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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is keeping his story about Mitt Romney’s taxes alive another day. On Thursday, an aide teased more details about the Bain Capitol investor Reid says told him Romney didn’t pay taxes for 10 years. From the Huffington Post:

“This person is an investor in Bain Capital, a Republican also, and somebody who has been dealing with Romney’s company for a long, long time and he has direct knowledge of this,” said Reid aide Jose Parra, referring to Romney’s tax returns.



Hahaha, fuck I love Reid now. Releasing just enough info that you get something interesting and all the networks will talk about it yet again. Masterful political trolling. Simply masterful.


Alright, I was kinda skeptical of where Reid was going with all of this, but if that's his source, holy shit hahaha.

And I can't shake the feeling that it'll be Ryan who'll be veep. That statement, especially about vision, points to that.


ok now Reid is getting so specific he really must have a source

which begs the question: is there an end game to this? And would Romney really deny paying no taxes if he really didn't?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ok now Reid is getting so specific he really must have a source

which begs the question: is there an end game to this? And would Romney really deny paying no taxes if he really didn't?

There's no endgame for Reid. If Romney releases his taxes and it's less than 13.9% (which it probably is!) then Reid wins. If Romney does not release his taxes it will leave doubt with the electorate, then Reid wins.


ok now Reid is getting so specific he really must have a source

which begs the question: is there an end game to this? And would Romney really deny paying no taxes if he really didn't?

He did deny that he filed as a Utah resident, and that turned out to be false. I don't trust Romney one bit on this issue. That's not to say I think he actually paid 0 for 10 years. To me that's such a ridiculous claim that I don't even think he's quite stupid enough to run for president after that.
ok now Reid is getting so specific he really must have a source

which begs the question: is there an end game to this? And would Romney really deny paying no taxes if he really didn't?

as others have said, i'm sure he's paid all sorts of taxes, and a lot of them. but what about income tax?


I would love to see the panic going on in the Romney camp right now. A month of bad news, conservatives ready to revolt, and polls showing the gap widening. And even still they keep getting hit left and right.

ok now Reid is getting so specific he really must have a source

which begs the question: is there an end game to this? And would Romney really deny paying no taxes if he really didn't?
I think one of the TPM comments about this mentioned that Romney has never specifically said he's paid federal income tax. Just, you know, taxes.

(too slow.)


but those are lame taxes, who cares about lame taxes!

(i'm pretty drunk right now ignore all my posts until tomorrow morning)

Lol at the fox poll

The top reasons voters give for being uncomfortable with Romney include his positions on the issues, that he’s “phony,” he’s “out of touch,” he’s a Republican and he’s “for the rich.” For Obama, the discomfort comes from his performance as president, unemployment/no economic recovery, his positions on the issues, “everything,” and his health care plan.

AKA he's a black socialist kenyan muslim gay married to a pakistani

The more open the Democratic platform get, the more closed the Republican one gets - eventually, it's going to make the electoral map impossible for the Republicans. They really need to do some soul searching.

Also, that Fox News poll makes it a real trend. Romney will gain temporary ground after his VP pick, but his campaign is in tatters right now. Holy shit.
Aren't those bumps usually only like 4-5 points? Were outside of that. He'd put it in the margin of victory but the dem convention will erase that in Sep.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Well technically, the third party has become the Tea Party. I just don't see enough demand to create a third party for moderate Republicans.

Not yet you don't. But in the next few decades if the Republican party doesn't get itself under control we're going to see a significant group of people saying "I don't agree with the Democrats, but man, I don't want to associate with those guys"


Obama: Let's repeat auto industry success

“I said, I believe in American workers, I believe in this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back,” he said. “Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry.

This is the leading story on Drudge. You guys should look at the comments. Drudge readers really fucking hate the bailout. Wow.

Seriously, holy shit the cognitive dissonance is palpable.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
He did deny that he filed as a Utah resident, and that turned out to be false. I don't trust Romney one bit on this issue. That's not to say I think he actually paid 0 for 10 years. To me that's such a ridiculous claim that I don't even think he's quite stupid enough to run for president after that.

He is probably trying to figure out how to retroactively pay taxes.
Very sorry to hear this, I hope it all gets sorted out.

Thanks. Lawyer hopes I will be back in December, but you never know now.

Remember the Ad which caused Saul to bring in Romneycare defense? It has never aired on TV:


per @CMAGAdFacts, the Priorities USA "Romney killed my wife" ad has never actually aired on broadcast TV.

Talk about media exposure for 0$ spent

It's probably Romney.

