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Unconfirmed Member
I... I don't get why in the world he would relay this story at all. Who on his staff told him that was a good idea? I mean it's not terrible or anything I guess, but it sure doesn't help.
Romney announces he got free McDonalds for 2010 and 2011 only.

All the other years he paid exactly what he was legally obligated to for McDonalds. And it was a lot!


No more Papa Johns for my household.


I like how the common man is brainwashed into accepting tax avoiding strategies like Romney's as "ethical and legit".
Tax evasion is as American as apple pie. You know, the kind with all sorts of additives and chemicals added, made with wholesome apple-flavored potato substitute. Like the kind they sell at McDonald's - which we eat for free!


The fuck? This analyst on the Ed Show is saying that up to 50% of Romney's buy in ads for swing states is for the welfare ad. He's putting that much money on this?
The fuck? This analyst on the Ed Show is saying that up to 50% of Romney's buy in ads for swing states is for the welfare ad. He's putting that much money on this?
No one's ever accused Romney's campaign of being smart.

Except PD I guess

I can't wait for Clinton to be like "Romney's welfare policies are a piece of shit, Obama's got this" and for the whole thing to blow up in Mittens' face. I don't think it's a wise idea to challenge a Democratic president on a previous Democratic president's legacy when said president is still living.
One thing to realize, Romney is at the point now where he CAN NOT release his tax returns. It will just look even worse for him to release them after all this fight.

His one tax return was massive. 12 years would be huge. It would signal defeat (always bad in Politics) and no good news would come out of it.

So, anybody here thinking Romney will have to eventually relent and release them, not happening.

The ED show is a left leaning circle jerk. I wouldn't pay attention to it.

Is is true. Dem media source claimed so. Because, it is potent. A complete lie, but potent.


Why its potent? Politics of Resentment, feeds into narrative about Obama that Romney wants voters to believe. It feeds into the narrative of the Welfare Queen (Black People) and Obama.


Basically, Romney campaign has now realized it can't win by talking about the economy. So this won't be the first ad with complete lies you see. Expect more, expect them to work because the Media sucks.
The fuck? This analyst on the Ed Show is saying that up to 50% of Romney's buy in ads for swing states is for the welfare ad. He's putting that much money on this?

expect a lot of strange, desperate moves as the romney campaign moves into full on panic mode as election day gets closer.

I saw an oddball billboard the other day when i was driving down I-95 through philadelphia- just a giant red billboard that said BARACK OBAMA LIKES GAY MARRIAGE AND ABORTION. DO YOU?? VOTE REPUBLICAN

Nevermind that it was sitting in the middle of the state's largest democratic stronghold where the majority do indeed like those things, it didn't mention romney at all. Just generic "other republican." In August.


The ED show is a left leaning circle jerk. I wouldn't pay attention to it.

Oh I know that. Ed's an idiot, and I don't listen to much he said. But this analyst said it, not him. I was just wondering how true that is. Did he really throw a ton of money into that ad that's clearly a lie?
expect a lot of strange, desperate moves as the romney campaign moves into full on panic mode as election day gets closer.

I saw an oddball billboard the other day when i was driving down I-95 through philadelphia- just a giant red billboard that said BARACK OBAMA LIKES GAY MARRIAGE AND ABORTION. DO YOU?? VOTE REPUBLICAN

HEY I SAW THAT TOO! I want to get a picture of it. It's like free advertising for Barack, it's one of the the most hilarious ads I've ever seen. I mean it really could be an Obama ad.

Who the fuck approved that and also small world. lol
If it's not illegal, than there is nothing wrong with using the advice. Paying more taxes than you need to do so willingly is just stupid.
Except that you full well know that a lot of this stuff is borderline or over-the-line but will rarely be caught. And when it is caught, they just say they did it on advice of counsel and they are sorry and nothing happens. When they could have taken a more conservative position and had no troubles at all.

But this is especially questionable when do this when you want to be president. Those taxes pay salaries of soldiers. Is it worth saving that extra 10% and looking like a scumbag?

Or . . . you can just decide not to release your tax records and let everyone speculate whether you are scumbag instead of disclose them remove all doubt.
HEY I SAW THAT TOO! I want to get a picture of it. It's like free advertising for Barack, it's one of the the most hilarious ads I've ever seen. I mean it really could be an Obama ad.

