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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Only a few hours after arguing with the press that there were no signs in the recent polling that he's falling behind. And then begs for mercy. And then gets set to announce his veep pick. That was dictated to him. On a Saturday. During the Olympics.

Yup, no signs. All is well.




For clarification I had no idea what the gov. supported or his views, just a comment.

I wasn't making fun of you, to clarify. Just noting that McConnell would NOT be a wise choice.


No Scrubs
Wow. If Ryan really is the choice, I retract my prior insinuation that you guys were fools for thinking that he would pick Ryan. I was being the idiot.

No no, everyone who said he would does deserve to be called a fool anyway. He's a horrible choice and it makes no logical or tactical sense to pick him. We were all just hoping for lulz and this is all on Romney's incompetence. If Romney had a decent campaign staff, for example anyone here would be 100x better, he wouldn't pick Ryan.
I dunno, Paul Ryan has a really aggressive "nonono, you're totally mischaracterizing my budget" reflex, and historically the media is awfully deferential to him spinning this stuff.

I mean, I want to get excited if it's him but Obama has done a fine job beating up Romney without the need to turn the campaign into a medicare voucher marathon, and I really hate to imagine Ryan throwing a pile of jargon to sound impressive and watching the press eat it up.

That said, presumably if the man accepts a spot on the ticket, the fawning press honeymoon is over.

I am on the same page, while I agree that Paul Ryan would be toxic. Problem is the Media loves him and sees him as an actual budget wonk. We have to see how long this honeymoon lasts.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
This is one of those things where I'm happy that this pick will likely harm Romney's chances in November, but also nervous about what happens if the Republicans win. Reminds me of the Palin pick.

Gray Man

I wasn't making fun of you, to clarify. Just noting that McConnell would NOT be a wise choice.

Came across this, so it would seem he was against the invasive ultrasound and had them change it to an abdominal one?

In February, the Virginia legislature was poised to pass a bill requiring women seeking abortions in the state to have an ultrasound prior to the procedure. The initial bill called for the ultrasound to be conducted vaginally, which drew an outcry from women advocacy groups, with some calling it a form of rape. McDonnell asked for the legislature to change the requirement for the ultrasound to be performed abdominally.


Romney crying to have Obama ease up on him and now news agencies reporting its Ryan.

I officially believe Romney has given up ala Bob Dole in 96, its just a matter of time now before the full implosion begins

Ryan is one of the worst choices, so you have a Presidential Nominee who might have avoided paying taxes and a VP Nominee who has a horrific budget that old people will shit upon hearing
YES YES YES, Now Romney has to run with Ryan's plan and it's fucking horrible. He can't not reveal his plans because Ryan's plan is out for everyone to see.


Unconfirmed Member
He wants to give the London Olympics a big "fuck you" because of the way they treated him and the fact that a horse from Great Britain won the Dressage event.
Obama's Marxist rhetoric clearly deprived the horse of realizing his complete American exceptionalism.


Why would it be an announcement of Ryan at a Naval Museum? It has to be some former admiral, right?

USS Wisconsin. Paul Ryan is from Wisconsin.

Is the Romney campaign purposely leaking this?

BTW, Romney/Ryan sounds fucking stupid.

They almost certainly are. That's why the Daily Standard had the scoop.

Nate Silver did a thing analyzing VP picks, which I glanced back on. In case you forgot, Paul Ryan has only a net +5 approval rating...IN WISCONSIN.


I am on the same page, while I agree that Paul Ryan would be toxic. Problem is the Media loves him and sees him as an actual budget wonk. We have to see how long this honeymoon lasts.

The Media won't have a choice if Obama and friends run ads attacking Romney for Ryan's budget ideas. Ryan is not running for President. Just like how Palin's actions damaged McCain, Ryan's budget and ideas will harm Romney with independents.


Junior Member
This is one of those things where I'm happy that this pick will likely harm Romney's chances in November, but also nervous about what happens if the Republicans win. Reminds me of the Palin pick.

If Ryan gets the nod, I'm donating $100 to the Obama campaign.

