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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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No Scrubs
It doesn't seem like this onslaught is thickening his skin. I imagine he'll be no better at taking heat when the debates come around. I hope he just has one moment where he loses it on screen.

I want an "oops" moment. If Obama can get one of those out of Romney I will lose my shit.


aka andydumi
It's hilarious they're attempting to classify criticism of his business practices as "personal attacks" when it's the very foundation of his claim that he's the more qualified candidate.

But corporations are people too, soooo then they must be personal attacks against somebody.


It doesn't seem like this onslaught is thickening his skin. I imagine he'll be no better at taking heat when the debates come around. I hope he just has one moment where he loses it on screen.

If Perry and Gingrinch can make Romney get visibly angry I think Obama can, especially since those guys were on his same side lol

I expect Obama to bring up flip flopping and etch a sketch (or allude to it) and as a result Romney will get visibly upset.
i know obama is itching to use "So you were the president, chairman, ceo, and sole stockholder and you had no role?" then mockingly laugh at him.


If Perry and Gingrinch can make Romney get visibly angry I think Obama can, especially since those guys were on his same side lol

I expect Obama to bring up flip flopping and etch a sketch (or allude to it) and as a result Romney will get visibly upset.

I don't think it will take much to get a little bit of a rise out of him. I can't wait.


No Scrubs
I don't think it will take much to get a little bit of a rise out of him. I can't wait.

If Romney gets visibly upset I hope Obama says something like "Why are you so upset, this is softball compared to negotiating with Putin." Just to rub it in a bit.


If Romney gets visibly upset I hope Obama says something like "Why are you so upset, this is softball compared to negotiating with Putin." Just to rub it in a bit.

If he does get visibly upset I expect Obama to say nothing and do his "I got this" smile.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I want the Obama campaign to respond with:

"No wonder that the guy that believes 'corporations are people, too, my friend' would think that bringing to light his shady business record would be construed as a personal insult."
If he does get visibly upset I expect Obama to say nothing and do his "I got this" smile.



If he does get visibly upset I expect Obama to say nothing and do his "I got this" smile.

Exactly this, we know Obama can be smug. Difference between McCain and Romney is McCain could handle it and refocus. The minute Obama does it to Romney I bet he loses his shit


Fareed Zakaria apologizes for plagiarism

Time Magazine columnist and CNN host Fareed Zakaria has apologized "unreservedly" to Jill Lepore for plagiarizing her work in The New Yorker.

"Media reporters have pointed out that paragraphs in my Time column this week bear close similarities to paragraphs in Jill Lepore's essay in the April 22nd issue of The New Yorker. They are right," Zakaria said in a statement to The Atlantic Wire. "I made a terrible mistake. It is a serious lapse and one that is entirely my fault. I apologize unreservedly to her, to my editors at Time, and to my readers."

Zakaria's column about gun laws for Time's August 20 issue includes a paragraph that is remarkably similar to one Jill Lepore wrote in April for a New Yorker article about the National Rifle Association. (The similarities were first flagged by NRANews.com and first reported by Tim Graham of the conservative watchdog group Newsbusters, who leveled the plagiarism charge.)


Health care is important, and the consequences towards those who lose it can be real. That's why it's important that the president be someone who understands the risks of falling through a safety net, and be committed to protecting access to health care.

Romney's Brain: Holy shit, Obama just accused me of killing this man's wife by giving her cancer!

Fairness in the tax code and new revenue sources to deal with the rising debts will be key issues in this campaign, as evidenced by the wall st protests and the looming fiscal cliff. It is crucial that Romney release his tax returns, not only because it is expected of candidates in general, but it will help the public see where he comes from on these issues. Especially given that Romney's proposals have been independently assessed as "reverse Robin Hood" schemes.

Romney's Brain: They just won't stop these personal attacks! Why can't Obama just focus on the issues and ignore everything I've done or said relating to health care and taxes!?

(Actually, Romney's internal monologue probably doesn't ever say "Holy Shit")


I'll bet the Obama camp just turns up the heat after this. :lol They've been ruthless.

Just a few election cycles ago, who would've thought that it would be the republican looking like the wimp and begging for his opponent to play nice?


Why can't Obama stick to reasonable, level-headed discourse like editing sound clips to obfuscate meaning, or making up stuff about welfare?


How does this even happen?

Yeah I saw this with the headline "Plagiarism?" Then I read the evidence and concluded; Plagiarism. Not sure why the question mark was even there.

And as for Obama playing hardball, I gotta admit, it's really satisfying to be on the inside pissing out for once.


He's going to get a seriously damaging "wimp" reputation from the right if this trend continues. And matched with the fact that he'll never succeed in establishing himself as the "high ground" candidate, he won't gain a thing.