Who the fuck approved that and also small world. lol
Did it list the funder? I doubt the Romney campaign nor the RNC would approve something so crude.



That is not a recent picture of him, right? Or did he get fat again? He's been in good shape lately.
HEY I SAW THAT TOO! I want to get a picture of it. It's like free advertising for Barack, it's one of the the most hilarious ads I've ever seen. I mean it really could be an Obama ad.

Who the fuck approved that and also small world. lol
Had to be some tea nuts.

Missouri having its primaries tonight. I guess McCaskill's ad attacking Todd Akin for being the most conservative worked, because he's winning now.
Except that you full well know that a lot of this stuff is borderline or over-the-line but will rarely be caught. And when it is caught, they just say they did it on advice of counsel and they are sorry and nothing happens. When they could have taken a more conservative position and had no troubles at all.
That's different. If it's not legal, then it's illegal and I would never advise a client to do that. Saying you were only advising on counsel is not a defense. Relying on the legal authority of a state official is. Very big difference. Saying your lawyer said it was okay has helped send thousands to jail because it's not valid advice.
Then that's a bold freaking move... If he gets called on it and the media actually did its job and ran with it, then that's a lot of ads down the shitter...

but who am I kidding, the media won't do that, and he won't get called on it.

That's what he is counting on. With this Media, its not over until its over.
Had to be some tea nuts.
I don't know how powerful they are in the PA GOP? PA has it's goofballs, but the Tea Party hasn't on it's own demonstrated power like in other states or influenced the main party as much.

Did it list the funder? I doubt the Romney campaign nor the RNC would approve something so crude.
I want to say PA GOP or the main PA Rep group, not some fake shell group. It's was not Romney though.
That's different. If it's not legal, then it's illegal and I would never advise a client to do that. Saying you were only advising on counsel is not a defense. Relying on the legal authority of a state official is. Very big difference. Saying your lawyer said it was okay has helped send thousands to jail because it's not valid advice.
But it happens all the time in civil law things. I've written several such opinions on IP matters. If client gets nailed they will get off with less damages because they can say it wasn't willful.
But it happens all the time in civil law things. I've written several such opinions on IP matters. If client gets nailed they will get off with less damages because they can say it wasn't willful.

They still have to pay damages though. Willfulness also varies depending on the statute and relying on counsels advice isn't always enough.

Oh when trying to find the ad I found this...masterful troll

I like how the common man is brainwashed into accepting tax avoiding strategies like Romney's as "ethical and legit".

I think it boils down to the gays, guns, and abortion stuff. Those evil liberals kill babiez and like homos so they are evil. The other side must be good. And since they are the good ones, you can come up with any rationalization you want for shady behavior. Hell, Priests were able to sexually abuse little boys for decades under this cloak of the being the 'good'.

Of course it is abused on the other side as well . . . people like Charlie Rangel become so untouchable in their district that he was able to pull off some sleazy shit.
I think it boils down to the gays, guns, and abortion stuff. Those evil liberals kill babiez and like homos so they are evil. The other side must be good. And since they are the good ones, you can come up with any rationalization you want for shady behavior. Hell, Priests were able to sexually abuse little boys for decades under this cloak of the being the 'good'.

Of course it is abused on the other side as well . . . people like Charlie Rangel become so untouchable in their district that he was able to pull off some sleazy shit.

Well the Dems could neutralize the gun issue if they put people like John Tester at the forefront. I don't know why they don't try and run more Dems like him.

Hell Bob Casey isn't perfect, but he even signed the UN ATT Letter. PA Dems in the rural areas are often Pro-Union, liberal, but very pro-2A.
I don't know how powerful they are in the PA GOP? PA has it's goofballs, but the Tea Party hasn't on it's own demonstrated power like in other states or influenced the main party as much.
MN doesn't have much tea party influence either (outside of Bachmann) but we still got this:


Well the Dems could neutralize the gun issue if they put people like John Tester at the forefront. I don't know why they don't try and run more Dems like him.
Probably because the NRA et al would still slander them for being anti-gun. There are plenty of Democrats who are like "Well, we shouldn't ban guns, but we can at least talk about some regulation to make sure people are safe while still preserving their constitutional ri-" "NOBAMA!"
MN doesn't have much tea party influence either (outside of Bachmann) but we still got this:

That almost has a humorous quality to it and considering how much the Tea Party hates the Bush admin and it's spending, seems more like mainline Republican trolling vs the TP.

