it cannot be paul ryan.
one does not simply choose paul ryan as your vice presidential candidate.
I wonder if an OT thread should be made, considering this is big news?
Can someone point out where all the Paul Ryan talk is coming from?
Weird time to announce, since the Olympics is still going on. But whatever.
Yeah, I was just wondering what kind of impact Ryan will have on fundraising and enthusiasm numbers for both sides.So..Paul Ryan. That should energize some of the left considering what a wack job he is.
The Weekly Standard + the USS Wisconsin aspect.
Weird time to announce, since the Olympics is still going on. But whatever.
What's so funny, ez?
RT @daveweigel If it's Ryan it'll be the 2nd consecutive veep pick lobbied for, successfully, by Bill Kristol.
@EWErickson: Several people tell me Van Sustren posted that the Secret Service showed up at Ryan's home. Looks like the post is gone
Weird time to announce, since the Olympics is still going on. But whatever.
He wants to give the London Olympics a big "fuck you" because of the way they treated him and the fact that a horse from Great Britain won the Dressage event.
Didn't Ryan vote for the Iraq War and the Medicare prescription drug benefit? I.e. no fiscal conservative?
Apparently, Bill Kristol also lobbied for Palin
2nd time's the charm?
If it's Ryan it'll also be the 2nd consecutive time the VP nominee has had a ludicrously, overwhelmingly negative impact on the top of the ticket
Guess Norquist was right. Romney will do as he's told
Why the hell does ANYBODY listen to this man?Apparently, Bill Kristol also lobbied for Palin
If this is true, you know what will be glorious? Biden debating him. o lawd
If this is true, you know what will be glorious? Biden debating him. o lawd
If this is true, you know what will be glorious? Biden debating him. o lawd
We don't know that yet. Let's not jump to conclusions.
I have been overwhelmingly pessimistic about Obama's chances this election cycle, but I am nonetheless jumping the fuck to this conclusion. Ryan has smugly attached his name to some of the most unpopular initiatives in recent memory.We don't know that yet. Let's not jump to conclusions.
So maybe its important to note that the announcement is being made in Virgina?
would bob mcdonnell be a good pick? (Gov of Virgina)
So maybe its important to note that the announcement is being made in Virgina?
would bob mcdonnell be a good pick? (Gov of Virgina)
So maybe its important to note that the announcement is being made in Virgina?
would bob mcdonnell be a good pick? (Gov of Virgina)
I am not getting my hopes up on a Paul Ryan VP. I refuse to. Surely two days in a row of amazing news isn't possible. First Dwight Howard becoming a Laker and then Paul Ryan? No, no, I refuse...
So maybe its important to note that the announcement is being made in Virgina?
would bob mcdonnell be a good pick? (Gov of Virgina)
So maybe its important to note that the announcement is being made in Virgina?
would bob mcdonnell be a good pick? (Gov of Virgina)
Didn't they do a poll right after the last debate where people thought Palin had won? Is Ryan bad at debates?
haha I was catching up on the news, and Mitt Romney really called for a truce from attacking his tax records and business record?
Transvaginal ultrasounds sound good to you?
Only a few hours after arguing with the press that there were no signs in the recent polling that he's falling behind. And then begs for mercy. And then gets set to announce his veep pick. That was dictated to him. On a Saturday. During the Olympics.
Yup, no signs. All is well.
Only a few hours after arguing with the press that there were no signs in the recent polling that he's falling behind. And then begs for mercy. And then gets set to announce his veep pick. That was dictated to him. On a Saturday. During the Olympics.
Yup, no signs. All is well.
Biden debated Palin with kid gloves so he didn't look either mean or misogynistic. (I don't think people thought Palin won so much as she looked good because she didn't verbally fall on her face every five seconds like everyone thought she would) He won't have to do that with Ryan. Ryan's not particularly well spoken, and Biden's "Let's cut through the bullshit" straight talk would probably be really effective with all the crazy shit in Ryan's budgets.
I dunno, Paul Ryan has a really aggressive "nonono, you're totally mischaracterizing my budget" reflex, and historically the media is awfully deferential to him spinning this stuff.
I mean, I want to get excited if it's him but Obama has done a fine job beating up Romney without the need to turn the campaign into a medicare voucher marathon, and I really hate to imagine Ryan throwing a pile of jargon to sound impressive and watching the press eat it up.
That said, presumably if the man accepts a spot on the ticket, the fawning press honeymoon is over.