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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Diablos said:
Bobby Jindal? Really? He's a creeper. I don't think he'd do so well on the national stage. He'd be more ideal as a VP.

Romney can win the nomination and the Presidency if he plays his cards right. Bachmann is batshit insane but if the economy is doing bad enough and she runs a good campaign, I don't doubt that she could get the nomination. The notion that she's "too crazy" to win is kind of naive. George W. Bush is a nutcase, we all knew it, and he won. Fact is, a lot of the GOP candidates could win the nomination with relative ease and all have an equally legitimate shot at taking the WH from Obama. He's not doing well at all. Clinton had an improving economy on his side and an opposition that was far less aggressive (would you believe) than this one. The GOP paid attention to how Clinton worked things to his advantage and are making this all about perception/2012.

Everyone should be getting seriously concerned about Obama. Republicans hate him, independents are giving up on him, liberals are growing more and more dissatisfied too. It's just not looking good. Period.

Creeper? To me, he just seems like a typical southern Republican, albeit not white. And his approval ratings have been very strong, but I haven't checked the most up to date ones.

As for Mitt Romney, he CAN NOT get elected president. I'm not generally a Sith and I don't enjoy speaking in absolutes, but really. Romney was a weak candidate in the weak 2008 field of McCain, Giuliani, Thompson, and the other forgettable people whose names I can't remember. He was generally laughed at in the debates for flip-flopping on what he said. Romney can't attack Obama on health care (which is arguably his weakest point). He's not Catholic or Protestant, raised taxes as governor (and balanced the budget, but I don't think that matters to Republicans), and is a rich CEO running against two relatively modest earners (Obama and Biden). He just feels like a weak compromise candidate (Bob Dole 2.0, if you will), and not very exciting.


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
I'd still take the DeLorean.
Bulbo Urethral Baggins - wrong about cars, wrong for America.

a DeLorean? seriously? have you ever driven one?

Suikoguy said:
Actually, the new Ford Focus is no longer a piece of shit here in the US.
The euro-Focus is a fine car (are we getting the same car in the states?).
And any Focus will murder a DeLorean.


cartoon_soldier said:
Politics don't happen between Generic Candidates.
No shit. btw, it wasn't between two generic candidates unless you really don't think that highly of Obama.

What (independent) voters are saying is that if the GOP finds the right candidate/candidates who appear to be weak can improve their image, they will be receptive to that. That's a huge problem for the President. Huge.

gcubed said:
Okay, man. Go back to your fantasyland where Huntsman is the only GOP candidate who can win because David Plouffe said so.

HylianTom said:
I kinda wish Ginsburg would step down. Soon. My worry about next year would pretty much dissipate.
It would be nice, yes. Thomas or Scalia too.


Unconfirmed Member
TacticalFox88 said:
....Weren't Independents supposed to be the *smart* ones? I refuse to believe they are that stupid as a whole. WTF, America?
Not any more or less "smart" than the typical party affiliated voter (or non-affiliated).

I still think there is a lean in the "Independent" category to the right, from "conservatives too ashamed to self identify R post GWB". The drop in R registration and increases in I or DTS were not because people suddenly changed their political opinions.


Diablos said:
No shit. btw, it wasn't between two generic candidates unless you really don't think that highly of Obama.

What (independent) voters are saying is that if the GOP finds the right candidate/candidates who appear to be weak can improve their image, they will be receptive to that. That's a huge problem for the President. Huge.

Okay, man. Go back to your fantasyland where Huntsman is the only GOP candidate who can win because David Plouffe said so.

It would be nice, yes. Thomas or Scalia too.

i'm not the one in the fantasy land trying to say Michelle Bachmann has ANY chance at winning a general election


scola said:
Not any more or less "smart" than the typical party affiliated voter (or non-affiliated).

I still think there is a lean in the "Independent" category to the right, from "conservatives too ashamed to self identify R post GWB". The drop in R registration and increases in I or DTS were not because people suddenly changed their political opinions.
People said the exact same thing about the midterms, too. "That's why the GOP won't take over the House!" So much for that.


