He's not changed his positions. He's not a democrat. He's a republican whose had his base move from him. Where is there any motive to run as a democrat? He's not Arlen Specter who did not share many of the orthodox beliefs of his party (he supported Affirmative Action, voted against giving millionaires tax cuts in the 90s, somewhat pro-union, etc).
I'd rather have him running in the republican party than the current tea party crazies but why on earth would you cheer for him running as a dem. Are people that nostalgic for the GOP of 90s?
Because his party treated him like trash in the primary, and then he made some comments about the Republican party needing big ideas again and got blackballed by the party afterwards.
I dunno if you're referring to my posts, but I'm not cheering for him to run as a democrat or anything like that. If was just musing about what his next move would be because of what I wrote up there. It seems like the Republican party doesn't want people like him anymore. And yeah even as a Republican I wouldn't vote for him, unless there was a moron on the other side, then maybe, but definitely not likely. I'm personally glad he did get ousted, though, because I think this election cycle would be much harder with Huntsman on the other side rather than Romney.