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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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You are already seeing the Media love for Paul Ryan at play:

Of course, they make their money from ratings. This mess will give them ratings just like Palin did.

What are they supposed to do? This is a stupid ass pick that will backfire, lets not cover it? lol

Man if Romney did not have enough issues with his own taxes/business past now he is going to things that scare seniors to deal with....really smart move for a state like Iowa which is 90%+ senior


@ChuckTodd says Paul Ryan will give Romney's campaign "definition" beyond "I'm the rich guy, I'm not Obama"

Let me just repeat what I've said a lot: Chuck Todd is a fucking mouth breathing moron when he's not speaking in numbers.


In situations like this you can NEVER be too careful. EVER. If Obama's camp doesn't try to bury them completely in the coming months, after decapitating them, I will worry all the way up to when the final state is called. Heck I'll worry anyway, I was a nervous wreck 4 years ago election night. Never underestimate people's willingness to fuck themselves over. Never.

Seriously, this.

Before I had this weird little notion that maybe things would be ok with a Romney presidency if he did somehow win. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I thought and he'd be kind of moderate. I think this pick confirms exactly which direction this guy's going. He's going full retard and never looking back.


Palin actually raised McCain's numbers after she was picked. I think it was the economic collapse that sealed McCain's fate.
Odds Romney tries to parlay this into a chance to "make a play" for Wisconsin?

This despite the 55%+ Obama would've gotten with the Scott Walker recall electorate.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
So guys I found a good VP pick for Romney :p

(p.s. he got banned? What did he say/do?)

I think the Chik-Fil-A thread got him. I could be wrong.


man guys can you believe it

i'm breathlessly saying 'Romney/Ryan 2012" and trying not to laugh when I say it, but I can't hahaha... he's really going with Ryan. So.much.comedy.gold.ahead.
Palin actually raised McCain's numbers after she was picked. I think it was the economic collapse that sealed McCain's fate.

The Couric interview combined with the suspension of the campaign killed McCain. I still think he could have maybe won with a better VP. At least it would have been a lot closer.
Of course, they make their money from ratings. This mess will give them ratings just like Palin did.

What are they supposed to do? This is a stupid ass pick that will backfire, lets not cover it? lol

Man if Romney did not have enough issues with his own taxes/business past now he is going to things that scare seniors to deal with....really smart move for a state like Iowa which is 90%+ senior

When the Media loves you, it helps your campaign.

I wouldn't disagree that it is a Risky pick. But if Ryan can do his snake oil selling through the Media easily, it could be good for them. If Ryan can't and the inevitable attack ads get through to the public, it would be a disaster.


Odds Romney tries to parlay this into a chance to "make a play" for Wisconsin?

This despite the 55%+ Obama would've gotten with the Scott Walker recall electorate.

They don't like Ryan in Wisconsin. They don't like him ANYWHERE, except on the show-floor at CPAC.
This is either something that could turn into a good pick, or a very very bad pick. I see no middle ground here. We'll be hearing about vouchers from now until November.

Perhaps more importantly from the Romney perspective, what does this say about him? Just a few months ago it was well established that Portman and Pawlenty were the front runners; I don't remember any major Ryan talk back then. Pawlenty seemed to become the front runner just a couple weeks ago. Then conservatives made their opinion known quite loudly, and here we are with Ryan (allegedly). Not only was this meant to change the subject from taxes/Bain, but it's a desperate cave to some members of the GOP establishment who want Ryan. Meanwhile, there are other members of the GOP establishment who recognize he could be toxic due to being a congressman and due to his budget.

JaY P.

Long time lurker on Poligaf, but I just had to comment.

First off, WOW, can Romney be this inept? I cannot believe he is literally bending his personal space-time continuum to please the far right of the Republican Party.

Second, does anyone foresee the Obama campaign / super PAC building on the narrative that Romney is not his own man, that he is willing sell his soul to be on top? I know they cannot attack him for this directly, but I feel that there is a strong side narrative that can be made by the Obama camp.

The more I see Romney and his campaign in action, the more disgusted I become. I too will be donating in the coming months.


The Couric interview combined with the suspension of the campaign killed McCain. I still think he could have maybe won with a better VP. At least it would have been a lot closer.

