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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Vet a woman - pandering to women.
Vet Rubio - pandering to Latinos
Vet a white guy - Romney only like white people

You guys crack me up.

it doesn't help Romney is perceived as a guy who panders to everyone about anything

but sucks to be in a party whose small-tent platform appeals to old white people. They did it to themselves.


This election is going to be so so close. Meh. Once the GE really heats up Romney's approval might improve. He can't get much worse as is.

Source pls?



I think polls are useless at this point. We'll get a better picture of how things will turn out once the debates begin. Only then will Romey have to cement his position on certain issues and besides people really only start to give the candidates a hard look at that time.


Setec Astronomer
Exactly one of the reasons why I genuinely dislike the man. You can't be Johnny Mormon and then lie through your teeth every chance you get. Bothers the crap out of me.
Sadly, while it's such a common and agreeable ideal, apparently lies told to a wide audience don't matter to many religious people. :/


Vet a woman - pandering to women.
Vet Rubio - pandering to Latinos
Vet a white guy - Romney only like white people

You guys crack me up.

If you don't want people to say our future president is a panderer, then he could, I don't know, maybe not constantly pander to everyone? Just a thought.


Sadly, while it's such a common and agreeable ideal, apparently lies told to a wide audience don't matter to many religious people. :/

How many times has "Barry Christian" been to church in the last 3 years or followed "Thou Shall Not Lie"

Puh-leeze with this nonsense. They are politicians, expect them to lie.

If you don't want people to say our future president is a panderer, then he could, I don't know, maybe not constantly pander to everyone? Just a thought.

Obama is not a panderer, you heard it here first.


I think Obamacare is an improvement over the current situation, but I don't see how it's a step toward a single payer solution.
If we had the public option there I would agree, but we don't.

It's going to be a lot easier to amend the new system to have a public option once things have settled versus doing it out of nowhere.

This is why conservatives will never be convinced by the dumb "but the bill is really a Republican idea!" argument. They know we are going to expand things eventually, and this is a big foot in the door.


How can Barry be a lock if there's going to be "uncertainty right up until the last week"?

Because polls will still have a wide amount of "undecideds" that will make it look closer than it is. And the media's inclination to always trumpet polls that show a close race.


How many times has "Barry Christian" been to church in the last 3 years or followed "Thou Shall Not Lie"
Thou Shall Not Lie?
Man, you should really open a bible once in a while.

Edit: to be less of a dick and a bit more informative - the 10 commandment only talk about bearing false witness, and while the bible do talk about lying here and there, general Christian doctrine don't categorically prohibit lying.


Barry Christian? haha, I love that he has to prove his faith all the time, I hope after he's out of office he says, you know what, I'm really an atheist. I'm sure Church attendance for a sitting pres. is really no big whoop right? Just hop in the van and off you go. Not like anyone would scrutinize his choice of church or pastor, or like he would need a gaggle of Secret Service agents following him.


Thou Shall Not Lie?
Man, you should really open a bible once in a while.

Besides, I would have dinged him for "Thou shall not murder" with the drone strikes and all. Then again, Romney will undoubtedly continue those so the criticism doesn't mean much coming from Kosmo.


LOL, fuck. I originally wrote "Shalt" and it didn't look right. Last time I opened a bible was over a decade ago.
It's not about shall vs shalt (fuck if I know, English is my 3rd language), it's about the fact that there is no such commandment, nor there is a categorical prohibition of lying in Christianity.

Besides, I would have dinged him for "Thou shall not murder" with the drone strikes and all. Then again, Romney will undoubtedly continue those so the criticism doesn't mean much coming from Kosmo.
And what about keeping the Sabbath?


Barry Christian? haha, I love that he has to prove his faith all the time, I hope after he's out of office he says, you know what, I'm really an atheist. I'm sure Church attendance for a sitting pres. is really no big whoop right? Just hop in the van and off you go. Not like anyone would overly scrutinize his choice of church or pastor, or like he would need a gaggle of Secret Service agents following him.

It's a non-issue to me. I just assumed it would be an issue for people who try and ding Romney based on his religion.

It's not about shall vs shalt (fuck if I know, English is my 3rd language), it's about the fact that there is no such commandment, nor there is a categorical prohibition of lying in Christianity.