IMHO I dont think they will have a deal done and any short measure isnt going to help matters.

Rather, if they dont raise it yes there will be pain and embarrasment (lots of it) but the Government will be forced to balance the budget. The world was spinning like mad long before we got to this point but i smell something in the markets that if they get the deal through they will trip the wire and blow everybody up anyway.
GaimeGuy said:
You were on the ball. Saw this today.


Unconfirmed Member
Diablos said:
People said the exact same thing about the midterms, too. "That's why the GOP won't take over the House!" So much for that.
I don't see how this has anything to do with my statement, read my post again. Show me a just one person who said that the GOP couldn't take the house because some portion of formerly self identifying republicans had shifted party affiliation to I or DNS.

I am not saying it changes the outcome of voting, only that it changes the percentage split in polling on Independents. It also doesn't make polling inaccurate, just allotted differently. Independents abandoning Obama isn't the only plausible explanation for the numbers (though I don't deny it can contribute).


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Chichikov said:
The euro-Focus is a fine car (are we getting the same car in the states?).
And any Focus will murder a DeLorean.

Yeah, they streamlined their product lineup, it's basically the same car over here.
Amazingly smart move from Ford.


scola said:
I don't see how this has anything to do with my statement, read my post again. Show me a just one person who said that the GOP couldn't take the house because some portion of formerly self identifying republicans had shifted party affiliation to I or DNS.

I am not saying it changes the outcome of voting, only that it changes the percentage split in polling on Independents. It also doesn't make polling inaccurate, just allotted differently. Independents abandoning Obama isn't the only plausible explanation for the numbers (though I don't deny it can contribute).
So what's the problem again? I re-read your post...

I'm not saying everyone was under the assumption that the GOP couldn't take the House because sane Republicans were falsely calling themselves Independents due to embarrassment. Lots of people I have talked face to face to and comments I have seen in discussions on the Interwebs seemed to imply that the GOP's gains for a House takeover were bloated because of voter identity being inaccurate in the independent voting field. I'm simply saying you can't rely on that to downplay the frightening lead a generic GOPer has over Obama on today's Gallup just like you couldn't rely on it in downplaying a potential GOP takeover of the House. It may have something to do with it, but if 2010 is an indication, it's nothing substantial if you are hoping for anything good for Democrats.
Come on, really?

Republican lawmakers are pushing President Obama to put seniors, troops, and bondholders at the front of the line should Congress fail to raise the debt ceiling. The rest? Well, that's up to him.
"We're just calling on the president to assume the role of CEO and prioritize accordingly," Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR) said at a press conference on the issue. Participants repeatedly accused Obama of trying to "scare seniors" by suggesting Social Security payments might be suspended in the wake of a default crisis.

One reporter shouted a question as to whether things like, say, keeping criminals in federal prisons or securing the border might also be added to the list.

"They're all priorities,"
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX). "As our colleagues here have said, we need to keep our promises and the money is there to do that."



How did this nation's populace allow these simpletons to be in charge of anything? How?

Watch them try to do this and blame it all on Obama. I wouldn't put it past them.


"They're all priorities," Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX). "As our colleagues here have said, we need to keep our promises and the money is there to do that."
Definitely the party of making tough choices about the economy.


GhaleonEB said:
By not voting. We have an ignorant, apathetic voting population.
I'm glad I don't want to have kids. I don't know what this country is going to look like in another 20 years. I don't think I want to.


Diablos said:
I'm glad I don't want to have kids. I don't know what this country is going to look like in another 20 years. I don't think I want to.
I have two kids, whom I am raising to be active and engaged. I'm doing my part to make that future a touch less bleak. :p
I've taken eznark's advice and have just started to not even take this serious. I've been pushing myself to just laugh at everything going on because otherwise I'd be an angry person.


