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But wasn't he right? McCain gave up a lifetime of moderate legislation and a rich history in the Senate in a matter of 6 months to pander to a bunch of backwards bigots. And then he ended up losing and now his reputation is tarnished and he isn't president and never will be.

And McCain's demeanor in the debates helped prove that along with his pick of Sarah Palin and "suspension" of his campaign when the economy tanked

I was just pointing out that Reid has done this twice now. Both times, it has turned out well for Democrats.

Is there ever a positive note with you? The ad is going to blow up on Romney, mainly because Clinton is still alive and even more popular then when he was President.

Not to mention this ad is not going to turn anyone who is not already hating on minorities and those who are downtrodden. The people who are going to buy into the ad have already bought into that frame of mind anyway.

Its more wasted money to gain votes you already had in the bag, that is the biggest problem with Romney's campaign

He needs the middle, he is not getting it

After seeing the Media enablement of the anti-HCR frenzy, yea, I am very scared to be overly positive.
Yeah, it is not Romney nor the RNC. It is some group of conservatives with money to throw around. If they do anything crazy, the RNC & Romeny can disavow them (which is quite fair).

But I really do think a LOT of politics just boils down to guns, gays, and abortion for much of the GOP base. The tax cuts, wars, crony stuff . . . that is Dick Cheney's playground as long as he gets elected with the guns, gays, and abortion stuff.

And thats it. Nobody is gonna swing their vote for either of those two issues, especially with the economy where it is.
In the letter’s most pointed passage, Sebelius notes that in 2005, a group of 29 Republican governors sent Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist a letter arguing for state welfare waivers more expansive than those being issued by the Obama administration. The letter (pdf) is signed many party notables, such as Mitch Daniels, Rick Perry, Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush and, of course, Mitt Romney, who just the other day declared that the new waivers will “fundamentally undermine” welfare reform.


Not sure how wise it is to attack Obama for something they have a signed copy of you endorsing...
can't believe a bunch of democrats are crying and wringing their hands over Reid's remarks. do you want to win elections or bitch at republican policies?
But I really do think a LOT of politics just boils down to guns, gays, and abortion for much of the GOP base. The tax cuts, wars, crony stuff . . . that is Dick Cheney's playground as long as he gets elected with the guns, gays, and abortion stuff.
The GOP wins its base by building up credibility on social issues so they can sell them economic conservatism as well. It's a pretty dastardly combination.

I think as time goes on though, we're going to see more Wall Street Democrats selling that economic conservatism with social liberalism - Andrew Cuomo for example, Democrats in NY love him for passing gay marriage even though he's cut state budgets and lowered taxes on millionaires.

Incognito said:
can't believe a bunch of democrats are crying and wringing their hands over Reid's remarks. do you want to win elections or bitch at republican policies?
Democrats don't know how to play for the winning team.
can't believe a bunch of democrats are crying and wringing their hands over Reid's remarks. do you want to win elections or bitch at republican policies?
Seriously. I'm so glad democrats are actually bringing heat this time. Do any of you remember 2004 elections? Kerry and the democrats simply bent over and adopted "above the fray" attitude. That bit them in the ass so hard.

This is how you win elections in Amercia.
Are Mizzou Republicans doing it again with their nominee? So far to the right they give McCaskill the win? Akin up 13,000 with 51% counted. McCaskill was tied with him in latest poll...the other two she's 10 points behind. lol.

Mike M

Nick N
There are some really good statements in the voter pamphlet this primary. Actually had a candidate for Lt. Gov. running on an anti-fluoridation issue. Then there's a candidate for senator running on impeaching Obama for using the Bin Laden mission as a cover to deliver a stealth spy drone to Iran or something.

Good stuff...


can't believe a bunch of democrats are crying and wringing their hands over Reid's remarks. do you want to win elections or bitch at republican policies?

Democrats need to learn to grow some balls and go on the offensive. Letting fox news trample all over them has OBVIOUSLY not worked.
Tod Atkins won the MO GOP Senate primary. He is Dem's favored candidate that might give McCaskill a chance to retain her seat.

Oh and Palin's candidate lost just a week after Politico's mega banner "Senate Kingmaker" article, lol.