He was never going to win. That just caused him to lose as spectacularly as he did.


This is either something that could turn into a good pick, or a very very bad pick. I see no middle ground here. We'll be hearing about vouchers from now until November.

Perhaps more importantly from the Romney perspective, what does this say about him? Just a few months ago it was well established that Portman and Pawlenty were the front runners; I don't remember any major Ryan talk back then. Pawlenty seemed to become the front runner just a couple weeks ago. Then conservatives made their opinion known quite loudly, and here we are with Ryan (allegedly). Not only was this meant to change the subject from taxes/Bain, but it's a desperate cave to some members of the GOP establishment who want Ryan. Meanwhile, there are other members of the GOP establishment who recognize he could be toxic due to being a congressman and due to his budget.

It also just confirms how spineless he is and how terrifying a Romney presidency with a Republican supermajority (or a simple majority with a reformed filibuster) would be.


No Scrubs
When the Media loves you, it helps your campaign.

I wouldn't disagree that it is a Risky pick. But if Ryan can do his snake oil selling through the Media easily, it could be good for them. If Ryan can't and the inevitable attack ads get through to the public, it would be a disaster.

He'll be under more intense scrutiny this time around, last time it was like "Yea Ryan has a budget, it does some vague stuff." For all the shit we give the media, when it count, when it really matters they get their shit together.


This is either something that could turn into a good pick, or a very very bad pick. I see no middle ground here. We'll be hearing about vouchers from now until November.

Perhaps more importantly from the Romney perspective, what does this say about him? Just a few months ago it was well established that Portman and Pawlenty were the front runners; I don't remember any major Ryan talk back then. Pawlenty seemed to become the front runner just a couple weeks ago. Then conservatives made their opinion known quite loudly, and here we are with Ryan (allegedly). Not only was this meant to change the subject from taxes/Bain, but it's a desperate cave to some members of the GOP establishment who want Ryan. Meanwhile, there are other members of the GOP establishment who recognize he could be toxic due to being a congressman and due to his budget.

there is no upside to Ryan. He would just shore up the conservative base, who were already going to turn out for NOBAMA

instead, now independents are automatically off the table AND they might lose one or two seniors in the exchange too
Guys we could be witnessing history right here. If Romney loses this election even worse than McCain did the Republican Party might just explode.

Edit: THe media loved Palin too. She was such a small time governor not involved in the gotcha politics who balanced Alaska's budge...oh wait when the media actually started looking at her with any scrutiny she fell apart. The Ryan budget is the same thing.


Guys we could be witnessing history right here. If Romney loses this election even worse than McCain did the Republican Party might just explode.

Edit: THe media loved Palin too. She was such a small time governor not involved in the gotcha politics who balanced Alaska's budge...oh wait when the media actually started looking at her with any scrutiny she fell apart. The Ryan budget is the same thing.

Maybe that is Romney's plan, he does not like the GOP so maybe he figured fuck it lets burn down the party
I wouldn't put the recent polls as "evidence" that this election will be a landslide. 1 day before the election it will be a 52-48 split again, as the country seems to be split this way when all is said and done.


So does this mean that he'll probably never release his past tax returns? It would make sense to do that right before the VP announcement.

He's gone for so long that I doubt he ever releases them at this point. It would have maybe blown over (depending on whats in them) if he had released them after he'd locked up the nomination, but theres no way he releases them this late.


Guys we could be witnessing history right here. If Romney loses this election even worse than McCain did the Republican Party might just explode.

Edit: THe media loved Palin too. She was such a small time governor not involved in the gotcha politics who balanced Alaska's budge...oh wait when the media actually started looking at her with any scrutiny she fell apart. The Ryan budget is the same thing.

