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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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ClovingSteam said:
It's like so many of you are brand new to this. Obama talks a good talk but at the end of the day he rolls over like a dog who desperately needs to have his tummy stroked, even if the ones doing the stroking are the very ones who have been kicking the crap out of him (GOP). Call me when he actually matches his verbal anger with action.

When the subject of science came up during last night's Republican debate, all eyes drifted to Rick Perry. "Just recently in New Hampshire you recently said that weekly or even daily scientists are coming forward to question that human activity is behind climate change," John Harris from Politico asked the governor of Texas. "Which scientists have you found most credible on this subject?" Perry only named only one scientist: Galileo.

It was a metaphor to be sure, one meant to illuminate the idea that it took a while for science to agree that the Earth spins around the sun, instead of the other way around. "Galileo got outvoted for a spell," said Perry, in attempting to argue that the issue of climate change remains "unsettled." But what Perry fails to realize is the fact that the scientific community actually agreed with Galileo. It was the clergy who outvoted him, accusing him of being a heretic. "By the time Galileo was publishing on heliocentrism, the idea was already circulating and widely accepted in scientific circles, including Jesuits," explains Joshua Rosneau from the National Center for Science Education. "He wasn't outvoted by scientists, he was outvoted by the political and religious leadership of his country."

Just like Perry and his Tea-Party folk are voting down anything associated with climate change.


teruterubozu said:
Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh will spin this as another stimulus bill and we're back to square one tomorrow morning.
It will only create jobs for black people, unions will take over, gays will force themselves on your kids, and Carlos Mencia will get a new show.


ClovingSteam said:
It's like so many of you are brand new to this. Obama talks a good talk but at the end of the day he rolls over like a dog who desperately needs to have his tummy stroked, even if the ones doing the stroking are the very ones who have been kicking the crap out of him (GOP). Call me when he actually matches his verbal anger with action.
This is the exact reason I'm not bothering to watch the speech. What's the point?

He gave a great speech (well, press conference) at the tail end of the debt ceiling debate and then turned around and did the opposite of what he'd argued for.
Obama still knows how to give speeches.

Why the FUCK doesn't he do that more? He ain't gonna pass shit with the current Congress, so he might as well be out there on the bully pulpit.

DenogginizerOS said:
Great speech! Yup, I voted for this man and he proved to me once again why I was right to do so.
Because he is good at giving speeches? :-/


NBC more worried about lightning, wtf? Good speech, great tone, I hope that Obama carries more of this toughness when it matters.


Passing metallic gas
I expect about a good...fifteen minutes before we see cantor on fox saying how this plan will destroy the economy and put the old to death.


facebook said:
"there's a babbling monkey on TV!!

I honestly give up. I just don't understand how people can't even fucking unite over fixing the economy anymore just because you can't stand your CHRISTIAN party isn't in acton. ugh


Very inspirational. I heard what I wanted to hear, but I know the GOP does not care about the middle class, or kids or construction workers or....this country.
GhaleonEB said:
This is the exact reason I'm not bothering to watch the speech. What's the point?

He gave a great speech (well, press conference) at the tail end of the debt ceiling debate and then turned around and did the opposite of what he'd argued for.

Pretty much. I got excited when he did this the first, second, third, fourth, fifth time but now? Eh. Congrats? Great speech writer and delivery? Bravo?
Good speech, but largely irrelevant considering

1) the bill will never be passed
2) if these are such good ideas, why weren't they implemented before when dems controlled both houses
3) it sounds like a smaller stimulus bill, and the public has already determined the stimulus did not work

Obama always gives good speeches, that's nothing to be surprised over. The problem is actually implemented his pie in the sky bullshit.
The CSPAN callers will be awesome!

fake edit: First Repub caller mentions the USPS and him not saving the post office. More spending when we owe so many billions. Obama didn't offer any details. Looks like more spending lolz.
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