Between declaring residency in his son's unfinished basement, having millions in an IRA capped at $5k a year, and his other tax shenanigans -- I'd say the burden of proof is on Romney. We already know he plays shady games with taxes -- we just don't know how deep it goes.
The burden of proof is on both. Romney should be rightly excoriated for a lack of transparency. And if he expects to wholly dispel even a trace of impropriety, he should release his returns. But if Reid's going to reference a source in his attack, he should identify them. Otherwise, it's impossible to judge the veracity of his claim.

Not sure how wise it is to attack Obama for something they have a signed copy of you endorsing...
Rarely will I concur with 29 Republican governors, but the waivers are good policy.


Junior Member
can't believe a bunch of democrats are crying and wringing their hands over Reid's remarks. do you want to win elections or bitch at republican policies?

I personally don't see the outrage over Reid's remarks. He just claimed that Romney didn't pay taxes, not that he murdered someone and put their body in a ditch somewhere. The Republican outrage machine is on overdrive.


can't believe a bunch of democrats are crying and wringing their hands over Reid's remarks. do you want to win elections or bitch at republican policies?

Agreed. It's a breath of fresh air seeing Dems not being on their heels being played like fiddles by the GOP and Fox News.
I personally don't see the outrage over Reid's remarks. He just claimed that Romney didn't pay taxes, not that he murdered someone and put their body in a ditch somewhere. The Republican outrage machine is on overdrive.

The outrage is because the Media is not used to Dems having some balls.

Their website is pretty bare http://www.republicanunionpac.com/

its a shell group.

ugh, two things that by this day and age should be non-issues.

I'll never get why people are vehemently opposed to abortion or gay marriage.

I had an argument on this subject with a friend of mine today and a lot of it comes from a misplaced paranoid delusion, fallacies and some odd mental gymnastics and just plain foolishness. Dude thinks that Planned Parenthood is only there to facilitate abortion and some conspiracy-like eugenics. Also used the Libertarian tactic of rejecting any facts that the organization just because it came from the organization itself (ignoring the fact that it's a non-profit and has to legally release the info unlike the Catholic Church which does so selectively)


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The burden of proof is on both. Romney should be rightly excoriated for a lack of transparency. And if he expects to wholly dispel even a trace of impropriety, he should release his returns. But if Reid's going to reference a source in his attack, he should identify them. Otherwise, it's impossible to judge the veracity of his claim.Rarely will I concur with 29 Republican governors, but the waivers are good policy.

Romney's response about paying lots of taxes immediately made me wonder how many refunds he got and what his actual tax burden was. Most of the complex instruments have associated refunds. He just needs to show them and get it over with.


Professional Schmuck
Alex Wagner makes a good point about the whole Romney/Welfare attack. Paraphrasing:

He accuses Obama of not creating enough jobs and then says people don't want to work, while also claiming he's one of the unemployed.


Unconfirmed Member
When all is said and done my guess is Romney lets his campaign go down in flames before he releases his returns.

They might get leaked, but he will never release them IMO. Even he knows there is more at stake than his personal desire to be president (though he hasn't demonstrated that on other topics heretofore)
The burden of proof is on both. Romney should be rightly excoriated for a lack of transparency. And if he expects to wholly dispel even a trace of impropriety, he should release his returns. But if Reid's going to reference a source in his attack, he should identify them. Otherwise, it's impossible to judge the veracity of his claim.

Courts have burdens of proof, but they also have discovery. The parties to lawsuits exchange not only what relevant, admissible evidence they have in their possession, but even inadmissible evidence that could reasonably lead to relevant admissible evidence. Indeed, even attorney work product--usually confidential--is not immune to discovery if the other party can show that they are unable to obtain the evidence by other means and that it is necessary to prove their case.

The ball is in Romney's court, who is the only person in possession of the evidence. As long as Reid is not straight-up lying about being told something by a source that could be credible--and I see no reason to think that he is--there is nothing wrong with his relaying the information in my opinion.


Fair enough. At least its not lying.

To be fair, does Obama really "support abortion," though? I mean I'm all for complete legalization and access to it, but I wouldn't say I'm "for abortion." I don't like the act and would like that we did as little of it as possible, but I know that it needs to be kept legal and safe, and we should also do things to our healthcare system, and all of that together would lead to less abortions in general. I also wouldn't ever judge someone for having one, since I'd rather not judge someone's own life situation and a hard decision like that. But still, I'm not "for abortions," and I'd suspect Obama's likely the same, as are a lot of liberals. I'm for "keeping the right to have an abortion legal."

