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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Well I'm going to leave this site forever now. Its been nice knowing you all.

Before I leave though I'm going to post my reactions to the hypothetical election results.

Scenario 1 - Barrack Obama Victory:

"Ahahahahahahaha! What the fuck did you people THINK was going to happen? Do you really believe that this country would elect the least interesting candidate in the world? Not to mention he's Mormon to boot. Now that Obama doesn't have to worry about reelection at all he's likely going to be even more ballsy this time around. Also lol Phoenix Dark."

Scenario 2 - Mitt Romeny Victory:

"WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT!?!!?!?!?!??! Its nice to know that this country is SOOOOOOOOO stupid that they would elect a flip-flopping Mormon over a "socialist" black president. Fuck this country. Its going to go down the tube. Pretty soon people won't be able to take this anymore. The Russian Revolution? Well it looks like for its hundreth anniversary its going to come back and with a vengence to boot. But not in Moscow however, but stateside. Also fuck you Phoenix Dark, I KNEW the whole entire time that Barrack was going to lose, I was just playing along the whole time."

Scenario 3 - Barrack Obama Victory (Only through electorate, he loses the popular vote):

"Well what can I say? This is shitty but the system is what the system is. And honestly I can't complain. I mean sure its dumb but this is what the founders intended because they believe that elected officials would be smarter and more reliable than a bunch of uneducate nitwits. Yes they rarely ruin the democratic process completely but this is one of the few cases where they would have and thus democracy is saved. Also yes Phoenix Dark you still lost, lol."

Scenario 4 - Mitt Romeny Victory (Only through electorate, he loses the popular vote):

What's to be confused about? I'm leaving Neogaf. Similar to say how fortified_concept did.

I requested to be permabanned already. Its only a matter of time before one of the mods opens up my PM with the request.
What's to be confused about? I'm leaving Neogaf. Similar to say how fortified_concept did.

I requested to be permabanned already. Its only a matter of time before one of the mods opens up my PM with the request.

good, I always get you and DarkPhoenix mixed up.


see, even his name fucking confuses me.
CHEEZMO™;40684472 said:
But... why?

Spend too much time here. 9.32 post on average per day? Fuck that noise. Can't believe I've been here almost four years.

good, I always get you and DarkPhoenix mixed up.

Flying_Phoenix is best Phoenix.

I hope you don't leave, but you should've thread shit for it.

? I just felt like telling my fellow Poligafferes goodbye thats all.
Well earn your perma at least!

I don't want to be one of those dumbasses who make those stupid attention whoring threads. They are almost always annoying. The only time account suicide has ever been cool was when that guy posted horse on woman porn in the NPD thread a few years back.

EDIT - Also in case you guys were wondering. If one of my opinions seemed extreme (Iran and China teaming up to invade the USA), yes I was trolling.
Well I'm going to leave this site forever now. Its been nice knowing you all.

Before I leave though I'm going to post my reactions to the hypothetical election results.

Scenario 1 - Barrack Obama Victory:

"Ahahahahahahaha! What the fuck did you people THINK was going to happen? Do you really believe that this country would elect the least interesting candidate in the world? Not to mention he's Mormon to boot. Now that Obama doesn't have to worry about reelection at all he's likely going to be even more ballsy this time around. Also lol Phoenix Dark."

Scenario 2 - Mitt Romeny Victory:

"WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT!?!!?!?!?!??! Its nice to know that this country is SOOOOOOOOO stupid that they would elect a flip-flopping Mormon over a "socialist" black president. Fuck this country. Its going to go down the tube. Pretty soon people won't be able to take this anymore. The Russian Revolution? Well it looks like for its hundreth anniversary its going to come back and with a vengence to boot. But not in Moscow however, but stateside. Also fuck you Phoenix Dark, I KNEW the whole entire time that Barrack was going to lose, I was just playing along the whole time."

Scenario 3 - Barrack Obama Victory (Only through electorate, he loses the popular vote):

"Well what can I say? This is shitty but the system is what the system is. And honestly I can't complain. I mean sure its dumb but this is what the founders intended because they believe that elected officials would be smarter and more reliable than a bunch of uneducate nitwits. Yes they rarely ruin the democratic process completely but this is one of the few cases where they would have and thus democracy is saved. Also yes Phoenix Dark you still lost, lol."

Scenario 4 - Mitt Romeny Victory (Only through electorate, he loses the popular vote):

haha its almost like a will

might do one for when brown keeps his senate seat


I'm normally not one to bitch about this sort of thing, but I noticed one oddity on my local Fox news station on the shooting coverage that stuck out to me. The anchors sort of summed up what Obama said about the incident and paraphrased it themselves. Then they said Mitt Romney also made a statement, and went to another screen with his face and went through his exact statement with everything on screen. It just seemed really weird to me that the actual President of the United States was kind of paraphrased as though he's just some dude, and they had Romney's statement there in exacts like he's more important. It was odd. Again, I'm not normally one to notice such stupid shit, but that stuck out.


