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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Unconfirmed Member
Ugh. My uncle is flipping his shit on Facebook. Like ten new posts a day about Obama all sourced from infowars and the blaze.

I just hid him because I knew nothing good would come from engaging him :/
Ugh. My uncle is flipping his shit on Facebook. Like ten new posts a day about Obama all sourced from infowars and the blaze.

I just hid him because I knew nothing good would come from engaging him :/
Infowars? He's an Alex Jones acolyte? And Glenn Beck? Yeah, don't bother. He crazy. That is conspiracy theory land.


I never quite understand these positions. Silver has the best track record of any analyst at predicting elections correct? What are you basing your position on, here?
He has a respectable record. It's exceptional considering his position at a prominent media outlet; the media's typically a cesspool of tortured analysis. Nonetheless, his forecasts, although respectable, are not always the most accurate; granted, the differences are usually nominal. The PEC also has a sterling record, and they frequently outclass 538. If forecasting intrigues you, especially the methodological aspect, I recommend following them.
Nobody here has much to say about the PA voter ID ruling, I assume?
Why do you assume that? We discussed the ruling from both a normative and electoral perspective.
Speaking of people like Glenn Beck, a couple of days ago I remember somebody on here saying that their mom, who listens to Glenn Beck on a daily basis, said Paul Ryan was too conservative even for her, and she was considering voting for Obama.

I find that hard to believe, because the type of people that can put up with Glenn Beck's insanity enough to listen to his show usually believe the shit he's selling, and even if they didn't like Romney/Ryan, they'd never consider voting for Obama, because he's gonna sell us out to the Russians, etc. etc.

Like my Dad. No matter how many times I explain to him why certain leftist ideals and/or policies would help this country out or why certain right wing policies would do more harm than good, and get him to agree, it ultimately comes down to the fact that he's convinced Obama is this terrible, evil guy out to ruin the country, and he just needs one more election to do so, thus we have to make sure he gets kicked out of office. *cue Obama's comment to Medvedev*
Watched MTP just now as I was sleeping Sunday morning. Democrats won pretty much every debate, especially O'Malley. Dionne did a good job too pointing out differences. Atlanta's mayor is kinda dumb for calling Romney a moderate, which he certainly isn't today.


He has a respectable record. It's exceptional considering his position at a prominent media outlet; the media's typically a cesspool of tortured analysis. Nonetheless, his forecasts, although respectable, are not always the most accurate; granted, the differences are usually nominal. The PEC also has a sterling record, and they frequently outclass 538. If forecasting intrigues you, especially the methodological aspect, I recommend following them.Why do you assume that? We discussed the ruling from both a normative and electoral perspective.
I've been gone for a week, guess I accidentally skipped whatever page that's on.
Speaking of people like Glenn Beck, a couple of days ago I remember somebody on here saying that their mom, who listens to Glenn Beck on a daily basis, said Paul Ryan was too conservative even for her, and she was considering voting for Obama.

I find that hard to believe, because the type of people that can put up with Glenn Beck's insanity enough to listen to his show usually believe the shit he's selling, and even if they didn't like Romney/Ryan, they'd never consider voting for Obama, because he's gonna sell us out to the Russians, etc. etc.

Like my Dad. No matter how many times I explain to him why certain leftist ideals and/or policies would help this country out or why certain right wing policies would do more harm than good, and get him to agree, it ultimately comes down to the fact that he's convinced Obama is this terrible, evil guy out to ruin the country, and he just needs one more election to do so, thus we have to make sure he gets kicked out of office. *cue Obama's comment to Medvedev*
It's like that Ohio poll from We Ask America.

They found 20% of Republicans would vote for Obama. They even called back to make sure that was accurate and it was.

Romney's going out in style.
Watched MTP just now as I was sleeping Sunday morning. Democrats won pretty much every debate, especially O'Malley. Dionne did a good job too pointing out differences. Atlanta's mayor is kinda dumb for calling Romney a moderate, which he certainly isn't today.

Is this you declaring they "won" the debates because you agree with their positions, or them actually winning by being the most effective and making the best arguments regardless?
The FBI probed a late-night swim in the Sea of Galilee that involved drinking, numerous GOP freshmen lawmakers, top leadership staff – and one nude member of Congress, according to more than a dozen sources, including eyewitnesses.

During a fact-finding congressional trip to the Holy Land last summer, Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) took off his clothes and jumped into the sea, joining a number of members, their families and GOP staff during a night out in Israel, the sources told POLITICO. Other participants, including the daughter of another congressman, swam fully clothed while some lawmakers partially disrobed. More than 20 people took part in the late-night dip in the sea, according to sources who were participants in the trip.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/79865.html#ixzz244OCgAwQ

Please don't let this be a news item. This would be the dumbest fucking scandal ever.

I can totally see CNN making 2 days out of a congressman skinny dipping in Israel...


What pops out immediately is the high percentage of self-described Republicans who say they will vote for Barack Obama over Mitt Romney. An outlier? Perhaps. But we went back into the field last night to test it again. The results: almost identical. Hmmm. We going to keep an eye on that.

It's the Will McAvoy effect!


O___O Holy shit!

No. No.

Fuck this. I refuse to believe until I see a trend. No. Not with a party this fucking crazy.

It's important to note that this poll was taken before the Ryan pick. Maybe the 'excitement factor' might sway repubs back? Interesting too see the results of the next poll.
A interesting story from Politico this morning. Obama's campaign staff is full of bickering and in-fighting. A complete turn-around from the 2008 campaign:

An interesting point that stands out, they say Obama despises Romney, downright hates him. Unlike McCain who he respected.

