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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Republican Jokes Obama Supporters 'Mentally Retarded'

According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Roddey recounted a situation which he said "embarrassed" him. "I was in this parking lot and there was a man looking for a space to park, and I found a space for him. And I felt badly. He looked like he was sort of in distress. And I said, 'Sir, here's a place.' And he said, 'That's a handicapped space.' I said, 'Oh I'm so sorry, I saw that Obama sticker and I thought you were mentally retarded," Roddey reportedly told the room of 300 people.

What the fuck is wrong with people? He apologized, but damn.
romney really started to spiral into hell after the dream act lite exec order, obamacare ruling weeks later etc

I think that was when the current trend started

They got a bit of traction with the "you didn't build that" (even though it was a lie, they seemed comfortable with saying it) but that seemed to die down with the Olympics and Romney making an idiot of himself in the UK.

The boxer analogy is great. Romney can't get a counter punch in.

On the topic of VP I can see Ryan because they need something to change things up they need something. I know that was the same logic as Palin but I really don't think they have learned. I'd think they'd call Palin a mistake because she wasn't "ready" or that she was an "unknown" and easy to "misportray" while they might few Ryan as someone whose a bit more known.
So...question to all, if trends hold, is there a realistic shot at the Dems retaking Congress in its entirety? Assuming Romney continues to fuck up and Dems keep going on the offensive?


So...question to all, if trends hold, is there a realistic shot at the Dems retaking Congress in its entirety? Assuming Romney continues to fuck up and Dems keep going on the offensive?

Hard to say. Tea partiers are going to tea party, so there is a chance they'll hold on to the house.
So...question to all, if trends hold, is there a realistic shot at the Dems retaking Congress in its entirety? Assuming Romney continues to fuck up and Dems keep going on the offensive?

I think the senate is gonna be tough I think. The house will be close as well and full of blue dogs if they win it back I'd assume. Either way it won't be the 111th. We're not going to get giant progressive legislation.


So...question to all, if trends hold, is there a realistic shot at the Dems retaking Congress in its entirety? Assuming Romney continues to fuck up and Dems keep going on the offensive?

I'm increasingly optimistic about the Senate. I think taking the House will be much tougher than holding the Senate, but if Romney keeps floundering, I think the downballot impact will expand to the point where it's possible.
I don't want Romney to win, I'm just concerned about his chances. He's floundering right now and it's painful to watch, knowing I could run this better - or any host of other people like Karl Rove. He's smarter than this, or should be.
What is painful is that he is running such a terrible campaign and yet he continues to do as well as he is.

Now forget this stuff:
-London Olympics gaffe
-Palestinian snub
That's all fluff.

These are hardcore issues where he just really sucks:
-Anti-planned parenthood and for 'Personhood Amendment that even lost in Mississippi for big women gap
-GOP double wall with electrified barb wire for latino issues.
-His tax plan is exposed as raise taxes on the middle class and cut taxes for the rich
-Serious liar problem with mccain quote lie, welfare-work requirement lie, out-of-context you didn't build that distortion, etc.
-Won't release his tax returns and has a history about lying about his taxes

The only reason this is a contest is that 8.3% unemployment is an anchor for Obama. If it wasn't for people being fired, Romeny would be nothing. But Romney has proven that he can obtain massive gains due to people being fired so this contest remains wide open.
I'm increasingly optimistic about the Senate. I think taking the House will be much tougher than holding the Senate, but if Romney keeps floundering, I think the downballot impact will expand to the point where it's possible.

What is sad is IF somehow the Dems DID take back the House and kept the Senate and the White House, know the lesson the GOP would take from it?

Ryan on the ticket=media using Medicare and voucher in the same sentence when describing his budget. I just can't see establishment republicans supporting this, given the numbers.
Democrats seem to have a decent chance at keeping the Senate but if they win back the House, it'll be by a slim margin. Right now I'm expecting a 15-20 seat gain, short of the 25 they need.

I think Ryan as VP would be a huge boon for Democrats winning back the House. It would allow Obama to make a national issue out of the Ryan plan which would translate to less ticket-splitting down the ballot.


If King caucuses with the Democrats and Warren wins MA, the Republicans need to win 6 seats. They'll take NE. So 5. FL and OH are looking like long shots, so that means a clean sweep in MO (McCaskill), MT (Tester), VA (Kaine), WI (Baldwin) and ND (Heitkamp). That's a tall order, on the level of the 2006 Senate election. Dems could also make IN or NV competitive. I see them holding.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
What is sad is IF somehow the Dems DID take back the House and kept the Senate and the White House, know the lesson the GOP would take from it?