Diablos said:
I'm glad I don't want to have kids. I don't know what this country is going to look like in another 20 years. I don't think I want to.
It's going to be fine.
Demographics are on "our" side.
Just need to not blow up this country completely in the next 8-12 years.


Chichikov said:
It's going to be fine.
Demographics are on "our" side.
Just need to not blow up this country completely in the next 8-12 years.

hopefully minorities will save white people from themselves


GhaleonEB said:
I have two kids, whom I am raising to be active and engaged. I'm doing my part to make that future a touch less bleak. :p
Awesome. Must be nice living in one of the few areas of the country that didn't get infested with a bunch of teabaggers in the state legislature.

Chichikov said:
It's going to be fine.
Demographics are on "our" side.
Just need to not blow up this country completely in the next 8-12 years.
Didn't liberals say this in the 90's too? :\

I think history is repeating itself. We'll have another Democratic wave in ~15 years. I don't think we'll ever get out of that "right/center-right depending on where you live" mode due to voter arrogance and ignorance. It sounds insane, but I still think the only way we will truly progress is if this country splits up. Washington is a colossal failure.
LovingSteam said:
I've taken eznark's advice and have just started to not even take this serious. I've been pushing myself to just laugh at everything going on because otherwise I'd be an angry person.
Seriously I've been pretty much ignoring this shit show and focusing at the entertainment of the News Corps UK drama.
Mr. Serious Business said:
As far as I'm concerned, there's only one Republican who could beat Obama in 2012 at this point, and he's not running. And in 1995, Clinton had pretty poor approval ratings (in the 40s), but he still won re-election because the Republican candidate was terrible. I imagine a similar situation in 2012.
I was expecting you to bring up My Man Mitch, but then you said Bobby Jindal and I lol'd.


Diablos said:
Everyone should be getting seriously concerned about Obama. Republicans hate him, independents are giving up on him, liberals are growing more and more dissatisfied too. It's just not looking good. Period.

What exactly would being "seriously concerned" do for us, other than make all our posts sound like frightened old women?
Diablos said:
I'm glad I don't want to have kids. I don't know what this country is going to look like in another 20 years. I don't think I want to.

the funny thing is conservatives and liberals alike agree on on the bleakness of the future.. and we both blame the other side.

at least we have that for common ground.


Diablos said:
Didn't liberals say this in the 90's too? :\
I don't know.
But if the GOP can't reverse the Hispanic voting trends, they're losing Texas in 2016 or 2020.
And they ain't winning the White House without Texas.


Chichikov said:
I don't know.
But if the GOP can't reverse the Hispanic voting trends, they're losing Texas in 2016 or 2020.
And they ain't winning the White House without Texas.
Well, that's okay, because states like Pennsylvania are on the decline in population and everyone is getting old (yay, I live here :\) It's possible the state could go from being "in play" to "solid GOP" in the next decade.


Historians will not pin it on Obama if the dislocation happens. All these "Conservitives" are just trying to buy time so when they do get there facist state they get the nice gigs and bitches.
Diablos said:
Awesome. Must be nice living in one of the few areas of the country that didn't get infested with a bunch of teabaggers in the state legislature.

Didn't liberals say this in the 90's too? :\

I think history is repeating itself. We'll have another Democratic wave in ~15 years. I don't think we'll ever get out of that "right/center-right depending on where you live" mode due to voter arrogance and ignorance. It sounds insane, but I still think the only way we will truly progress is if this country splits up. Washington is a colossal failure.

As a conservative i don't think so. conservatism is dieing. As the old die the young are not going to grow up to be conservative. Kids already don't believe you have to work for what you get.

All liberals here in the states have to do is keep pushing their message and wait.

in 25 years i assume the parties are going to be Democrat - Liberal - Socialist. with Democrat the new evil here on GAF.. If Gaf still exists.
aronnov reborn said:
As a conservative i don't think so. conservatism is dieing. As the old die the young are not going to grow up to be conservative. Kids already don't believe you have to work for what you get.