That's one thing that really bugs me about Republicans. They have this weird notion that we love abortions and celebrate them happening or something. Like we all sit there and gleefully cheer every time we hear of an abortion happening.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
To be fair, does Obama really "support abortion," though? I mean I'm all for complete legalization and access to it, but I wouldn't say I'm "for abortion." I don't like the act and would like that we did as little of it as possible, but I know that it needs to be kept legal and safe, and we should also do things to our healthcare system, and all of that together would lead to less abortions in general. I also wouldn't ever judge someone for having one, since I'd rather not judge someone's own life situation and a hard decision like that. But still, I'm not "for abortions," and I'd suspect Obama's likely the same, as are a lot of liberals. I'm for "keeping the right to have an abortion legal."

That's one thing that really bugs me about Republicans. They have this weird notion that we love abortions and celebrate them happening or something. Like we all sit there and gleefully cheer every time we hear of an abortion happening.

What we'd prefer, is easy access to contraceptives and education so that abortions were never or rarely necessary, but the fucking idiots are against those too. They are also against more poor and or brown people, yet are actively promoting their creation.

It is the party of by Derp, for Derp.
To be fair, does Obama really "support abortion," though? I mean I'm all for complete legalization and access to it, but I wouldn't say I'm "for abortion." I don't like the act and would like that we did as little of it as possible, but I know that it needs to be kept legal and safe, and we should also do things to our healthcare system, and all of that together would lead to less abortions in general. I also wouldn't ever judge someone for having one, since I'd rather not judge someone's own life situation and a hard decision like that. But still, I'm not "for abortions," and I'd suspect Obama's likely the same, as are a lot of liberals. I'm for "keeping the right to have an abortion legal."

That's one thing that really bugs me about Republicans. They have this weird notion that we love abortions and celebrate them happening or something. Like we all sit there and gleefully cheer every time we hear of an abortion happening.

No he doesn't support abortions. He supports the right of a women to choice to get one.
It not really about supporting abortion but an issue of choice. And whether the state should have any role in that choice (and if so, at what time).

I mean I'm very pro-choice but at the same time pretty anti-abortion. I believe the right to terminate a pregnancy is a woman's private choice but at the same time I hate abortion knowing that that's a life that's never gonna have a chance (I understand many would be born in poverty, etc) and I guess I do judge at least a bit people who have had an abortion due to stupidity (middle class kids who were to lazy to put on a condom, these being the only abortions where I've personally know the people) though I harbor no dislike of women who are there do to economic hardship, rape and all that. And my advice would always be to have a baby.

Abortion is a really tough issue and I hate when many on the left make the issue so cut an dry. I believe that the issue of choice is cut and dry (its not your body) but the general issue of abortion is something that deals with the very notion of what is life and humanity.


Professional Schmuck
Here's what you need to know about every Romney offensive attempt so far:

1. It's either not true, distorted, taken out of context, or just blatant lying.
2. If it's attacking Obama for something, it's for something Romney previously supported.

Amazing honestly.
ugh, two things that by this day and age should be non-issues.

I'll never get why people are vehemently opposed to abortion or gay marriage.

I had an argument on this subject with a friend of mine today and a lot of it comes from a misplaced paranoid delusion, fallacies and some odd mental gymnastics and just plain foolishness. Dude thinks that Planned Parenthood is only there to facilitate abortion and some conspiracy-like eugenics. Also used the Libertarian tactic of rejecting any facts that the organization just because it came from the organization itself (ignoring the fact that it's a non-profit and has to legally release the info unlike the Catholic Church which does so selectively)

The official Libertarian Party position is pro-choice!

Opposing gay marriage seems a ridiculous. They are going to lose in due time . . . get over it.

But I can understand the anti-abortion view if you are a hardcore religious person and things god sprinkles magic dust on a fertilized egg. But I think that view is ridiculous.
Romney's response about paying lots of taxes immediately made me wonder how many refunds he got and what his actual tax burden was. Most of the complex instruments have associated refunds. He just needs to show them and get it over with.