Romney is not a Republican!
Reid great troll or greatest troll.

His troll-fu is indeed impressive. His striptease with this claim is really drawing it out for a long time. He makes the claim. He responds to the Romney team response. He goes and says it on the Senate floor. He dribbles out a little more info on the source.

If Romney's not going to release returns, Reid seems determined to keep that fact in the news cycle.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
In Sad news, I have to leave the Country by September 30th as there is an issue with my GC processing.

I won't be here for the election. I was considering for volunteering for their NC campaign, have gotten 2 calls already about it :(

Wow, really sorry to hear that, dude. Where are you from, and how long will you be gone?

Poligaf won't be the same without you living in Amurka. :(


Clothed, sober, cooperative
He is probably trying to figure out how to retroactively pay taxes.

That's actually possible. The fines and penalties for confessing to prior tax shenanigans would be astronomical, but certainly worth a presidency. However, I doubt there's a way to expunge the paperwork and it would only draw attention to it - tax lawyers could however reach an agreement with the IRS.


New GOP superpac ad calls Obama Deporter-In-Chief. I thought Republicans liked deportation>

They can't even get their messaging straight


Wow, really sorry to hear that, dude. Where are you from, and how long will you be gone?

Poligaf won't be the same without you living in Amurka. :(

I am from India, expecting to be there at least 3 months.

@WestWingReport: For what it's worth: Former advisor to two Republican presidents & close ties to Romney campaign tells WWR that Va. Gov. McDonnell may be VP

Transvaginal ultra sounds are a go!

I am not sure how disciplined the Romney campaign is, at this point they even might be looking for a more of a hail-mary pick.

I think Romney's pick is Paul Ryan
“This person is an investor in Bain Capital, a Republican also, and somebody who has been dealing with Romney’s company for a long, long time and he has direct knowledge of this,” said Reid aide Jose Parra, referring to Romney’s tax returns.
Hmm. Well, both Romney and Reid are high-ranking Mormon politicos. And even though they are in different parties, I'm sure there must be a fair amount of cross-over in the Mormon keiretsu. So the fact that this attack is coming from Reid seems like a logical source.

I still don't believe the actual claim but I can believe that someone said to Reid. Imagine someone saying, with some sarcastic exaggeration, "He hasn't paid anything in taxes for ten years!" Of course what he really meant was more "He has only paid a very small token amount of taxes for the last 10 years." And that is quite believable. 13.9% sure seems pretty low for someone that makes $20Million.


Hmm. Well, both Romney and Reid are high-ranking Mormon politicos. And even though they are in different parties, I'm sure there must be a fair amount of cross-over in the Mormon keiretsu. So the fact that this attack is coming from Reid seems like a logical source.

next week's huffpo headline said:
Reid Aide: "No Taxes" Source Lives On Kolob, Transmitted Leak to Reid on Golden Plates



ok now Reid is getting so specific he really must have a source

which begs the question: is there an end game to this? And would Romney really deny paying no taxes if he really didn't?

I think the endgame is 1) Reid's source coming out, and/or 2) Romney's actual income tax rates getting leaked. It's a pretty steady drip now, with Reid and Obama tag teaming like this.

I think, given the polls the past few days, it's impossible to say this hasn't taken a toll on Romney. And I suspect it's just the first act in the plan to paining Romney into a corner as a tax dodger. A charge Romney will and can neither confirm nor deny. This will drag out for another month or two before coming to a head. It's too choreographed to stop here.
I think the endgame is 1) Reid's source coming out, and/or 2) Romney's actual income tax rates getting leaked. It's a pretty steady drip now, with Reid and Obama tag teaming like this.

I think, given the polls the past few days, it's impossible to say this hasn't taken a toll on Romney. And I suspect it's just the first act in the plan to paining Romney into a corner as a tax dodger. A charge Romney will and can neither confirm nor deny. This will drag out for another month or two before coming to a head. It's too choreographed to stop here.

The tax cut leak will only work if it comes from the McCain campaign though I think, directly to the media? Assuming if the Dems release any leaks, that is a potential legal problem.

Also, more on the "Son of Boss" scandal that is mentioned in that ad:

What I do like is how Obama's campaign is hitting on multiple messages every week. That is good for this media.
you never know

That would be the second most awesome pick behind Ryan.

So apparently, Allen West supports communist health care, at least for the troops.

Anyone know what he's babbling about Obama supposedly wanting vets to get private insurance? I don't recall him ever supporting such a thing.

How is West an elected official? I seriously don't understand that. He has the intellectual depth of a puddle, with little grasp on reality.
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