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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Um....there was one, then zero in 2010. There wasn't one Bin Laden in May of 2010 then .4 Bin Ladens at the beginning of 2011. You can have a straight line going down because there was one then zero; there's no in-between.

He died in 2011
:lol I knew someone would pipe up.

I only employ words for linguistic precision. And my posts are typically sensible which belies his point. Rather, he aptly describes BigSicily. He larded his posts with extraneous jargon to conceal the vacuity of his arguments and desperately impart what he perceived as his intellectual superiority.:lol

Keep telling yourself that.


but if the line were to go straight down it'd say that bin laden died in 2010.

You'd use a bar graph here.

Again, Paul Ryan is your man.



That girl in the bunny hat
Shouldn't the line from one to zero be perpendicular to the x-axis? The chart reads like Osama Bin Laden was gradually less then one (all the way to zero) over a period of time.

I think that makes it funnier, actually.


This conversation has made the IQ of everyone concerned drop by at least 20 points.

Oddly though my vocabulary is up.

This is reminding me of the scene in Spinal Tap where he sketches Stone Henge on napkin using inch hash tags instead of feet.

How much more dead could Bin Laden be? None more dead.


You're right, sorry, but even then the line should go straight down in one year. As it is, it shows him gradually dying, or at one point there being .4 bin Ladens when that's not the case.

it's a simple line graph. Each year can only have one data point. 2011 can't simultaneously have values of '1' and '0'.


Scatter plot is better so that you can plot the trend line. Based on this I project that in 2013 there will be negative two Osama bin Ladens.


Zombie Bin Ladens.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
They can bitch and moan about bin Laden all they want, it's not going to resonate with anyone beyond the kosmo vote.

If the team had fucked things up then the GOP would have happily hung the entire snafu around Obama's neck complete with bright neon sign and air horns.


This Quayle/Schweikert primary in Arizona is fascinating. It's like contest of who can pander more to tea partiers and appear more "outside" the beltway, despite one being a Quayle and the other being a career politician.

A whiff of class resentment is in the air. Mr Quayle’s campaign biography talks about his brother, his wife, his infant daughter, his father-in-law and even his puppy, Louie, but makes no mention of his father, Dan Quayle, once the vice-president. It makes no difference. Outside campaign groups such as National Horizon, a super PAC, have run advertisements deriding Mr Quayle as a “young squire” who feels “entitled to be a ruler”—attacking him for fighting Mr Schweikert over the redrawn sixth district, rather than defending a more marginal new district in which his old constituency home has ended up.

Tramping door-to-door for votes in 106-degree heat, Mr Quayle retorts that most of his former voters are in the new sixth district. Tall, fresh-faced and gangling, he has (it must be said) something of the wary good manners of a young princeling, as he admires voters’ pets or talks of his top-notch grades from the National Rifle Association. Yet he denies being an establishment figure, pointing to issues on which he opposes party leaders. His surname is an “easy target”, he sighs. Indeed, running for Congress in 2010 was his first-ever election, while Mr Schweikert has been a politician for two decades. (Mr Schweikert, for his part, jabs back: “There are things that have been in my fridge longer than Mr Quayle has lived in Arizona.”)

Mr Quayle agrees with his rival that Republicans ducked painful choices and spent too much in the early 2000s. Party leaders lost their way, both in George W. Bush’s White House and in Congress, he suggests. For him, the key is for Republicans to hold firm and avoid compromising within their own ranks before opening talks with the Democrats. But at a time of grave crisis, when painful reforms are needed, negotiation is his goal.

Mr Schweikert has no such faith. He sees no hope of saving America until the White House, the Senate and the House are in Republican hands. That is a stark and important divide.
Alas, it is not what will decide this month’s primary. Local betting is on Mr Schweikert to win, but mostly because Mr Quayle is “political royalty” in a party consumed with the idea of grassroots revolt. Such focus on personalities is a shame. In a tough primary fight, the meaning of Republican insurgency is being debated. Far from Arizona, fellow conservatives will be watching, with reason.


They can bitch and moan about bin Laden all they want, it's not going to resonate with anyone beyond the kosmo vote.

If the team had fucked things up then the GOP would have happily hung the entire snafu around Obama's neck complete with bright neon sign and air horns.

I've always thought that the GOP reaction to OBL's death under Obama's watch is the perfect indictment of how 'tribal' politics has become. Just give the man credit and move on.
the problem with the graph is where the years are located. I was under the impression they should be under the points, not the spaces between the points on the x-axis.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I've always thought that the GOP reaction to OBL's death under Obama's watch is the perfect indictment of how 'tribal' politics has become. Just give the man credit and move on.

They didn't even have to give credit. They didn't have to do anything. No, "We're glad he's dead" or, "We'd like to thank THE MILITARY (not Obummer) for taking the INITIATIVE (probably against Obongo's direct order) to kill an enemy of MURICA' (who Nobama probably played Draw Something with on a regular basis)." Just a silent show of approval and let the news cycle move on.
The line isn't the data, it is just one singular point per year. The line simply connects the data points.

Oh, I see it now. Then they shouldn't be connected and mislead me like that! A scatter plot would've been better, yes. And the graph is ambiguous about where the years should be (the ticks or the spaces between them).


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
PA has a free option, the only argument i can see if oppurtunity cost. If you dont have a valid form of ID to get the photo ID you need to go to the DMV, fill out a few forms that need to be submitted to the department of health, or records or whatever to verify your status in the state, then you get a letter saying you are approved, then you have to go back to the DMV with that letter to get your photo ID. Its 2 days wasted.

they don't even send the ID to you whenyou're approved? They make you go pick it up?


