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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Unconfirmed Member
ToxicAdam said:
People are still peddeling the 'vast right-wing conspiracy' to tank the economy? Funny, that's the same thing the loons like Limbaugh and Beck were accusing Obama of doing in 2009.

I don't think they are trying to tank the economy. The "oppose anything Obama says" strategy, and the ludicrous belief that taxes are still too high may have that combined effect however.

In short, they don't "want" a bad economy, but their short term priority is a one term Obama.

Thats not to say Obama's above the fray and caver in chief routine is any mire succesful. I just wouldn't ascribe that directly to a desire to tank the economy.


gcubed said:
eh, dont like the accuracy of the shirt. It should just be a straight line.

edit, i dont know why i posted the above

The unlabeled graph is incorrect! FURY!

I wanted to find a picture of Obama with Recovery Summer signage but unlike Bush's "Mission Accomplished" idiocy, Obama was smart enough to not put it on a banner.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
JohnnyPhatsaqs said:
Be realistic about the UHC. The plan as it is is STUPID and immature. His all or nothing approach is ignorant. I agree there needs to be a reform, but this bill is trash.

It is amazing. It's wonderful, everyone should love it right? It's good for EVERYONE. Well, unless you're in Congress, or the Senate, or the unions or in a state that played ball.

Sickening. Change my ass. Just more favors for people that do what the people in charge like. You've got to see that.

I hope it gets repealed, or at least struck down by the SC.

Again, yes we need reform, but NOT like this.

Well I liked it. :|

Social Security didn't look like it does today when it was first created either.


eznark said:
The unlabeled graph is incorrect! FURY!

I wanted to find a picture of Obama with Recovery Summer signage but unlike Bush's "Mission Accomplished" idiocy, Obama was smart enough to not put it on a banner.

which is exactly why i added the edit, but i wanted to leave the original there so you could properly mock me as i felt i deserved it


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Averon said:

Palin to Rip "Crony Capitalism" in Iowa Speech

Perry vs. Palin. Fight!
Plinko said:
Palin could end up being Romney's best "ally" in this fight by taking shots at Perry. I still think when the luster comes off Perry it's all downhill for him. He's WAY too close to George W. Bush for the public to elect him.

Palin is so anti-establishment that she is going rogue by becoming anti-anti-establishment by becoming establishment.


JohnnyPhatsaqs said:
I'm not a fan of anyone the GOP is offering. But I also think it's silly to think that Obama is a lock for a second term. The infatuation he was enjoying in 08 is over. People have seen he is bringing no change, and it's politics as usual. I also highly doubt he will see the huge influx of young voters he had last time as well. Lot of folks are going to be apathetic this time.

Again, who knows. But thinking he's a lock for a second term is basically foolish at this point.

Until the GOP can give us a candidate that isn't batshit insane and can appeal to middle America and independents instead of only the extreme fringe right, Obama is the best choice right now for 2012.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Employment growth ground to a halt in August as sagging consumer confidence discouraged already skittish U.S. businesses from hiring, keeping pressure on the Federal Reserve to provide more monetary stimulus to aid the economy.

Nonfarm payrolls were unchanged, the Labor Department said on Friday, the weakest reading since September. Nonfarm employment for June and July was revised to show 58,000 fewer jobs.

Despite the lack of employment growth, the jobless rate held steady at 9.1 percent. The unemployment rate is derived from a separate survey of households, which showed an increase in employment and a tick up in the labor force participation rate.

While the report underscored the frail state of the economy, the hiring slowdown probably will not be seen as a recession signal as layoffs are not rising that much.

A strike by about 45,000 Verizon Communications workers helped push employment in the information services down by 48,000.

"August was a pretty rough month for the economy," said Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody's Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania. "We saw financial markets tighten. I think businesses sort of responded by putting hiring on the back burner," he said before the release of the report.

0 jobs created


Oh, man. I hope the eventual GOP nominee hires Pima County GOP officials to run his campaign.

GOP's Gun Raffle In Giffords' District Sparks Hot Debate

by Mark Memmott

The Pima County (Arizona) Republican Party's decision to raffle off a Glock 23 .40-caliber handgun has generated some sharp criticism because not only is Pima County part of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' district, but also because the gun used in January to kill six people and wound 13 others, including Giffords, was a Glock.

