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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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In a classic "Saturday Night Live" sketch, Christopher Walken plays a music producer with just one message for his bands: "More cowbell! I gotta have more cowbell!"
Sometimes you wonder if Walken is producing this year's election, too. In Mitt Romney, the GOP has nominated its least ideological candidate since Richard Nixon. At every turn, the party has demanded, "More ideology! I gotta have more ideology!" With the selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, Romney has now acceded to that wish. The least ideological Republican candidate since 1968 has committed himself to the most ideological Republican program since 1964.​

And this is a good way of putting the Tea Party wackiness:

Paul Ryan's various plans and road maps contain many interesting elements for the reduction of government in the decades ahead. They do not respond to the most immediate and urgent problem: prolonged mass unemployment caused by heavy household debt.

Why not? There's why the ideology makes itself felt. Conservatives ardently believe that big future deficits are the cause of today's unemployment. They feel it. They know it. And they don't want to hear different.


Obama Casts Ryan As Face Of Do-Nothing Congress
“Right now folks here in Iowa and across the heartland are suffering from one of the worst droughts in 50 years. Farmers and ranchers depend on a good crop season to pay the bills and put a roof over their heads, and I know that things are tough right now. “The best way to help these states is for leaders in Congress to pass a farm bill that not only helps farmers and ranchers respond to natural disasters, but also makes necessary reforms and gives them some long-term certainty. But right now, too many members of Congress are blocking that bill from becoming law. Now, I’m told Governor Romney’s new running mate might be around Iowa these next few days. And he’s one of those leaders of Congress standing in the way. So if you happen to see Congressman Ryan, tell him how important this farm bill is to Iowa and our rural communities. It’s time to put politics aside and pass it right away.”
To another topic:

I have a buddy who worked for the local housing authority and told me some stuff that shocked and dismayed my faith in people.

-He said it was routine for people under his management to obtain jobs right around when it was time to verify employment (part of the requirement for receiving SEVERELY discounted housing), then, soon after they would get forcefully fired from their job so that they could go back on unemployment and maintain their household. Apparently they would get up to 1 year after being fired to find a new place to live or get employment again. These projects-style apartments were large (obviously not in the best part of town), and only $50 a month in many cases.

I feel for those who truly need help and work hard to help themselves while they receive help from the govt., but I have no sympathy for this kind of behavior. You guys know I am a big proponent of taking care of the poor and sick. What would you guys do, if anything, to help crackdown on this sort of waste and fraud?

My friend, btw, is a latino democrat who would probably never vote republican and we weren't talking even in a political sense, but instead of a "work horror stories" sense.

How do you balance encouraging people to find work and bridging their income gaps until they find it and cracking down on welfare fraud. I don't think welfare fraud is as prevalent as many republicans think it is, nor are they the sole or even close to principal reason for massive budget deficits, but I see various levels of disingenuous behaviors by people on various types of govt. welfare all the time and wonder if anything could truly be done to weed fakers out of the system without further disenfranchising those who truly need and warrant the help...

I want to chime in on this and say that he should report the observed behavior to supervisors and try to come up with a way to avoid such behavior if it is common. If actual fraud is involved then people should be prosecuted and instead of just putting them in jail, put them in a controlled work program. Abuse of these programs is not fair for the tax-payers that pay for them, it is not fair to the other people that really need the programs and are using them appropriately, it is not fair to the children of the people that abuse the programs that learn such behavior from their parents, and it is not fair for the abusers themselves who are worsening their resolve and skill sets.

There will always be a small number of people that abuse programs and that can't be fully stopped. But when the abuse is observable and can be documented, steps should be taken to eliminate it.

To some degree I think some old-fashioned ideas should return such as giving people caught abusing such programs the choice between jail or the military.
I had been surprised that Obama wasn't running against congress initially, although to be fair it made more since to define Romney first. With Romney defined now, attacking congress is the best choice - and who better to cast as its leader than Ryan. Obama should name republican congressional candidates in every state he visits to tie them to the budget and partisanship. This is the best way to win back the house

I'm kind of convinced Ryan can sell his plan but we will see from the polling in a couple weeks


That must be why he never bothered to stop doing it and actually govern.

I was going to say. Reagan isn't even close to Obama in terms of campaigning. Obama is peerless in that regard. Both in terms of raising money and using his presidency to constantly campaign for the next election.


