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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Things are not looking so good for him. The Romney campaign really needs a game changer.

Palin again! For the lulz! You've already lost . . . at least entertain us.

Portman is my gut. Romney seems like he just doesn't want to shake things up in any way. Like chronically risk-averse.


The right sure are spending a lot of money for nothing if they sent him out to die.

I don't think Romney is being sent to die, but I do hope that there will be a backlash against donating campaign funds in the future for the rich GOP supporters the same way the rich Democrats supporters had in 2004 after Kerry lost the election.
Portman is my gut. Romney seems like he just doesn't want to shake things up in any way. Like chronically risk-averse.

The front-runners appear to be Portman and Pawlenty . . . how yawn-inspiring.

BTW, it would be fun to constantly talk about "Bush's budget director" . . . yeah, fiscal responsibility!


The right sure are spending a lot of money for nothing if they sent him out to die.

It is pretty surprising how badly the GOP has been losing the political narrative for the last few months. They've always had shitty policies, but were generally pretty good at the game of thro.....errr politics. Maybe the party has finally been saturated by too many dumbasses for the rational ones to be able to handle. Either that or the demographics shift that liberals have been foretelling for the past 2 decades is finally coming into effect.
It is pretty surprising how badly the GOP has been losing the political narrative for the last few months. They've always had shitty policies, but were generally pretty good at the game of thro.....errr politics. Maybe the party has finally been saturated by too many dumbasses for the rational ones to be able to handle. Either that or the demographics shift that liberals have been foretelling for the past 2 decades is finally coming into effect.
Obama's pretty good at playing the political game too. He's perfectly capitalized on all of Romney's faults.


Report: Adelson Pressured Romney To Back Release Of Israeli Spy


Casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson, a major contributor to Mitt Romney’s election effort, is pressing the Republican nominee to come out for the release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, a major Republican donor and associates of Adelson and Romney tell The Daily Beast.

Romney has rejected the request so far, telling Adelson he would have to review the relevant intelligence material accessible to him as president before granting Pollard clemency, said the sources, who are relaying accounts of conversations from both Adelson and Romney. Romney “could not consider the Pollard situation because he doesn’t have access to the classified information,” one source said.

The issue is apparently one of a handful where Romney differs from Adelson on Israel. The billionaire has also asked Romney to state publicly that Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are a waste of time because the Palestinians are unwilling to make peace, according to the sources—and he wants a firmer commitment from Romney to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in what would be a de facto recognition of Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem. For his part, Romney has not said peace talks are a waste of time and has gone only partway on the embassy question, saying he would undertake the move in consultation with the Israeli government—a campaign promise other presidents have made. (Adelson has pressed Romney to pledge to move the embassy without consulting the Israeli government.)


The right sure are spending a lot of money for nothing if they sent him out to die.

I really don't think the GOP expected a populist economic message to have legs with Americans. The Nixon/Reagan coalition had been doing so well for them up til now -- evangelicals against abortion, Southerners against civil rights, middle Americans against communism (which means any sort of economic populism). The problem is twofold: attitudes on all these subjects are returning to the center or further left (even abortion is becoming a nuanced position), and Romney is a lousy candidate to run on all three of these points in any case.
Because unlike Romney he actually DID show his short form birth certificate when no other candidate in the US had to do so publicly? It was in the dem primaries if you remember (It was Hilary that provoked it even!). Its honestly not even the same stratosphere when you get technical. Obama proved he was a US citizen in the primaries, the 'proof' wasn't good enough for some people so they kept demanding him to go beyond legal procedure to see the long form. No such short term proof has ever been shown by Romney on his taxes when his friggin father started the precedent on releasing multi year tax returns and basically every president and most nominees have done so since. Also he has been a confirmed liar about his taxes already during the Massachusetts campaign so really its not even close to the same, he needs to prove it at this point and no one else. Let Reid up the ante, when he has been confirmed to lie about his taxes already to the public its his turn and only his turn to put up or shut up.

Obama released a short form birth certificate. I'm not a birther, but it's certainly true that that would not be accepted at some agencies/departments by a civilian. Romney has released one year of taxes, soon to be two - also an inadequate amount of information by most standards (including his father's).