More like implode. If Romney loses, they hardly have any decent candidates left. Their once daring Jindel really ruined his chances. Rubio is proving to be just as bad. They will literally eat themselves alive, and it will be glorious, absolutely glorious to watch.
lol @ ryan

i wonder if republicans will continue to use the criticism that obama "has never had a real job." if i recall correctly, ryan is a career politician.
Just want to make sure people see this, I'm looking for some clarification, this makes it sound like Gov McDonnell was against the invasive ultrasound procedure?
Yeah, he became against it when he realized how amazingly offensive it was and people went nuts. If he had the power, he'd just ban all abortions.
there is no upside to Ryan. He would just shore up the conservative base, who were already going to turn out for NOBAMA

instead, now independents are automatically off the table AND they might lose one or two seniors in the exchange too

I just want to make sure about this. We are all a bit flabbergasted by the announcement but is there a chance we are missing how this may help Romney? I know Ryan will excite the far right but are there other positives (for Romney) we aren't acknowledging? I just want to make sure.


(I've been lurking for years now, and I thought that today was a good chance to jump in.)

I have to say, I am utterly dumbfounded. The whole point of this bus tour was to 'reset' the campaign; to redefine Romney after the onslaught of the last few weeks.

By endorsing Ryan - and thereby wholeheartedly embracing the Ryan Plan - he is playing right into the existing narrative: that Romney is rich, out-of-touch, and will cut your benefits to pay for high income tax cuts.
there is no upside to Ryan. He would just shore up the conservative base, who were already going to turn out for NOBAMA

instead, now independents are automatically off the table AND they might lose one or two seniors in the exchange too

I'm not sure I agree 100% with that. Ryan is smart and charismatic; he'll probably embarrass Biden in a debate. He'll completely fire up the conservative base, which right now is not happy or greatly enthused about Romney.

Elderly and independents simply writing him off seems too perfect of a scenario. I want to see how the media, which loves him, treats this. I want to see how Ryan defends his budget - he's actually pretty good at debating.

Overall my gut tells me this is a laughable pick, but let's get more info first.
I just want to make sure about this. We are all a bit flabbergasted by the announcement but is there a chance we are missing how this may help Romney? I know Ryan will excite the far right but are there other positives (for Romney) we aren't acknowledging? I just want to make sure.

Basically the only shot Romney has is if some major economic disaster happens. I would say some kind of war starts, but the country would probably elect the incumbent then.


Unconfirmed Member
So does this mean that he'll probably never release his past tax returns? It would make sense to do that right before the VP announcement.
I've said it before but Romney will send his campaign out to the middle of the ocean and set it on fire before he personally releases them.

I am not ruling out a leak l, but he will never release them. Period
On top of the eight million other reasons why this is a bad choice, it's hard to believe Romney's going with an obvious Hail Mary pick directly after the worst Hail Mary VP pick in the history of U.S. politics. I mean, we just learned not to do that in the most spectacular fashion imaginable!
How messed up is it that Mitt dint call T-Paw, Rubio, or Portman (ABC confirmed they aren't pick)? Apparently his son called them.

Did he tell him the bad news in Spanish? I loved that stupid line he'd pull out.

Also I think this pick is crazy but it makes me scared that if something happens before the election this country is screwed. This man represents the opposite of everything I believe.
Another thing: given the campaign's recent Welfare dust up, this pick makes sense. Republicans always frame entitlement cuts as just being aimed at Those People, and with 100 million people on Welfare there are plenty of them to scapegoat.

I want to see how this plays out. The cuts in that budget are so clear there's no way to sugar coat or dismiss them. It's a blatant slap in the face for lower income people, and middle income people - to benefit people like Mitt Romney


He's gone for so long that I doubt he ever releases them at this point. It would have maybe blown over (depending on whats in them) if he had released them after he'd locked up the nomination, but theres no way he releases them this late.

Actually Ryan nominee might be the ticket to forcing his tax issue off the narrative. If Ryan is the pick then that is the only possible reason I think he would pick him. Pick someone so toxic that his VP pick overwhelms the campaign narrative and it stops becoming a contest about him vs Obama, and rather Ryan vs Obama while he slips away. The one thing I don't understand... is why anyone ELSE in his campaign thinks this is a good idea. Ryan as VP isn't just toxic to the presidential ticket, he is a friggin house congressman who authored one of the most toxic budget proposal in decades. Bringing him back onto the national spot light brings that budget and consequentially all the congressmen who voted for that budget back into focus. Ryan could potentially ruin a lot of close republican congressional races as they need to fight whether they support the ticket or not.
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