Well he already has it from the left and middle

Romney is clearly planning an onslaught of super negative ads once he gets the nomination, and he'll use Obama's current ads (including PACs he has no control over) as the excuse. I dunno whether it'll work.

If things don't change come mid September, I think he'll go apeshit in ways McCain rejected four years ago
Romney is clearly planning an onslaught of super negative ads once he gets the nomination, and he'll use Obama's current ads (including PACs he has no control over) as the excuse. I dunno whether it'll work.

If things don't change come mid September, I think he'll go apeshit in ways McCain rejected four years ago

There is already an onslaught of negative ads against Obama from the SuperPACs. They are still outspending the Obama campaign 2-1


Romney is clearly planning an onslaught of super negative ads once he gets the nomination, and he'll use Obama's current ads (including PACs he has no control over) as the excuse. I dunno whether it'll work.

If things don't change come mid September, I think he'll go apeshit in ways McCain rejected four years ago

It might not matter if Romney has "wimp" and "liar" associated with him by that time
Romney is clearly planning an onslaught of super negative ads once he gets the nomination, and he'll use Obama's current ads (including PACs he has no control over) as the excuse. I dunno whether it'll work.
That's my take as well. Oh, it'll bring Obama's numbers down a bit, but I expect Romney's to drop even further. Its inevitable that one of those ads will go beyond the pale.

If things don't change come mid September, I think he'll go apeshit in ways McCain rejected four years ago
I don't know about Romney going apeshit, but the fringe set sure as hell will. Guaranteed.

pretty remarkable

as he's always shown, this guy cannot handle an attack. he better be practicing for the debates or he's going to embarrass himself.

He hasn't gone after the president? Riiiiiiiiiight. Even if he hasn't gone after the president, he's stood by and watched the republican hate machine tear into every part of the president. And I can understand why he didn't stand up and say "don't do this"; the guy wants to win. But c'mon, Mitt, don't act like you aren't a part of it. At least McCain had the fucking balls to tell that one dumb bitch years ago that Obama was a good man.


testicles on a cold fall morning
So let me get this straight, a wealthy politician who has focused his presidential campaign on strength of a 'successful' private sector career for the last two cycles now wants to make the subject off limits because Obama has targeted it successfully as a weakness?



So let me get this straight, a wealthy politician who has focused his presidential campaign on strength of a 'successful' private sector career for the last two cycles now wants to make the subject off limits because Obama has targeted it successfully as a weakness?


Right now, it seems that President Obama has been running Romney's campaign.

Mike M

Nick N
"Romney and Bain were businessmen..."

Sounds like Bain is a person like Bane.

Corporations are people, too!

Actually, the name does come from one of its founders, if I'm not mistaken.

Yep Bill Bain, who appointed Romney to the newly created PE firm.

It's really not at all unusual to refer to a corporation in that manner, it's just the special call out for Romney separate from the rest makes it sound a tiny bit awkward.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Right now, it seems that President Obama has been running Romney's campaign.

touche. Romney is mighty fortunate to be floundering when the news is still largely dominated by the Olympics. under most other news cycles his campaign should've collapsed under the weight of his own stupidity already.
Fuckin' Newt is a crack-up.

For 17 years, and 12 on a national basis, Regis Philbin and Kathie Lee Gifford hosted a morning talk show with a broad spectrum of topics that ultimately became a ratings hit throughout the 1990s and into the year 2000.

And that’s exactly what former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich would like to reproduce with his wife Callista now that he no longer has a TV home with the Fox News Channel after leaving last year to run for president.

In an editorial meeting with The Daily Caller on Friday, Gingrich revealed these plans.
“Callista and I are exploring doing a daily show but doing one that is probably closer to Regis and Kathie Lee than it is to Bill O’Reilly,” Gingrich said. “I don’t know that I want to spend the next five years of my life doing an hour a night on attacking Barack Obama, or attacking the next president if it’s Romney because he wasn’t conservative enough this morning when he had coffee — except he wouldn’t have coffee.”

Why the coffee dig? LOL.
Topics Romney would like you to talk about please:

  1. No jobs and it's all Obama's fault
  2. .
Guys, guys, guys... it'll all be OK as long as nobody talks about Romney. Not his business experience, nor his experience in government, certainly not his taxes, and of course lets leave any details on his plans for the presidency for quiet rooms.


So let me get this straight, a wealthy politician who has focused his presidential campaign on strength of a 'successful' private sector career for the last two cycles now wants to make the subject off limits because Obama has targeted it successfully as a weakness?


It's utterly hilarious. Then again, this is the same guy who said "You can ask the questions you want, and I'll answer the questions I want".

Obama and his staff have to absolutely be laughing their asses off right now. I wonder how they will respond...
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