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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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If you are using the same arguments that you use here then I am not surprised. It'd be like trying to deflate a balloon by using a silly straw to shoot cotton balls at it.



Laughing at Republicans is one of the things that I share with my Dad that we look forward to when we get the chance to spend time together. It's our fishing, or working on cars.

Shit I'm jealous.

Literally can't even talk to my dad about politics. He loves Rush, Hannity, and... well basically all of those talking heads on Fox.

Its impossible, absolutely impossible, to hold a civil and reasonable discussion with him about anything concerning politics.


Sometimes the cost is worth it to keep the system honest. While I know in soundbites detailing anti-fraud and compliance efforts would leave people glazed over more than a discussion of foreign policy in the Korea's, it would give statistical proof to show the system is only helping those who need it as opposed to say the abuses in England's public assistance programs.

So, again, it's not really about the budget, it's about making sure that "the undeserving poor" don't get any of our money, even if we have to spend MORE money to keep it away from them. Does that really not bother you at all as a position point? What happened to charity?

By all means study it. I look at it as a capital investment.

The cost analyses we have done and seen indicate its much more expensive to pursue fraud much beyond what is done now vs. what would be saved/recovered. For one the people who abuse benefits do so because they don't have anything or have little else. For another, Medicare fraud is mostly not done by individual recipients but corporations (hospitals, MCOs and so forth). Its an issue of diminishing returns and the costs become prohibitive and exhorbitant to prevent that last small sliver of fraud and abuse by individual recipients.

A capital investment that will cost a lot of money and continue to lose money every year, huh? Good old-fashioned Republican governance.


What makes you think that?

It could become another chain in Obama's Bain narrative. They've done a great job at writing Romney's story before Romney could, and this would definitely fit in with it. Since the Obama camp has been willing to get nasty, I wouldn't put it past them. I think it deserves to be examined.


Hm. You'd expect the media to have thoroughly examined this by now.
Newt: Obama is the "Anti-Clinton"

Hey guys, you know who's the first great authority I think of related to the good things that came from Bill Clinton's presidency? Newt fucking Gingrich.
The exaltation of the Clintons by Republicans is remarkable.

If you are using the same arguments that you use here then I am not surprised. It'd be like trying to deflate a balloon by using a silly straw to shoot cotton balls at it.
This...this might actually be big. This might actually blow up.

Naw. No one gives a crap. Too long ago, too tenious ties, too darkly skinned victims, etc.

You couldn't get people to give a crap about El Salvador back in the 1980s. They sure are not going to give a crap in 2012 about some guy that got investment money from El Salvador oligarchs back then.

Edit: BTW, back when he made good movies, Oliver Stone made "Salvador" about the country. Good movie.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I absolutely love that comment from Redstate about having to "house break" Romney. God, has their ever been a candidate who commands less respect from his base than Mittens?


When you have the Wall Street Journal and Redstate jumping you as a republican, you're in trouble. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Romney felt like he needed to "excite the base" and pick Ryan considering he's a wet blanket to most conservatives.


But in the big picture, I don't believe that is true. Yes, in the short term they get a bigger tax cut. But in the long-term, the middle-class decays, no purchasing power = no growth, deficits grow, etc. In the long-term they can end up much worse off.

And if we end up with a very large under-class, there could eventually be a huge-whip-saw swing in politics for farther left politics. Those revolutions in the Arab Spring . . . they were not started because people got politically annoyed with their leaders . . . they started because people finally got too mad at rising prices, no jobs, and crony upper elite. If people are pushed to far, they hit a breaking point. I don't foresee such a revolution here because we already have a democratic system . . . but people may get squeezed too far. I think we are already somewhat seeing that right now except that it is causing the polarization. There are populist movements on both sides right now. But one side or the other may win the populist argument.

You might be interested in this: http://nymag.com/news/business/themoney/jeff-greene-2012-8/


What if to appease the base after his campaign's Obamacare comments, Romney actually picks a Tea Party member like Paul Ryan.

My reaction:



Just saw a tweet that made me laugh:

"#IAmALibertarian because I have a terminally flawed understanding of economics, human behavior, and world history."


What if to appease the base after his campaign's Obamacare comments, Romney actually picks a Tea Party member like Paul Ryan.

My reaction:


I'd love for him to pick Ryan just so that guy can see his future tank into oblivion when the ticket he is part of fails to win. Even as just a VP candidate in a presidential run no one likes a loser, its why no potential presidential candidates for 2016 want anything to do with Romney's VP choice.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I can't possibly think of a pick much worse than Ryan for VP. Talk about repulsing voters.


Romney Announces ‘Women For Mitt’ Coalition
The Romney campaign announced on Wednesday a Women for Mitt coalition, led by Ann Romney, to reach out to women voters. The announcement came just hours before President Obama is introduced by women’s rights activist at a rally in Colorado.

“I’m proud to be heading up this effort to reach out to women voters,” Ann Romney said in a press release. “There is no doubt that women will play a critical role in determining the outcome of this election, and that’s something Mitt understands well.”

“Since President Obama can’t run on his record, he’s resorted to scare tactics to distract and divide women – namely, the so-called ‘War on Women,’ which is a total myth,” Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said. “The women of America aren’t falling for it.”

Yeah he understands that very well lol.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
You missed one big one: interest.

People who think they are gaining equity by buying over renting often don't understand how amortization works.

Yeah but renting means that you don't actually own that apartment. At least with owning, you can add on and modify things to your liking. Because at the end of the day it's your home.
When you have the Wall Street Journal and Redstate jumping you as a republican, you're in trouble. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Romney felt like he needed to "excite the base" and pick Ryan considering he's a wet blanket to most conservatives.