Its sad but also amazing. The more conservative they get, the more people they alienate. It would be hilarious if that's what gave rise to a third party: a new breed of conservative who doesn't want to touch the current group with a ten foot pole.
Its sad but also amazing. The more conservative they get, the more people they alienate. It would be hilarious if that's what gave rise to a third party: a new breed of conservative who doesn't want to touch the current group with a ten foot pole.

Well technically, the third party has become the Tea Party. I just don't see enough demand to create a third party for moderate Republicans.


No Scrubs
What is sad is IF somehow the Dems DID take back the House and kept the Senate and the White House, know the lesson the GOP would take from it?


Part of me is thinking Romney is trying to prevent this. He probably knows he'll lose which could be why he is running so far to the right.


The dems need to take a lot of seats to even begin to hope for the Republican party to reboot itself. If it's a narrow victory, the blue dogs will become overly important again and we're back at square one of herding cats.
What is painful is that he is running such a terrible campaign and yet he continues to do as well as he is.

Now forget this stuff:
-London Olympics gaffe
-Palestinian snub
That's all fluff.

These are hardcore issues where he just really sucks:
-Anti-planned parenthood and for 'Personhood Amendment that even lost in Mississippi for big women gap
-GOP double wall with electrified barb wire for latino issues.
-His tax plan is exposed as raise taxes on the middle class and cut taxes for the rich
-Serious liar problem with mccain quote lie, welfare-work requirement lie, out-of-context you didn't build that distortion, etc.
-Won't release his tax returns and has a history about lying about his taxes

The only reason this is a contest is that 8.3% unemployment is an anchor for Obama. If it wasn't for people being fired, Romeny would be nothing. But Romney has proven that he can obtain massive gains due to people being fired so this contest remains wide open.
And adding to that, Romney could be a serial killer, but having an (R) next to his name would pretty much guarantee at least 40 million votes.


I'd love to see an in-depth demographic analysis of polling thus far. There's a lot of fascinating potential in there going on in this cycle.

Hispanics and Obama's executive order, combined with Romney's primary stance.

Black voters in comparison to the 2008 enthusiasm.

Women and the nonsense from earlier in the year.

Mitt Romney, everyman, and his support among blue collar whites.

Senate wise, here's what I think. I really see three scenarios:

A) Optimistic- Obama gets the troops to GOTV and he wins big in the general election. In that case, I think getting 55-57 seats is not out of the question.

B) Realistic- Obama wins by a decent margin but the GOP money wins some races (NV, AZ, IN. MT go GOP). Democrats still with 53

C) Pessimistic- Scott Brown wins, George Allen, Bill Nelson loses... still leaves at 50-50

If I had to bet today, I'd say 53-54 seats for Democrats. If I had to pick one of the two extreme scenarios, I'd bet on the Democrats being more successful than anticipated.

As far as the House, the Democrats will make sizable gains (probably +15ish) but that's going to be short of taking the House. They just have a TON of ground to make up in the House and it will probably take another election cycle to get there.
The problem with Romney is that he isn't really taking a stand for somethings (shocking, I know). He keeps trying to dodge and weave from his Bain and tax history. Instead he should be fighting back by saying that not all jobs are guaranteed or ripping the band-aid clean off with the taxes. Instead we get things like this:

Death by a thousand cuts seems to be the order of the day. He is not making this election a referendum on Obama like he needs to.
I'm increasingly optimistic about the Senate. I think taking the House will be much tougher than holding the Senate, but if Romney keeps floundering, I think the downballot impact will expand to the point where it's possible.

Same here. Will be interesting to see how AZ/WI GOP Primary turns out. Dems might again be gifted by the tea party.

Dems have the best chance they ever had now of holding MO now.

VA and MA are the big ones Dems need to eek out that win.
If he's trying to get Obama on religion and welfare, he's losing.

If he's trying to get Obama on ANYTHING that isn't the economy, he's losing because that's the only issue he can run on.

Now he just needs to go for the hail-Mary, pick Ryan as his VP and nationalize the House campaign.
You have to give it up for Team Obama. They boxed Romney in pretty good. So glad everyone got a taste of Chicago politics on national stage. Being from Chicago, I can attest to their to-the-jugular form Romney is gonna be playing defense till Nov 6th
The Atlantic said:
At a campaign stop yesterday in Iowa, Mitt Romney tossed out a laugh line that seemed to neatly sum up the core of conservative fears about our future as a country. "Entrepreneurs and business people around the world and here at home think that at some point America is going to become like Greece or like Spain or Italy," he said, before adding, "or like California -- just kidding about that one, in some ways."

