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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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You can't hold a political event on a military installation, let alone a ship.

Hmm. I guess these guys could be wrong. Maybe they mean far away from it, but within view or something?

from the National Journal:

"@jimtankersley: VP announce will be made in front of the USS Wisconsin, per Romney camp"


testicles on a cold fall morning
I like this pick. We can have Republicans navel gazing this loss for the next few years for having a candidate that was far too moderate that selected a VP who was far too much of a wing nut.

Which one cost the election more? And if greater scrutiny doesn't obliterate Ryan's standing as part of the 'intellectual' strand of congressional Republicans, me be sad panda.


So your answer is something along the lines of no work-> no right to exist?
No, its along the lines of if you create a fully sentient artificial life that doesn't need us for anything and has full capability to reason then why would it waste it's time supporting us instead of creating and advancing it's own society?

There is a reason why so many movies center around the machines rising up and taking over. Its simple math, no sentient being wants to be a slave.


Sure, at first. But give it a few generations and see where you're at. Wouldn't take too long before we're living in a Foundation-esque society where the technology people once took for granted appears to be magic to the uneducated "leach" class.

I think we're just operating from fundamentally different perspectives on what humans will do given extensive leisure. My experience is that people have an instinctive drive to be productive, and that it takes a lot of work on the part of society to take that away.

But, I mean, I definitely don't disagree with the idea that we should strongly encourage a work ethic. If anything, I think it'll be easier to do when we can encourage people to pursue field they want to, regardless of its profitability. I just assume that it's going to fail on some people -- and we should feed them anyway.
So... it sounds like it really will be Paul Ryan, announced tomorrow on the USS Wisconsin (but it's docked in Virginia, so maybe, maybe it's McConnell?). Holy fucking shit.

The cartoon is already ready:



No Scrubs
If it is Ryan, the rest of the campaign will be about the Ryan budget plan.

The helpful thing for Romney will be that the Media Absolutely Loves Ryan

Even if they love him, its hard to downplay his negatives ie the budget he proposed. Transvaginal ultrasound guy would be less toxic.


I think we're just operating from fundamentally different perspectives on what humans will do given extensive leisure. My experience is that people have an instinctive drive to be productive, and that it takes a lot of work on the part of society to take that away.

But, I mean, I definitely don't disagree with the idea that we should strongly encourage a work ethic. If anything, I think it'll be easier to do when we can encourage people to pursue field they want to, regardless of its profitability. I just assume that it's going to fail on some people -- and we should feed them anyway.

And I'm just saying that simply betting on that need to be productive is going to result in some really bloody revolts.

If you want a realistic transition to that kind of society you need to use the transition to greater automation as a transition from production to R&D, as a synchronized effort.

Then after a generation or two where it's normal for mom and dad to have a job doing whatever they find intellectually stimulating and productive we'll then have that as the norm and we won't need the social construct of "jobs" to keep people going. But you aren't going to remove the "job = pay" concept overnight or take away the hostility that equation inherently generates.


If it is Ryan, the rest of the campaign will be about the Ryan budget plan.

The helpful thing for Romney will be that the Media Absolutely Loves Ryan

Considering that the Ryan Plan cost Republicans the fucking NY 26th, I can't see how this can be anything but a bad decision.


Goddammit he had to pick tomorrow to announce it, didn't he? And Paul Ryan? I'm going to be home visiting with my family tomorrow. I don't want a huge argument with my dad who will likely be gobbling that guy's proverbial knob all day based on that announcement. Ugh. WHY!? Fuck you Romney!


I guess he's going for a solidify the base, damned be everybody else strategy....... or maybe just a "I got bullied into a corner and now I can't find my way out" strategy.
Even if they love him, its hard to downplay his negatives ie the budget he proposed. Transvaginal ultrasound guy would be less toxic.
I think transvaginal guy would be pretty toxic. He is a bit of theocratic guy with a crazy thesis from the Pat Robertson university where he wrote this:

McDonnell's 1989 thesis for Regent University[51] was a 93-page document titled The Republican Party's Vision for the Family: The Compelling Issue of The Decade. The document explored the rise in the numbers of divorces and illegitimate births, and examined public policies that may have contributed to that increase and proposed solutions. The document gained attention in the campaign because it outlined a 15-point conservative agenda, including 10 points McDonnell pursued during his years in the General Assembly, according to press analysis.[52]
This agenda includes opposition to abortion, support for school vouchers and covenant marriage, and tax policies that favor heterosexual families.[53] In his thesis, McDonnell wrote "government policy should favor married couples over 'cohabitators, homosexuals or fornicators.'"[54] McDonnell "described working women and feminists as 'detrimental' to the family."[54]
McDonnell "criticized a landmark 1965 Supreme Court decision" which legalized the use of contraceptives, writing that "man's basic nature is inclined towards evil, and when the exercise of liberty takes the shape of pornography, drug abuse, or homosexuality, the government must restrain, punish, and deter." McDonnell responded to the article, stating "Virginians will judge me on my 18-year record as a legislator and attorney general and the specific plans I have laid out for our future -- not on a decades-old academic paper I wrote as a student during the Reagan era and haven't thought about in years."[52]


Ahahahaha, I love dailykos' take on this:

At this point, if it's not Ryan, conservatives are going to flip their shit. So unless you believe Mitt Romney is the dumbest politician alive, it's definitely Paul Ryan. On the other hand, if Mitt Romney does pick Paul Ryan, then he's also the dumbest politician alive. We'll see.


No Scrubs
Ryan lost them a district they had held for 100 years. That's 50 elections, and they lost it in the middle of tea party mania. Jesus Christ, no way man. I won't believe it til I see Ryan stand next to Romney.


The first question the Romney campaign gets should be "how many tax returns did you review as a part of the vetting process"

Anyway, I guess I should go download Romney's election ap now, so that I can be the first to know when he decided.

Gray Man

Either Portman or Ryan. I still think Portman because I don't think Romney is dumb enough to pick Ryan.

Just think of the hilarity we would experience if he picked one of the other GOP potentials from earlier this year?

You know, as much as I don't like Romney, he really was one of the only sane picks, the other guys really make him look like a perfect candidate lol. I guess Jon Huntsman maybe on the same level but still...

I feel like Mitt Romney would be more likeable and have some better views if the Republican Party wasn't in such shambles...

I'm going to go ahead and guess Rubio? Just to be different I suppose :p


oh boy, oh boy is he really going to do Paul Ryan?

Is he really?

I still call Portman, bit oh lordy lordy, what an amazing day that will be...
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