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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Clinton was at least antagonistic toward the right and sought to do big things (including truly universal health care). Obama's presidency has been almost... boring.

Guh? Not to defend Obama cause he hasn't been much either, but I thought Clinton bent over backwards to do what the Republicans wanted after the midterms? The great "triangulator" as it were?


Guh? Not to defend Obama cause he hasn't been much either, but I thought Clinton bent over backwards to do what the Republicans wanted after the midterms? The great "triangulator" as it were?
I'll admit I wasn't speaking to specific examples, it was based on my general impression of Clinton's years. I was very young during his time in office, too.
Where is John McCain?
John McCain, whose father and grandfather were both four-star admirals and whose father was a military advisor to Ford and Reagan? The legacy admission to the Naval Academy who demonstrated that he deserved to be admitted to one of the most prestigious schools in the country over someone whose father didn't go there by-- graduating 894th out of a class of 899? Yeah, no privilege there.
damn this visit is being slammed everywhere

worse than Palin/Dubya both some said in British newspapers lol

Yeah, Romney is living up to his reputation as a cold emotion-free manager robot.

At a pre-Olympics rally in Hyde Park Thursday, London Mayor Boris Johnson openly mocked Romney's comments—calling him out by name to the crowd.

"There are some people who are coming from around the world who don't yet know about all the preparations we've done to get London ready in the last seven years," Johnson said. "I hear there's a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know whether we're ready. He wants to know whether we're ready. Are we ready?! Are we ready?! Yes, we are?!"

Johnson's criticism comes just hours after British Prime Minister David Cameron offered a snippy response to Romney's comments, telling reporters," Of course it's easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere"—a comment widely interpreted to be a reference to Salt Lake City, where Romney ran the 2002 Winter Olympics.

The funny thing is that both Boris Johnson and David Cameron are conservatives! If Mitt is getting tweaked by them, I just wonder what the rest of the people think of him.


and don't forget the shit in Australia

truly embarrassing week for Romney. this summer could not possibly have been worse for him


I really can't believe how Mitt fucked this whole trip up. The UK should be easy. Why is he having such a hard time with the fucking UK of all places?
He's truly a novice on the topic. Consequently, he's noticeably uncomfortable. He appears wooden and artificial. And it seems his advisers have been execrable. When your candidate is a total novice, it's incumbent on the advisers to ensure the candidate avoids modest mistakes.
So, Romney struggles to distinguish his economic policies from Bush's. I wonder if more journalists will keep asking him this question, or if it'll come up in a debate.
Essentially, yes. The Bush plan. And it's obvious that, although Democrats have inadequately pursued effective economic policies, the Republican platform is destructive. The development of our energy potential has accelerated under Obama. And, although I support liberalized trade, it's not going to significantly bolster growth; this is especially true in the near term. Moreover, we already possess extensive trade relations with Latin America; Brazil and Argentina are the only lucrative opportunities remaining. It continues with other tired conservative dogma; his plan is the antithesis of fresh. It would further dampen our economic potential.
I blame Jackson50


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's a shame Romney's idiocy regarding Britain isn't gonna effect votes here in Amurka.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
He protested in favor of the war and then got 4 deferments. And his mission in France went for 30 months . . . longer than most such missions.

And considering how much the Romney campaign keeps trying to paint Obama as a 'foreigner', it is fair game to point out that instead of fighting the war that he supported he spent 2 & half years in Paris, France avoiding the draft.

Foreign missions up until the 70's were 30 months long. My dad served a 30 month mission to Finland, for example. He was also in the reserves before then...must have been a draft dodger.
And you know . . . why isn't he visiting France? I mean it is so sad that he can't go to France and he can't admit he can speak some French because he's afraid of being tainted. An ability to speak a foreign language of an ally is an asset but he has to act like he can't because someone might call him a cheese-eating surrender monkey or something.
It's a shame Romney's idiocy regarding Britain isn't gonna effect votes here in Amurka.
True but it just reinforces the image of him being it of touch, while also making Obama stand out given his position as commander in chief; Romney played dress up and flopped.

He should rebound in Israel though, where he'll meet people more aligned with his worldview
and don't forget the shit in Australia

truly embarrassing week for Romney. this summer could not possibly have been worse for him

And yet over 45% of the population will vote for him not on economic policy or foreign policy but abortion, birth certificates, gunz, and gayz. Politics is so depressing sometimes.
Yeah, Romney is living up to his reputation as a cold emotion-free manager robot.

The funny thing is that both Boris Johnson and David Cameron are conservatives! If Mitt is getting tweaked by them, I just wonder what the rest of the people think of him.

The trouble is that in most Fox conservatives' minds, all Europeans are radical commies so getting yelled at Boris Johnson will probably fire up his base. Shameful really, considering Boris's terribad economic policies.


