It shows something. Unfortunately, just not what you think it does. It demonstrates how broken Washington has become due to the virtual arms-race of procedural and structural maneuvering to subvert the process. This is seen on both side of the isle.
Ask yourself what a Republican in the 103rd would have said. My hunch is something amazingly similar to what you're saying. Yet, the beat-goes-on.
Pretend you have no a priori knowledge of what's to come (why it's boxed out), what would a democratic Senator say about republican obstructionism?
That's it's increased!
What would a republican senator say as time went on? (look up to previous graph)
That the democrats were forcing ever more cloture votes and being obstructionists!
The constant (light blue trend) is the increase in procedural tactics that both sides are utilizing: thus, to say that one party is fully to blame or that it's 'record breaking' is something of a matter of perspective: yet, work still gets done, START could still be reworked to be better and passed in the new congress.