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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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fenners said:
So Newt Gingrich just agreed with Michelle Bachmann's comments on the Everglades etc??????

She's a newbie to the nonsense.



Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Because the vast vast majority of them were guilty? I don't see what's wrong with that.

What the fuck? The vast majority? So that small minority of innocents who were executed don't matter? The fuck is wrong with you?


At least some of that applause is for Cameron Todd Willingham.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
People do know that despite a certain frontline doc, most of the people on Texas Death Row are horrible scum who deserve it.

oh, at least most of them deserved it


speculawyer said:
Yeah, I have no idea what he was trying to say.

He was meaning that Galilleo was misunderstood by most scientists during his time, like the anti-climate change scientists are currently "misunderstood".


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
These are they people they are trying to appeal to and it's why the crazies are even on TV. It's also why the poll numbers are gonna be totally unlike what some sane people think they should be. The crazies exist, and they aren't gonna change. You just have to hope enough even slightly sane people exist in America.
ClovingSteam said:
Seriously. It's disgusting. These people are supposedly Christian I'd venture to guess. CLAPPING AT KILLING A PERSON!!!
Reminded me of Romans cheering executions and deaths of inmates in coloseum.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I can't make it through any more of this. Sorry GAF I just can't. Time to play Child of Eden instead since my GF doesn't need my help with anything right now. I wanted to try and last the whole debate, but I'm just not gonna make it.


Trurl said:
I might vote in the Republican primary if Huntsman is still running when the race reaches Ohio.

Not a chance. You'll be lucky if there are even TWO candidates by the time Ohio gets a crack.

Winner takes all system sucks.
RustyNails said:
Reminded me of Romans cheering executions and deaths of inmates in coloseum.

Yep. Making me absolutely sick. Pathetic. I hate to get all biblical on this mug but in the Tanakh (OT) when the Israelites started acting nuts, not taking care of widows and the poor God sent them to Babylon. You'd think that these assholes on stage and those applauding would realize that according to their own Bible supporting such horrid acts and lack of empathy for others would be our downfall.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Yeah, guess what life sucks sometimes, it doesn't invalidate the entire system.

What the fuck? OF COURSE it invalidates the system. "Life sucks"? Bon voyage if you're falsely charged for murder and executed. Don't worry--I'll be there to say, "Sorry dude, life sucks."


testicles on a cold fall morning
Flying_Phoenix said:
Ron Paul went from "A mix of genius and batshit" to "total batshit" to me after watching this debate.
welcome to two decades ago. glad you made it back.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Have you ever looked at the people Texas executes beyond the Frontline Doc?


Frank Basil McFarland last statement said:
I owe no apologies for a crime I did not commit. Those who lied and fabricated evidence against me will have to answer for what they have done. I know in my heart what I did and I call upon the spirit of my ancestors and all of my people and I swear to them and now I am coming home.

And at the chance that he wasn't guilty, what then?


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Yeah, I'm talking about the issue of whether a small minority were possibly innocent, not if they got a fair trial.

Any policy where an innocent person could possibly be executed is the wrong one. I believe in the death penalty if the person is 100% guilty but I can't support the death penalty because there's no way, as of now, that we can ever be 100% sure.
ClovingSteam said:
Yep. Making me absolutely sick. Pathetic. I hate to get all biblical on this mug but in the Tanakh (OT) when the Israelites started acting nuts, not taking care of widows and the poor God sent them to Babylon. You'd think that these assholes on stage and those applauding would realize that according to their own Bible supporting such horrid acts and lack of empathy for others would be our downfall.



Those poor poor people.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I really need to see how I can move some of my 401K into commodities speculation. Yeah, it may be bad, but if it's around why the hell shouldn't I take advantage of it.

You seem like a great guy.
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