I think this is one of Romney's problems. He is spending so much time trying to keep his own base that he doesn't at all reach out to independents or anyone else. He never got around to "shaking up the the etch-a-sketch" such that all he does is pander to the far-right. And that is not going to work. People don't want George Bush 2.


Preventative care and birth control for women without a co-pay or deductible, passing the fair pay act, supports Planned Parenthood, etc.

Yeah, Obama can't run on his record with women's issues, lol

I think this is one of Romney's problems. He is spending so much time trying to keep his own base that he doesn't at all reach out to independents or anyone else. He never got around to "shaking up the the etch-a-sketch" such that all he does is pander to the far-right. And that is not going to work. People don't want George Bush 2.

I don't get this strategy, either. No matter what he does he's not going to get republicans excited about voting for HIM, they're excited about voting against Obama, so it doesn't really matter what he says to them considering they'll be there for him regardless.

Frankly, I hope he keeps it up.
Romney Announces ‘Women For Mitt’ Coalition


“Since President Obama can’t run on his record, he’s resorted to scare tactics to distract and divide women – namely, the so-called ‘War on Women,’ which is a total myth,” Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said. “The women of America aren’t falling for it.”
Yeah he understands that very well lol.
If they are not "falling for it" then why do the polls show otherwise and why are you desperately trying to create this 'Women for Mitt' group?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You guys are dumb if you think Ryan will actually get the VP nod. There is no way in hell someone so divisive will get the nomination. Before you say, "Palin LULZ" she wasn't divisive before she was picked, she was an unknown attractive female from Alaska. 99% of the country had never heard of her. Hal Mary, etc.

Paul Ryan is equal parts hated, feared, loathed, unknown, vilified, and whatever else nationwide. You don't pick that when you are looking for a VP, no matter how incompetent your campaign.
You guys are dumb if you think Ryan will actually get the VP nod. There is no way in hell someone so divisive will get the nomination. Before you say, "Palin LULZ" she wasn't divisive before she was picked, she was an unknown attractive female from Alaska. 99% of the country had never heard of her. Hal Mary, etc.

Paul Ryan is equal parts hated, feared, loathed, unknown, vilified, and whatever else nationwide. You don't pick that when you are looking for a VP, no matter how incompetent your campaign.

He also looks like a socially awkward vampire. :)


You guys are dumb if you think Ryan will actually get the VP nod. There is no way in hell someone so divisive will get the nomination. Before you say, "Palin LULZ" she wasn't divisive before she was picked, she was an unknown attractive female from Alaska. 99% of the country had never heard of her. Hal Mary, etc.

Paul Ryan is equal parts hated, feared, loathed, unknown, vilified, and whatever else nationwide. You don't pick that when you are looking for a VP, no matter how incompetent your campaign.

I think it's mostly us hoping that he'll get it instead of us actually thinking he will. But this campaign has been spectacular in how awful it's been, so I wouldn't be surprised.
So do conservatives want Romney to take Romneycare into the shed and shoot it now? He seemed to be doing well enough just ignoring it, but clearly this has opened some festering wounds

Is he going to publicly deny the fact that MA's health insurance law might have saved this guy's wife?


Professional Schmuck
You guys are dumb if you think Ryan will actually get the VP nod. There is no way in hell someone so divisive will get the nomination. Before you say, "Palin LULZ" she wasn't divisive before she was picked, she was an unknown attractive female from Alaska. 99% of the country had never heard of her. Hal Mary, etc.

Paul Ryan is equal parts hated, feared, loathed, unknown, vilified, and whatever else nationwide. You don't pick that when you are looking for a VP, no matter how incompetent your campaign.

Again and again I ask, what part of this campaign has convinced anyone that they're not that stupid? If you told me they were seriously considering Sarah Palin I'd laugh my ass off -- but I'd believe it.


The Romney campaign has been inconsistent, unprofessional, sloppy, dishonest, vague, defensive, and reclusive. I wouldn't put anything past them at this point.


The 'Romneycare' thing is so bad, even Rush is getting in on the criticisms


Add Rush Limbaugh to the growing list of conservatives who are completely shocked by Team Romney’s latest move to defend itself by touting Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts health care law.

Limbaugh was literally left sputtering as he contemplated the Romney response.

Limbaugh’s criticism came just hours after political observers of all stripes were stopped dead in their tracks by Team Romney’s defense against a Democratic super PAC ad that all but accuses Romney of facilitating a woman’s death after Bain Capital shut down the steel mill her husband worked at, thereby denying the family of health insurance.

In two separate appearances on Fox News, Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul dismissed the ad and said that under Romney’s Massachusetts health care law — which Romney has repeatedly promised to strip away from the country as a whole if he’s elected president — the woman would still have insurance.

Conservatives went nuts, including Limbaugh.

“Andrea Saul’s appearance on Fox was a potential gold mine for Obama supporters,” he said. “They can say, ‘Romneycare was the basis for our health care.’”

I don’t know the people at the Romney campaign but I’m gonna tell you…your candidate is accused of killing a woman because … this isn’t about health insurance! They’re out there saying that your guy killed this woman! and your answer is well she’d of had health insurance if she lived in Massachusetts.
Here’s the full segment from Rush


I'd love for him to pick Ryan just so that guy can see his future tank into oblivion when the ticket he is part of fails to win. Even as just a VP candidate in a presidential run no one likes a loser, its why no potential presidential candidates for 2016 want anything to do with Romney's VP choice.
Actually, a vice presidential bid, even if it fails, is a prominent launch pad for a presidential bid. It's not a guarantee, obviously. But if one has presidential aspirations, they shouldn't be averse to joining the ticket. And Republicans love losers. Truly.
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