All liberals here in the states have to do is keep pushing their message and wait.

in 25 years i assume the parties are going to be Democrat - Liberal - Socialist. with Democrat the new evil here on GAF.. If Gaf still exists.

lol. Love the generalization that liberal= believing you don't have to work for what you want.
aronnov reborn said:
As a conservative i don't think so. conservatism is dieing. As the old die the young are not going to grow up to be conservative. Kids already don't believe you have to work for what you get.

All liberals here in the states have to do is keep pushing their message and wait.

in 25 years i assume the parties are going to be Democrat - Liberal - Socialist. with Democrat the new evil here on GAF.. If Gaf still exists.
A conservative whining about "moral decline?"

Excuse me while I remove myself from your lawn.
LovingSteam said:
lol. Love the generalization that liberal= believing you don't have to work for what you want.

i dont mean it quite like that.

kids now are more entitled/narcissistic then ever so i assume as they get older will definitely go for a more socialist program. which conservatives dont want so naturally the future wont pick them.

I dont mean all liberals or current ones. as we all follow our political parties for separate reasons.
aronnov reborn said:
As a conservative i don't think so. conservatism is dieing. As the old die the young are not going to grow up to be conservative. Kids already don't believe you have to work for what you get.

All liberals here in the states have to do is keep pushing their message and wait.

in 25 years i assume the parties are going to be Democrat - Liberal - Socialist. with Democrat the new evil here on GAF.. If Gaf still exists.

I disagree. Maybe this is just my age group, but I think even though kids are more liberal socially, they seem to be very conservative in other ways. I mean, look at how many kids are becoming Business majors. These aren't Baby Boomers 2.0. I also think the realities of college debt and higher living costs will make conservatives out of many of the young people today. I think future generations will be more liberal socially but much more conservative financially, so my hopes are up.

Dude Abides

Diablos said:
I think history is repeating itself. We'll have another Democratic wave in ~15 years. I don't think we'll ever get out of that "right/center-right depending on where you live" mode due to voter arrogance and ignorance. It sounds insane, but I still think the only way we will truly progress is if this country splits up. Washington is a colossal failure.

Somedude, why did you steal Diablos' account info?


Unconfirmed Member
Diablos said:
So what's the problem again? I re-read your post...

I'm not saying everyone was under the assumption that the GOP couldn't take the House because sane Republicans were falsely calling themselves Independents due to embarrassment. Lots of people I have talked face to face to and comments I have seen in discussions on the Interwebs seemed to imply that the GOP's gains for a House takeover were bloated because of voter identity being inaccurate in the independent voting field.
Ah, so "people said " huh? A shift in self identification or registration wouldn't change overall polling. Even if a bunch of independents are RIABNs (republicans in anything but name :p ) a poll can still be accurate. What cannot be accurately deduced from this is the extent to which such a phenomenon (if any) shows "real" independents are abandoning a candidate. They can't abandon a candidate they never supported.

Diablos said:
I'm simply saying you can't rely on that to downplay the frightening lead a generic GOPer has over Obama on today's Gallup just like you couldn't rely on it in downplaying a potential GOP takeover of the House.
I didn't, and I don't think anyone else did either.

However, I do agree with you that this polling is frightening...
Ladies and Gentelmen, your republican nominee and next President of the United States of America, Generic Republican!

Generic Republican only shares some policy stances with friends. If you know Generic Republican, add him as a friend or send him a message.
scola said:
However, I do agree with you that this polling is frightening...
Ladies and Gentelmen, your republican nominee and next President of the United States of America, Generic Republican!

Generic Republican only shares some policy stances with friends. If you know Generic Republican, add him as a friend or send him a message.
Hey. He's white. Imagine that.
The poll doesn't mean much, but it's certainly not good news for Obama. I can't really imagine him getting re-elected against Romney. His numbers are nose diving and the economy will not get better between now and November 2012, at least not enough to save him.
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