Probably because the NRA et al would still slander them for being anti-gun. There are plenty of Democrats who are like "Well, we shouldn't ban guns, but we can at least talk about some regulation to make sure people are safe while still preserving their constitutional ri-" "NOBAMA!"
Actually the NRA heavily backs Tester and certain numerous other Dems, hell they nearly endorsed Harry Reid last time.

I'll find the story on their funding for Dems increasing.


Neuromancer said:
I think trying to simplify any political issue as just being drawn along left/right lines is a mistake.
I agree, it's something that I think actually costs support for gun owners to an extent. That said the NRA does endorse and donate to Democrats.

They spread the money around closer than before

They also have endorsed Dems over Repubs recently nearly endorsed Harry Reid last time.


This article also caught my interest about the NRA and interactions with the left.


An excerpt
Critics cite a list of transgressions, from considering an endorsement of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), to endorsing moderate Republicans — and even Democrats — rather than their more-conservative challengers, to taking a cautious approach to Second Amendment court cases and President Barack Obama’s judicial nominees.

And they are especially angry about the group’s willingness to play ball with Democratic leaders on campaign finance legislation vigorously opposed by congressional Republicans, powerful business groups and nearly the entire conservative movement.

Republican congressional leaders have privately conveyed their unhappiness to NRA officials, but online conservative activists linked to the tea party movement have been vociferous in their criticism.

“The NRA is all about the NRA — helping their organization and not necessarily the cause,” said influential conservative blogger Erick Erickson, who has repeatedly taken to his blog RedState in recent weeks to urge conservatives to turn their backs on the NRA.

“There’s an argument to be made that we either hang together or all hang separately in the conservative movement,” he told POLITICO, adding, “A lot of conservatives think the NRA has become much more interested in wooing the bipartisan label than in being really effective Second Amendment fighters.”

Erickson has expressed his preference for the smaller but more reliably GOP-leaning Gun Owners of America, which he called “a consistent and uncompromising defender of the Second Amendment, not a weak little girl of an organization protecting itself while throwing everyone else under the bus.”

The NRA’s defenders say the powerful 138-year-old gun-rights group is simply doing what’s necessary to maintain its seat at the table in a town completely controlled for at least another six months by Democrats.

Chris Cox, the NRA’s chief lobbyist, said the criticism ignores the reason the NRA is such a powerful brand: that it focuses on its core mission of advancing gun owners’ rights, rather than on trying to advance the goals of the conservative movement, writ large. 

“We are part of the conservative movement, but the Second Amendment is unique because it transcends politics; it transcends race, gender, socioeconomic and certainly partisan lines,” he said. “I may have strong personal views on a lot of things — whether it’s health care, immigration, the bank bailouts, taking over car companies, all those things — but that’s not my job. My job and my fiduciary responsibility is to get up every day and protect the Second Amendment.”

He added that many of the groups now criticizing the NRA haven’t helped it in Second Amendment fights and took an oblique shot at Erickson, asserting that “some people would like to use the Second Amendment to drive eyes to a blog.”
Well the Dems could neutralize the gun issue if they put people like John Tester at the forefront. I don't know why they don't try and run more Dems like him.

The gun issue isn't even real. It is imaginary. Howard Dean had a perfect scorecard. The only thing Barack Obama has done on guns is allowed them in National parks. It is all out-dated mythology.

The NRA guy had no material to work with so he literally gave a speech with a crazy conspiracy about how the fact that Obama has done nothing about guys proves that that his going to take your gunz because he is lulling you into complacency until the second term when he's gonna take all your gunz!
The gun issue isn't even real. It is imaginary. Howard Dean had a perfect scorecard. The only thing Barack Obama has done on guns is allowed them in National parks. It is all out-dated mythology.
He wanted the credit card bill, lets not act like he would have signed it otherwise. It is real in certain ways...but no one wants this to become another gun thread, so we'll just agree to disagree on it. I will say I don't think Romney is good for gun owners at all, but I'd still prefer him to any other Rep candidate.

