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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Those ego stroking conventions are always funny. It's amazing how you can be so successful and still have the deeply rooted need to be constantly reminded of how savvy you are.


So, PoliGAF, what do you do when your mother sends you (and 40 other people on her email list) this email?:

Subject: They Are Coming To Take Your Guns Away...

They Are Coming To Take Your Guns Away From You

July 22, 2012 10:02 am

U.S.A. reverses stance on UN treaty to regulate arms trade

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto.The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.

On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States. The Obama administration intends to force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for USA citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. By signing international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can use the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress.

Once the US Government signs these international treaties, all USA citizens will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments. These are laws that have been developed and promoted by organizations such as the United Nations and individuals such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The laws are designed and intended to lead to the complete ban and confiscation of all firearms. The Obama administration is attempting to use tactics and methods of gun control that will inflict major damage to our 2nd Amendment before USA citizens even understand what has happened.

Obama can appear before the public and tell them that he does not intend to pursue any legislation (in the United States) that will lead to new gun control laws, while cloaked in secrecy, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is committing the USA to international treaties and foreign gun control laws. Does that mean Obama is telling the truth? What it means is that there will be no publicized gun control debates in the media or votes in Congress.

We will wake up one morning and find that the United States has signed a treaty that prohibits firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public.

We will wake up another morning and find that the USA has signed a treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm ownership.

We will wake up yet another morning and find that the USA has signed a treaty that requires USA citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment.

This is not a joke nor a false warning!
As sure as government health care will be forced on us by the Obama administration through whatever means necessary, so will gun control.

Please forward this message to others who may be concerned about the direction in which our country is headed.

We are being led like a lamb to the slaughter (Socialism/Dictatorship).


What do you do? Ignore it? Talk to your mom? Hit "Reply All" and link to the snopes.com page on this?


"I got it...we're going to attack him on one of the most popular things he did!!!!! We've got 'em this time!!"

Attacking your opponents strength is a classic move from the Rove play book. Obama has already done it with Romneys vaunted business experience.

Not sure if it will work in this case though.


So, PoliGAF, what do you do when your mother sends you (and 40 other people on her email list) this email?:

What do you do? Ignore it? Talk to your mom? Hit "Reply All" and link to the snopes.com page on this?

This one. They probably won't believe it, but at least you're trying to help them not be misinformed.
I swear everyone around Romney has to be a grade A moron. He shouldn't even be bringing up the auto bailout. Its a disastrous position for him that he should be doing his best to make people forget about... not advertise and thrust it back into the minds of America.
Rovian strategy - Attack the opponent's strongest asset and turn it into a liability. Except in this scenario, auto-bailout has had tangible positive effects in the midwest


So, PoliGAF, what do you do when your mother sends you (and 40 other people on her email list) this email?:

What do you do? Ignore it? Talk to your mom? Hit "Reply All" and link to the snopes.com page on this?

You should do nothing and keep this email in your back pocket. Then, when it becomes plainly apparent that Obama has not committed the US to secret UN resolutions, wave this in front of her face every chance you get repeating that she should never trust "news" she gets in a chain email, and that doesnt include a source.


So, PoliGAF, what do you do when your mother sends you (and 40 other people on her email list) this email?:

What do you do? Ignore it? Talk to your mom? Hit "Reply All" and link to the snopes.com page on this?

Send a reply saying "If you keep this up mom, I'm going to have to take your gun away"


Have we gone on to posting electoral maps yet? You guys probably went through a phase of that which I missed.

Here's four that establish the boundries, so to speak, from most blue to most red:

Obama Dream Map (absolute best-case scenario for him).

Likely Obama path to victory (actually pretty close to the current 'state of the race'.

Most likely Romney path to victory.

Romney Dream Map (absolute best-case scenario for him).

Says a lot about Romney's chances that the Obama Dream Map, while highly unlikely, is still more likely than the Romney Dream Map yet has 46 EV more.

But the most likely scenario's for either one are even more damning. Regarding Romney's most likely victory map, he can afford to lose either Colorado or Iowa and still win, but not both. Meanwhile, of his weakest states Obama can afford to lose Colorado AND Iowa AND New Hampshire AND Virginia, as long as he keeps Ohio. If Obama does lose Ohio, he can compensate with Virginia plus any one of Iowa, Colorado and New Hampshire. If he loses both Ohio and Virginia he still wins if he holds on to all three of the others (Iowa, Colorado and New Hampshire). Or he can just win Florida.


Rovian strategy - Attack the opponent's strongest asset and turn it into a liability. Except in this scenario, auto-bailout has had tangible positive effects in the midwest

I'm skeptical on how much goodwill the auto bailout has in suburban Ohio, which is where Romney has to make his bones to have a chance to win.