Yeaaaah, I'm going to call bullshit on this. For one, this is fucking Politico. Second, all evidence points to his campaign being extremely well organized, judging by the holy shit quotient of his ads. You can maybe do one or two of those ads with a semi-dysfunctional team, but consistently over a period of four-five months? Nah.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
A interesting story from Politico this morning. Obama's campaign staff is full of bickering and in-fighting. A complete turn-around from the 2008 campaign:

An interesting point that stands out, they say Obama despises Romney, downright hates him. Unlike McCain who he respected.

Well, how can you respect a man who runs away from everything he's ever done?

Romney seems to understand Bain has done a lot of shitty things, and he's done some shady shit himself, yet he refuses to own up to it. Instead, he hides his taxes, runs form his record as a governor and the record of his fucking company, criticizes obama for adopting policies he did as governor...

When McCain was running for president at least, he tried to play up his past, his record, his credentials.

Romney seems to know he should be ashamed of his record yet refuses to own up to it or change his ways out of pure greed. Hard to respect a man who doesn't respect himself
"Governor Romney and Congressman (Paul) Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin's statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape," Romney spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg said.

Is this a position change? I know Ryan has voted in the house to ban all forms of abortion, and Romney said he would absolutely sign a person hood amendment bill, so...


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Is this you declaring they "won" the debates because you agree with their positions, or them actually winning by being the most effective and making the best arguments regardless?

What is it about current Republican positions and rhetoric makes you think it would be the former?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Can't stop seething at Hank Williams Jr. Actually makes the whole country look bad. Treacherous racist piece of shit.


A interesting story from Politico this morning. Obama's campaign staff is full of bickering and in-fighting. A complete turn-around from the 2008 campaign:

An interesting point that stands out, they say Obama despises Romney, downright hates him. Unlike McCain who he respected.
A lot of that sounds greatly exaggerated. I'm sure there is conflict as there will always be conflict but I doubt to the point of what they are saying.

Three more months of everyone and everything being called racist.


(Not a reference to Hank, just saw that)
That could be easily solved by republicans stop saying dumb shit.


PD is right. There are no "winning" debates on the Sunday talk shows. They are a wash almost every single time. The whole format serves as a vassal to disseminate the talking points of both sides and leave it up to the viewer's bias' to decide who was "right".


A interesting story from Politico this morning. Obama's campaign staff is full of bickering and in-fighting. A complete turn-around from the 2008 campaign:

An interesting point that stands out, they say Obama despises Romney, downright hates him. Unlike McCain who he respected.

Interesting but its a guy writing a juicy preview of his own ebook published by the website he works for. Its also narrative building in case Obama doesn't get re-elected. Politico will turn around and point to the quotes from this book as the beginning of the end of Obama's Presidency.


In my first two years, I have fixed upwards of 50 bugs, delivered thousands of line of code, and enhanced the functionality of the new air traffic control system that is being rolled out to every ARTCC in the United States to replace the HOST system that has been in use since the 60s/70s. It is currently running 24/7 in salt lake city and seattle, and up and running in more than half of the US airspace.

I made less than 70k last year, and I'll be lucky to make 15% of what romney did last year in my entire lifetime. I'll pay more in taxes as a percentage of my income, too.

I'd like to know one thing:

What the fuck did Romney do last year that earned him 20 million dollars? What societal contributions did he make, and why should he earn hundreds of times more and pay less in taxes than the engineers, doctors, and teachers of our society?

If I had hundreds of millions of capital, yeah, I could help fund a lot of businesses, throw a lot of money at stocks, sit on my ass, and watch as the money comes in.

But I don't. I work 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, using the greatest asset I have, my brain, to create something that society will be using for decades to come. I don't have the luxury of "creating jobs" or being able to make millions without working, and I sure as hell don't have the luxury of lowering my tax bill to sub 20% levels (never mind sub 15% or sub 10% or 0%), even though I'm investing 18% of my salary into my 401k.

Great post man, you are appreciated for what you do, it is unfortunate you don't have stacks of Old Money laying around collecting interest and you have to work, but that's the breaks. For real though thanks for sharing this, makes it feel like a real forum.

Also, I'm late, but that 92 year old reciting the Romney O' poem is fucking brilliant. Plus he says "Tommyrot".

PS investing 18% in your 401k is awesome keep it up.
Ah the old "some of my best friends are Others"

pretty gross dude.

I really think we need to do something about racism against the Others.

Is it so wrong that they like to animate dead creatures?

And don't give me the, "Hey! I have one Other friend, therefore it's ok for me to stereotype all other Others as bad folks," BS!


Paul Krugman ragin' on Paul Ryan:


What Mr. Ryan actually offers, then, are specific proposals that would sharply increase the deficit, plus an assertion that he has secret tax and spending plans that he refuses to share with us, but which will turn his overall plan into deficit reduction.

If this sounds like a joke, that’s because it is. Yet Mr. Ryan’s “plan” has been treated with great respect in Washington. He even received an award for fiscal responsibility from three of the leading deficit-scold pressure groups. What’s going on?

The answer, basically, is a triumph of style over substance. Over the longer term, the Ryan plan would end Medicare as we know it — and in Washington, “fiscal responsibility” is often equated with willingness to slash Medicare and Social Security, even if the purported savings would be used to cut taxes on the rich rather than to reduce deficits. Also, self-proclaimed centrists are always looking for conservatives they can praise to showcase their centrism, and Mr. Ryan has skillfully played into that weakness, talking a good game even if his numbers don’t add up.

The question now is whether Mr. Ryan’s undeserved reputation for honesty and fiscal responsibility can survive his participation in a deeply dishonest and irresponsible presidential campaign.
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