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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Eh, New Deal fundamentally reformed the economy as a way of fixing it.

Obama's approach has been more to stimulate the economy without rocking the boat.

The last PPP poll of Missouri had McCaskill down 1 point to Akin, but that's been the most optimistic for her and was also taken in June. Her approval ratings are 40/50 which is very troubling.


Eh, New Deal fundamentally reformed the economy as a way of fixing it.

Obama's approach has been more to stimulate the economy without rocking the boat.

The last PPP poll of Missouri had McCaskill down 1 point to Akin, but that's been the most optimistic for her and was also taken in June. Her approval ratings are 40/50 which is very troubling.

The thing is, when you think about it, there never has been a better time to "change course" on the subject of spending to stimulate the economy than now. Austerity is now recognized as snake oil, world wide. As the rest of the world turns to Keynesians, it will be easier to make the case in the US, especially since he will be in his second mandate.

Of course, the US will never spend like it did in the past since there is no more communist super power to tilt the balance of acceptable spending-levels further. So it won't be as efficient as it could be. If the US nationalized its natural resources, you'd have an incredible economic boom, and without ruining people's lands and lives along the way.


Unconfirmed Member
They should ask him how many tax attorneys he has had preparing this year's return and why so many competent proffessionals would need an extra 6 months.

My guess is that they are hoping late headlines of "Romney releases tax return!" fool people into thinking he released more than this years :p

EDIT: I am going to have laughter attack when they don't do every loophole so he hits a higher percentage, then when people point this out they can bring up his quote where he said that someone who could pay less but doesn't is unqualified to be president.
The thing is, when you think about it, there never has been a better time to "change course" on the subject of spending to stimulate the economy than now. Austerity is now recognized as snake oil, world wide. As the rest of the world turns to Keynesians, it will be easier to make the case in the US, especially since he will be in his second mandate.

Of course, the US will never spend like it did in the past since there is no more communist super power to tilt the balance of acceptable spending-levels further. So it won't be as efficient as it could be. If the US nationalized its natural resources, you'd have an incredible economic boom, and without ruining people's lands and lives along the way.
What's nice about Obama vs. Romney being made into a choice rather than a referendum is that if Obama wins, he can say the American people have sharply rebuked austerity, and that it's time to reinvest in the economy and level the playing field.

It'd be a much-needed turnabout from the Reagan mantra of starving the beast.
EDIT: I am going to have laughter attack when they don't do every loophole so he hits a higher percentage, then when people point this out they can bring up his quote where he said that someone who could pay less but doesn't is unqualified to be president.

I absolutely think that he is not going to claim many deductions, etc., just so he can pay a higher rate. If this happens, though, it seems like it just raises further questions about the return he has released and what is in the others.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
They should ask him how many tax attorneys he has had preparing this year's return and why so many competent proffessionals would need an extra 6 months.

My guess is that they are hoping late headlines of "Romney releases tax return!" fool people into thinking he released more than this years :p

EDIT: I am going to have laughter attack when they don't do every loophole so he hits a higher percentage, then when people point this out they can bring up his quote where he said that someone who could pay less but doesn't is unqualified to be president.

His sponsors must be terrified that this bullshit may lead to serious tax reform discussion. Would be hilarious irony is he was the cause.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
What's nice about Obama vs. Romney being made into a choice rather than a referendum is that if Obama wins, he can say the American people have sharply rebuked austerity, and that it's time to reinvest in the economy and level the playing field.

It'd be a much-needed turnabout from the Reagan mantra of starving the beast.

Indeed, an Obama victory may legitimise a more pro-active and ambitious government. Though I suspect a large amount of how far this is achievable depends on the outcome of the Senate and Congress. Bizarrely, in American politics the power of the president relative to the legislature seems to have declined whereas the inverse has occurred in Britain, where the PM has traditionally been more of a conciliatory figure.

Also, Oblivion has done some incredible trolling in the rape thread.
Kaiser came out with a poll that had Obama leading Romney by registered voters 50-43... and all adults 52-40 ._.

At least Obama's keeping that lead up, anyway. Pre-Ryan though.
That somebody in 2012, that isn't like a 4 year old, could be that ignorant with respect to rape, pregnancy, and all else....

Well, this is a new low for today...what a sick state of affairs that THIS asshole could be doing so well on an election bid.


Unconfirmed Member
His sponsors must be terrified that this bullshit may lead to serious tax reform discussion. Would be hilarious irony is he was the cause.
Hilarious and delicious. I imagine Sheldon Adelson, and the Koch brothers have a weekly conference call with Mitt:
"we dont give a shit if you lose. But don't fuck this up for the rest of us."