I don't even get this at all. What's the contrast here. Normally when you say your opponent did something bad it's to show a contrast on how that thing wouldn't have happened under your watch. Wouldn't this dealership (and probably more) have been closed up if Romney had got his way? Wouldn't this dealership (and probably more) have been closed up without the bailout? I mean the word bailout in and of itself implies Obama tried to help that industry. He tried to bailout GM from their troubles. Because one dude slipped through the cracks that's a bad thing? I mean it is, but what's Romney saying? There should have been more money given to GM?


Professional Schmuck
Rovian strategy - Attack the opponent's strongest asset and turn it into a liability. Except in this scenario, auto-bailout has had tangible positive effects in the midwest


Other ideas --

1. Killing Osama Bin Ladin makes America look weak!
2. Declining unemployment means businesses are taking on too much debt!
3. aflafaarral afa;lkjagaf foxnewsa alkajfalfja


So, PoliGAF, what do you do when your mother sends you (and 40 other people on her email list) this email?

You can try to take it on head on, but I suspect you'll just get embroiled in controversy.

The policy I set when I married my wife is that whenever my in-laws send me dadspam I send them, without commentary, a link from Talking Points Memo about a story *I* like. Daily Kos would probably also work. As I recall, the first time I got something I sent them the story about how Fox News viewers do worse on tests of current events than people who don't watch news at all.

They stopped pretty quickly.
New Presdential joint polling from (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS News Poll)


Obama Approval & Senate Races


Say it with me now

Obama is DOOMED.

But in all seriousness, while the popular vote margin will probably be close, I have a feeling that if things more or less hold, this election is going to be called before 9pm. I've heard the argument that the reason why Obama and Romney are more or less tied in national polls but Obama has a huge lead in swing states is because his overall margin is down in blue states, but as long as they stay Dem it doesn't matter.

If Obama wins Virginia (where he's favored) and North Carolina (where Romney is favored, but there might be a post-convention bounce for the President), he'll be rocking nearly 350 EVs. Not bad for someone who everyone in the media really wants to lose.
You can try to take it on head on, but I suspect you'll just get embroiled in controversy.

The policy I set when I married my wife is that whenever my in-laws send me dadspam I send them, without commentary, a link from Talking Points Memo about a story *I* like. Daily Kos would probably also work. As I recall, the first time I got something I sent them the story about how Fox News viewers do worse on tests of current events than people who don't watch news at all.

They stopped pretty quickly.
Holy crap you´re my hero.
You know what Mitt . . . I'd say the Palestinians agree. THAT IS WHY THEY WANT TO HAVE FREEDOM WITH THEIR OWN STATE BUT YOU ARE AGAINST THAT IT SEEMS. WTF, Mitt?!?! Checkpoints, a great wall, land being confiscated, inability to import & export from their territory freely . . . that's what they want. Don't you know that? Are you fucking idiot?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Say it with me now

Obama is DOOMED.

But in all seriousness, while the popular vote margin will probably be close, I have a feeling that if things more or less hold, this election is going to be called before 9pm. I've heard the argument that the reason why Obama and Romney are more or less tied in national polls but Obama has a huge lead in swing states is because his overall margin is down in blue states, but as long as they stay Dem it doesn't matter.

If Obama wins Virginia (where he's favored) and North Carolina (where Romney is favored, but there might be a post-convention bounce for the President), he'll be rocking nearly 350 EVs. Not bad for someone who everyone in the media really wants to lose.
Yeah for basically the past month I've been in the camp that says that the popular vote is going to be close (and, heaven forbid, Romney might win) but Obama has the electoral vote handily.


Another interest tidbit from those polls:

A sliver of voters, 4 percent in each state, say they are undecided between Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney. Only about one in 10 who have picked a candidate say they could change their minds, fewer than some polls showed at this point in previous races.

Bailout ad is just bad. They had that guy talk about his dealership closing down in what looks to be an operational dealership. No mention of Obama from the guy either, just GM. Seems more like he's upset at GM. They had to badly edit in a voice over to pin it on Obama.
A testament to the ingenuity of American business.

And not in any way to the planning of DARPA, which held annual autonomous vehicle challenges with cash prizes that motivated engineers to work on the problem, engineers who were hired en masse by Google.

Seriously, do these people even think about what they write?
They're teaparty congressmen. Their constituency are tea party idiots. These folks think Obama is a Muslim. Nuff said.
Study: Romney tax plan would shift burden to poor
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Mitt Romney's tax plan would provide large tax cuts to the very wealthy, while increasing the tax burden on the lower and middle classes, according to a study released Wednesday.