And yet over 45% of the population will vote for him not on economic policy or foreign policy but abortion, birth certificates, gunz, and gayz. Politics is so depressing sometimes.

yeah but all we need is the electoral college, and we;re doing pretty OK there


GAF has changed also. When I first joined, there were many more far left people (that were more active and vocal).

Drinky, Triumph, Maynerd, Mandark, Scorcho, fortified concept, xabre, Chichikov, ReggieTFE, monkeytehbais, etc etc

Old chart

My views on global warming and the death penalty put me in the 'far right wing' on GAF.
Man I remember the days when I thought Fortified concept and ev were evil socialists
Foreign missions up until the 70's were 30 months long. My dad served a 30 month mission to Finland, for example. He was also in the reserves before then...must have been a draft dodger.

What would have happened to a Dem candidate already if the person had become a missionary in France instead of serving the country?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
True but it just reinforces the image of him being it of touch, while also making Obama stand out given his position as commander in chief; Romney played dress up and flopped.

This sorta reminded me of how Bill O' tried to defend Palin's lack of knowing geography by saying that someone could spend a few hours showing her map once a week or something to that effect.

So, somewhat random question to get off topic about the Mittastrophe for a bit. I actually found this a little surprising in the sense that I haven't heard most people on the left arguing this point, but greed is supposed to be one of the seven deadly sins. So how the heck do Christians deal with being against greed while supporting the idea of the rich hoarding as much money as possible?
Seven Deadly Sins aren't in the bible, AFAIK. And most people haven't read other historical texts (like Dante's works, especially the Divine Comedy in this case).

Plus, most people (note I said people, not Christians) are gigantic hypocrites.
It will be fantastic if Romney wins the popular but Obama wins the EC.

Would be funny watching both sides flip flop on that issue although I must admit I don't lose a bit of sleep knowing that Romney's chances of getting the electoral votes he needs to beat obama relies on some major fuck up by the Obama team or the economy going to shit.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
yeah, I meant to mention that most christians have probably not even read the bible straight through as an adult, too.

They just hear someone say something and assume it's true. Sadly.

http://www.christianity.com/blogs/mohler/1270946/print/ lolz

I remember reading that article a few weeks ago. lol indeed.

Also, from the twitters:

Maybe Mitt Romney's tax returns don't want to released. Maybe they have Stockholm syndrome.


“65 year-old w/#AngloSaxonHeritage, no business experience since 1999, seeks position, possibly as Leader of the Free World.”



Fork 'em, Sparky!
What would have happened to a Dem candidate already if the person had become a missionary in France instead of serving the country?

Irrelevant to me since I never talk about optics, perception and other politics garbage. Just telling the facts of the situation. To call someone a draft dodger because he went on a mission to a foreign country (people don't control where they go) and for serving longer than normal (he served the standard amount for the time he served in) is not accurate. I am not saying that he wasn't a Draft dodger, just that the accusations in this case are built around distortions of the truth.

I have been the loudest voice on this board explaining why I don't feel that Mitt Romney is a good Mormon, but I still only wish to debate the facts, not merely the appearance of them.

I would have done everything I could to avoid the Draft, in my personal opinion. Killing people to stem the flow of oppressive communism sounds pretty damn backwards and wrong, not that I can blame mere pawns of the govt.
Call me crazy, but I'd say about only 10 percent of those that said he was a Muslim were actually being genuine.

you think people lie that blatantly in anonymous polls?

FWIW, I know a couple Democrats who've been convinced he's a Muslim. And I'm talking professional people, not some yokel. And they ain't trolling.

People are gullible.
Well you were right on about fortified concept.

"Cuba has more polictical rights than most Latin American countries."

GAF has changed also. When I first joined, there were many more far left people (that were more active and vocal).

Drinky, Triumph, Maynerd, Mandark, Scorcho, fortified concept, xabre, Chichikov, ReggieTFE, monkeytehbais, etc etc

Old chart

My views on global warming and the death penalty put me in the 'far right wing' on GAF.

Most people on far wings of GAF tend to get banned because they have a habit of getting too passionate in arguing for their fantasy lands. Case in point fortified_concept and Jaydubya. They trolls, but they got too amped up during arguments.

Also what compass site is that?


Well you were right on about fortified concept.
Fortified concept was fucking crazy.
I think he's the only person who got me to defend Israel in this century.
Irrelevant to me since I never talk about optics, perception and other politics garbage. Just telling the facts of the situation. To call someone a draft dodger because he went on a mission to a foreign country (people don't control where they go) and for serving longer than normal (he served the standard amount for the time he served in) is not accurate. I am not saying that he wasn't a Draft dodger, just that the accusations in this case are built around distortions of the truth.

I have been the loudest voice on this board explaining why I don't feel that Mitt Romney is a good Mormon, but I still only wish to debate the facts, not merely the appearance of them.