The NRA guy had no material to work with so he literally gave a speech with a crazy conspiracy about how the fact that Obama has done nothing about guys proves that that his going to take your gunz because he is lulling you into complacency until the second term when he's gonna take all your gunz!
Wayne LaPierre is also a douchebag and I look forward to when he's gone. Still I'll take the NRA over the Gun Owners of America or the JFPO any day of the week. Second Amendment Foundation does a lot of good work though. SAF for the courts, and NRA for the legislative process, but that's it.

But seriously, most of you know I like the game of politics a lot, which is why I love the wonkishness of Hardball and Ezra Klein so much. I like politics itself -- the dirt, the muck, all of it. And yes of course big-C Conservative tactics piss me off! That doesn't mean I don't respect it, and that doesn't mean I don't want those advocating for positions that I believe in to do the exact same fucking thing.

Liberals, you've cried for years about Rove, whined for years that Democrats didn't fight back, didn't get dirty, didn't go for the low blow or for the cheap shot, weren't willing to do whatever it takes to see their agenda (the correct agenda, according to you) come to fruition. I don't wanna see you bitching about Reid for another second. He's been a puppet master for some time. It's good to see he can transition a bit and kinda shit all over the club that's been trying to shit on him for so many years.

Sit down, shut up, and learn from the pros. And no more complaints about not fighting back if you don't like the way the sausage is made.

this post

i like this post

this is a good post

But seriously, most of you know I like the game of politics a lot, which is why I love the wonkishness of Hardball and Ezra Klein so much. I like politics itself -- the dirt, the muck, all of it. And yes of course big-C Conservative tactics piss me off! That doesn't mean I don't respect it, and that doesn't mean I don't want those advocating for positions that I believe in to do the exact same fucking thing.

Liberals, you've cried for years about Rove, whined for years that Democrats didn't fight back, didn't get dirty, didn't go for the low blow or for the cheap shot, weren't willing to do whatever it takes to see their agenda (the correct agenda, according to you) come to fruition. I don't wanna see you bitching about Reid for another second. He's been a puppet master for some time. It's good to see he can transition a bit and kinda shit all over the club that's been trying to shit on him for so many years.

Sit down, shut up, and learn from the pros. And no more complaints about not fighting back if you don't like the way the sausage is made.

You guys realize Reid did something similar in 2008? Said McCain does not have the temperament to be President.

But wasn't he right? McCain gave up a lifetime of moderate legislation and a rich history in the Senate in a matter of 6 months to pander to a bunch of backwards bigots. And then he ended up losing and now his reputation is tarnished and he isn't president and never will be.


Is is true. Dem media source claimed so. Because, it is potent. A complete lie, but potent.


Why its potent? Politics of Resentment, feeds into narrative about Obama that Romney wants voters to believe. It feeds into the narrative of the Welfare Queen (Black People) and Obama.


Basically, Romney campaign has now realized it can't win by talking about the economy. So this won't be the first ad with complete lies you see. Expect more, expect them to work because the Media sucks.

Is there ever a positive note with you? The ad is going to blow up on Romney, mainly because Clinton is still alive and even more popular then when he was President.

Not to mention this ad is not going to turn anyone who is not already hating on minorities and those who are downtrodden. The people who are going to buy into the ad have already bought into that frame of mind anyway.

Its more wasted money to gain votes you already had in the bag, that is the biggest problem with Romney's campaign

He needs the middle, he is not getting it
LOL . . . this is another one of those stories where he almost is a normal person but then veers off in elite land.

Hey . . . My dad and I eat at McDonalds just like you proletariat do! Except we knew Ray Kroc and we get free food for life!

I dont understand why the poors complain about being poor, they should just get their daily free meal at mcdonalds.

Their website is pretty bare http://www.republicanunionpac.com/

its a shell group.

Yeah, it is not Romney nor the RNC. It is some group of conservatives with money to throw around. If they do anything crazy, the RNC & Romeny can disavow them (which is quite fair).

But I really do think a LOT of politics just boils down to guns, gays, and abortion for much of the GOP base. The tax cuts, wars, crony stuff . . . that is Dick Cheney's playground as long as he gets elected with the guns, gays, and abortion stuff.
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