From The NY Times:

Representative Eric Cantor, the majority leader, said this week that the House would review the ozone rule, along with a number of other environmental rules that he characterized as “job-killers.” The ozone rule, he said in a memo to Republican members, was one of the most onerous of the Obama administration’s proposed rules.

“This effective ban or restriction on construction and industrial growth for much of America is possibly the most harmful of all the currently anticipated Obama administration regulations,” Mr. Cantor wrote. He said that the impact would be felt across the economy and cost as much as $1 trillion and millions of jobs over the next decade.

Eric Cantor, you vile piece of shit.
Sirpopopop said:
From The NY Times:

Eric Cantor, you vile piece of shit.

Honestly, perhaps its just my current pessimism and distaste for him but I'm beginning to feel that Cantor isn't that much worse than Obama. Obama is a pussy. He doesn't have the spine to call a spade a spade. While Cantor may be pushing us off the cliff Obama is letting him do it and watching. The current administration is a cowardly administration led by a cowardly President.
gcubed said:
So actually 45000 were added. It'll show on next months report but the strike that is over was counted as a -45000 jobs. Its sill a laughable number, but hey at least its not negative... until next month when it gets revised down

On the other side of the coin, 23,000 state employees returned to work after the shutdown in Minnesota ended.
Bloomberg said:
Standard & Poor’s is giving a higher rating to securities backed by subprime home loans, the same type of investments that led to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, than it assigns the U.S. government.

S&P is poised to provide AAA grades to 59 percent of Springleaf Mortgage Loan Trust 2011-1, a set of bonds tied to $497 million lent to homeowners with below-average credit scores and almost no equity in their properties. New York-based S&P stripped the U.S. of its top rank on Aug. 5, saying Washington politics were making the country less creditworthy.


For context:

A Comparative Study of Inequality and Corruption (PDF)
Inequality and Corruption (PDF)
Does Corruption Affect Income Inequality and Poverty? (PDF)
Corruption, Inequality, and Trust (PDF)
Dialing back on environmental stuff now, after all the other horrid shit done these past few months, is just extra terrible----salt/lemon cocktail for the gash.

What's next, a Suprise Plank of Obama's upcoming jobs/economic platform a spirited feel-good endorsement for fracking to be expanded?

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
U.S. businesses aren't just going to start rehiring Americans by the fistful out of feel-good patriotism and a desire to see the country that largely enables and safeguards their success recover from hard times. They don't have to hire us, they have the American workforce right where they want it - desperate and willing to do the work of three to remain employed.


Obama said:
Work is already underway to update a 2006 review of the science that will result in the reconsideration of the ozone standard in 2013,” Obama said. “Ultimately, I did not support asking state and local governments to begin implementing a new standard that will soon be reconsidered.”

Seems reasonable to me.
onadesertedisland said:
So... Is it time to cry, or simply give up?

I gave up on U.S. politics many months ago, though I may have to get back into reading up on international affairs again since I'm hoping for civilian job opening with the Air Force dealing with IA.


onadesertedisland said:
So... Is it time to cry, or simply give up?

Neither. If you come to the conclusion that national politics are hopeless (YUP!), you always have the option of re-directing your efforts on a more local scale. You'd get to meet your neighbors, you can see the results of your work more directly, party politics are less prominent, the playing field against corporate/industrial interests is often much more level, etc.

If the whole country ends-up going down the shitter someday, it won't be the same everywhere across the country. Some places will handle things better than others. The decisions that are made in each locality are going to be critical in affecting how each location fares when different situations confront us.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
onadesertedisland said:
So... Is it time to cry, or simply give up?
In another time the eventual inability of Americans to sustain demand for US products and services might have snapped the business world out of this bullshit but in a global economy with demand still relatively roaring in developing countries I honestly have no idea what we can really do. Keep electing the lesser of two evils, it seems. :/


Make the rules about who can be classified as exempt a whole lot more restrictive, make the penalties for unpaid overtime draconian, and make it easier for whistleblowers to come out on this issue, and we WILL see some hiring. By necessity. Entire departments will need to be fleshed out once businesses can no longer extract 55-70 hours of work from their exempt employees for a 40 hour pricetag.
Conservative columnist Matthew Vadum is just going to come right out and say it: registering the poor to vote is un-American and "like handing out burglary tools to criminals."