I would have done everything I could to avoid the Draft, in my personal opinion. Killing people to stem the flow of oppressive communism sounds pretty damn backwards and wrong, not that I can blame mere pawns of the govt.
I think the most important point to remember is that it's fine to dodge the draft.
It was a dumb way to die.

Yeah, you can make a point about his hypocrisy based on one day of rallying when he was 19.
But there are much better, more recent and more relevant examples.

GAF has changed also. When I first joined, there were many more far left people (that were more active and vocal).

Drinky, Triumph, Maynerd, Mandark, Scorcho, fortified concept, xabre, Chichikov, ReggieTFE, monkeytehbais, etc etc
What the fuck?
I'm still here and as commie as ever!
Just wow...

Mittens didn't do anything as serious as say throwing manure on the British flag or something, but him stumbling over British protocol like a blind mouse has been extremely embarrassing and undercuts his foreign policy message against Obama.

Yes it's true voters two months from now won't remember the specific gaffes from this trip. But this trip will certainly help solidify the impression that Romney is a gaffe machine and is basically completely out of touch with almost everything when he's not in a corporate boardroom.

Romney was suppose to be the "adult" that was going to come and take over the country from the inexperienced and naive Obama. But with each passing week, Romney is looking less and less like the competent adult father-figure and more like an overgrown man-child that actually knows very little about what's going on in the world and who plays by a separate set of rules than everyone else (ie. by not releasing tax returns).

I think the Romney camp was hoping to make Romney the "Generic Republican" since they figured the generic republican would beat Obama this fall. But all this is doing is making Romney look artificial. Also the general campaign is exposing just how weak a candidate Romney is. He looked legit in the GOP Primary primarily because he was sharing the stage with literal joke characters. And he still needed a TON of negative ads via SuperPacs to take them down.

I definitely sense a campaign shake-up coming soon. It's also criminal that no-one in the campaign upgraded Romney-Bot with the latest foreign policy firmware with the London Olympic Patch v1.05. That patch among other things would have suppressed his BashEuro subroutine until he was back on US Red-state soil.
Black Political Power Vanishes across the South - Jonathan Tilove, The Times-Picayune

When President Barack Obama arrives in New Orleans on Wednesday to speak before the National Urban League annual conference, he will touch down in a state where his party, less than a month before the qualifying deadline, has yet to find a congressional candidate for any district outside the black-majority seat held by Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-New Orleans.

For Sen. Karen Carter Peterson, D-New Orleans, who seized control of the party from Buddy Leach in April, it is a year for "grassroots rebuilding." But so too was last year, when the party failed to field a single major candidate for any statewide office, including governor.

Rebuilding is certainly the order of the day for the Democratic Party across much of the South, where the party's fortunes are lower than at any time since the end of Reconstruction, and where black political influence has suffered a sudden, symbiotic decline.

"Black voters and elected officials have less influence now than at any time since the civil rights era,"
David Bositis, an analyst at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in Washington, wrote in a stark analysis late last year. It is the culmination of nearly a half-century process that began with the dismantling of Jim Crow, the empowerment of black voters and an explosion in black representation, but that now finds its ironic coda in a once-dominating Democrat Party transformed into a largely African-American enterprise that is only occasionally able to scrounge enough white votes to compete effectively outside black districts. The result has been the loss of legislative control in every Southern state save Arkansas.

"In most Southern states, the 46-year transition from a multiracial Democratic political dominance is almost complete," Bositis wrote. "At the heart of this transition is racially polarized voting. Black state legislators, generally elected in black majority districts and long used to being in a majority coalition, are now almost entirely isolated in the minority. Republicans likewise dominate the statewide political offices in these states. Virtually all black elected officials are outsiders looking in."

For Democrats and African-Americans in the South, there appears no easy way out. The numbers in Bositis' brief are dramatic.

Before the 1994 Republican landslide, 99.5 percent of all black state legislators in the South were serving in the majority. After that election, the number dipped to 83.9 percent. By 2010, another fateful election year for Democrats, barely half of Southern black legislators were in the majority. By 2011, that number had plummeted to 4.8 percent.

"A resegregation in politics has taken place," Bositis wrote. "The achievement of complete power at the state level by people who support politics and actions that African-Americans oppose means that for the near future that legislation and budgeting in the South is unlikely to be aimed at helping African-Americans no matter how bad their unemployment levels, how poor their schools and dropout rates, and no matter how bad their health disparities. Those with power have also sought to push further into the future any relief or redress by making more difficult for black voices to be heard at the polls."


In the 2008 presidential election, Obama received 14 percent of the white vote in Louisiana, the lowest of any state except Alabama, at 10 percent, and Mississippi at 11 percent.

