PoliGAF, please read this
gem of an article:
Too Much Baggage
Mitt Romney needs to fire his foreign-policy team. Yesterday.
Some choice bits:
I never quite mentally connected the dots that Rothkopf does here, but he makes a good point. It doesn't particularly matter what Romney
actually believes, the fact that he said what he did shows remarkable lack of discipline, unpreparedness, and terrible political management. Shocking really.
This more or less echoes what all of us have been saying for weeks now. That Romney isn't tied or leading nationwide either means the economy on the ground is better than we think it is (it is), or it means he and his team are fucking this chicken so raw
Huckabee couldn't revive it with a
celebrate-the-phobes day.
And here's the kicker. Romney is getting dangerously close to not-just-unfortunate-timing or wrong-candidate-for-the-cycle, but rather this-guy-might-actually-be-a-terrible-leader.
I said a year ago I wasn't afraid of a Romney presidency, and in some cases it might have even lifted a bit of the gridlock preventing congress from doing the necessary structural investments. I have to take it back now. This guy ain't ready. And that he's had six years to
get ready should be a giant fucking red flag for all of us. I
am worried.