More of this please:

Robert Gibbs, an adviser to the Obama campaign, said on MSNBC Monday that the Romney campaign is “built around nothing but a lie.” Gibbs turned the tables when confronted with a controversial ad that implicates Mitt Romney played an outside role in a woman’s death, bringing up a Romney ad that attacks Obama over welfare. Gibbs called the welfare ad a “straight-out lie.”

“We’d be happy to look at what Gov. Romney proposes,” Gibbs said of Romney’s request that the campaign focus on issues. “As soon as he takes down the series of ads that every fact checker that’s looked at them and said they’re false. I mean, I appreciate again, his piousness on this. His ad and campaign are built nothing but around a lie.”

The ad, and a second one out Monday, falsely accuses Obama of taking the work requirement out of welfare. As the Romney campaign continues to hammer the welfare attack – Romney promised to put work back into welfare on the stump in Florida Monday morning and Rep. Paul Ryan is supposed to address the issue on the stump in Iowa Monday afternoon – the Obama campaign is continuing to push back.

“To have these guys fly around the country and pretend like we’re going to have a campaign based on substance when the whole thing is centered on nothing but a lie is a joke,” Gibbs said.
I prefer it when lies are confronted this directly.


Shame you can't say the same thing about actually governing. :/
The system rewards the best campaigner.

Did I mention we need a dramatic and drastic campaign laws overhaul?
I think so.

Obama is peerless in that regard.

Sure, it's a very different time, but Obama never ever trailed in the polls like Truman.


Dylan Byers reports the presidential debate moderators have been chosen:

"PBS's Jim Lehrer will host the first presidential debate on October 3 in Denver,

Colo. CNN's Candy Crowley will host the second, town-hall debate on October 16 in

Hempstead, N.Y. CBS's Bob Schieffer will host the third debate on October 22 in Boca Raton, Fla."

"ABC's Martha Raddatz will host the vice presidential debate on October 11

Hard to believe we are only about 7 weeks away. Also, who the hell is Candy Crowley?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I really don't like this guy.

Meet Paul Ryan: Climate Denier, Conspiracy Theorist, Koch Acolyte

That alone was enough to show me I didn't like the guy. The rest was just icing on the cake.

Mike M

Nick N

Sure, it's a very different time, but Obama never ever trailed in the polls like Truman.

I seem to recall that the take home message of that story wasn't that Truman came back in the polls so much as the concept of opinion polling was in it's infancy and methodically flawed through every step of the process.


Serious? She has been around forever. I bet if you looked up a picture you would totally recognize her.

Yep. I am surprised folks on here don't know.

I generally don't watch TV - in particular cable tv, and especially CNN - and haven't for a good 20 years.

Googling, I recognize her. Don't know anything about her though - is she a good interviewer? Will she be a good debate moderator?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Just to show why poor and middle-class republicans seem to have the wool pulled over their eyes when it comes to needing to give the rich tax breaks, here's a direct quote from an article on Foxbusiness.com:

If you’ve got two or three children, $250,000 is a relatively modest income in areas of the country where the cost of living is especially high.


No, $250,000 a year is NOT a "relatively modest income." This is the crap they are fed constantly on Fox News and their websites.
I generally don't watch TV - in particular cable tv, and especially CNN - and haven't for a good 20 years.

Googling, I recognize her. Don't know anything about her though - is she a good interviewer? Will she be a good debate moderator?

She at times asks difficult questions and from what I recall, she can be a difficult interviewer. Her voice annoys the crap out of me though. But I think she will do ok.




Just to show why poor and middle-class republicans seem to have the wool pulled over their eyes when it comes to needing to give the rich tax breaks, here's a direct quote from an article on Foxbusiness.com:


No, $250,000 a year is NOT a "relatively modest income." This is the crap they are fed constantly on Fox News and their websites.

If that was my income, I could retire comfortably in 6-7 years. Insane people are insane. Are folks really this dumb? Don't they compare that kind of shit to their own income and go, "Hmmmmm,"?

What specific areas of the country would that kind of income be judged "modest" due to cost of living?

FWIW, Gallup has been unchanged for two days, no Ryan twitch yet.


You really got to question the us if romney gets picked. How can anyone vote for that idiot with the vp he chose now.