In the 2010 U.S. Senate election, Rep. Charlie Melancon, D-Napoleonville, a Cajun Blue Dog Democrat, won 22 percent of the white vote against Sen. David Vitter, R-La.

Outside Richmond's black majority district, there are two other Louisiana congressional districts -- the 4th and 5th -- where about 35 percent of the voting population is black. But Bositis said that is still shy of the 40 percent that an African-American Democrat would need to stand a decent chance of prevailing in a state with a history of racially polarized voting like Louisiana.


It's a pretty well-done piece of the sort I'll be sorely missing when the T-P performs an elective lobotomy on itself in a couple of months.
This is so disheartening to read.

My state is so fucked.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
John McCain, whose father and grandfather were both four-star admirals and whose father was a military advisor to Ford and Reagan? The legacy admission to the Naval Academy who demonstrated that he deserved to be admitted to one of the most prestigious schools in the country over someone whose father didn't go there by-- graduating 894th out of a class of 899? Yeah, no privilege there.

I always wonder why people say "Four Star Admiral" instead of O-10 or Admiral Chief of Naval Operations / Commandant of the CG.
I'd high-five you, but the circumstances seem too tragic. Maybe a subdued terrorist fist jab? Let's ride this ship into the bottom of the sea with our middle fingers in the air to Jindal and rednecks.

I didn't realize anybody else from my area hung around PoliGAF.

I'll ride with you to the very bottom! :D

I can't remember PoliGAF from when I joined in 2006. I know I was really fuckin angry about the Bush years, though.
Yup. Thats me as well. Only Poligaf has taught me to look at things in a different light. Less echo-chamber if you can believe that, and more metrics and source based.

I'm still not nearly as smart as many of the regulars here, even though I have walked across the surface of the sun.

Edit: Random aside: I used to work with Markos (Kos) from Daily Kos, back when it just a blog for him to write his thoughts in his spare time. I disagreed with him on the Iraq war and that was a point of contention between us daily until I eventually ended up marching against the drive to war. There is a very strong difference between posing Saddam as a threat to our interests and implicating his regime in the 9/11 attacks. And when I saw our overwhelming grief being used to justify pre-emptive invasion I jumped off the boat big time and had to re-establish my bearings.


I can't remember PoliGAF from when I joined in 2006. I know I was really fuckin angry about the Bush years, though.

Heh, if I was here in 2006 I may have been a Bush apologist... probably wouldn't have lasted very long... I'm glad I wasn't. I wouldn't want to have actual searchable proof that I was an idiot. Actually, thinking about it, by 06 I probably wasn't. I was probably starting my transition to the other side by then, since I was already sort of questioning things in 04, even though I still voted Bush.


Heh, if I was here in 2006 I may have been a Bush apologist... probably wouldn't have lasted very long... I'm glad I wasn't. I wouldn't want to have actual searchable proof that I was an idiot. Actually, thinking about it, by 06 I probably wasn't. I was probably starting my transition to the other side by then, since I was already sort of questioning things in 04, even though I still voted Bush.

I voted Green Party in '04, thank fuck. Took me a while to find my political sea legs, and didn't feel comfortable posting until I did. PoliGAF was supremely helpful along the way, though.


There's some great conservative representation. ToxicAdam, AlteredBeast, etc. Problem is the Republicans have gone so far off the deep end that even these guys are fed up with it.

ToxicAdam's a complete nutjob when it comes to the environment and also uses hackjob blogs for it. Reminds me how posters mourned JayDubya's banning as if he were some worthy opponent when all he did was hit-and-run posts and selective quoting.
I didn't realize anybody else from my area hung around PoliGAF.

I'll ride with you to the very bottom! :D


I'm from Shreveport myself, but currently at the university here in BR. I know the article talks about how blacks have seen their voice diminish as the Democratic party fades in the South, but how would you fix that? Would no longer requiring a minority-majority district help? Like breaking up the black vote and allowing it to delude into more district. My example would be going from one district that had 60-70% black constituents to two districts that had 35-40% black constituents. They would no longer be the outright majority, but still a strong force with crossover white voters helping to get their voices heard. I'm also proud of the fact that I am one of the 10% white males that voted for Obama here in 2008. Too bad the other 90% of my demographic didn't agree with me.
I always wonder why people say "Four Star Admiral" instead of O-10 or Admiral Chief of Naval Operations / Commandant of the CG.
1) Because having four stars does not mean you're the CNO. You might be a theater commander or Vice-Chair/Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

2) Because the name of the O-10 rank is just "Admiral", but the three ranks before it also have "Admiral" in their names (Rear Admiral Lower Half, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral). Furthermore, the proper way to address all of these ranks is "Admiral". So when you just say someone is an admiral, you're not being clear. And saying "O-10" is less clear than saying "Four Star" because most people have no idea what O-10 means but are vaguely aware of the star rank insignia.
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