' comments.


Brettison said:
Who cares if we like it or not?
Because you have a choice to make. If you want the US population to be spoonfed positions and candidates in every single election now and going forwards so that they can keep getting people elected that benefit the corporate media, then you don't have to do anything.

However, if you want that to change, you can do something. You can vote for Ron Paul in the primaries to let the media know that you don't like their practices and that they cannot control the election.


Ron Paul's campaign is so well organized they've managed to infiltrate PoliGAF. No other Republican campaign can claim that.
Mardak said:
Because you have a choice to make. If you want the US population to be spoonfed positions and candidates in every single election now and going forwards so that they can keep getting people elected that benefit the corporate media, then you don't have to do anything.

However, if you want that to change, you can do something. You can vote for Ron Paul in the primaries to let the media know that you don't like their practices and that they cannot control the election.

Will Ron Paul endorse publicly funded media?
besada said:
After I made my first comment about it, the first time I knew about him, I've tried to leave it alone, because I don't think it's an appropriate cudgel with which to attack Bachmann, particularly since there are so many better ones that come directly from her.
I agree that she already provides many more opportunities, but Miss Marcus Bachmann presents an opportunity to shine an even brighter light on the evil hypocrisy of the "ex-gay" movement.

Mike M

Nick N
Mardak said:
Question. Do you approve of the media picking and choosing who should be elected? Do you like picking from the candidates pre-approved by the media? And these candidates are pre-approved because they will benefit these media corporations?
Of course not. But no matter how much we fervently wish otherwise, the reality of the situation remains. The field of competition you insist Paul can win does not actually exist in modern American politics, and it certainly won't change in any meaningful way any time soon.


Junior Member
Someone explain to me, how no one is calling out these people for advocating less regulation, like repel Dodd-Frank.. Have we fucking forgotten how we got to this point economically?! its only been 3 years FFS...

empty vessel said:
Holy shit, I didn't think it was possible to get empirical evidence of such a bubble, but there it is, Ann as the nose on plain's face. That's truly amazing.
I loled.

I think pessimism about the American economy is slightly inflated. I believe there's some research that indicates that some significant number of people are unaware that the United States' economy is currently three times the size of China's. I don't think that comes close to explaining away that 20+ point differential, but I wouldn't immediately damn all of Washington for being wholly out of touch.

Vestal said:
Someone explain to me, how no one is calling out these people for advocating less regulation, like repel Dodd-Frank.. Have we fucking forgotten how we got to this point economically?! its only been 3 years FFS...

It's more like we should be reinstating Glass-Steagall. There's a DOA idea if there ever was one.


Meus Renaissance said:
Out of curiousity, can you point to any videos online? On a related note, If you hadn't heard, he recently denied making those 'barbarian' comments.

He can deny it, but it's on audio tape.

That's where I first heard him. Like I said, I don't know if he's gay. I know my first impression, given his anti-gay counseling, and his voice, was that he was gay. That's not a good enough reason for me to harp on it, but I have a hard time rejecting that initial impression.
I hate to be "that guy" again, but I thought it was pretty clear Bachman was referencing to children not gays with his barbarian quote

Bachmann: Well, certainly, there's that curiosity. But again, we, like, you know, it is as if we have to understand: Barbarians need to be educated. They need to be disciplined. And just because someone feels it or thinks it, doesn’t mean that we're supposed to go down that road. That’s what's called the sinful nature. And we have a responsibility as parents and as authority figures not to encourage such thoughts and feelings from moving into the action steps.

That entire paragraph is about raising children and giving them a path to walk/right and wrong/etc. He's saying children are barbarians, and as such can't be trusted to make their own life decisions, and must not be allowed to walk down the path of sin (homosexuality).


PhoenixDark said:
I hate to be "that guy" again, but I thought it was pretty clear Bachman was referencing to children not gays with his barbarian quote

He was, while simultaneously conflating homosexual tendencies to barbarism. That hair's a little too fine to split, I think.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Mardak said:
Because you have a choice to make. If you want the US population to be spoonfed positions and candidates in every single election now and going forwards so that they can keep getting people elected that benefit the corporate media, then you don't have to do anything.

However, if you want that to change, you can do something. You can vote for Ron Paul in the primaries to let the media know that you don't like their practices and that they cannot control the election.

Isn't gonna change our current situation 1 iota right now. Most of us already do make what we personally consider me be informed decisions and tend to be more up on politics or else we wouldn't even be in this thread.