Sorry, I was going to go "Bear False Witness" but thought I'd dumb it down.


It's a non-issue to me. I just assumed it would be an issue for people who try and ding Romney based on his religion.

Romney needs no more dings, he is all dinged up. This election will be closer, but McCain was the better candidate; war hero, well known, had a bi-partisan streak sometime in the 40's I think.


Sorry, I was going to go "Bear False Witness" but thought I'd dumb it down.
You lost its meaning in the process.
Again, the point is that Christianity does not categorically prohibit lying.

I have no idea what's the Mormon doctrine on that issue, and I don't really care (well, I am kinda curious now, but I don't really care vis-a-vis the election).
Rob Portman is a lock for VP.

He is an unassuming white, family man and a good ol Republican from a swing state. You cannot get a textbook VP candidate more than this. The only unknown is...Portman is unknown even in his own state. At this point, Romney's advisers are filling Romney's ears with "Once they do know Portman, they will love him!". Ohio will see a bump after Portman is selected. An unknown unknown is Portman's baggage (like Sarah Palin's Troopergate), but nothing exciting ever happens in Ohio so we'll scratch that. That leaves with a known unknown, Rob Portman himself. When he opens his mouth, do unicorns and toothfairies come out ala Dan Quayle, is he a boring extension of Mitt, or is he a teaparty nut. He doesn't sound stupid or nutty, so that leaves him as a boring person aka another Mitt. Safe bet, but the biggest downside is that if people are unenthusiastic about voting for Mitt, this isn't going to change that. Rubio is a wildcard, but atleast he will get enthusiasm going. But after one too many wildcards in 2008, I'm pretty confident it's going to be Rob Portman.


When did McCaskill become so gutless? If someone's gonna vote against her, why would her attending the convention matter either way?


One problem, few have heard of him.

No one knew who Sarah Palin was either, and the propagandists whipped up a ridiculous amount of hype for her in no time that the base ate up. Obviously that didn't turn out well, but I doubt Portman is an incapable moron like Palin, so it would in his case.


Rob Portman is a lock for VP.

He is an unassuming white, family man and a good ol Republican from a swing state. You cannot get a textbook VP candidate more than this. The only unknown is...Portman is unknown even in his own state. At this point, Romney's advisers are filling Romney's ears with "Once they do know Portman, they will love him!". Ohio will see a bump after Portman is selected. An unknown unknown is Portman's baggage (like Sarah Palin's Troopergate), but nothing exciting ever happens in Ohio so we'll scratch that. That leaves with a known unknown, Rob Portman himself. When he opens his mouth, do unicorns and toothfairies come out ala Dan Quayle, is he a boring extension of Mitt, or is he a teaparty nut. He doesn't sound stupid or nutty, so that leaves him as a boring person aka another Mitt. Safe bet, but the biggest downside is that if people are unenthusiastic about voting for Mitt, this isn't going to change that. Rubio is a wildcard, but atleast he will get enthusiasm going. But after one too many wildcards in 2008, I'm pretty confident it's going to be Rob Portman.
Portman's unknown unknown is not really even unknown. He served in the House for over a decade, and he's been vetted by the Senate twice for executive appointments. He's a fairly safe option. And that, in conjunction with his experience, makes him a prudent option.
One problem, few have heard of him.
That's not a problem.
Barry Christian? haha, I love that he has to prove his faith all the time, I hope after he's out of office he says, you know what, I'm really an atheist. I'm sure Church attendance for a sitting pres. is really no big whoop right? Just hop in the van and off you go. Not like anyone would scrutinize his choice of church or pastor, or like he would need a gaggle of Secret Service agents following him.
Speaking of having to continually prove his religious sincerity, Gallup recently released a poll on the public's knowledge of his religion.



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Portman's unknown unknown is not really even unknown. He served in the House for over a decade, and he's been vetted by the Senate twice for executive appointments. He's a fairly safe option. And that, in conjunction with his experience, makes him a prudent option.That's not a problem.Speaking of having to continually prove his religious sincerity, Gallup recently released a poll on the public's knowledge of his religion.


