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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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and this


Imagine if Noah needed the Koch Bros to build the arc.

Government official talking about Noah's ark and relating it to budgeting makes me want to punch myself in the face.
Romney's wife went full retard yesterday. They are so out of touch it's amazing to me that her handlers actually let her talk. These were my favorite bullets:

* "We've given all you people need to know"
- re. finances.
* "Mitt and I struggled in college, Mitt had to sell stock."

* "Do you think he's the kind of person who tries to hide things?" - re. Mitt's indisputable hiding of things.

* "We give ten percent of our earnings to the (Mormon) Church every year." - I don't care about which church personally, I am just refering to the fact that right wing Fundies will think that.

* "Mitt never took a salary as Mass Governor" - he would actually have had to pay proper taxes on that, for once.

Eventually they will have to go Palin-quiet during the Campaign because everything out of their mouths sounds like Thurston Howll IIIrd from Gilligan's Island.

Giving to your church isn't fucking charity.


* "Mitt and I struggled in college, Mitt had to sell stock."

I wish I had stock in coll -- Oh wait... I did. Oops.

Edit: Rubio goes after NPR... while on NPR.


Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., expressed worry this morning about broadcasting outlets that use taxpayer money to stay on the air.

But Rubio made his comments on NPR, a broadcasting outlet that uses taxpayer money to stay on the air.

"I do have concerns about spending money on public broadcasting," Rubio told Diane Rehm during an hourlong Q&A on NPR.

NPR has been a source of criticism from congressional Republicans who view it as a liberal refuge that espouses its views courtesy of public funding.
Although only 2 percent of NPR's funding comes from government grants, the loss of federal funding would undermine the ability of NPR stations to pay for NPR programming, NPR says.

Rubio argued that private donations should support such an enterprise as NPR, and that plenty of outlets are available to house that ideology and format. He admitted, though, that he enjoys Rehm's show and that NPR's funding is low on the list of costs that should be cut.

A caller pointed out the irony of Rubio's position, saying, "He's spending an entire hour on the show today."

Rubio countered that a half-century ago, a station like NPR might have been necessary, but "today there is no shortage of options" for news and opinion.

"I have 300 stations on my satellite radio," Rubio boasted.

So Rehm asked him if he's contradicting himself by coming on her show if he doesn't believe her show should be funded by the public.

"Anytime we have an opportunity to go anywhere, we try to take that opportunity to communicate with people who are listening," Rubio said.
Romney's wife went full retard yesterday. They are so out of touch it's amazing to me that her handlers actually let her talk. These were my favorite bullets:

* "We've given all you people need to know" - re. finances.

* "Do you think he's the kind of person who tries to hide things?" - re. Mitt's indisputable hiding of things.

* "We give ten percent of our earnings to the (Mormon) Church every year." - I don't care about which church personally, I am just refering to the fact that right wing Fundies will think that.

* "Mitt never took a salary as Mass Governor" - he would actually have had to pay proper taxes on that, for once.

Eventually they will have to go Palin-quiet during the Campaign because everything out of their mouths sounds like Thurston Howll IIIrd from Gilligan's Island.

Reminds me of her classic from April.

* "Mitt and I struggled in college, Mitt had to sell stock."

That "you people" bit is solid gold. These jokers are a self-parody. And you gave to your church? The one that dumped millions into Prop 8 in Cali? Yeah, fuck off and go away forever.
I disagree that this is the kitchen sink and you should too. When we start seeing attacks on Romney's leadership at the Olympics, then you'll know we're in silly season.

No one will be paying attention during the Olympics, hence the point about this being the Obama campaign's window.


Glenn Grothman is at it again. He's railing against the Madison council for imposing a rule that landlords have to hand out voter registration forms. He's saying it's compelling someone to vote, and he hopes some "freedom-loving" judges feel the same way as him.

Granted, this obviously isn't as bad as his statements about women's pay or his bill he put forward that said single parenthood was child abuse, but I really hope that idiot gets voted out soon.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Glenn Grothman is at it again. He's railing against the Madison council for imposing a rule that landlords have to hand out voter registration forms. He's saying it's compelling someone to vote, and he hopes some "freedom-loving" judges feel the same way as him.

Granted, this obviously isn't as bad as his statements about women's pay or his bill he put forward that said single parenthood was child abuse, but I really hope that idiot gets voted out soon.

A healthy democracy is not harmed by requiring or enabling people to vote. Plenty of countries REQUIRE voters to vote, or attempt to. They are not communists nor fascists. Discouraging voter participation is treasonous.


Professional Schmuck
No one will be paying attention during the Olympics, hence the point about this being the Obama campaign's window.

no no, I meant Romney's actual experience as the head of the Olympic committee in Salt Lake, not trying to get anything in during the Olympics. I was saying that if you see his leadership during the 02 games under attack, that's probably the beginning of the kitchen sink. Not perfectly relevant questions of taxes, leadership, and investment upon which he is centering his entire campaign.