Tell us how you really feel.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I gave up on U.S. politics many months ago, though I may have to get back into reading up on international affairs again since I'm hoping for civilian job opening with the Air Force dealing with IA.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LovingSteam said:
Honestly, perhaps its just my current pessimism and distaste for him but I'm beginning to feel that Cantor isn't that much worse than Obama. Obama is a pussy. He doesn't have the spine to call a spade a spade. While Cantor may be pushing us off the cliff Obama is letting him do it and watching. The current administration is a cowardly administration led by a cowardly President.

Yeah it'll be better if someone like Cantor (Rick Perry maybe?) would led this country. If we had a president leading this country like Cantor we'd have less government and businesses doing what they do best. Adding jobs!


I'd like to take the time to address your point here.

JohnnyPhatsaqs said:

So what happens down the line, in this single payer bullshit, when we can't afford it anymore. The money has to come from somewhere.

It may surprise you to learn that our government already spends a higher percentage of its revenue on healthcare than France, Canada, Sweden, the UK, and many other countries that do have single-payer healthcare systems. When you add in the private sector money that is spent on healthcare, our costs per capita are double that of many single-payer countries. This is 100% FACT.

It's true that the money has to come from somewhere, but that's true of everything the government does. The answer is, as always: it comes from tax revenue. There is more than enough coming in to pay for a single-payer system. We ALREADY spend more than a single-payer system would cost. Furthermore, a single-payer system would free up all that private sector money that currently goes towards premiums and deductibles.

I realize that the debate in America isn't really about a single-payer system, but about the ACA. I just wanted to address the fact that single-payer itself is NOT some Stalinist, inefficient system.

You also didn't address why certain groups are exempt from it. It also wrecks some small companies' plans. Again, it's an immature approach. I agree reform is needed, but help those that actually need it. I don't.

I agree that no one should have been exempt from it. This kind of backroom schmoozing and deal-making from the likes of Ben Nelson (at least I think it was him, it might have been a different senator) is, in my opinion, a large part of why the Democrats got shellacked in 2010. They were handed the keys to the kingdom, and proceeded to engage in the same kind of corruption that Obama campaigned against. It's no wonder people became disillusioned with them in short order.

If it wrecked small business plans, that was probably because those plans had inadequate coverage, right?

This whole argument illustrates the problem inherent with the system. If we have an employer-based insurance healthcare model, but many employers cannot afford to provide their employees with insurance that actually covers anything, then don't you think that system might be flawed? That maybe we ought to go with a system that isn't employer-based? Particularly when employment can be terminated so easily?

And to balladofwindfishes, believe it or not, people can understand it and still disagree with it. It's hilarious that there are those that think everyone will agree if he just explains it better. lol. Obama isn't the smarted man in the room. People do understand what is going on and just don't like it

I don't mean to be rude here, but you come off as a little ignorant when you say things like "So what happens down the line, in this single payer bullshit, when we can't afford it anymore. The money has to come from somewhere." That statement reeks of right-wing AM radio talking points with no basis in fact. So if the replies you're getting seem condescending, that's probably the reason.

I agree that the ACA was, overall, bad policy. But many people seem to forget that the American healthcare system prior to the ACA was an absolute disaster for millions of Americans. We LEAD THE WORLD in medical-related bankruptcies. Wouldn't you agree that's a pretty terrible thing to be #1 in? And do I need to bring up pre-existing conditions?

It's amazing to me that in two short years, the GOP has managed to make the American people forget that 1) Our healthcare system was HORRIBLE before the ACA was passed, and 2) Deregulation of the financial industry led to millions of people losing their jobs. Now they've got people on a Repeal and Deregulate bandwagon despite in many cases lacking health coverage or being out of work because of the financial industry-induced recession. It's truly masterful on their part.