From their official page. Damn, Obama saying what we've been implying on GAF.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
He really better be forced to step down. What a crock.

This saves the senate for the Democrats though. Congrats, poliGaf!

Why should he step down over faux outrage created by the liberal media? His comments were clearly distorted by his opponents. In fact, they should apologize for waging such a dirty campaign.
Why should he be forced to step down? Let the voters decide in November.

I still think he'll win; McCaskill is still down by what, 10 points? There's one poll with her with a point but it strikes me as an outlier. We'll see in the coming days though; I expect the right to simply rally around this nonsense.

Liberal sites are already linking him to Paul Ryan's own views on rape and abortion. This could get interesting. Man, Obama's camp must be dancing. First Medicare dominates the headlines, now abortion. And if we get another six figure jobs report in a couple weeks, more icing on the cake.


Forced out by the party I mean. If they want to have a shot at the seat they'll try to get him to drop out.

Does he have a Biden-like history of mind boggling gaffes? Can he claim to just be old and addled and ride this out?


Forced out by the party I mean. If they want to have a shot at the seat they'll try to get him to drop out.

Does he have a Biden-like history of mind boggling gaffes? Can he claim to just be old and addled and ride this out?

Lol, I love the logic behind that last part. "I'm quite old and forgetful and just make silly statements sometimes. But don't worry about that, please let me represent your interests in Congress. I'll make sure to be on the ball then." And the sad part is, I could see it happening with someone.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
In my first two years, I have fixed upwards of 50 bugs, delivered thousands of line of code, and enhanced the functionality of the new air traffic control system that is being rolled out to every ARTCC in the United States to replace the HOST system that has been in use since the 60s/70s. It is currently running 24/7 in salt lake city and seattle, and up and running in more than half of the US airspace.

I made less than 70k last year, and I'll be lucky to make 15% of what romney did last year in my entire lifetime. I'll pay more in taxes as a percentage of my income, too.

I'd like to know one thing:

What the fuck did Romney do last year that earned him 20 million dollars? What societal contributions did he make, and why should he earn hundreds of times more and pay less in taxes than the engineers, doctors, and teachers of our society?

If I had hundreds of millions of capital, yeah, I could help fund a lot of businesses, throw a lot of money at stocks, sit on my ass, and watch as the money comes in.

But I don't. I work 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, using the greatest asset I have, my brain, to create something that society will be using for decades to come. I don't have the luxury of "creating jobs" or being able to make millions without working, and I sure as hell don't have the luxury of lowering my tax bill to sub 20% levels (never mind sub 15% or sub 10% or 0%), even though I'm investing 18% of my salary into my 401k.

This argument of whether romney paid 13% or 15% misses the big picture: By sheer virtue of having money, he can, through discrete activities, and without continuous labor, make hundreds of times more than I can through continuous labor, while also reducing his tax liability to a fraction of what I and hundreds of millions of others have to pay.

If I am lucky enough to make as much money in my lifetime as Romney did this year, I would pay seeveral times as much taxes in my lifetime as he did this year.

he pays less in taxes by earning tens of millions at once, while anyone who makes tens of millions through a longer period of time will pay more.

The quicker you earn lots of money, the more it should be taxed. Not the other way around. Because usually you don't just earn millions one year and 10k the next year. You continue earning millions.
The guy has been making ignorant comments all year - that's how he got the nomination. Until there's proof any of this will hurt him, why force him to step down


Why should he be forced to step down? Let the voters decide in November.

I still think he'll win; McCaskill is still down by what, 10 points? There's one poll with her with a point but it strikes me as an outlier. We'll see in the coming days though; I expect the right to simply rally around this nonsense.

Liberal sites are already linking him to Paul Ryan's own views on rape and abortion. This could get interesting. Man, Obama's camp must be dancing. First Medicare dominates the headlines, now abortion. And if we get another six figure jobs report in a couple weeks, more icing on the cake.

That is where the impact will be. This guy sadly likely can't lose. But the Democrats can use him to tie him the Romney/Ryan ticket, where this can have a real effect.

TPM is already showing quotes of Ryan heaping praise on this idiot during the MO primary race for senate that he won.


And with Akin's comments, War no Women is right back in the spotlight. I fully expect the Obama camp to go full throttle with it this week.