I wouldn't be surprised if 2008/2009 are his problematic year. When he didn't really know for sure Obama would be doing this bad, when he was still asking Obama to follow his HCR plan, so in many ways he might not have been expecting to run for President. And with the stock market crashes, it would be very easy to write off losses and pay no income tax.
The burden of proof is on both. Romney should be rightly excoriated for a lack of transparency. And if he expects to wholly dispel even a trace of impropriety, he should release his returns. But if Reid's going to reference a source in his attack, he should identify them. Otherwise, it's impossible to judge the veracity of his claim.Rarely will I concur with 29 Republican governors, but the waivers are good policy.
But Reid's only claim is that "Someone told me this." He is not claiming that he is certain that it is true. You criticize him for repeating hearsay, but you can't prove he is lying..


Clothed, sober, cooperative
But Reid's only claim is that "Someone told me this." He is not claiming that he is certain that it is true. You criticize him for repeating hearsay, but you can't prove he is lying..
Romney can, tomorrow. Even McCain could. His silence is now conspicuous.
What we'd prefer, is easy access to contraceptives and education so that abortions were never or rarely necessary, but the fucking idiots are against those too. They are also against more poor and or brown people, yet are actively promoting their creation.

It is the party of by Derp, for Derp.
Yeah . . . this is something that has always driven me crazy. They don't want to teach sex education, they don't even want birth control to be easily available these days, they want abortion to be illegal, and they'd like to get rid of welfare. That is a fucking formula for creating human misery. That will create nation of poor uneducated teen pregnancies. That is the path to creating a third-world country. Why would they want that?

I know what they would say . . . "Uh . . . personal responsibility." Yeah well, half the people are below median intelligence. There are a lot of people out there there that will do dumb things and make mistakes . . . you know this. So why don't YOU take some personal responsibility for pushing policies that create a mess!
Akin vs. McCaskill is the best match-up Democrats could have hoped for in Missouri, simply because Steelman and Brunner could have run as outsiders with no Congressional record (and no poison pill votes like the Ryan plan or ACA repeal).

Still a toss-up at best and it'll probably go down to the wire on election night, but McCaskill has a huge fundraising advantage.
Vanity Fair has a good article on Romney's finances.


A snippet:

Mysteries also arise when one looks at Romney’s individual retirement account at Bain Capital. When Romney was there, from 1984 to 1999, taxpayers were allowed to put just $2,000 per year into an I.R.A., and $30,000 annually into a different kind of plan he may have used. Given these annual contribution ceilings, how can his I.R.A. possibly contain up to $102 million, as his financial disclosures now suggest?

The Romneys won’t say, but Mark Maremont, writing in The Wall Street Journal, uncovered a likely explanation. When Bain Capital bought companies, it would create two classes of shares, named A and L. The A shares were risky common shares, to which they would assign a very low value. The L shares were preferred shares, paying a high dividend but with the payoff frozen, and most of the value was assigned to them. Bain employees would then put the exciting A shares in their I.R.A. accounts, where they grew tax-free. With all the risk of the deal, the A shares stood to gain a lot or collapse. But if the deal succeeded, the springing value could be stunning: Bain employees saw their A shares from one particularly fruitful deal grow 583-fold, 16 times faster than the underlying stock.

The Romneys won’t tell us how, or even if, they assigned super-low values to the A shares, but there are a couple of ways to do it. One is to use standard options models to price the shares—then feed inappropriate assumptions into those models. Romney could alternatively have used a model called liquidation valuation, which Kleinbard says would have been “completely inappropriate.” Without seeing the assumptions used on Romney’s tax returns from the years when those lowball A shares were squirted into his I.R.A., we cannot know how he did it. Whatever methods he used, however, the valuations were, according to Andrew Smith, of Houlihan Capital in Chicago, “pushing the envelope.” (Andrea Saul retorts, “Why should successful investments be criticized?”)

Mitt’s and Ann’s I.R.A.’s have also been receiving profit interest from (mostly Cayman Island–based) Bain Capital funds that were set up long after he had left the company, in 1999. For example, the 2010 return reveals a profits interest in a Cayman-based fund called Bain Capital Partners (AM) X LP, which was transferred to the Ann D. Romney trust in October 2010. An attachment to the return says the Ann D. Romney trust is “performing services” to the partnership, which is boilerplate language for these kinds of filings. Her blind trust could receive lightly taxed income from Bain Capital for years to come, well into the presidential term her husband hopes to win.

