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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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My military experience taught me integrity. But that didn't come from the government.​

This is right up there with "Keep the government away from my Medicare."

It's more prevalent. And the military feeds into it. Got to try and help the guys that like to give commanders a chance to shine.


Btw, surprised this hasn't been posted. More adventures in rugged individualism:

More lols:


:usacryeagle etc.

Good god... this is getting just silly. I mean either Romney's team just doesn't give a fuck about the truth, or they're just that dumb and lazy that they can't pick out people that don't have these hangups. Is it really that hard to find someone that didn't get a ton from the government? Or maybe it's really telling that he can't... Perhaps that means most businesses do.

I wish a major politician will come out and announce that he fully supports a repeal of the 2nd amendment.

You know... I would support this. Not because I think we need a ton of gun control or anything (I'm actually pretty open on gun rights), but because I fucking hate starting a conversation and having one half of it be "Well, it's our right in the constitution," and then nothing gets said. Half the conversation just ends there.


Right. Although, it's obvious that the issue is going to be ignored. Seemingly, he was alluding to the Assault Weapons Ban. And although I support the legislation, that would only have a moderate effect on gun violence.
Well we need real gun law reform. Especially around the sale of firearms.


Well we need real gun law reform. Especially around the sale of firearms.
Absolutely. Effective gun control is sorely imperative. And an integral component of an effective gun control policy would restrict handguns. Prohibiting assault weapons should be obvious. Still, handguns are used in the preponderance of homicides. If we do not restrict access to handguns, the problem will persist.
Romney On Taxes: Don’t Want To Give Dems ‘More Material Than Is Required’
“And what we’ve noted is our Democrat friends, take what’s there, twist it, distort it – dishonestly use it in – in attack ads. I just don’t wanna give ‘em more material than is required,” Romney said.


Such projection. Kinda like when you took Obama quoting McCain and used it in the ad to make it look like Obama was saying what he was actually quoting. And when you took the 'you didn't build that' sentence completely out of the context by eliminating the previous sentence about roads & bridges.

Edit . . . BTW, what did Dems take out of his current release tax forms and 'distort'? There is no distortion needed . . . all you have to do is point out that he makes $20Million and pays a lower Fed tax rate than a school teacher. No distortion, that's just reality.


The old 'gateway drug' theory. And worry about the Soviets. Romney somehow manages to act older and more square than McCain.

Yeah... I mean marijuana isn't really an issue I personally care about at all. I've never done the stuff and likely never will (though who knows, I guess). Still, I hate seeing people with really hard lined stances on things like that. I think the discussion on our drug policy should at the very least be pretty nuanced. The fact that he's just saying it's all bad, and that he'll fight "tooth and nail" against it, even medical stuff, seems really out of touch to me. Also a really silly phrasing when you consider a lot of the energized section of the republican party nowadays was Ron Paul supporters. I guess he's not even trying to court them in the least.

Gray Man

Hail to the king, baby.

Aaaand there goes the GOP's only chance of winning the youth vote.
It really makes no sense for them to oppose it.

I think it makes perfect sense when you acknowledge that his religion is against most drugs like that, even caffeine. I don't agree, but I think its understandable why he would think that way.

What do you know, looks like they just shut down a bunch of stores in California. This article is a pretty good read guys!
The City Council should be commended for taking a courageous stance against these store fronts, and catching up with popular opinion. There is a way to do medical marijuana right -- through science, pharmacies, and non-smoked medications based on the marijuana plant -- but we cannot rely on marijuana advocates for that.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I... wh... what? What was Beck's response to that? Did he even bat an eye? I'm really curious now.

The beauty of this is that it perfectly encapsulates that the message is weightier to these idiots than the facts. They simply haven't ever bothered to think about what they're spewing. It is simply enough that Obama/Clinton whatever is in charge. Fuck the other team. The other team is subhuman evil filth. Why? Doesn't matter. Other.


like Obama?

I wasn't bringing it up as some sort of point of difference, just as a "hey Romney said this, make of it what you will" sort of thing. I know vaguely that Obama hasn't been good on the marijuana front either. Has he really fought medical marijuana though? I'm curious. As I said before, it's not really a political point I follow or am invested in much at all.

Gray Man

The beauty of this is that it perfectly encapsulates that the message is weightier to these idiots than the facts. They simply haven't ever bothered to think about what they're spewing. It is simply enough that Obama/Clinton whatever is in charge. Fuck the other team. The other team is subhuman evil filth. Why? Doesn't matter. Other.

I don't remember who, but I could have sworn some GOP congressman or Governor said during the GOP debates that the Republican party has strayed off the path, and a third party needed to come about, I could be crazy though.

What I want to know is when did this all happen? I have relatives who talk of what seems like a GOP with ideas that make sense, for the most part. who started all the us vs them mentality? I mean I know its always been around to a degree, but its just gotten so bad in recent years...


