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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Wow, that obama add is brutal, and actually pretty close to accurate, though using the hard numbers like that is always a bad idea.

Question is, will anyone listen to the fact that romney wants to raise taxes on 95% of americans to lower the taxes of very few?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Wow, that obama add is brutal, and actually pretty close to accurate, though using the hard numbers like that is always a bad idea.

Question is, will anyone listen to the fact that romney wants to raise taxes on 95% of americans to lower the taxes of very few?

Part of the problem is it seems to far fetched a claim, even though, under what has been stated, it's true.

Although, the more likely outcome is adding to the deficit to give the wealthy an additional tax break. However that goes against what Romney and others have said about the plan.


I've noticed that when the ad is negative "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message" comes at the beginning of the ad and if it's a positive ad it goes at the end.
Part of the problem is it seems to far fetched a claim, even though, under what has been stated, it's true.

Although, the more likely outcome is adding to the deficit to give the wealthy an additional tax break. However that goes against what Romney and others have said about the plan.

This is why I'm looking forward to the debates. Romney's policies are just so bad, and would poll so poorly, but he can hide from them in the 24 hour news cycle. It'll be harder to in the debates.


Democrats are really beating on Romney now on his 'gray areas'. Essentially 'filling in the blanks' on Romney's record in an attempt to goad him into releasing more information (either on his tax history or his future policy plans).

Can't win an election if you are playing defense the whole time.


He tries to play offense, but immediately goes back to defense after opening his mouth. Punting every time with no 1st downs.


the romney camp probably rubbing their hands for friday's job report. Then Obama probably issues another exec order lol

If they couldn't take advantage of the last two reports, I don't see them being able to do it moving forward. My guess is that the Obama campaign has something planned for any lackluster jobs report to steal Romney's thunder. Again.
Re: housing debate.

While in the early 200s and late 90's we obviously overfocused on home ownership as a source of wealth, it's still not some terrible idea to buy a house. Right now in many areas, monthly rent payments are on par with mortgage/maintenance payments, and even in the first few years of a 30 year fixed mortgage, nearly 20% of that is going into the principle.

I can use my situation as an example, our maitnence + mortgage on our apartment puts us on the higher end of rents in our neighborhood (Central Brooklyn). so lets say on a rental I could hit the median of our neighborhood and save a hundred bucks off our total payment, but 200 dollars of every payment goes to principal. My maintenance creeps up every year at 1-2% but rents in the area have gone up 4-6% YoY. I had higher closing fees, lawyer fees, etc vs a brokers fee for an apartment, but those are one time increases.

Anywho, by year 3-4, even if my apartment doesn't go up in value I break even vs. renting, at year 5 I'm a few thousand dollars ahead, at year 7 I'm way ahead. I see the money invested in this apartment like a blind trust that will be used for future home purchases, every mortgage payment is like 20% going back to future homes. Then, my wife and I want to redo our kitchen, we get to enjoy a new kitchen AND it improves the home value.

So yea, moving away from the idea that EVERYONE should go into debt and own is probably wrong, but for a large set of the population, a 30 year mortgage, and a home is just a really good deal right now.


I've noticed that when the ad is negative "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message" comes at the beginning of the ad and if it's a positive ad it goes at the end.

This is pretty standard procedure for all political ads where an approval is needed. If it's negative you want to get it out of the way as quickly as possible so that the viewer has a harder time associating you with the negativity, instead focusing on all the horrible things your opponent has done.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I thought he was getting some traction before the trip abroad. Obama had a bad month of numbers and capped it off with his 'You didn't build it" comment.

Yeah, the "you didn't build that" reaction looked like one of their strategies was actually starting to stick, but than Romney opened his mouth again...
So often you see people compare mortgage payments straight up to rent cost, but ignore the other costs of owning (taxes, maintenance, opportunity costs, etc).

You missed one big one: interest.

People who think they are gaining equity by buying over renting often don't understand how amortization works.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Obama camp is getting outspent 2-1 in swing state ads, should be even more with Koch ads going on air this/next week


I think Obama's lead is too much for negative ads to have any discernible effect.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Plus, what are they going to talk about? If they aren't hammering on about one thing: the economy (mainly UE, since corporate profits are at all time highs), they are blowing that cash on nothing. Personal and personality attacks will get them nowhere.
Democrats are really beating on Romney now on his 'gray areas'. Essentially 'filling in the blanks' on Romney's record in an attempt to goad him into releasing more information (either on his tax history or his future policy plans).

Can't win an election if you are playing defense the whole time.


They are trying the "When did you stop beating your wife?" style of attack questions. Any way that Romney responds lends credence to the allegations.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
They are trying the "When did you stop beating your wife?" style of attack questions. Any way that Romney responds lends credence to the allegations.

Yeah, the only problem is the old fashioned "wrestling a pig in the mud" thing. Eventually, Obama and his team isn't going to look like they are above the fray, they are going to look just as dirty and then who knows what will happen.