That seems to be the major problem with the GOP... they've spent 4 years doing the same shit they are doing for this election season. They have nothing new and spent the last 4 years loudly yelling from mountaintops the same shit and people just tune them out.
The partisan media largely explains their behavior. They are insulated from the general public which only reinforces their skewed perceptions of Obama. Then, when they present their attacks outside FNC and talk radio, many reject the notion that he's wicked.
Every one of Obama's negatives have been beaten into every single voter's head for years. I don't know how much impact repeating the same stuff over and over will have. The primaries were different because not much was known to most people about the candidates. This money will have an impact down ticket, but for the Presidential race I don't see it changing much.
The money will have an effect, but it's utility is already diminishing. Aside from advertisements, it takes much time to develop the campaign. And with only three months until the election, it will be difficult to hire operatives and develop the campaign infrastructure to capitalize on their funding advantage. This is when their myopic failure to fully develop a robust infrastructure during the primary campaign will prove deleterious.
Guess I'll send more PMs? Nah I'll just wait.
I was going to query why you edited your post when that question was evidently important to you. But I am too late.


I'm impressed by Reid. He's full on bull dog. And it's a win/win situation. Keep on throwing the punch since the only way that Romney can defend it is by releasing the tax returns which is the entire point of this onslaught.
Yup. He's clearly relishing this.

After Republicans let loose against Harry Reid on Sunday for claiming Mitt Romney didn’t pay taxes for 10 years, the Senate majority leader’s chief of staff returned the favor.

“They’re a bunch of cowards, and they’re avoiding the issue,” David Krone told Politico. “Lindsey Graham, Reince Priebus – they’re a bunch of henchmen for Romney, and they’re all reading off the same talking points. They couldn’t hold a candle to Harry Reid.”

Krone defended his boss, saying Reid merely repeated “the fact of what he was told. To turn it around, all their childish rants this weekend about calling Reid a ‘liar’ and all that, it just shows you how scared they are that Harry Reid was telling the truth.”

Spend too much time here. 9.32 post on average per day? Fuck that noise. Can't believe I've been here almost four years.

? Just felt like telling my fellow Poligafferes goodbye thats all.

Farewell, even though you're already gone. I was going to suggest you simply post and read less - for a long time I was way more active than I am now but I've dialed it down a bit because I was spending too much time here. I love GAF too much to ever walk away from it. Take care.

Could be worse. Could be 13 years.

Ah well, if you ever change your mind you can find a way to contact one of us.

12 years and counting right here.

RE: fundraising. I think Obama will have enough to fend things off. This TPM article this morning made me think we're already reaching the saturation point:

But the strength of Romney’s fundraising has the potential to change the dynamics of the race. The sheer scale of political spending — as much as $50 million combined on swing-state ads in just one week this month — is unprecedented, and it’s possible it might reach a saturation point in which ad dollars start to have diminishing effects.
And yet it hasn't moved Romney's dial one bit; he's still losing. Obama and the Dems have enough that they won't be getting drowned out.

And FWIW, Dems closed the gap by $9m this month compared to last.
im not concerned about the money romney or obama raises much, either way when the debates happen as america finally tunes in ( primaries they never cared about) romney will drop badly with moderate and indies.


That girl in the bunny hat
The money will have an effect, but it's utility is already diminishing. Aside from advertisements, it takes much time to develop the campaign. And with only three months until the election, it will be difficult to hire operatives and develop the campaign infrastructure to capitalize on their funding advantage. This is when their myopic failure to fully develop a robust infrastructure during the primary campaign will prove deleterious.

Combine that with the element of value and effectiveness of each dollar. A greater bankroll doesn't help matters when your ultimate message is poorly constructed or conveyed; a $100 million ad buy that doesn't reach or resonate with the correct audience will fail no matter how polished or pervasive it is, while a $1 million buy that reaches the correct audience in the correct emotional way will be infinitely more effective. Obama's proved very capable at getting value for his campaign dollar, and from what Ghaleon just posted it seems safe to argue that Romney's functionally pissing away money.


Veterans: Romney Lying About Obama Suit’s Effect On Military Voters
“When it comes to Mitt Romney, I feel like he lives in bizarro world,” Iraq veteran and former Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) told reporters in a conference call organized by the Center for American Progress on Monday. “He’s suppressing millions of votes across our country in this election, and then he lies and says that President Obama is trying to do the same thing, when it couldn’t be further from the truth.”
Jon Soltz, a veteran who now works with VoteVets.org, said that he was “appalled” by the narrative coming out of Ohio.

“Obviously with the narrative the Romney campaign is pushing, they probably don’t have a lot of people around them who have actually served,” Soltz said. “We also agree, like the president does, that someone who served in World World II in the Battle of the Bulge or someone who lost their legs in Vietnam has just as much of a right to vote as today’s veteran.”


Fork 'em, Sparky!
13 years on GAF. In another 3 it will be half my life.

Regardless, Flying_Phoenix seemed pretty level-headed, if a bit naive in certain regards.
Flying isn't even going to leave us a twitter to follow? How cruel

For what its worth I liked the political podcast you put together so you did more in 4 years on gaf then I did :/

Mike M

Nick N
True story: I found and stayed at GAF because someone on another board linked to a thread full of Chun-Li hentai.

Good times.


I just passed my 3rd anniversary of being here. I feel like a noob compared to all you. I didn't even lurk much before joining, oddly enough.


You must be fairly prolific. Seems like you've been here longer.

Odd. Didn't think I was that noticed. The last year though I have been able to post a ton more though since I got a job where I work from home most of the week. Spent a ton more time around here since then.
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