When someone is accused of something, the burden of proof lies with the accuser/prosecution. That's how our legal system works. If I accused someone of having a DUI, I'd have to produce some evidence to support my claim.

Reid is basically pulling the "someone told me you beat your wife" trick. It's laughable and would not be tolerated if aimed at a democrat
Reid is basically pulling the "someone told me you beat your wife" trick. It's laughable and would not be tolerated if aimed at a democrat
Bullshit. Republicans pull that crap all the time. The most famous example is asking Michael Dukakis if he'd be in favor of the death penalty if he watched his wife and children get murdered.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
The right sure are spending a lot of money for nothing if they sent him out to die.

I think that has to do with Obama more than Romney. It could have been Herman Cain v. Obama and they'd still throw truckloads of money at him.

That's pretty much the only thing Romney has going for him. He's not Obama.
Obama released a short form birth certificate. I'm not a birther, but it's certainly true that that would not be accepted at some agencies/departments by a civilian. Romney has released one year of taxes, soon to be two - also an inadequate amount of information by most standards (including his father's).

When someone is accused of something, the burden of proof lies with the accuser/prosecution. That's how our legal system works. If I accused someone of having a DUI, I'd have to produce some evidence to support my claim.

Reid is basically pulling the "someone told me you beat your wife" trick. It's laughable and would not be tolerated if aimed at a democrat

still spouting bullshit, you never managed to address your other comments about lets be fair, and how you fabricated this argument in the first place yet tried to pawn it off on other people.

bolded part is even more bullshit


I think you mean the "Why do you beat your wife too much?" trick. Just saying "I don't" still implies you beat your wife, some.


Could be worse. Could be 13 years.

Ah well, if you ever change your mind you can find a way to contact one of us.

I have no idea exactly how long I've been here, at least 12 years though, I wanna say it was '98 when I came over here from theGIA and the Working Designs forums.
alright gaffers, despite your hate or love for romney, everyone pretty much agrees its been a boring election year compared to 08/10

your dream vp pick you would love Romney choose to spice things up?

for me its chris christie without a doubt


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
alright gaffers, despite your hate or love for romney, everyone pretty much agrees its been a boring election year compared to 08/10

your dream vp pick you would love Romney choose to spice things up?

for me its chris christie without a doubt

Gonna go with Ed Rendell's suggestion: Bachmann.


Obama released a short form birth certificate. I'm not a birther, but it's certainly true that that would not be accepted at some agencies/departments by a civilian.

This is complete bullshit. Hawaii has not had a short-form or long-form birth certificate since 2001. Please don't spread this crap.


alright gaffers, despite your hate or love for romney, everyone pretty much agrees its been a boring election year compared to 08/10

your dream vp pick you would love Romney choose to spice things up?

for me its chris christie without a doubt

A Christie/Biden debate would be hilarious.

But I'd go with Rand Paul, just for the hilarity.


Obama released a short form birth certificate. I'm not a birther, but it's certainly true that that would not be accepted at some agencies/departments by a civilian. Romney has released one year of taxes, soon to be two - also an inadequate amount of information by most standards (including his father's).

When someone is accused of something, the burden of proof lies with the accuser/prosecution. That's how our legal system works. If I accused someone of having a DUI, I'd have to produce some evidence to support my claim.

Reid is basically pulling the "someone told me you beat your wife" trick. It's laughable and would not be tolerated if aimed at a democrat

Romney has LOST the benefit of the doubt, he has already publicly been proven to have lied about his taxes while running for office before. Its not the same period.
Is there anyone left at this point who's still convinced that Romney was sent to die in 2012? lol

They were trying fix more of the bugs and maybe add some new features but they had to meet a firm ship date. I'm not sure they can issue patches fast enough to recover the goodwill that has already been lost.
Getting the feeling that PPP's CO poll should be good for Obama

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
Romney's favorability with Hispanics in Colorado is 28/69

1h PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
Obama leads Romney 49-38 with independents in Colorado


They were trying fix more of the bugs and maybe add some new features but they had to meet a firm ship date. I'm not sure they can issue patches fast enough to recover the goodwill that has already been lost.

RNC Cert process is a bitch though, look how long the Palin patch took. They're still working on it so just made her DLC.