Angry Fork

2 months until the debates... I really cannot wait. It's going to be amazing, I doubt any other election in recent history will come close to the one sided beat down that will happen. The amount of lies and flip flops by Romney will come back to haunt him so bad. I can't think of any other candidate that has been so shameless and slimey as this guy and it will all come out during the debates.


I wonder if these ads are not effective and Romney loses if PACs will relook at where they place their resources.

It seems the time of throwing money at an election to win it are dwindling.

more noise on noise is wasted money. Its why i generally don't get caught up on who is raising more money then who, because the numbers are so ridiculously high that the differences mean very little

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I hope Obama hammers Romney in the debates. His ads have been effective so far but in his personal speeches he's still been fairly tame. Chalk that up to Romney not formally being the nominee yet probably though



"This is further proof that the president's campaign is willing to say whatever it takes to distract from his economic record, no matter how baseless, unfounded or demonstrably false their attacks are," spokesman Mason Harrison said. "President (Barack) Obama condemned these kinds of negative attacks in 2008, but like many of the promises he made back then, they have turned out to be just more words."

The tax charges are demonstrably false, we just don't feel like demonstrating it!


I think everyone is aware of Obama's faults. We've been hammered with them every day for four years. I don't know how effective nonstop ads are going to be when those polls yesterday show that in OH, PA, and FL only 4% of voters there are undecided. People are starting to make their minds up.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
This is further proof that the president's campaign is willing to say whatever it takes to distract from his economic record
I love how literally every response opens with this exact phrase. They know that they have one single solitary card they can play and they are going to play it until they wear the face off it


I am so glad the only reason I watch TV now is to watch Toonami. I hate watching TV when every single second of ad space is political ads.


i have a hard time seeing Chris Christie being able to mount a successful presidential build with him being an overweight pompus ass. I also think that his kryptonite would be a woman running against him. If he decided to run, Hillary needs to



Hmm... He's had "a number of people" tell him that? I wonder if they're going to do a commercial featuring these people. I kind of wonder if the strategy is to have this charge be made outside the actual campaign and see if they can get some traction with it, and then if he releases great. If he doesn't, they could have these people that somehow know him and may have heard it show up in a commercial. Would be interesting, but I'm still not sure if people would believe the charge, since it's so outrageous.


No Scrubs
i have a hard time seeing Chris Christie being able to mount a successful presidential build with him being an overweight pompus ass. I also think that his kryptonite would be a woman running against him. If he decided to run, Hillary needs to

A woman, or someone who isn't a jack ass with a short temper. There is no shortage of people who can beat Christie unless he shapes up, and I don't mean his weight.


Hmm... He's had "a number of people" tell him that? I wonder if they're going to do a commercial featuring these people. I kind of wonder if the strategy is to have this charge be made outside the actual campaign and see if they can get some traction with it, and then if he releases great. If he doesn't, they could have these people that somehow know him and may have heard it show up in a commercial. Would be interesting, but I'm still not sure if people would believe the charge, since it's so outrageous.

when you speak in broad terms and release no information or give any kind of details on anything you believe in, own or use as policy its incredibly easy to define you by making random accusations.

Its below the belt, but you see it all the time. Obama is a kenyan socialist, if he isn't, prove it to me
The Senate hearing on climate science this Wednesday, unsurprisingly enough, appears to have changed little with respect to the politics of climate change on Capitol Hill. Indeed, a significant portion of the discussion was dominated by debate over Dr. John Christy’s particular brand of denialism, a well-trod debate.

Nonetheless, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) was more than surprised when informed by Senator Barbara Boxer that roughly 98 percent of climate scientists, contra Christy, accepted that anthropogenic warming was real and serious — he was outraged:

Sessions: Madam Chairman, I am offended by that, I’m offended by that — I didn’t say anything about the scientists. I said the data shows [sic] it is not warming to the degree that a lot of people predicted, not close to that much…

Boxer: The conclusion that you’re coming to is shared by 1-2 percent of the scientists. You shouldn’t be offended by that. That’s the fact.

Sessions: I don’t believe that’s correct.

....Of course you don't. Stupid fools.


I think everyone is aware of Obama's faults. We've been hammered with them every day for four years. I don't know how effective nonstop ads are going to be when those polls yesterday show that in OH, PA, and FL only 4% of voters there are undecided. People are starting to make their minds up.

Republicans have been attacking President Obama since day one. I always wondered if the super pacs would make a difference in the end. They can spend tons of money but saying what? Attacks/lies republicans have been using for years every chance they get? I wonder if people have gotten used to the attacks (thanks to the republicans themselves) and simply look past them now. Especially since President Obama is very good about countering them and countering them with truth. Making all the money spent by republicans worthless. Those that are likely to believe them already are against him. So what good does preaching to the choir do for republicans? Nothing it seems with how the polls are going.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Has Romney released a tax plan? As far as I know he has not. If so, that is some weird BS by the Obama camp. Especially since it gives leverage to Romney to proactively set his in stone to make it look better. Dumb move.
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