The report -- produced by researchers at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center -- illustrates just how difficult it would be to recoup government revenue lost under Romney's plan.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee's tax plan calls for 20% cuts to today's Bush-era income tax rates. He would also eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax.

Those tax cuts would lead to a sharp decline in government revenue. Yet Romney insists he will make up the difference in-part by limiting deductions, exemptions and credits currently available to top-level income earners.

Romney refuses to say which tax breaks he plans to eliminate -- but the Tax Policy Center report indicates the plan would force the tax burden to shift toward lower and middle-class Americans.

"A revenue-neutral individual income tax change that incorporates the features Governor Romney has proposed ... would provide large tax cuts to high-income households, and increase the tax burdens on middle- and/or lower-income taxpayers," the report concludes.

And because most tax breaks go to the poor and middle class, "maintaining revenue neutrality mathematically necessitates a shift in the tax burden of at least $86 billion away from high-income taxpayers and onto lower- and middle-income taxpayers."

The end result is that individuals who make less than $200,000 would actually have to pay $500 more, on average, in taxes -- a 1.2% decrease in after-tax income, the study found.

Meanwhile, the after-tax income of individuals who make more than $1 million would increase by 4.1%.

The Romney campaign did not immediately return a request for comment. To top of page
Maybe now the media can start talking about this?


Third-ranking House Republican: This Senate is ‘probably’ the worst ever

It is a time-honored tradition for members of the House of Representatives to complain about their colleagues in the Senate, but one top ranking House Republican took the criticism a step further Wednesday when he said the current Senate was "probably" the worst ever.

At a Christian Science Monitor breakfast, a reporter asked House Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy if he agreed with Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein's recent assessment that the nation is currently led by "the worst Congress ever."

"I'd disagree with your friend on the House of Representatives,"
McCarthy said, pointing to the number of bills passed under House Speaker John Boehner's leadership and noting that the chamber has used an "open process" that allows amendments to bills from both parties.

The same was not true, McCarthy insisted, for those in the Democrat-led upper chamber.

"Had he referred to the Senate, I'd probably agree with him," McCarthy said. "One, that bills don't come up. That you can't have the challenge—you don't even produce a budget? I mean, I'd sit back and the first way I would score an individual inside there, [I'd ask] have you done the fundamentals of producing a budget and passing it? ... We did one in four months. So there's merit to him when you talk about the Senate."

Regarding the future of the Senate, McCarthy envisioned that the chamber would begin to look more like the House in time, pointing to the Senate runoff election in Texas that resulted in victory for the tea party-backed candidate Ted Cruz.

"The Senate is like a country club, and the House is like stopping at a truck stop for breakfast," he said. "We are a microcosm of society, and we reflect it first. The Senate just hasn't had an opportunity to reflect it yet."

Doesn't most shit die in the House if it is proposed by a Democrat?

I need a PopGAF laughing gif right about now.


There we go.

If you want yearly income, the top 1% earn over 21% of total US income (roughly $13 trillion IIRC)

So 13 trillion divided by 330 million is pretty much 40,000. $40,000 to each person? That can't be right (though this doesn't include how much they are taxed). The average person makes $43,000.

But going by this assuming that their income is 35% taxed, that would be $25,606. Now have that money would only go to the bottom third of Americans that would be $76,818. Divide that in half so that the 1% have half their wealth thats $38,409. So we could give each of the bottom 33% of Americans $38,409 if we took half of the 1%s income?
All 3 of his viewers will change their vote.
You have no idea. Lot of people watch CNN. I travel through lot of airports around the country, and you'll be surprised to find out how many are tuned into CNN, including businesses and hotels. If nothing, it will get the ball rolling. MSNBC's coverage will be no-brainer.
You have no idea. Lot of people watch CNN. I travel through lot of airports around the country, and you'll be surprised to find out how many are tuned into CNN, including businesses and hotels. If nothing, it will get the ball rolling. MSNBC's coverage will be no-brainer.

I know that a lot of airports have cnn on. But I really don't see them as having a big impact. Unless they hammer it home. But instead Wolf will have some Republican guy on saying its all a lie.


All 3 of his viewers will change their vote.

Though HuffPo is running it as their top story

HuffPo can be so embarrassing at times. They ran somebody's oped about how Obama STILL JUST MIGHT make Hillary his VP, even though Biden has been campaigning for months and his name is plastered all over campaign gear. They said that Hillary and Biden should switch positions.
HuffPo can be so embarrassing at times. They ran somebody's oped about how Obama STILL JUST MIGHT make Hillary his VP, even though Biden has been campaigning for months and his name is plastered all over campaign gear. They said that Hillary and Biden should switch positions.

I don't read that whole left side. I just look what stories they highlight.

I hate reading op-eds on those kind of sites.
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