So no, Obama has not thrown the kitchen sink at Romney, yet.


A healthy democracy is not harmed by requiring or enabling people to vote. Plenty of countries REQUIRE voters to vote, or attempt to. They are not communists nor fascists. Discouraging voter participation is treasonous.

I could see the harm in requiring people to vote. I'm not totally against it, but I'd say at this point I'd really need to be convinced, but enabling people to vote? ...yeah I don't get why that's a bad thing. How is handing out a form a bad thing? Would anyone actually see that as compelling you to do anything? I got plenty of forms and information packets and what have you whenever I moved. I wouldn't have blinked or got cross-eyed if a voter registration thing had been in the midst. It would have been very convenient, actually.

That's also aside from the fact that the statute he quotes is talking about compelling someone to vote for or against a specific candidate or referendum, and not vote in general.

Keep in mind, this is the same guy that's railed against same day registration, so I guess anything he says about it and his motivations are pretty suspect.
The fact that Obama threw the kitchen sink at Romney and gained no ground should be troubling. Romney isn't spending money right now, as he waits to be nominated. This is basically the only time Obama's campaign will be outspending him, and it didn't work.

Obama's lead in NM shrunk this week as well

Two can play this game. After three months of bad job numbers, Romney can't even break 45%. What will he do with an upward trajectory already in the job numbers, and the fall usually having more growth than the spring/summer?


I disagree that this is the kitchen sink and you should too. When we start seeing attacks on Romney's leadership at the Olympics, then you'll know we're in silly season.
Right. People are beginning to focus on the campaign, but it's still July. An appreciable shift in the direction of the race was unlikely. Perhaps the Bain attacks will prove profitable in the future. I remain skeptical of their importance and think focusing on the ideological extremism of the Republican Party will prove more profitable. Nevertheless, this is at worst a distraction that does not harm Obama. It's clearly not the kitchen sink. Really, given the abundant evidence of the adroitness of the Obama Campaign, how does anyone expect them to shoot the moon in July?


American Crossroads Casts Ed Rendell In Ad Criticizing Obama
American Crossroads, the super PAC founded in part by Karl Rove, has cast a prominent Democrat for a key role in its latest large-scale ad buy targeting President Obama in several swing states.

The super PAC is debuting a $9.3 million ad campaign calling out Obama with what the group calls “very real third-party criticism of the president’s negative ads.” Among the critics featured: Media fact-checkers who have made appearances in ads on both sides, and former DNC Chairman Ed Rendell, who called out the Obama campaign last week for suggesting Mitt Romney could have committed a felony if he provided misleading information to the SEC about his position at Bain Capital.

Thanks Ed.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Glenn Grothman is at it again. He's railing against the Madison council for imposing a rule that landlords have to hand out voter registration forms. He's saying it's compelling someone to vote, and he hopes some "freedom-loving" judges feel the same way as him.

Granted, this obviously isn't as bad as his statements about women's pay or his bill he put forward that said single parenthood was child abuse, but I really hope that idiot gets voted out soon.

Any study on who really watches these ads? It's strange that "attack ads" are all the media rage while TV advertisement viewership is declining due to newer viewing methods. Are "attack ads" more effective with people who are less technologically savvy, like people who watch "regular" TV and listen to talk radio?


Any study on who really watches these ads? It's strange that "attack ads" are all the media rage while TV advertisement viewership is declining due to newer viewing methods. Are "attack ads" more effective with people who are less technologically savvy, like people who watch "regular" TV and listen to talk radio?

All are probably during Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and evening talking head cable news shows.


American Crossroads Casts Ed Rendell In Ad Criticizing Obama


Thanks Ed.

Jesus christ... Unless I missed some other statement they were not insinuating he was committing a felony at all... Stephanie Cutter was in fact trying to say that he wouldn't commit a felony. He's more likely just lying to the American people about his role there.

I don't get how some of these people can make these attacks. I'd feel like a complete idiot that didn't understand the english language if I was in those positions, seriously trying to argue some of these things.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I'm always totally blown away by how the GOP has snookered old people who get Medicaid and all the other benefits that people do from the government into thinking that the government giving money to its citizens is bad.

Haven't the Dems snookered young people into transferring our wealth to all those assholes?


Right. People are beginning to focus on the campaign, but it's still July. An appreciable shift in the direction of the race was unlikely. Perhaps the Bain attacks will prove profitable in the future. I remain skeptical of their importance and think focusing on the ideological extremism of the Republican Party will prove more profitable. Nevertheless, this is at worst a distraction that does not harm Obama. It's clearly not the kitchen sink. Really, given the abundant evidence of the adroitness of the Obama Campaign, how does anyone expect them to shoot the moon in July?