I don't remember who, but I could have sworn some GOP congressman or Governor said during the GOP debates that the Republican party has strayed off the path, and a third party needed to come about, I could be crazy though.

Jon Huntsman - The sanest one in the primaries this year

What I want to know is when did this all happen? I have relatives who talk of what seems like a GOP with ideas that make sense, for the most part. who started all the us vs them mentality? I mean I know its always been around to a degree, but its just gotten so bad in recent years...

The us vs them mentality seems (to me) to come from the news as entertainment field. Fox News, talk radio, and lately channels like MSNBC have all contributed to that sort of thing. On top of that, the congress and the country gets more polarized as inequality goes up.

Gray Man

Jon Huntsman - The sanest one in the primaries this year

The us vs them mentality seems (to me) to come from the news as entertainment field. Fox News, talk radio, and lately channels like MSNBC have all contributed to that sort of thing. On top of that, the congress and the country gets more polarized as inequality goes up.

Fox News is pretty terrible, but didn't Fox News come about because of a pretty big left slant in the Media? Or if not really big, a noticeable slant. Then other networks like, CNN sort of drifted back into the middle of things?

A lot of it seems to start rearing its ugly head with the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and the political witch hunt that followed.


I wasn't bringing it up as some sort of point of difference, just as a "hey Romney said this, make of it what you will" sort of thing. I know vaguely that Obama hasn't been good on the marijuana front either. Has he really fought medical marijuana though? I'm curious. As I said before, it's not really a political point I follow or am invested in much at all.
He and the DOJ have closed down dispensaries despite them doing everything above board. Maybe Obama isn't cracking down on them as much as he could, but he's still no friend.

I don't smoke at all, but legalizing pot has immense advantages and no downside other than what already exists with cigarettes and alcohol. It's kept illegal mainly through corporate interest.


Fox News is pretty terrible, but didn't Fox News come about because of a pretty big left slant in the Media? Or if not really big, a noticeable slant. Then other networks like, CNN sort of drifted back into the middle of things?

A lot of it seems to start rearing its ugly head with the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and the political witch hunt that followed.

Fox news started by Rupert Murdoch, who did want an answer to CNN's "left wing slant," and he put Roger Ailes, a former Republican Party strategist, in charge. He was a man who always had a problem with the media and wanted to cut out the middle man, in a way, between candidate and audience.

This is a pretty interesting (and long) read on Ailes and Fox News

I don't smoke at all, but legalizing pot has immense advantages and no downside other than what already exists with cigarettes and alcohol. It's kept illegal mainly through corporate interest.

Yeah, I know that stuff. I do personally think it should be legalized. It's just not something that I'm as passionate about right now. Maybe I'm wrong for not being passionate about it...
DENVER - Some of the victims fighting for their lives after being wounded in the movie theater shooting rampage may face another challenge when they get out of the hospital: enormous medical bills without the benefit of health insurance.

Members of the public, along with Warner Bros., the studio that released the Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises," have contributed nearly $2 million to help victims, though it's not clear how much of that will cover medical expenses. One family is raising money on its own online.

And three of the five hospitals that treated victims said Wednesday they will limit or completely wipe out medical bills.

Some of the victims, however, still face a long recovery ahead and the associated medical costs — without health insurance. There's no exact count of how many of them don't have insurance but statistics suggest many of them might not be covered.

Nearly one in three Coloradans, or about 1.5 million, either have no health insurance or have coverage that is inadequate, according to a 2011 report by The Colorado Trust, a health care advocacy group.

The highest uninsured rate was among adults between 18 and 34 and many of those injured in the shootings are in that age group.

So we have one party that (occasionally) tries to reduce guns and successfully passed a bill to get more people healthcare.
And the other party is committed to allowing anyone to buy any gun any time and campaigns on repealing the program that has got more healthcare out there.

I just find it a bit mind-boggling that so many people actually think more guns and less healthcare is the way to go. That is what we really need . . . more guns and less healthcare. Healthcare is the shitty thing to have . . . we need more guns. Go Figure.
Yeah, I know that stuff. I do personally think it should be legalized. It's just not something that I'm as passionate about right now. Maybe I'm wrong for not being passionate about it...
We shouldn't have to be passionate about it to overturn the criminal prosecution of those who cultivate or distribute or partake of this almost completely harmless weed that anybody can grow on their own. It'd make more sense to criminalize caffeine.

Its a low hanging fruit and its fucking shameful and backwards and against any conception of liberty that we go to such lengths to demonize it.

It honestly pisses me off that this is even an issue.
I don't smoke at all, but legalizing pot has immense advantages and no downside other than what already exists with cigarettes and alcohol. It's kept illegal mainly through corporate interest.