Now, one big issue with single-payer is the question of what to do with all the people working at insurance companies right now. I doubt a government system would be able to employ them all. This is of particular interest to me, because my father works for Kaiser, and he's 55 right now, so it would be harder for him to find a new job if the health insurance industry suddenly vanished. I've actually been meaning to do some research into how Canada handled this transition.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
onadesertedisland said:
So... Is it time to cry, or simply give up?

It's better to give up. That way the country will get the worse President available and then everyone will see what it's like and will elect the most progressive President ever!

ToxicAdam said:
Seems reasonable to me.

Only in a normal world it's reasonable. We don't live in that world, so actually it's the worse thing ever.
mckmas8808 said:
Yeah it'll be better if someone like Cantor (Rick Perry maybe?) would led this country. If we had a president leading this country like Cantor we'd have less government and businesses doing what they do best. Adding jobs!

Obviously I am happier that Obama is in office than Cantor or somebody of his ilk. That doesn't change the fact that Obama is spineless and has done a great deal of harm to this country with his spinelessness. He has allowed the Republican machine to walk and trample over him on important issues. It doesn't just screw his chance of reelection it screws us. The damage that he has allowed with his 'lets be friends' attitude is pretty great.


LovingSteam said:
Obviously I am happier that Obama is in office than Cantor or somebody of his ilk. That doesn't change the fact that Obama is spineless and has done a great deal of harm to this country with his spinelessness. He has allowed the Republican machine to walk and trample over him on important issues. It doesn't just screw his chance of reelection it screws us. The damage that he has allowed with his 'lets be friends' attitude is pretty great.

Nothing gets done without republican votes, and that's exactly what they want in order to blame governments failure to get anything done on Obama. Nothing gets passed without congressional republicans. 2010 was a failure that all dems are now feeling. Blaming it all on Obama is pretty much what the repubs want you to do.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LovingSteam said:
Obviously I am happier that Obama is in office than Cantor or somebody of his ilk. That doesn't change the fact that Obama is spineless and has done a great deal of harm to this country with his spinelessness. He has allowed the Republican machine to walk and trample over him on important issues. It doesn't just screw his chance of reelection it screws us. The damage that he has allowed with his 'lets be friends' attitude is pretty great.

The lets be friends attitude is what the majority of the country WANTS! Damn man! The GOP has done the best job in politics that I've ever seen (not that long considering that I've only been paying attention to politics for 10 years).

They deny everything under the sun, yet the progressive say it's equally Obama (not the blue dogs in congress mind you) and the GOP in Congress' fault. And most of the citizens on the right thinks that Obama is this dictator-lite socialist pig that's enacted way too many laws that are crushing this country.

Have you seen the 2025 CAFE standards that Obama has pushed for? Compare that to what Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush Jr did in the 80s, 90s, and 00s. But again we still have to hear how he's a straight pussy. And had he been less of a pussy all of this stuff would have just been enacted overnight. Because the GOP can't wait to pass a bunch of progressive bills pushed by a black DEM president from Chicago with a Muslim name and African father.
mckmas8808 said:
The lets be friends attitude is what the majority of the country WANTS! Damn man! The GOP has done the best job in politics that I've ever seen (not that long considering that I've only been paying attention to politics for 10 years).

They deny everything under the sun, yet the progressive say it's equally Obama (not the blue dogs in congress mind you) and the GOP in Congress' fault. And most of the citizens on the right thinks that Obama is this dictator-lite socialist pig that's enacted way too many laws that are crushing this country.

Have you seen the 2025 CAFE standards that Obama has pushed for? Compare that to what Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush Jr did in the 80s, 90s, and 00s. But again we still have to hear how he's a straight pussy. And had he been less of a pussy all of this stuff would have just been enacted overnight. Because the GOP can't wait to pass a bunch of progressive bills pushed by a black DEM president from Chicago with a Muslim name and African father.

You can be friendly and stand up for your principals.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Karma Kramer said:
You can be friendly and stand up for your principals.

This I agree with. No reason to completely fold. They still are pushing cleaner energy policies too though. It's not scrapped forever, so I don't think this is the end of it.
Karma Kramer said:
You can be friendly and stand up for your principals.