Considering the shitstorm over his former pastor, this should be at 100% know, and 100% identify him as Christian


No one knew who Sarah Palin was either, and the propagandists whipped up a ridiculous amount of hype for her in no time that the base ate up. Obviously that didn't turn out well, but I doubt Portman is an incapable moron like Palin, so it would in his case.

But one of the reason's McCain picked Palin was because he knew she would immediately become a huge news story.


But one of the reason's McCain picked Palin was because he knew she would immediately become a huge news story.
Yeah. He took a significant gamble. And when Palin foundered, the ticket paid the price.
Considering the shitstorm over his former pastor, this should be at 100% know, and 100% identify him as Christian
Yeah. For better or worse, he's an unabashed Christian. I forget the article, but he's invoked Jesus, Christ, and other Christian terms decidedly more than Bush.


Because polls will still have a wide amount of "undecideds" that will make it look closer than it is. And the media's inclination to always trumpet polls that show a close race.
Yeah, true. But if the media toots that horn for too long it could just persuade some people into thinking there's no hope left for Obama outside of a tight race. It's an indirect and trollful way of distorting reality, but it may work in swaying opinion...

When did McCaskill become so gutless? If someone's gonna vote against her, why would her attending the convention matter either way?
McCaskill is a lazy Senator. I suppose the state she represents makes taking tough stances difficult, though. If Dem leadership wasn't on the line in the chamber I'd say good riddance, but for purely political reasons I'd hate to see her go.

One problem, few have heard of him.
Nothing $1b+ of PAC money and face time all over the fucking place can't fix. Plus, Ohio voters will know him and that's probably half the reason why he'd be on the ticket.

12% of independents think Obama's a Muslim. lol who are these people
People too embarrassed to identify as GOP for some reason but still dumb enough to throw around the radical Muslim label. Quite an anomaly they are. Or, who knows: Maybe some of them think he's Muslim but don't have a problem with it?

Silly Americans.


A certain percentage of the population will always see Obama as a Muslim (as if being a Muslim should even merit being controversial) and a non-American, birth certificate faking Manchurian candidate out to destroy America from within.


It would be pretty hilarious if, years after his Presidency, Obama comes out and says he's not religious.

Frankly, if he truly were anything other than Christian, I'd think more than anything else he'd be agnostic or an atheist. His mom (an atheist herself) instilled in him an open-minded view of the world and he really didn't "get" religion until much later. I think he has a genuine level of respect and appreciation for what religious institutions mean to society, but deep down, what he thinks could be a lot different.

Either way, Muslim would probably be the last thing I'd ever label him as.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
It would be pretty hilarious if, years after his Presidency, Obama comes out and says he's not religious.

Frankly, if he truly were anything other than Christian, I'd think more than anything else he'd be agnostic or an atheist. His mom (an atheist herself) instilled in him an open-minded view of the world and he really didn't "get" religion until much later. I think he has a genuine level of respect and appreciation for what religious institutions mean to society, but deep down, what he thinks could be a lot different.

Either way, Muslim would probably be the last thing I'd ever label him as.
its always been interesting to me seeing the hard-Right Christian movement playing him up as a Muslim, and I've often wondered why the more moderate and Liberal Christian factions never used his (relatively) late in life conversion as a talking point, like "hey, here is a man raised by an Atheist who felt the love of God calling to him"


its always been interesting to me seeing the hard-Right Christian movement playing him up as a Muslim, and I've often wondered why the more moderate and Liberal Christian factions never used his (relatively) late in life conversion as a talking point, like "hey, here is a man raised by an Atheist who felt the love of God calling to him"

Rev. Wright is the issue there.


I think it really is that simple.
Probably. Similar to public opinion on welfare recipients serving as a partial substitute for racial prejudice.
It would be pretty hilarious if, years after his Presidency, Obama comes out and says he's not religious.

Frankly, if he truly were anything other than Christian, I'd think more than anything else he'd be agnostic or an atheist. His mom (an atheist herself) instilled in him an open-minded view of the world and he really didn't "get" religion until much later. I think he has a genuine level of respect and appreciation for what religious institutions mean to society, but deep down, what he thinks could be a lot different.