Normally, I'd dismiss something like that as a silly conspiracy theory. But it turns out that a major funder of the against some pot legalization referendum was beer companies and beer distributors. Gotta fight the competition I guess.



So we have one party that (occasionally) tries to reduce guns and successfully passed a bill to get more people healthcare.
And the other party is committed to allowing anyone to buy any gun any time and campaigns on repealing the program that has got more healthcare out there.

I just find it a bit mind-boggling that so many people actually think more guns and less healthcare is the way to go. That is what we really need . . . more guns and less healthcare. Healthcare is the shitty thing to have . . . we need more guns. Go Figure.

If only there were a gun that could heal wounds.


Normally, I'd dismiss something like that as a silly conspiracy theory. But it turns out that a major funder of the against some pot legalization referendum was beer companies and beer distributors. Gotta fight the competition I guess.

Wow... that's some fucked up stuff. Not just the beer companies being against it, but the police union stuff. I guess it makes sense, but still... really shameful, I must say. Lobbying to keep people behind bars and to lock more people up just so your paycheck is higher? Kind of sickening, really...
Wow... that's some fucked up stuff. Not just the beer companies being against it, but the police union stuff. I guess it makes sense, but still... really shameful, I must say. Lobbying to keep people behind bars and to lock more people up just so your paycheck is higher? Kind of sickening, really...
Well that's the full purpose of government to some.

If only there were a gun that could heal wounds.


Yeah, I know that stuff. I do personally think it should be legalized. It's just not something that I'm as passionate about right now. Maybe I'm wrong for not being passionate about it...
I'm not passionate about it either since I have no interest in weed personally, but I think keeping it illegal is as downright stupid as denying gay marriage. All the arguments against it are just bullshit, but stupid and hateful people buy into them.

Wow... that's some fucked up stuff. Not just the beer companies being against it, but the police union stuff. I guess it makes sense, but still... really shameful, I must say. Lobbying to keep people behind bars and to lock more people up just so your paycheck is higher? Kind of sickening, really...
Prohibition created gang wars and career criminals, but people with vested interests clung to keeping booze illegal until things changes enough that their support base was completely broken. It's amazing how blind and selfish people can be when they can so do in a group.
If only there were a gun that could heal wounds.


If only video games were real.



Not just no, but the concept of a "liberal media" comes from Nixon-era with-us-or-against-us logic.

Which makes sense, since that's exactly where Ailes started. He was a strategist/propagandist for Nixon.

I'm not passionate about it either since I have no interest in weed personally, but I think keeping it illegal is as downright stupid as denying gay marriage. All the arguments against it are just bullshit, but stupid and hateful people buy into them.



Normally, I'd dismiss something like that as a silly conspiracy theory. But it turns out that a major funder of the against some pot legalization referendum was beer companies and beer distributors. Gotta fight the competition I guess.

Ugh. The gains are so obvious from the parties in opposition, it's just disappointing. It reminds me of this loosely

a private prison management company is offering to buy prisons in exchange for various considerations, including a controversial guarantee that the governments maintain a 90% occupancy rate for at least 20 years (old)

On the weed note, I don't care about weed on a personal level (do I plan to use pot?), but it should be legalized.


There's a new Romney ad targeting the African American community

And Romney had a gun flub today

Mitt Romney is deeply confused about gun laws. In an interview set to air later tonight on NBC, the GOP presidential candidate says that alleged Aurora, Colo., shooter James Holmes “shouldn’t have had any kind of weapons and bombs and other devices” that he did. Romney says this justifies current gun laws as strong enough: “It was illegal for him to have many of those things already, but he had them. So we can sometimes hope that just changing the law will make all bad things go away. It won’t.” Instead, Romney says “changing the hearts of the American people” is a better policy.

Also, I found this slightly interesting:


War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Romney's visit to London has been a total disaster - irritating everyone and everything. He just doesn't understand that we moan about things and are grumpy - it is just what we do. However someone not from here doing it - completely unacceptable and rude.



So we have one party that (occasionally) tries to reduce guns and successfully passed a bill to get more people healthcare.
And the other party is committed to allowing anyone to buy any gun any time and campaigns on repealing the program that has got more healthcare out there.

I just find it a bit mind-boggling that so many people actually think more guns and less healthcare is the way to go. That is what we really need . . . more guns and less healthcare. Healthcare is the shitty thing to have . . . we need more guns. Go Figure.

Wait, is this the next part of the conspiracy theory that the Colorado shooting was a government setup? Really, can you think of a more perfect scenario to both push for more restrictive gun laws AND universal healthcare? Be on the lookout, this is making the rounds:



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
$20k really isn't that absurd of a figure when debt is involved.

That's actually a good point. If he had good credit and lied about his income he could probably get a serious amount of credit really fast.


He got the money through grad school grants. There's absolutely no use in even bringing it up.

I think it's pretty offensive that even Kosmo would float this idea around.
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