I feel like 538 is great on this, if you look at the data correctly. What they're saying, essentially, is Obama is doing as well as we're saying right now -- if the election were held today, Obama would be a 4/5ths favorite to win it. But in November, the expection is that he'll only be a 2/3rds favorite, which prices in the economy, the Euro crisis, Israel, and all the other things that could conceivably happen to bring him down. (Intrade's break with 538 is presumably partially partisan investment and partially that they're gloomier on the economy in general.)



Eh, not that good. The Mitt will say anything to get elected could be used much, much better. I'm talking about half the stuff in that McCain oppo, and video of all his flip flops.

I don't mind an ad about Mitt saying exactly the same thing as Obama right afterwards, but this was kind of jumbled. If it goes anywhere but youtube (and I guess left wing shows that'll obviously be talking about it) that'd be a mistake.
I never thought that Obama'a "gaffe" was much of a mistake. It's just an awkwardly phrased statement that makes no sense out of its larger context.

Now compare that to "I like firing people". That sounds bad in any context. Then you find out that the guy actually did fire people, and got crazy rich from it.... It's just not a good look.


Professional Schmuck
Oo this week's attack is pre-emptive, as I think I predicted. Obama is going with the Romney/Ryan plan to destroy Medicare, getting this nice and juiced up before Romney announces Ryan as a running mate.

Someone tell me that Obama doesn't have a mole in the Romney campaign. Try and prove it.


I never thought that Obama'a "gaffe" was much of a mistake. It's just an awkwardly phrased statement that makes no sense out of its larger context.

Now compare that to "I like firing people". That sounds bad in any context. Then you find out that the guy actually did fire people, and got crazy rich from it.... It's just not a good look.

I look at it like this. Obama's 'gaffe' was just a slight stumble with specific wording that is still technically correct. No one who heard the speech would have thought twice until after it was cut up to hell.

Romney's gaffe was still an actual gaffe in my opinion, because he used a word he probably shouldn't have. Yes in context it was technically correct and it made sense for what he wanted to say, but he didn't stumble on things. I'm pretty sure what he said was exactly what was written for him or by him, which means he deliberately chose the word "fire," and no matter the context, that should probably be an very avoided word by him. It has way too many bad connotations, even if you're using it in a good context like choice of insurance provider. People who heard the speech as he was saying it, may have wondered at the choice of wording, even pre cut-up.


Obsidian fan

After listening to BO about someone helped -- teacher, mother, friends...... "it takes a village" --- who cares. Every human on earth had help learning to live but it had nothing to do with government or politicians. What is BO trying to say?
Hightways, modern bridges??? they were not needed until Ford made cars available at a price everyone could afford and dirt roads were a problem.



All this bickering about taxes or moral belief issues seem to pale in comparison when Syrian people have to worry about being killed by their government/rebels (not to mention there are plenty of other places like this as well)

Also China and Russia vetoed a UN security resolution (not exactly sure what that would have done anyway, but maybe open the door for assistance). That Assad guy is a pretty giant dick.

More here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/19/russia-china-syria_n_1686172.html

Sad. White people/first world problems I guess.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Eventually they will have to go Palin-quiet during the Campaign because everything out of their mouths sounds like Thurston Howll IIIrd from Gilligan's Island.

Reminds me of her classic from April.

* "Mitt and I struggled in college, Mitt had to sell stock."

That HAS to be out of context, unless Mitt was doing some trading with his own money before attending college.
The divide between Obama and Romneys oratory skill is mindblowing. Romney sounds like he has no conviction whatsoever. The debates are going to be fun!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
That HAS to be out of context, unless Mitt was doing some trading with his own money before attending college.

Andrew Sabl quotes a 1994 interview with Ann Romney in the Boston Globe wherein she explains the material deprivation she and Mitt undertook in their student days, when both were so poor and jobless they had to support themselves by selling shares of stock that Mitt had been given by his dad:

"We were happy, studying hard. Neither one of us had a job, because Mitt had enough of an investment from stock that we could sell off a little at a time. The stock came from Mitt’s father. When he took over American Motors, the stock was worth nothing. But he invested Mitt’s birthday money year to year—it wasn’t much, a few thousand, but he put it into American Motors because he believed in himself. Five years later, stock that had been $6 a share was $96 and Mitt cashed it so we could live and pay for education."

Nope. That's what she said.
All this bickering about taxes or moral belief issues seem to pale in comparison when Syrian people have to worry about being killed by their government/rebels (not to mention there are plenty of other places like this as well)

Also China and Russia vetoed a UN security resolution (not exactly sure what that would have done anyway, but maybe open the door for assistance). That Assad guy is a pretty giant dick.

More here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/19/russia-china-syria_n_1686172.html

Sad. White people/first world problems I guess.

you should start a thread.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Nope. That's what she said.

Wow, it's like somebody bragging about entering a cheat code. Seriously, I feel a little bit sad for her. Their financial life is going to get more and more attention in the next few months and they will have no idea how out of touch they are.
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