Mckmas: I am under no illusion that Obama has the power to legislate. That isn't my problem with him. My problem is he's unwilling to take a STAND. To use his bully pulpit. To go to the American people to take a fucking stand on something. He doesn't. He hasn't. He won't. He pussyfoots around consistently and constantly. TAKE A FUCKING STAND!
mckmas8808 said:
The lets be friends attitude is what the majority of the country WANTS! Damn man! The GOP has done the best job in politics that I've ever seen (not that long considering that I've only been paying attention to politics for 10 years).

They deny everything under the sun, yet the progressive say it's equally Obama (not the blue dogs in congress mind you) and the GOP in Congress' fault. And most of the citizens on the right thinks that Obama is this dictator-lite socialist pig that's enacted way too many laws that are crushing this country.

Have you seen the 2025 CAFE standards that Obama has pushed for? Compare that to what Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush Jr did in the 80s, 90s, and 00s. But again we still have to hear how he's a straight pussy. And had he been less of a pussy all of this stuff would have just been enacted overnight. Because the GOP can't wait to pass a bunch of progressive bills pushed by a black DEM president from Chicago with a Muslim name and African father.

Show me evidence of this. His numbers have tanked after a series of caves left his base demoralized and independents questioning his leadership.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
DOO13ER said:
U.S. businesses aren't just going to start rehiring Americans by the fistful out of feel-good patriotism and a desire to see the country that largely enables and safeguards their success recover from hard times. They don't have to hire us, they have the American workforce right where they want it - desperate and willing to do the work of three to remain employed.
Yeah... there is sooooo much of this going on right now.


Dan said:
Yeah... there is sooooo much of this going on right now.

I hate to quote myself, but:

Make the rules about who can be classified as exempt a whole lot more restrictive, make the penalties for unpaid overtime draconian, and make it easier for whistleblowers to come out on this issue, and we WILL see some hiring. By necessity. Entire departments will need to be fleshed out once businesses can no longer extract 55-70 hours of work from their exempt employees for a 40 hour pricetag.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
Show me evidence of this. His numbers have tanked after a series of caves left his base demoralized and independents questioning his leadership.

I'm saying in the sense that the majority of people want the DEMs and the GOP to work together to a goal that gets the country on better footing.

You're right that Obama's numbers have fallen. But the GOP's numbers are even worse. And the majority of people are looking at gov't like, "damn you guys can't get together and fix anything."
mckmas8808 said:
I'm saying in the sense that the majority of people want the DEMs and the GOP to work together to a goal that gets the country on better footing.

You're right that Obama's numbers have fallen. But the GOP's numbers are even worse. And the majority of people are looking at gov't like, "damn you guys can't get together and fix anything."

Except no matter what happens the Republicans WILL. NOT. WORK. WITH. OBAMA. Obama comes out looking like the pussy he is and in doing so pisses off not only the independents but also his base. The very people he needs for fund-raising and getting out the vote message. People in this country want a leader and Obama is not that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LovingSteam said:
Except no matter what happens the Republicans WILL. NOT. WORK. WITH. OBAMA. Obama comes out looking like the pussy he is and in doing so pisses off not only the independents but also his base. The very people he needs for fund-raising and getting out the vote message. People in this country want a leader and Obama is not that.

So does this economic speech even matter that he's giving next week? Should people on the left just forget the things that have changed since he took office that they like?
mckmas8808 said:
So does this economic speech even matter that he's giving next week? Should people on the left just forget the things that have changed since he took office that they like?

Honestly, this speech doesn't matter. The big companies aren't going to hire. Obama will continue to tell the American people to ignore each month of job losses. He'll continue to ask Republicans to join him at the table. He will refuse to actually put his foot down and DEMAND that they play ball for once on his terms. He says that he doesn't care if he doesn't get reelected? Then act like it. Do something big. Put the Republicans feet to the fire for once.

Lets not even start discussing the big things done under his watch because those big things still don't change the fact that he has refused to push the Republicans into the corner. REFUSED. Especially since November. Extending tax cuts until 2012 (and beyond)? Check. Giving away the farm in the debt ceiling debacle? Check. Doing away with the Ozone regulation? Check. Letting them continue to frame the debate for every single issue? Check. Not calling them out on their shit? Check.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LovingSteam said:
Honestly, this speech doesn't matter. The big companies aren't going to hire. Obama will continue to tell the American people to ignore each month of job losses. He'll continue to ask Republicans to join him at the table. He will refuse to actually put his foot down and DEMAND that they play ball for once on his terms. He says that he doesn't care if he doesn't get reelected? Then act like it. Do something big. Put the Republicans feet to the fire for once.