Lol, I love the logic behind that last part. "I'm quite old and forgetful and just make silly statements sometimes. But don't worry about that, please let me represent your interests in Congress. I'll make sure to be on the ball then." And the sad part is, I could see it happening with someone.

Why should he be forced to step down? Let the voters decide in November.

I still think he'll win; McCaskill is still down by what, 10 points? There's one poll with her with a point but it strikes me as an outlier. We'll see in the coming days though; I expect the right to simply rally around this nonsense.

Liberal sites are already linking him to Paul Ryan's own views on rape and abortion. This could get interesting. Man, Obama's camp must be dancing. First Medicare dominates the headlines, now abortion. And if we get another six figure jobs report in a couple weeks, more icing on the cake.

"On instinct," Nate Silver thinks McCaskill is now a 2:1 favorite.



It is still a long time till election day. This could be a story that is quickly forgotten.

In just a week we are going to ht the two week blitz of the GOP and DEM conventions. That could crush the legs of this story and let this guy survive.


Went looking for the Missouri senate numbers and saw the latest Rassmussen polls for Wisconsin and Ohio. lololol at Mandel being tied.


Why should he be forced to step down? Let the voters decide in November.

I still think he'll win; McCaskill is still down by what, 10 points? There's one poll with her with a point but it strikes me as an outlier. We'll see in the coming days though; I expect the right to simply rally around this nonsense.

Well, Debbie Stabenow was in a much closer race before the infamous "Debbie Spend-it-now commercial" featuring the Asian actress.
A more Dem-friendly electorate in MI sure, but there are still "third rails" in politics and inflammatory statements about women is still one.
Well, Debbie Stabenow was in a much closer race before the infamous "Debbie Spend-it-now commercial" featuring the Asian actress.
A more Dem-friendly electorate in MI sure, but there are still "third rails" in politics and inflammatory statements about women is still one.

Actually that race wasn't not that close. Stebenow was up what, 5-7 points? against him? She did best against his numbers actually, whereas the other candidates could have possibly defeated her
Forced out by the party I mean. If they want to have a shot at the seat they'll try to get him to drop out.

Does he have a Biden-like history of mind boggling gaffes? Can he claim to just be old and addled and ride this out?

"As a member of Congress, I believe that working to protect the most vulnerable in our society is one of my most important responsibilities, and that includes protecting both the unborn and victims of sexual assault. In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it's clear that I misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year. Those who perpetrate these crimes are the lowest of the low in our society and their victims will have no stronger advocate in the Senate to help ensure they have the justice they deserve.

"I recognize that abortion, and particularly in the case of rape, is a very emotionally charged issue. But I believe deeply in the protection of all life and I do not believe that harming another innocent victim is the right course of action. I also recognize that there are those who, like my opponent, support abortion and I understand I may not have their support in this election.

"But I also believe that this election is about a wide range of very important issues, starting with the economy and the type of country we will be leaving our children and grandchildren. We've had 42 straight months of unacceptably high unemployment, trillion-dollar deficits, and Democratic leaders in Washington who are focused on growing government, instead of jobs. That is my primary focus in this campaign and while there are those who want to distract from that, knowing they cannot defend the Democrats' failed economic record of the last four years, that will continue to be my focus in the months ahead."

Official statement. LOL

It's pretty amazing how the GOP as a whole cannot keep on the message they want to present (our economy sucks) and keep getting diverted by other things from tax filings to now abortion.
Why should he be forced to step down? Let the voters decide in November.

I still think he'll win; McCaskill is still down by what, 10 points? There's one poll with her with a point but it strikes me as an outlier. We'll see in the coming days though; I expect the right to simply rally around this nonsense.

Liberal sites are already linking him to Paul Ryan's own views on rape and abortion. This could get interesting. Man, Obama's camp must be dancing. First Medicare dominates the headlines, now abortion. And if we get another six figure jobs report in a couple weeks, more icing on the cake.
Republicans are forcing Obama to go off-message by distracting him from the economy. Genius

Hokuten said:
Then again, Nate Silver has terrible political instincts.
Jeez guys, way to believe Nate Silver only when he tells you want to hear.


Just caught up with the Akin story. OMFG.

This should get a spin in the media coverage cycle. Not what the GOP wanted the week before the convention. How they can't sustain a focused discussion on the economy for even two days is laughable.
Just caught up with the Akin story. OMFG.

This should get a spin in the media coverage cycle. Not what the GOP wanted the week before the convention. How they can't sustain a focused discussion on the economy for even two days is laughable.

Romney-Ryan stopped focusing on the economy last week.
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