PD, this is simply not a good comparison.

I'm not a big fan of "nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide" type arguments, but there are several key differences between the tax return demands and the birther nonsense.

First, there's a lot of precedent for releasing tax returns including by Romney's own father, meaning that Romney's refusal to do so is conspicuous and thereby suspicious. Second, even disregarding point one, we already know that it is extremely likely that Romney does have something on his tax returns he wants to hide, namely a very low tax rate--as an extremely wealthy man who gets most of his money from investments, who uses a lot of foreign tax shelters, etc, this can quite reasonably be assumed. And third, there is absolutely no way for Reid to prove anything, because unlike the birth certificate case, there's no way for anyone to independently verify anything about Romney's taxes. It was trivially easy for a birther to look at the evidence (newspaper announcements etc) and see that yes, Obama was born in Hawaii. That some people refused to accept the easily available evidence is what put the burden of proof firmly on them. In this case, there is no such evidence, and cannot be any such evidence. The only evidence is either the tax returns themselves, which nobody can get, or someone who claims to know what's in them, which is what Reid says he has.

That's leaving aside the more pernicious racist aspects of the birther movement.

And fourth, Romneys already lied about what's in his tax returns, which I think is one of the biggest things in the argument.

And fifth Romney himself has called for people to release returns. I don't remember Obama getting all birther on anyone else.
And fourth, Romneys already lied about what's in his tax returns, which I think is one of the biggest things in the argument.

And fifth Romney himself has called for people to release returns. I don't remember Obama getting all birther on anyone else.
Yeah, there is some serious rank hypocrisy going on. And with video that can be edited into commercials.
They were trying fix more of the bugs and maybe add some new features but they had to meet a firm ship date. I'm not sure they can issue patches fast enough to recover the goodwill that has already been lost.

Sounds eerily similar to ME3.

Hopefully Obama already has our extended cut ready to go on launch day. :p
It's gonna be Portman. If Romney losses Ohio, he's done. No clue how Portman will affect the ticket(I suspect it's gonna be a very miniscule uptick) but it would at least give Romney some semblance of fighting chance.


It's gonna be Portman. If Romney losses Ohio, he's done. No clue how Portman will affect the ticket(I suspect it's gonna be a very miniscule uptick) but it would at least give Romney some semblance of fighting chance.

Would Portman jump on a sinking ship where losing his home state is a possibility?
Obama released a short form birth certificate. I'm not a birther, but it's certainly true that that would not be accepted at some agencies/departments by a civilian.

That's a complete falsehood. I used a short form certificate to get a passport in 2005. I had to mail it to the federal government. It looked almost EXACTLY like Obama's short form certificate. It had almost nothing on it but my name, date of birth, county of birth, and a raised seal from my state. Brand new, computer printed short forms are ALL that is legally necessary, anywhere.

Here's LeBron James' short form:



I think Obama should have waited to release is birth certificate until the election. It could be his ace up the sleeve to move the narrative onto something if he has bad news and it would have given the GOP more rope to hang themselves with.
Report: Adelson Pressured Romney To Back Release Of Israeli Spy


I wrote up a really angry post after Romney's Israel speech where I mentioned something about Pollard. I never ended up posting it but it would have been a good "called it".

Adelson is a racist disgusting human being. Man was a traitor to his country (Pollard). I hope he spends the rest of his days in prison. And screw him for the second part as well.


Federal Judge Allow Military Groups To Intervene In Obama’s Ohio Early Voting Lawsuit
U.S. District Judge Peter C. Economus granted a motion on Monday which allows 15 military groups to intervene in a lawsuit from the Obama campaign which would allow Ohio voters to vote in-person during the three day period leading up to election day.

The National Guard Association of the United States; Association of the U.S. Army; Association of the U.S. Navy; Marine Corps League; Military Officers Association of America; Reserve Officers Association; National Association for Uniformed Services; Non Commissioned Officers Association of the USA; Army Reserve Association; Fleet Reserve Association; Special Forces Association; U.S. Army Rangers Association, Inc.; Military Order of the Wars; AMVETS; and National Defense Committee all sought to intervene in the lawsuit.
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