Either way, Muslim would probably be the last thing I'd ever label him as.
If he were, but he's evidently a Christian. He professes Christ as his savior. He attends church regularly. Obama's not a closet atheist.
A certain percentage of the population will always see Obama as a Muslim (as if being a Muslim should even merit being controversial) and a non-American, birth certificate faking Manchurian candidate out to destroy America from within.
Truly. Eventually, I hope we develop a healthy tolerance. But as the discomfiting imbroglio over Park51 two years ago signified, anti-Muslim hysteria is quite robust.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Romney needs no more dings, he is all dinged up. This election will be closer, but McCain was the better candidate; war hero, well known, had a bi-partisan streak sometime in the 40's I think.

McCain being old jokes never seem to get old to me.
Still sad to look at how much of an asshole he became after he lost.


No it doesn't (I was replying to Clevinger who brought Palin into this). Palin was an unknown but that didn't last long as she became a news story. Portman doesn't generate excitement - so he's just an unknown.
The simple act of choosing a running mate generates coverage. Except when the public is introduced to Portman, he'll not idiotically bumble and stumble as Palin did in 2008.
more analysis regarding overcapacity and oil is discussed at http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2012/06/26/1060031/houston-we-have-an-overcapacity-problem/ today. specifically, they refer to a research paper conducted by the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard (pdf, 86 pages) that concludes that the world will have an abundance of oil for a long, long time.

...oil supply capacity is growing worldwide at such an unprecedented level that it might outpace consumption. From a purely physical point of view, there are huge volumes of conventional and unconventional oils still to be developed, with no “peak-oil” in sight. The full deployment of the world’s oil potential depends only on price, technology, and political factors. More than 80 percent of the additional production under development globally appears to be profitable with a price of oil higher than $70 per barrel.

The shale/tight oil boom in the United States is not a temporary bubble, but the most important revolution in the oil sector in decades. It will probably trigger worldwide emulation, especially in China.

In the aggregate, conventional oil production is also growing throughout the world, although some areas (e.g. the North Sea), face an apparently irreversible decline of the production capacity.

Over the next decades, the growing role of unconventional oils will make the Western hemisphere the new center of gravity of oil exploration and production.

Based on original, bottom-up, field-by-field analysis of most oil exploration and development projects in the world, this paper suggests that an unrestricted, additional production of more than 49 million barrels per day (mbd) of oil is targeted for 2020, the equivalent of more than half the current world production capacity of 93 mbd.

…the net additional production capacity by 2020 could be 17.6 mbd, yielding a world oil production capacity of 110.6 mbd by that date – as shown in Figure 1 above. This would represent the most significant increase in any decade since the 1980s.




more analysis regarding overcapacity and oil is discussed at http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2012/06/26/1060031/houston-we-have-an-overcapacity-problem/ today. specifically, they refer to a research paper conducted by the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard (pdf, 86 pages) that concludes that the world will have an abundance of oil for a long, long time.

I think one of the most interesting things is that the floor for most of the new production needs to be 70$ a barrel which is something like 2.30+ per gallon (at least). Oil companies don't want cheap prices which is why their commercials are always about "energy independence".


lacks enthusiasm.
This election is going to be so so close. Meh. Once the GE really heats up Romney's approval might improve. He can't get much worse as is.
You know, Romney's approval could also go down once we get closer to the election. Try to not always entertain the negative view ;)



NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama Gaining Ground In Swing States

President Obama clings to a small lead nationally in a new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, leading Republican Mitt Romney 47 percent to 44 percent. The president’s advantage widens in the states typically considered up for grabs — Obama leads by 8 points (50 percent to 42 percent) in a combined sample of voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

“Also in these swing states, Romney’s favorability numbers have dropped, possibly reflecting the toll the negative Obama TV advertisements are having on the former Massachusetts governor in these battlegrounds,” MSNBC’s FirstRead blog wrote. Those attacks include a sustained critique of Romney’s time at Bain Capital, the private equity firm that he co-founded.

Obama’s rating on the economy remains largely unchanged from previous NBC/WSJ polls: 42 percent of Americans disapprove of his handling of the economy, while 53 percent disapprove — a trend that has held throughout 2012. The numbers also show that Obama’s rebuttal against Romney’s business experience seems to be working.

Bain attack ads seems to be working.
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