Every good joke is supposed to have a little kernel of truth to it. And we all know that, in their most feverish nightmares, conservatives imagine the U.S. transforming into a giant version of the Golden State, with its big spending government, constant budget battles, aggressive regulators, and powerful unions. And the next step from there: the Mediterranean! (Cue the threatening Flamenco)



I know it's a joke and all but it clearly signifies a complete misunderstanding of fiscal issues.


Dem platform language on gay marriage released.

We support the right of all families to have equal respect, responsibilities, and protections under the law. We support marriage equality and support the movement to secure equal treatment under law for same-sex couples. We also support the freedom of churches and religious entities to decide how to administer marriage as a religious sacrament without government interference.

We oppose discriminatory federal and state constitutional amendments and other attempts to deny equal protection of the laws to committed same-sex couples who seek the same respect and responsibilities as other married couples. We support the full repeal of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act.

I was expecting it not to be as clear as it is. It can be nit picked but the language is stonger than I anticipated, particularly the stated opposition to the state constitutional amedments; no 'leaving it up to the states' punt. I still can't quite believe this is going to be part of one of the major party platforms now. How far we've come.



The more open the Democratic platform get, the more closed the Republican one gets - eventually, it's going to make the electoral map impossible for the Republicans. They really need to do some soul searching.

Also, that Fox News poll makes it a real trend. Romney will gain temporary ground after his VP pick, but his campaign is in tatters right now. Holy shit.
Dem platform language on gay marriage released.

I was expecting it not to be as clear as it is. I still can't quite believe this is going to be part of one of the major party platforms now. How far we've come.



And Western Democrats are pushing for DREAM ACT to be included too in the platform. Would be amazing.

Only one party is for progress. Hope American realizes that too.

Oh and Tod Atkin wants to ban the morning after pill



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
“You know, in the past, when people pointed out that something was inaccurate, why, campaigns pulled the ad,” Romney said on the radio. “They were embarrassed. Today, they just blast ahead. You know, the various fact checkers look at some of these charges in the Obama ads and they say that they’re wrong, and inaccurate, and yet he just keeps on running them.”

In Sad news, I have to leave the Country by September 30th as there is an issue with my GC processing.

I won't be here for the election. I was considering for volunteering for their NC campaign, have gotten 2 calls already about it :(


Can't believe some of the analysis in this thread. Totally missing the point. Karl Rove provides some impartial analysis:

Wednesday's Gallup poll had President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney essentially tied, with Mr. Obama at 47% and Mr. Romney at 46%. That's good news for the challenger: Mr. Romney has absorbed a punishing three-month Obama television barrage that drained the incumbent's war chest. Historically, undecided voters tend to break late for the challenger.
Among other things, Mr. Romney should talk about his father's modest upbringing, his wife's illness, and his wealth. Americans know nothing about the first, little about the second, and (courtesy of Team Obama) much about the third. Mr. Romney can show more of his personal side, which would reveal a man of enormous decency and good character.


In Sad news, I have to leave the Country by September 30th as there is an issue with my GC processing.

I won't be here for the election. I was considering for volunteering for their NC campaign, have gotten 2 calls already about it :(
Very sorry to hear this, I hope it all gets sorted out.

I was content to dismiss the first poll - and second - as outliers. But three makes a trend. I'd like to see how these three polls stack up to the same pollster's last one.


Can't believe some of the analysis in this thread. Totally missing the point:


Well, if Karl Rove says it....

Nate Silver addressed the "break for the challenger" thing a few weeks ago -- it isn't true. What I find more interesting about this article is that it straight-up says that the GOP is expecting Romney's convention bounce to be short-lived.

Rove's ability to fearlessly defend a losing position would do credit to Stalingrad.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
10 Polls: Obama is up 5+!
1 Poll: Obama, Romney, dead heat!

That must mean they are in a statistical dead heat and that Romney is head overall!
Well, if Karl Rove says it....

Nate Silver addressed the "break for the challenger" thing a few weeks ago -- it isn't true. What I find more interesting about this article is that it straight-up says that the GOP is expecting Romney's convention bounce to be short-lived.

Rove's ability to fearlessly defend a losing position would do credit to Stalingrad.

They should delay the convention a couple of months


Yeah... expecting that Veep announcement any day now. Romney needs to make up ground in the worst way.

He says he wants one "with a vision for the country"
...because he's certainly not planning on providing one anytime soon.

Also, the GOP is upset that Pres. Obama wants to repeat the success of the auto industry rescue with other American industries.
Apparently, that was bad and he should feel bad about saying this:
I believe in American workers, I believe in this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back.
Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry."



I'm giddy for the VP pick mainly because I'm curious if they'll make an interesting gaffe. If they release more taxes on the VP than Mitt has, that'll be hilarious.
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