For all intents and purposes it is Ryan/Romney now.

Fucking Romney. What a worthless candidate. I now understand why Obama hates him.


And who in this thread has advocated that?

I'm just pointing out how this little fantasy of machines doing all our work is a fallacy. Some portion of the population will need to be at the wheel to keep everything working. The smaller that portion of the population gets the faster we'll hit a point of societal upheaval in some fashion.

Human nature has shown what liberties people will take if their product is just highly valued by consumers. So what do you think happens if you're the only guy who knows how the water purification system works? Neo-Feudalism would be an accurate guess.

You're missing the point entirely.

We're not talking about "machines" we're talking about AI. AI, that one day soon will be able to do ANYTHING a human can do and more.

When AI surpasses human intelligence and technology advances to the point where it can interact with reality the same way we do, there will be NO job that cannot be done by AI. When that happens, the only jobs done by humans will be the jobs people want to do, most of which will be in the arts and science sector.

Even the everyday maintenance of other AI and Robots will be done by AI.


The Media won't have a choice if Obama and friends run ads attacking Romney for Ryan's budget ideas. Ryan is not running for President. Just like how Palin's actions damaged McCain, Ryan's budget and ideas will harm Romney with independents.

This probably won't be quite as bad as Palin, since Ryan isn't an unknown, but he hasn't faced the lights of a Presidential campaign before, and it's going to show. I liked the New Yorker article about how Paul Ryan's district relies heavily on all the government spending he plans to cut. Expect to see it again.
This is one of those things where I'm happy that this pick will likely harm Romney's chances in November, but also nervous about what happens if the Republicans win. Reminds me of the Palin pick.

I have the same feeling. I am scared that someone like Ryan even has a slight remote chance of being in the White House.
You are already seeing the Media love for Paul Ryan at play:

@ChuckTodd says Paul Ryan will give Romney's campaign "definition" beyond "I'm the rich guy, I'm not Obama"

If there's one thing Romney loves, it's a fellow math nerd/wonk. Ryan for the win.

Ballsy but necessary pick by #Romney of #Ryan, who can speak the language of conservatives in a way that Mitt can't.


So now that Paul Ryan is confirmed VP pick, this is amazing.

This is so amazing. Paul Ryan for VP, the guy who wants to gut Social Security and Medicare

if Obama's narrative could get any stronger at this point he might single handedly shut the sun off


Ryan--appealing enough to outshine Romney's personality, with the terrible policies that will undermine Mitt's claims of financial expertise.

I really hope this pick is as bad as everyone seems to think, I'll admit to not being as familiar with his budget as I should be.

Any good reading material on the Ryan budget before the announcement?


Pretty clear Romney campaign must have been in all out panic mode yesterday. The combination of the Romneycare freakout and trailing polls was probably enough for him to move on this. In that sense, if it's a decision Romney made on tilt that can only be a good thing.


My guess is they found out there was something in Marco Rubio's past that would be troublesome and so they went with Ryan.


Junior Member
Just want to make sure people see this, I'm looking for some clarification, this makes it sound like Gov McDonnell was against the invasive ultrasound procedure?

He was for it before he was against it. The backlash from women groups forced him to back down.
Perhaps Republican candidates shouldn't listen to Bill Kristol

Here’s a classic example of Kristol’s Iraq “expertise” from 2003:
On this issue of the Shia in Iraq, I think there’s been a certain amount of, frankly, a kind of pop sociology in America that, you know, somehow the Shia can’t get along with the Sunni and the Shia in Iraq just want to establish some kind of Islamic fundamentalist regime. There’s almost no evidence of that at all. Iraq’s always been very secular.

Yeah, great advice Bill. No sectarian violence happened at all in Iraq.


No Scrubs
Money wasted. He won't need it with opponents like that.

In situations like this you can NEVER be too careful. EVER. If Obama's camp doesn't try to bury them completely in the coming months, after decapitating them, I will worry all the way up to when the final state is called. Heck I'll worry anyway, I was a nervous wreck 4 years ago election night. Never underestimate people's willingness to fuck themselves over. Never.
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