Doesn't change the fact that currently if you don't get media exposure you're basically done for in the long run.
PhoenixDark said:
I hate to be "that guy" again, but I thought it was pretty clear Bachman was referencing to children not gays with his barbarian quote

That entire paragraph is about raising children and giving them a path to walk/right and wrong/etc. He's saying children are barbarians, and as such can't be trusted to make their own life decisions, and must not be allowed to walk down the path of sin (homosexuality).
Really? It seemed clear that she was talking not just about kids but about gay kids.


Mardak is 60% "privatize essential services" nonsense, but the other 40% consists of some very good points. It is a shame that a Presidential candidate is all but disqualified from the nomination because the media won't cover him. Few in this thread really care, because it's Ron Paul, but what if it was a progressive in the same predicament?
GhaleonEB said:
Via twitter...there really is a bubble around DC. It's the only place in the country where people have a net positive view of the economy.


That's crazy. More proof that DC is insulated from this recession. Or most likely just proof that DC residents are idiots.
Puddles said:
Mardak is 60% "privatize essential services" nonsense, but the other 40% consists of some very good points. It is a shame that a Presidential candidate is all but disqualified from the nomination because the media won't cover him. Few in this thread really care, because it's Ron Paul, but what if it was a progressive in the same predicament?
...you're suggesting that progressive candidates don't get largely ignored by the MSM?

Stay thirsty, my friend.

Dude Abides

RustyNails said:
Reading the full context, it does seem like he was talking about children and not the gays in particular. It seems like the brunt of his frustration is against children "experimenting", which is why he probably used such a strong term to describe them.

We can quibble about what he really meant, but his claim that the recording was doctored is nonsense.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ToxicAdam said:
You guys are about as over-the-top with the Perry love as the media. Let's see how this guy handles the pressure of a national election before you start throwing him the keys to the car.

I still only pin him at a 30 percent chance.


I agree, except I have him at a 40% chance. Romney is the other 40%, with somebody else taking up the last 20%.


Invisible_Insane said:
...you're suggesting that progressive candidates don't get largely ignored by the MSM?

Stay thirsty, my friend.

I know they get ignored by the MSM. I'm saying it's a shame that any serious candidate would ever get ignored, and I wish there was some requirement that all candidates polling above a certain threshold get equal media attention.
So, what happened with Huntsman?? After only one debate and a straw poll, now he has no chance? I would hope not, because he's the only Republican I'm not slightly scared about beating Obama.


Puddles said:
Mardak is 60% "privatize essential services" nonsense, but the other 40% consists of some very good points. It is a shame that a Presidential candidate is all but disqualified from the nomination because the media won't cover him. Few in this thread really care, because it's Ron Paul, but what if it was a progressive in the same predicament?

It's not as if that doesn't happen. Bill Bradley got all but shut out by the media, because Gore was the anointed successor.

I think you'll have a difficult time finding anyone here who's going to make an impassioned defense of the media, and certainly I won't. It's shit, and Ron Paul shouldn't be excluded because he's inconvenient to the Republicans. Neither should Gary Johnson, but you haven't heard Mardak complain about that, so I have a hard time seeing his complaints about Paul as anything other than "They're not covering my candidate."

The media sucks. They want to cover two, maybe three people and create a narrative around the campaign that they can exploit through the end. One of the reasons Paul gets so little coverage is that he's a perennial candidate that's never come close to winning, so when they decide who to cover he doesn't make the list. Mardak sees that as a conspiracy to silence him, while I suspect the rest of us see it as the media taking their usual easy way out by ignoring a repeated failure.

Thad McCotter has barely been mentioned, and yet he's running, too. Gary Johnson wasn't allowed at the debates, and there are a half dozen guys most people don't even know are running, because no one thinks they're going anywhere.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
My brother sent me this pic, so I made it into this:


Not exactly sure what is going on in the original pic...
Every man I've seen who has founded one of these "Pray The Gay Away" establishments has always been "ex-gay" themselves which was the reason for starting the thing up anyways. I don't know why a regular straight man would start up something like this, it seems like a thing you need first hand experience with.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Suikoguy said:
My brother sent me this pic, so I made it into this:


Not exactly sure what is going on in the original pic...

Sorry, dumb question but what exactly is the font style for that text?
Oblivion said:
Sorry, dumb question but what exactly is the font style for that text?
There's some site online where you upload a screenshot and it will tell you. That guy made it from a site called ROFL Bot so I doubt he knows.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
polyh3dron said:
There's some site online where you upload a screenshot and it will tell you. That guy made it from a site called ROFL Bot so I doubt he knows.

Yeah, sorry.
You can to whatthefont.com


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ivedoneyourmom said:
While it is true everyone is basing their thoughts of him being gay on stereotypes, I don't see what is all so wrong with calling him gay, unless you consider being homosexual bad. I don't think Mercury Fred is using it as a slur. Maybe he is gay, and if enough people show him support and encourage him to come out he might embrace that part of himself and stop trying to 'convert' other homosexuals to heterosexuality.