Fuck the GOP


Tried. Failed. Atlas Shrugged was too poorly written for me to read.
You know what's funny?
You think it's poorly written, but you most likely didn't even reach Galt's speech.

Whatever you choose to consider, be it an object, an attribute or an action, the law of identity remains the same. A leaf cannot be a stone at the same time, it cannot be all red and all green at the same time, it cannot freeze and burn at the same time. A is A. Or, if you wish it stated in simpler language: You cannot have your cake and eat it, too.

To fight against a think tank who says Romney's plan will raise taxes on the middle class Romney cites someone who says Romney's plan will raise taxes on the middle class.


In an interview with Fortune magazine published Wednesday, Romney attacked the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center’s finding that fulfilling his budget promises would require asking 95 percent of Americans to pay more in taxes. “They made garbage assumptions and they reached a garbage conclusion,” he said.

“Simpson-Bowles laid out a formula that shows that you can do just as I described,” Romney continued, referring to the 2010 bipartisan fiscal commission. “That you can bring down the rates, limit deductions and exemptions for people at the high end, and with additional growth that comes by virtue of the stimulative action you can reach a balanced budget.”

But the commission’s co-chair, Erskine Bowles, has repeatedly said it’s not mathematically possible to meet Romney’s goals without asking the middle class to pay more in taxes.

If having to go to a place to get the card is voter suppression then so is having to go to a place to vote. It's a poor argument.

Absentee voting?

How does this affect that?


If having to go to a place to get the card is voter suppression then so is having to go to a place to vote. It's a poor argument.
This whole discussion is a poor argument.
These voter id laws are going to achieve nothing but prevent eligible voters from voting.
You know that, I know that, the GOP knows that.

Does it constitutes "voter suppression"?
I don't know, that's a semantic argument, and not an important one.
they don't even send the ID to you whenyou're approved? They make you go pick it up?


Fuck the GOP

Just get a carry permit. In Bucks County it was $20 bucks and less than twenty minutes. I spent more time parking the car and walking to the court house. Funny thing is it's done in the room for real estate auctions...and people turning themselves in for bench warrants. So a bunch of guys who I thought were in line to get the id were turning themselves in. lol


Depending on what state you are in "just get a carry permit" is probably one of the most onerous things you can endeavor to do.

This whole discussion is a poor argument.
These voter id laws are going to achieve nothing but prevent eligible voters from voting.
You know that, I know that, the GOP knows that.

Does it constitutes "voter suppression"?
I don't know, that's a semantic argument, and not an important one.

Yeah, so opponents (myself included) should stick to the issue of disenfranchisement and not muddy it up with logistic concerns that remove the discussion so far from the point as to be absurd.
You're right, sorry, but even then the line should go straight down in one year. As it is, it shows him gradually dying, or at one point there being .4 bin Ladens when that's not the case.
Depends. Is his body getting munched on by sea life? Because then an argument could be made...


Yeah, so opponents (myself included) should stick to the issue of disenfranchisement and not muddy it up with logistic concerns that remove the discussion so far from the point as to be absurd.
I agree.

This is an amazing ad.


It defines the entire 2012 election in one 30 second run.
I agree someone got to protect the elders from those robot cars.
But aren't we better off letting the private sector handle it?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Not anywhere I've lived they don't.

Here in Minnesota, you go to the DMV to renew your license/permit, they take your picture and give you your provisional license/permit.

Within 1 or 2 weeks you get your permit/license in the mail (usually a day or two, actually, but can be up to a few weeks)

that goes for every license/ID, actually.

I have no idea why you wouldn't make use of existing infrastructure to deliver these things.


Here in Minnesota, you go to the DMV to renew your license/permit, they take your picture and give you your provisional license/permit.

Within 1 or 2 weeks you get your permit/license in the mail (usually a day or two, actually, but can be up to a few weeks)

that goes for every license/ID, actually.

I have no idea why you wouldn't make use of existing infrastructure to deliver these things.

That is how it is in Iowa as well, you get a temp b&w printed card then the real ID comes in the mail a week later


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Here in Minnesota, you go to the DMV to renew your license/permit, they take your picture and give you your provisional license/permit.

Within 1 or 2 weeks you get your permit/license in the mail (usually a day or two, actually, but can be up to a few weeks)

that goes for every license/ID, actually.

I have no idea why you wouldn't make use of existing infrastructure to deliver these things.

This is true for Oregon as well. They mail you the valid ID after giving you a provisional license -- just a printed piece of paper, which is hardly valid iirc. For example, I don't think you can buy alcohol with the provisional license.


Here in Minnesota, you go to the DMV to renew your license/permit, they take your picture and give you your provisional license/permit.

Within 1 or 2 weeks you get your permit/license in the mail (usually a day or two, actually, but can be up to a few weeks)

that goes for every license/ID, actually.

I have no idea why you wouldn't make use of existing infrastructure to deliver these things.

Huh, they just print them on the spot in Wisconsin, Indiana and Massachusetts.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Isn't it funny how something as simple as delivering an ID card to the person's address seems to be foreign to red states?

I thought every state did that. I mean, you give them a current address when you apply or renew for the license/permit/ID, anyways. Jujt deliver the things along the normal mail routes, no need to make people make a trip to the DMV just to pick the things up when you'll be sending a mail carrier to their address anyways.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Huh, they just print them on the spot in Wisconsin, Indiana and Massachusetts.

They used to do that in Oregon, but they switched it to a mailing system. I assume it's a way to verify your residency.
Also, how has Obama gloated about killing Bin Laden? What president wouldn't mention the death of the country's largest boogeyman when discussing the progress of the war on terror?
And certainly does deserve to gloat considering the line drawn between him & McCain. McCain mocked him and called him naive for saying that he would authorize a raid against our ally Pakistan if need be. And he did. And it worked.
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