They clearly are against the middle and lower class. Im planning to move to the states in a year or 2. i really hope obama will stay president than.
Just to show why poor and middle-class republicans seem to have the wool pulled over their eyes when it comes to needing to give the rich tax breaks, here's a direct quote from an article on Foxbusiness.com:


No, $250,000 a year is NOT a "relatively modest income." This is the crap they are fed constantly on Fox News and their websites.

Relatively modest? Fox, you can't be serious... the funny thing is the VAST majority of the GOP electorate is at the complete end of the economic spectrum.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
250k with 3 kids in moderate in places like Manhattan, but for 98% of the country, 250k is living the high-life. We do not need to set tax policy for a handful of people or scenarios. Raise taxes across the board.
I was going to say. Reagan isn't even close to Obama in terms of campaigning. Obama is peerless in that regard. Both in terms of raising money and using his presidency to constantly campaign for the next election.
Well he cant sit on his ass and let republican super pacs drill him into the ground. What I'm saying is, you can thank Citizens United for your campaigner in chief.


Gotta love Newt Gingrinch – when asked on one of the Sunday talk shows about how the Ryan Budget only reaches a surplus past 2040, he deflected and instead blamed the CBO on the way it scores proposed budgets.

Truly a master at blaming the messenger.
Gingrich has harbored a grudge against the CBO since their evaluations repeatedly dampened his outlandish policy proposals. Similar to Ryan's budget proposals, Gingrich's proposals utilized distorted data. So when the CBO properly evaluated his proposals, he could only resort to ad hominem fulminations against them. And he's been traducing them since he ignominiously resigned from the House.

Further, Gingrich attacked numerous Congressional institutions which provided expertise and acted as a check on the speakership. He reduced committee budgets and staff while eliminating the ACIR and OTA which severely hampered Congressional oversight. The consequences of his reign of terror have yet to be corrected.

Always nice to see the stimulus getting good press. Great article.
His point about a larger stimulus is fair. Congress is equally culpable for opposing a larger dose. And it's true that they were constrained by poor data. But he doesn't address criticisms regarding its composition which is less defensible. Additionally, the criticisms from conservatives are obviously erroneous. The stimulus clearly bolstered the economy. And it was largely devoid of fraud.
Gingrich and T-Paw said both Mittens and Ryan's lack of foreign policy experience is a GOOD thing.

T-Paw even cited Romney's record at Bain as counting as foreign policy.

Oh, sweet Jesus. In addition to judicial appointments, foreign policy is paramount in securing my vote for Obama. Although far from irreproachable, he's superior to Romney. And Ryan if we ever suffer the misfortune of him occupying the Oval Office.


Relatively modest? Fox, you can't be serious... the funny thing is the VAST majority of the GOP electorate is at the complete end of the economic spectrum.

The majority of the electorate, both democrats and republicans are at the other end of the scale. I agree with AB too, 250k with a family can be relatively modest if you are living in Manhattan.


relatively moderate income with three kinds in areas with especially high cost of living.

That statement seems appropriately couched to me, especially given the author and her column. What's the issue?
I had been surprised that Obama wasn't running against congress initially, although to be fair it made more since to define Romney first. With Romney defined now, attacking congress is the best choice - and who better to cast as its leader than Ryan. Obama should name republican congressional candidates in every state he visits to tie them to the budget and partisanship. This is the best way to win back the house

I'm kind of convinced Ryan can sell his plan but we will see from the polling in a couple weeks
This is my biggest joy in the Ryan pick. He could have a giant downticket effect and prevent split tickets favoring republicans. If you tie this entire ticket to the congress I think you'll have a hell of a lot of people voting against them.

It all comes down if Ryans lies about his plans work and the media helps sell them and how Obama fights them.

When I googled her, I kind of recognized her. But, I think she does panel shows or WH reporting? I never remember her as an anchor.
She hosts CNN's sunday morning show State of the Union. From what I've seen of her she's not tough on many people.


No Scrubs
250k with 3 kids in moderate in places like Manhattan, but for 98% of the country, 250k is living the high-life. We do not need to set tax policy for a handful of people or scenarios. Raise taxes across the board.

That much with kids in Manhattan is modest, but it really depends on what neighborhood (like all things in NYC).

Triple U

relatively moderate income with three kinds in areas with especially high cost of living.

That statement seems appropriately couched to me, especially given the author and her column. What's the issue?

100-150k is "modest" with 2 kids in NYC and this is almost twice that.
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