Lets not even start discussing the big things done under his watch because those big things still don't change the fact that he has refused to push the Republicans into the corner. REFUSED. Especially since November. Extending tax cuts until 2012 (and beyond)? Check. Giving away the farm in the debt ceiling debacle? Check. Doing away with the Ozone regulation? Check. Letting them continue to frame the debate for every single issue? Check. Not calling them out on their shit? Check.

I see. So passing things that the left likes takes a backseat to the politics of putting the GOP into a corner (which he hasn't done at all).

And I ask if the speech matters because it's a form of leadership. Next week he's suppose to tell us what his plan is. I'm hoping to like it. And then I'm hoping he's going to run on it through 2012 if it's not passed by then.

The Chart of the Month comes from the Wall Street Journal (above).

"The figure reflects a huge surge in U.S. oil drilling, up nearly 60 percent in the past year and the highest total since at least 1987, when oil services company Baker Hughes Inc. began keeping track," notes the WSJ.

Poor Barack Obama. He opens up the country to a drilling spree -- and naturally progressives are pissed because, well, we care about things like clean air, clean water, and a livable climate.

But conservatives are strangely ungrateful, too! They blame Obama's supposed anti-drilling policies. So Mitt Romney said earlier this year, "People are hurting, gasoline's expensive, and the policies of this administration that have focused solely on green technologies are not keeping the cost of gasoline down."

Darn you, Barack Obama, for only quadrupling the number of oil drilling rigs in the U.S.!

The fact is, oil prices soared despite both record drilling and the highest domestic oil production levels in almost a decade. It should be obvious that yet more drilling can't have any significant impact on oil prices -- particularly since the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has been making that precise point for years now.

Of course, that is the reality-based world. Your AM radio and Fox news will generally tell you that Obama has done everything possible to stop all domestic oil drilling.

BTW, Joseph Romm who wrote that article is a great source of info on these topics. He's no slouch . . . he has a BS & PhD from MIT in physics.
mckmas8808 said:
I see. So passing things that the left likes takes a backseat to the politics of putting the GOP into a corner (which he hasn't done at all).

And I ask if the speech matters because it's a form of leadership. Next week he's suppose to tell us what his plan is. I'm hoping to like it. And then I'm hoping he's going to run on it through 2012 if it's not passed by then.

Are you telling me that had Obama pushed harder on the public option or other areas of the health care bill that it wouldn't have gotten through? That had he used his bully pulpit a bit more with the blue dogs that he couldn't have gotten one or two more votes? Or perhaps HE wasn't for the public option which in of itself is problematic.

The financial regulatory bill is a joke. Everybody knows it. Has anybody been brought to trial for their work in the financial meltdown? Anybody? No. They got off Scott free. Are you telling me that Obama couldn't have pushed harder on the derivative market to be regulated? Are you telling me that had he been more of a leader that it couldn't have been stronger? Perhaps he wasn't in favor of it being stronger which in of itself is problematic.

With the deficit debacle. Are you telling me that Obama couldn't have gained more and given up less with how it went down had he used his bully pulpit more? Had he not let the Republicans form the debate from day one? Had he told them from day one that he isn't budging even if it means he won't be reelected? Obama gave into the tax extensions for the very wealthy because he is horrible at negotiating. He gives up before he gets into the door and the Republicans know it. They know it because they have seen him consistently do it. He isn't a leader.

speculawyer said:


Of course, that is the reality-based world. Your AM radio and Fox news will generally tell you that Obama has done everything possible to stop all domestic oil drilling.

Thanks for bringing that up.

Mckmas, how about Obama's handling of the oil spill in the gulf? His administration shutting up marine biologists and other scientists. Him doing shit to BP. Him opening up the same area for more drilling. Him offering MORE licenses to drill despite these oil companies showing such disregard for safety.
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