But administrative guidance says you can do this kind of thing only if the compensation is in recognition of past services you have provided. “This should not mean retired from the mother ship 10 years out and getting profits you had nothing to do with,” Sheppard says, adding that Romney can get away with it because of excessive “administrative indulgences” that have allowed a “perversion of the law in favor of a small class of overcompensated investment managers.”

Dade Behring is a cause célèbre for Romney’s and Bain’s critics, and it illustrates the leverage problem clearly. In 1994, Bain bought Dade International, a medical-diagnostics company, then added the medical-diagnostics division of DuPont in 1996 and a German medical-testing company called Behring in 1997. Former Dade president Bob Brightfelt says the operation started well: the Bain managers were “pretty smart guys,” he recalls, and they did well cutting out overlap, and exploiting synergies.

Then brutal cost cutting began. Bain cut R&D spending to an average of 8 percent of sales, a little more than half what its competitors were doing. Cindy Hewitt, Dade’s human-resources manager, remembers how the firm closed a Puerto Rico plant in 1998, a year after harvesting $7.1 million in local tax breaks aimed at job creation, and relocated some staff to Miami, then the company’s most profitable plant. Based on re­a­ssur­ances she had received from her superiors, she told those uprooting themselves from Puerto Rico that their jobs in Miami were safe for now—but then Bain closed the Miami plant. “Whether you want to call it misled, or lied, or manipulated, I do not believe they provided full information about what discussions were under way,” she says. “I would never want to be part of even unintentionally treating people so poorly.”

Bain engaged in startling penny-pinching with the laid-off employees. Their contracts stipulated that if they left early they would have to pay back the costs of relocating to Miami—but in spite of all that Dade had done to them, it refused to release the employees from this clause. “They said they would go after them for that money if they left before Bain was finished with them,” Hewitt recalls. Not only that, but the company declined to give workers their severance pay in lump sums to help them fund their return home.

I suggest reading the 4 page article. Then take some blood pressure medication. :p
Obama v Romney

WISCONSIN White House 2012: Obama 51% / Romney 45% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS News Poll, 7/31 - 8/6)

VIRGINIA White House 2012: Obama 49% / Romney 45% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS News Poll, 7/31 - 8/6)

COLORADO White House 2012: Obama 45% / Romney 50% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS News Poll, 7/31 - 8/6


WISCONSIN The way Barack Obama is handling his job as president: Approve 51% / Disapprove 46% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS, 7/31 - 8/6)
VIRGINIA The way Barack Obama is handling his job as president: Approve 47% / Disapprove 49% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS, 7/31 - 8/6)

COLORADO The way Barack Obama is handling his job as president: Approve 44% / Disapprove 53% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS, 7/31 - 8/6)

WISCONSIN U.S. Senate: Tammy Baldwin (D) 51% / Jeff Fitzgerald (R) 39% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS News Poll, 7/31 - 8/6)

WISCONSIN U.S. Senate: Tammy Baldwin (D) 48% / Mark Neumann (R) 45% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS News Poll, 7/31 - 8/6)

WISCONSIN U.S. Senate: Tammy Baldwin (D) 47% / Eric Hovde (R) 43% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS News Poll, 7/31 - 8/6)

WISCONSIN U.S. Senate: Tammy Baldwin (D) 47% / Tommy Thompson (R) 47% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS News Poll, 7/31 - 8/6)

VIRGINIA U.S. Senate: Tim Kaine (D) 48% / George Allen (R) 46% (Quinnipiac U./New York Times/CBS News Poll, 7/31 - 8/6)

Colorado polling this week has been a complete clusterfuck, we're now looking at 11 points of variance across the last three reported polls (O+6 from PPP and an exact tie from Guy Who's Bad At Polling yesterday, R+5 from Quinnipiac just now)

I do not envy Nate Silver right now


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Do we need to objectify any and every attractive female TV personality? Are there even any women in PoliGAF?

Objectifying? That was a compliment.


Come on, you can't tell me you don't think she's smang worthy?

Also, what was your second question again?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
colorado thinks romney would be better on national security compared to obama.


You do have to ask what is going on with polling over there with that result.
Or just what is going on in general, hehe.
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