I have respect for gay people myself, but I would never want to be called a gay myself. It's not me and it's not who I am. So if Mr. Bachmann isn't gay then I can see calling him that being bad.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
polyh3dron said:
There's some site online where you upload a screenshot and it will tell you. That guy made it from a site called ROFL Bot so I doubt he knows.

Suikoguy said:
Yeah, sorry.
You can to whatthefont.com

Ah, cool thanks.


besada said:
It's not as if that doesn't happen. Bill Bradley got all but shut out by the media, because Gore was the anointed successor.

I think you'll have a difficult time finding anyone here who's going to make an impassioned defense of the media, and certainly I won't. It's shit, and Ron Paul shouldn't be excluded because he's inconvenient to the Republicans. Neither should Gary Johnson, but you haven't heard Mardak complain about that, so I have a hard time seeing his complaints about Paul as anything other than "They're not covering my candidate."

The media sucks. They want to cover two, maybe three people and create a narrative around the campaign that they can exploit through the end. One of the reasons Paul gets so little coverage is that he's a perennial candidate that's never come close to winning, so when they decide who to cover he doesn't make the list. Mardak sees that as a conspiracy to silence him, while I suspect the rest of us see it as the media taking their usual easy way out by ignoring a repeated failure.

Thad McCotter has barely been mentioned, and yet he's running, too. Gary Johnson wasn't allowed at the debates, and there are a half dozen guys most people don't even know are running, because no one thinks they're going anywhere.
Precisely. I am not going to defend the media. I have noted my displeasure numerous times. Notwithstanding, they ignore Paul because he has terrible prospects. He will never win the Republican nomination. I am dissatisfied with the lack of coverage. But I understand it. Incidentally, a robust public media would improve coverage.


Suikoguy said:
My brother sent me this pic, so I made it into this:


Not exactly sure what is going on in the original pic...
Original text is vastly superior to the lolcat version -
Marcus Bachmann is the only political husband capable of full-mouth kissing a woman who is not his wife, and NOT getting accused of being a womanizer.​


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wow, the media's been really hammering the 'Texas Miracle" thing lately. I'm somewhat impressed.
Anyone who understands taxes better than I do, um, why do Federal Employees "pay" income taxes? Don't taxes pay their salaries already? Wouldn't it be better to calculate a percentage of what their income would be under their tax rate and just pay them that, tax free? Or am I missing something completely?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
TacticalFox88 said:
Anyone who understands taxes better than I do, um, why do Federal Employees "pay" income taxes? Don't taxes pay their salaries already? Wouldn't it be better to calculate a percentage of what their income would be under their tax rate and just pay them that, tax free? Or am I missing something completely?

Makes it hard to compare to non-federal jobs I guess.


Mardak said:
Question. Do you approve of the media picking and choosing who should be elected? Do you like picking from the candidates pre-approved by the media? And these candidates are pre-approved because they will benefit these media corporations?

The media is one of the least regulated markets in the US. Why not let the market (who spends the most money on favors and advertising) decide the election? It's what your ideology calls for, isn't it? If Paul can't win, it's because he was too week, and his ideology was too broken, too flawed.

You don't want big old socialist gubment to step in and make sure the media is equally and accurately representing all of the potential candidates do you?
TacticalFox88 said:
Anyone who understands taxes better than I do, um, why do Federal Employees "pay" income taxes? Don't taxes pay their salaries already? Wouldn't it be better to calculate a percentage of what their income would be under their tax rate and just pay them that, tax free? Or am I missing something completely?

Sounds like a lot of extra work figuring out everyones tax rate/keeping track of their finances.


TacticalFox88 said:
Anyone who understands taxes better than I do, um, why do Federal Employees "pay" income taxes? Don't taxes pay their salaries already? Wouldn't it be better to calculate a percentage of what their income would be under their tax rate and just pay them that, tax free? Or am I missing something completely?

Because it would be nearly impossible to track the various deductions that everyone takes. You'd have to know their marriage status, number of kids, home situation, etc., many of which would breach employment hiring laws.


TacticalFox88 said:
Anyone who understands taxes better than I do, um, why do Federal Employees "pay" income taxes? Don't taxes pay their salaries already? Wouldn't it be better to calculate a percentage of what their income would be under their tax rate and just pay them that, tax free? Or am I missing something completely?

A lot of people have more than one income source (2nd job, interest from savings, capital gains).
Deductions and credits are complicated, and there's no way they could anticipate it if you itemized.
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